Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

How hard will that be when the tea partiers are taking over the GOP?

you still think Democratics are going to keep the House, don't ya?

How cute....lol You and JokeStarkey should hook up....:lol:

We'll lose seats, because people are pissed about the economy. We'll keep both houses though, because the patients have taken over the wingnut asylum.

Reality... A concept you've been out of touch with for a while....

Yes, I can see the Democratics are real excited about their prospects in November...:lol:
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

So what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

So what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

To conservatives, having RINOs Specter, Castle, Crist, Murkowski gone is actually a win...

You "party firsters" won't get that concept...
Since the Tea Party is more aligned with Republicans, wouldn't they have voted in the primary for Republicans? I think the Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.
So called?? According to the Club for Growth, Castle has had the most liberal voting record of any member of the 175+ Republican caucus. So in 2008, when Arlen Specter scored a 44%, Mike Castle scored a 26%! He's a fucking Democrat!!!

There is no question that there are flaws in the O’Donnell campaign and in the candidate herself. However, you've got to understand that we don’t select the candidates; we only make choices between the existing ones. Unfortunately, we are not always going to find a "Joe Miller" to challenge the RINO. Elections are about choosing the best candidate who appears on the ballot.

PS: RINOs or RINO's, either way spells DEFEAT. NO MORE FUCKING RINO's or RINOs!!!!!!!!

uh did you realize that your link goes to the right leaning club for growth's scorecard on pro-growth policies and that there are a few Rs that are further down the list than castle??

Your link is NOT about the slant of their voting record from left to right but instead is about the intangible support for "pro-growth policies" which is a matter of opinion and higly subjective. What standard was usd to determine which policies were pro-growth and which were not?

Do you even bother reading your own sources BEFORE you post??

Do you think that Mike Castle is a conservative? If you want to stick to that, go ahead. Unfortunately for him - he didn't make the case to the Republican primary voters in Delaware. They think he's too liberal. They voted for the other candidate. :lol:

That's nice and all but how does that address you misreading your own source and claiming that it says something that it clearly did not say??

Furthemore, castle only lost by a few percentage points in a low turn out primary so why is it that you are trying to make all of these claims that are NOT supported by the vote?? In fact a LARGE portion of those same voters in the republicans primary voted in favor of castle so how does your new spin apply to them??
Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

Yeah sure that is what the polls show. :cuckoo:

So where are these polls that show how moderates are going to react and vote IF a far right wing tea party candidate wins the primary. You claim something about what the polls show, so prove it.

That'll teach you for believing a blog.... Doh!


It was stated on the major news networks (including cable) last night and WSJ a right wing rag if there ever was one and was the first link I could find so it's hilarious that you would attack the source and ingore the FACTS but that is your usual tactic now isn't it??
uh did you realize that your link goes to the right leaning club for growth's scorecard on pro-growth policies and that there are a few Rs that are further down the list than castle??

Your link is NOT about the slant of their voting record from left to right but instead is about the intangible support for "pro-growth policies" which is a matter of opinion and higly subjective. What standard was usd to determine which policies were pro-growth and which were not?

Do you even bother reading your own sources BEFORE you post??

Do you think that Mike Castle is a conservative? If you want to stick to that, go ahead. Unfortunately for him - he didn't make the case to the Republican primary voters in Delaware. They think he's too liberal. They voted for the other candidate. :lol:

That's nice and all but how does that address you misreading your own source and claiming that it says something that it clearly did not say??

Furthemore, castle only lost by a few percentage points in a low turn out primary so why is it that you are trying to make all of these claims that are NOT supported by the vote?? In fact a LARGE portion of those same voters in the republicans primary voted in favor of castle so how does your new spin apply to them??

Oh I see, your a pedant!! Good for you, I'm not. :lol:

I linked to the CLUB FOR GROWTH's website. If you can't figure out the rest , well suffice it to say you're not trying very hard.

The only "SPIN" is here yours. The election results speak for themselves. Conservatives in Delaware nominated the conservative candidate to represent the Republican party. I see that pattern repeating across the country. Conservatives are taking back the Republican party. No spin required.
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Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

It moves Independents towards the R Column.

Really?? and yet this is from the trusted rasmussen.

Voters not affiliated with either major party prefer Castle over Coons but favor the Democrat if O'Donnell is his opponent.

Coons leads conservative activist Christine O’Donnell, who is challenging Castle for the GOP Senate nomination in a primary next Tuesday, by a 47% to 36% margin.

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Castle earning 48% of the vote, while Coons gets 37% support.

