Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.

The basic constituency of the Tea Party has not changed 25%-30%...same numbers that supported Bush till the end. That 25%-30% is enough to swing a Republican primary.

Saddling a candidate with a Tea Party label in the general election will be the mark of death
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

In fact, democratics are now spending three times the advertizing AGAINST healthcare reform as they are FOR it....:lol:

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.

The basic constituency of the Tea Party has not changed 25%-30%...same numbers that supported Bush till the end. That 25%-30% is enough to swing a Republican primary.

Saddling a candidate with a Tea Party label in the general election will be the mark of death

Looks like your theory is failing in Florida.... Rubio up big now...
The title of this thread should actually read:

"Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!"

And all you liberal loons vociferously argued that it was an insignificant movement. As usual, you whiners were absolutely wrong!


Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

uh is there a point in that jumbled mess of lame personal attacks??

Face it, thus far the tea party has won a few primaries. However, the general will decide if they a viable or if career candidates like o'donnel will continue in their current occupation.

Also it's funny how you focus on the effects of tea party candidates with your attempt to change the title and then try to tell me that it's not about the tea party candidates. LOL
The Mad Hatter and the March Hare were famously stuck in time(?)! Karl Rove has offered one assesment, and apparently the Christian Science Monitor has offered one also, below.

The hidden message of the tea party candidates - CSMonitor.com

The basic nonsense boils down to lesser taxes, same big government: With giant deficits even farther down the road than the Vatican itself can Holy See(?)!

The Queen, even, is likely not entirely on board with the so-called, "Conservatives" of the Mad Hatter, March Hare, Party.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Actually, Her Majesty's PM is more into lesser government with lesser costs: And auterity even for the Buckingham Gulag--where the inhabitants are all well-treated, in the usual manner: For such places. Putin himself, easily well knows that1)
Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

uh is there a point in that jumbled mess of lame personal attacks??

Face it, thus far the tea party has won a few primaries. However, the general will decide if they a viable or if career candidates like o'donnel will continue in their current occupation.

Also it's funny how you focus on the effects of tea party candidates with your attempt to change the title and then try to tell me that it's not about the tea party candidates. LOL
Don't even try to twist my words. You know damn good and well I don't play that shit with you.....Show me where my changing of the title mentions ''Tea Party Candidates"....Come on, you made the claim....Back it the fuck up, or simply shut the fuck up!
Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

In fact, democratics are now spending three times the advertizing AGAINST healthcare reform as they are FOR it....:lol:

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Funny but I tried to dig a little deeper to see if i could find the data that Evan Tracey of kantar media and could only find two articles on their own website that are attributed to tracey and neither had to do with this topic.

A few questions, which democrats are spending money deriding the healthcare bill?? Is it the ones that voted agaisnt it in the first place?? If that is the case then that would make sense. What is the content of the ads?? Do they deride it because it didn't go far enough?? The politico article is vague and lacks the detail needed in order to make an informed decision.
However, a link within your article shows that at least five demcorats are running ads highlighting their votes against the healthcare but like I said that would make sense.
Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

uh is there a point in that jumbled mess of lame personal attacks??

Face it, thus far the tea party has won a few primaries. However, the general will decide if they a viable or if career candidates like o'donnel will continue in their current occupation.

Also it's funny how you focus on the effects of tea party candidates with your attempt to change the title and then try to tell me that it's not about the tea party candidates. LOL

Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.

The basic constituency of the Tea Party has not changed 25%-30%...same numbers that supported Bush till the end. That 25%-30% is enough to swing a Republican primary.

Saddling a candidate with a Tea Party label in the general election will be the mark of death

Looks like your theory is failing in Florida.... Rubio up big now...

He is the only R on the ticket and crist running as an independent is only helping the right as moderates are voting for him where as the party firsters on the right are showing support for the candidate with an R after their name.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of GOP voters now support Rubio, while just 45% of Democrats back Meek. Crist earns support from 33% of Democrats and 19% of Republicans. Voters not affiliated with either of the major parties break 42% Crist, 27% Rubio and 24% Meek.
Election 2010: Florida Senate - Rasmussen Reports
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

In fact, democratics are now spending three times the advertizing AGAINST healthcare reform as they are FOR it....:lol:

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Funny but I tried to dig a little deeper to see if i could find the data that Evan Tracey of kantar media and could only find two articles on their own website that are attributed to tracey and neither had to do with this topic.
Bummer for you... maybe you have to pay Kantar for the details....

Have you tried calling Evan directly for comment?

