Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

perhaps the more reasonable way of looking at it is that the candidate and tea partiers have major issue if karl rove and the white house ... and the entire republican establishment agree on a candidate.


occam's razor, yes?

Oh now, jillian. Remember, the establishment said to vote for McCain and he got whacked in a landslide. Besides, I thought yall wanted all those old, dirty, angry white males out of there, lol.

Tell us who would have done better in 2008 than McCain.


when the melt-down came, he'd have presented himself as in control... and an astute business person who has a history of successful financial endeavors.

but 'the base' had issues with him being a member of a 'cult'. (their words, not mine...)
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!
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It was as of last night.

NRSC: No Plans to Fund O’Donnell - Washington Wire - WSJ

WOW they flip flopped on that real quick. LOL

That'll teach you for believing a blog.... Doh!


It was stated on the major news networks (including cable) last night and WSJ a right wing rag if there ever was one and was the first link I could find so it's hilarious that you would attack the source and ingore the FACTS but that is your usual tactic now isn't it??

I didn't attack the source... I stated FACTS from the NRSC chairman, which your source (whichever one you used) failed to verify...

Mistakes are made - I offer corrections when you make them.... I'm getting used to doing it with you...

Does being a "party firster" preclude you from comprehending this simple FACT?
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.
Dick Head said:
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.

Except, as a "party firster", you re-elect your incompetents...
Oh I see, your a pedant!! Good for you, I'm not. :lol:

I linked to the CLUB FOR GROWTH's website. If you can't figure out the rest , well suffice it to say you're not trying very hard.

The only "SPIN" is here yours. The election results speak for themselves. Conservatives in Delaware nominated the conservative candidate to represent the Republican party. I see that pattern repeating across the country. Conservatives are taking back the Republican party. No spin required.

LOL, in case you missed it, YOU made the claim and then provided a link that did NOT support your claim. The burden of proof is on YOU and I am not about to waste my time and go looking for something that more than likely doesn't exist.

Put up or shut up.

As for the rest of your "SPIN" I am not the one talking up such a marginal victory and making proclamations about it and it's importance that are NOT supported by the facts. That is what YOU are doing.
You are clearly used to being spoon fed. here is the same page - it took all of one click to get 2008 results instead of 2009. Are you a government employee per chance??? Senate Legislation, Congressional Voting Records, United States House of Representatives

Election results are not spin, sorry. Thanks for playing though.

WOW you are such an idiot. Your claim that was that castle has had the most liberal voting record and yet your link does not discuss the slant of their vote but instead talks about the subjective claim that their votes are pro-growth.

Your link does not match or support your claim.

Here is YOUR claim

According to the Club for Growth, Castle has had the most liberal voting record of any member of the 175+ Republican caucus. So in 2008, when Arlen Specter scored a 44%, Mike Castle scored a 26%! He's a fucking Democrat!!!!

and yet your link is about whether the club for growth considers their votes pro-growth and does not list him as having "the most liberal voting record of any member of the 175+ Republican caucus" which apparently is something you just pulled out of thin air.

Did you even bother looking at the title of the list that you were allegedly reading from??

It clearly says "A comprehensive examination of each lawmaker's record on pro-growth policies" and is NOT defining him as the most liberal.

So do you actually have a link that supports your claim or not??

P.S. Even on your NEW link to 2008 there are still Rs with a lower ranking than castle so either way you lose AGAIN. LOL
To conservatives, having RINOs Specter, Castle, Crist, Murkowski gone is actually a win...

You "party firsters" won't get that concept...

SO again I ask what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?? Winning one closed primary during a low turn out midterm is hardly proof of such a shift.

Can you answer the question or is trolling all you have to offer??

BTW I have voted for republicans so I can hardly be considered a "party firster" but thanks for the baseless insult.

It's not just one Mid term primary. It is a trend. I am not a republican I am a conservative. I am not interested in a republican majority unless it governs conservatively.

the topic is o'donnel so that is what i was referring to and I hardly see a few wins in republican primaries as a "trend". How many tea party candidates have lost?

Oh and I am still waiting on someone to answer, what shows that it had that impact and forced any such shift?
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!

The tea partiers just put an 11 point underdog into the race in Delaware, by defeating an 11 point favorite.
You just hit on the crux of problem. If there is little difference between the winner and loser of a primary, then the winner will have no problem picking up the votes of the loser in the general election. However, this not the case with most of the tea party candidates.

While a victory for a tea bagger in a primary may energize the far right, it is also likely to energize the left. Since Tea-baggers will need the support of moderate Republicans and often conservative Democrats, a Tea-bagger victory in the primary is not necessary a good thing for the Republicans in the general election.

Although Republicans could win the House, I think they have lost the Senate.

You guys all miss the point. The Tea Party is not by default Republican. It is A grass roots conservative movement. It's goal is not to hand the Republicans Majority's, It is to Force the republicans back to our values.

It appears to me that you people are so wrapped up in Party politics you can not fathom that so many people are choosing Ideology over Party for a change.

Regardless of the outcome it is very refreshing to me.

LOL so it's a grass roots conservative movement that is propped up by outside money from republicans where all of your candidates run as republicans because they are against republicans?? LOL
If you are truly not about helping republicans or about party politics then why not start a separate party instead of hiding under the wings of the republican party and leaching off of them as you and they try to make your candidates look more mainstream in order to win in the general election??

When will they ever learn?


When you vote vote for your beliefs not your party


In this case the people of Delaware would have prefered a RINO to the Democratic candidate

Now that their only choice is a Tea Bagger....they will go Dem

Whether you want RINOs elected or not makes no difference...it is the people doing the voting

What is your major malfunction? I don't care where you live or who you are, Conservatives do not RINO'S. The people of delaware picked who?

Uh the people of delaware haven't picked anyone yet. The general election is in November. So what is your major malfunction?? LOL
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.

DC is running over with incompetents... with Obama being the IIC.

Nice try though.
That'll teach you for believing a blog.... Doh!


It was stated on the major news networks (including cable) last night and WSJ a right wing rag if there ever was one and was the first link I could find so it's hilarious that you would attack the source and ingore the FACTS but that is your usual tactic now isn't it??

I didn't attack the source... I stated FACTS from the NRSC chairman, which your source (whichever one you used) failed to verify...

Mistakes are made - I offer corrections when you make them.... I'm getting used to doing it with you...

Does being a "party firster" preclude you from comprehending this simple FACT?

Uh yeah you did attack the source. but thanks for the spin. The other night what I posted was the facts but then the republicans, after being pressured, changed their mind and decided to give her a little support.

You corrected NOTHING but this isn't the first time that you misrepresented the facts and I doubt it will be the last.

According to almost every source out their the night of the primary the right said that had no plans of supporting her but then they changed their minds the following day. Their change does nothing to negate their previous position. However, thanks for your usual dishonest spin as you try to claim that it did. LOL
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.

Career politicans ARE incompetents.

So what about career candidates like o'donnel in Delaware?? LOL
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!



wicked jester is right...in that the Wave is coming, it hit some machine republicans floating around in luxury yachts first....BUT, the Wave is about to take out the big one.......Pelosi and Obama can scream turn turn turn all they want......come November, too late...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVKrxJtWjEs]YouTube - The Wave Hits, Poseidon[/ame]
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

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