Election 2010: Delaware Senate - Rasmussen Reports

Oops looks like you stuck your foot in your mouth again. LOL
Castle's conservatism:

Pro abortion. Check
Pro stimulus. Check
Pro cap and trade. Check
Pro spending and govt programs. Check

Lol, what exactly spells conservative about this imposter? He may as well have run as a dem.
Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

So what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

To conservatives, having RINOs Specter, Castle, Crist, Murkowski gone is actually a win...

You "party firsters" won't get that concept...

SO again I ask what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

Can you answer the question or is trolling all you have to offer??

BTW I have voted for republicans so i can hardly be considered a "party firster" but thanks for the baseless insult.
Do you think that Mike Castle is a conservative? If you want to stick to that, go ahead. Unfortunately for him - he didn't make the case to the Republican primary voters in Delaware. They think he's too liberal. They voted for the other candidate. :lol:

That's nice and all but how does that address you misreading your own source and claiming that it says something that it clearly did not say??

Furthemore, castle only lost by a few percentage points in a low turn out primary so why is it that you are trying to make all of these claims that are NOT supported by the vote?? In fact a LARGE portion of those same voters in the republicans primary voted in favor of castle so how does your new spin apply to them??

Oh I see, your a pedant!! Good for you, I'm not. :lol:

I linked to the CLUB FOR GROWTH's website. If you can't figure out the rest , well suffice it to say you're not trying very hard.

The only "SPIN" is here yours. The election results speak for themselves. Conservatives in Delaware nominated the conservative candidate to represent the Republican party. I see that pattern repeating across the country. Conservatives are taking back the Republican party. No spin required.

LOL, in case you missed it, YOU made the claim and then provided a link that did NOT support your claim. The burden of proof is on YOU and I am not about to waste my time and go looking for something that more than likely doesn't exist.

Put up or shut up.

As for the rest of your "SPIN" I am not the one talking up such a marginal victory and making proclamations about it and it's importance that are NOT supported by the facts. That is what YOU are doing.
Since the Tea Party is more aligned with Republicans, wouldn't they have voted in the primary for Republicans? I think the Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.

The Democrats were in deep, deep trouble. People were pissed about the economy, and forgot how we got to this point. The Teabaggers handed the Dems a victory from the jaws of defeat, because they gravitate to candidates that tell them what they want to hear...IOWs, nothing has changed.
That's nice and all but how does that address you misreading your own source and claiming that it says something that it clearly did not say??

Furthemore, castle only lost by a few percentage points in a low turn out primary so why is it that you are trying to make all of these claims that are NOT supported by the vote?? In fact a LARGE portion of those same voters in the republicans primary voted in favor of castle so how does your new spin apply to them??

Oh I see, your a pedant!! Good for you, I'm not. :lol:

I linked to the CLUB FOR GROWTH's website. If you can't figure out the rest , well suffice it to say you're not trying very hard.

The only "SPIN" is here yours. The election results speak for themselves. Conservatives in Delaware nominated the conservative candidate to represent the Republican party. I see that pattern repeating across the country. Conservatives are taking back the Republican party. No spin required.

LOL, in case you missed it, YOU made the claim and then provided a link that did NOT support your claim. The burden of proof is on YOU and I am not about to waste my time and go looking for something that more than likely doesn't exist.

Put up or shut up.

As for the rest of your "SPIN" I am not the one talking up such a marginal victory and making proclamations about it and it's importance that are NOT supported by the facts. That is what YOU are doing.
You are clearly used to being spoon fed. here is the same page - it took all of one click to get 2008 results instead of 2009. Are you a government employee per chance??? Senate Legislation, Congressional Voting Records, United States House of Representatives

Election results are not spin, sorry. Thanks for playing though.
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oh goody we gots us another homosexual demonRat on board, knows all bout "teabagging" I wuv it.

Sorry homophobe. I'm not a tea bagger.


sure you izz you izz a bonofide homsexualteabagger and a phobeoboe to boot

Most wingnut woman wouldn't be able to teabag, since they need to have a bag over their lard ass head to get any.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

for one election cycle, perhaps....but the time is coming for the end of the 2 party system....

I sure hope so.
So what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

To conservatives, having RINOs Specter, Castle, Crist, Murkowski gone is actually a win...

You "party firsters" won't get that concept...

SO again I ask what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

Can you answer the question or is trolling all you have to offer??

BTW I have voted for republicans so i can hardly be considered a "party firster" but thanks for the baseless insult.

It's not just one Mid term primary. It is a trend. I am not a republican I am a conservative. I am not interested in a republican majority unless it governs conservatively.
Question: Do Republicans have any real incentive to create jobs and increase economic growth in the next two years? A 9.5% unemployment rate and an economy growing at 2% would almost assure that our next president would be a Republican.
Question: Do Republicans have any real incentive to create jobs and increase economic growth in the next two years? A 9.5% unemployment rate and an economy growing at 2% would almost assure that our next president would be a Republican.


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