TeaHadist Republican Tries To Cover Affair W/Gay Cover-up


Dec 5, 2011
Michigan Tea Party Lawmakers Reported Affair Cover-Up Is Being Investigated

A Michigan Tea Party Repulican (Married...Hetrosexual) had it all planned. He was going to cover-up his affair (Hetrosexual that is) to a married colleague (Female) by having an aide plant a story that he was paying a Man for sex.

Rep. Todd Couser convinced his aide Ben Graham to send out an anonymous mass email to fellow Republicans that would have accused Courser of paying an unknown man to engage in Homosexual Acts behind a Lansing Michigan nightclub.

Rep. Cindy Gamrat (Republican), at the time of her affair with Curser was married and like Curser has children.

Ah yes, ain't them good old fashioned, down home, come to meeting TeaHadist so-called, "Christian Family Values" such a wonder to behold?

Did you care about Clinton or Barney Frank???

Really? Is that all you've got?

Your answer has nothing to do with the my OP. All you can do is go into the past to pull a very weak and some what lame, TODDIT (The Other Did It To).

You ain't got nothing and it shows.

Did you care about Clinton or Barney Frank???

Clinton's Gay?
I'm sure Hillary is.

Did you care about Clinton or Barney Frank???

Clinton's Gay?
I'm sure Hillary is.

Unless you have First Hand Proof to prove that heretofore unproven statement your lying and you know it.

This thread is about lying, cheating TeaHadist trying to cover up an affair and not about the President or Mrs. Clinton.

Did you care about Clinton or Barney Frank???
Clinton or Barney Frank never even tried to be "saintly". We know who they are.


How, exactly do "We Know"?

Is that ''WE" like your trying to include others or ''WE'' like you peed in your frillies?

This thread is not about the Clintons, but lying, low-life, scum sucking, belly-crawling TeaHadist who tried to cover up an extra-marital affair with accusation about Homosexuality.
The one thing that the TeaHadist will always try to is what is called the Run, Dodge and Jump

Run, Dodge and Jump was an excerise when I was still in U.S. (18-Months in Viet Nam..0311 and later at the Pentagon...Commucations Center Specialist).

They will Run with an accusation totally lacking any real content or basis in realtiy, dodge the real question put to them and jump away when confronted.

The TeaHadist will try to deflect any question on their total lack of integrity. The TeaHadist will step into "Way Back Machine" to find something Democrats did and try to do the the old, TODDIT (The Other Dude Did It To).

And of course there the TeaHadist hypocracy as well. "Keep Your Hands Off My MediCare" while bitching not wanting Government Health Care.

Get a life You Moran.

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