A few questions, which democrats are spending money deriding the healthcare bill?? Is it the ones that voted agaisnt it in the first place?? If that is the case then that would make sense. What is the content of the ads?? Do they deride it because it didn't go far enough?? The politico article is vague and lacks the detail needed in order to make an informed decision.
However, a link within your article shows that at least five demcorats are running ads highlighting their votes against the healthcare but like I said that would make sense.
Except the FACT that more Dems voted FOR 0bamascare than AGAINST, so the 3-to-1 numbers as mentioned in the article don't lend credence to your theory...

Perhaps you can find counter information that DOES support your theory...
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.
This is a scarey post right here.

Don't do away with our overlords! What will we do if they are not here to lead us around?
The basic constituency of the Tea Party has not changed 25%-30%...same numbers that supported Bush till the end. That 25%-30% is enough to swing a Republican primary.

Saddling a candidate with a Tea Party label in the general election will be the mark of death

Looks like your theory is failing in Florida.... Rubio up big now...

He is the only R on the ticket and crist running as an independent is only helping the right as moderates are voting for him where as the party firsters on the right are showing support for the candidate with an R after their name.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of GOP voters now support Rubio, while just 45% of Democrats back Meek. Crist earns support from 33% of Democrats and 19% of Republicans. Voters not affiliated with either of the major parties break 42% Crist, 27% Rubio and 24% Meek.
Election 2010: Florida Senate - Rasmussen Reports

That has nothing to do with leftwinger's remark that a candidate with a "Tea Party" label is the mark of death... Rubio is a "Tea Party" endorsed candidate...

Do pay attention, please...
Actually the general will be the decider of whether the movement is significant or not. However, due to the fact that a lot of tea party candidates didn't even make it past the primaries, it's not looking real good for the movement.

It's funny how the tea party loyalists love to talk up the wins even as they pretty much ingore the losses.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

In fact, democratics are now spending three times the advertizing AGAINST healthcare reform as they are FOR it....:lol:

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

holy shit...and I mean holy shit....thx I had not seen that. kiss of death in 2012...it has not even gotten rolling yet.
Ya' see, once again you clearly show that you live in your loony lil' liberal bubble. Your lil' head is buried so far up your liberal ass that you can actually conversate with your back teeth.....It's not all about the tea party candididates. It's about ALL candidates. Candidates, particularly dem candidates, who are now scurrying away from Obama and his abject failings. The failings that the movement have thrust out front and center. Those candidtates who backed the asinine healthcare bill. The failed stimulus. Those who support the ridiculous Cap And Tax BS are going on the chopping block, as we all now see.

It's going to be quite entertaining listening to your usual lies, spin, and deflections come november.....Quite entertaining indeed!

uh is there a point in that jumbled mess of lame personal attacks??

Face it, thus far the tea party has won a few primaries. However, the general will decide if they a viable or if career candidates like o'donnel will continue in their current occupation.

Also it's funny how you focus on the effects of tea party candidates with your attempt to change the title and then try to tell me that it's not about the tea party candidates. LOL
Don't even try to twist my words. You know damn good and well I don't play that shit with you.....Show me where my changing of the title mentions ''Tea Party Candidates"....Come on, you made the claim....Back it the fuck up, or simply shut the fuck up!

LOL how did I twist your words?? They are just as you presented them in that jumbled mess that you believe is coherent. LOL

But if you need your own spin explained to you I will do my best to put it on a level taht even you can understand.

Your title change, "Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!" was talking about the effect of the tea party candidates in the primaries and how it will affect the liberal agenda in the november election. Their choice for candidates in both the primaries and going into the general is what you are refering to whether you intended to or not.

However, if you can explain what you intended to mean and clarified the situation instead of trying to dump your mistakes in my lap then go ahead and explain what you meant to but failed to say.
How will the results of the primaries affect the liberal agenda in the november primaries without referencing or referring to the tea party candidates and their primary wins?

This ought to be fun. LOL
In fact, democratics are now spending three times the advertizing AGAINST healthcare reform as they are FOR it....:lol:

Democrats spend on anti-health-reform advertisements - Sarah Kliff - POLITICO.com

Funny but I tried to dig a little deeper to see if i could find the data that Evan Tracey of kantar media and could only find two articles on their own website that are attributed to tracey and neither had to do with this topic.
Bummer for you... maybe you have to pay Kantar for the details....

Have you tried calling Evan directly for comment?

A few questions, which democrats are spending money deriding the healthcare bill?? Is it the ones that voted agaisnt it in the first place?? If that is the case then that would make sense. What is the content of the ads?? Do they deride it because it didn't go far enough?? The politico article is vague and lacks the detail needed in order to make an informed decision.
However, a link within your article shows that at least five demcorats are running ads highlighting their votes against the healthcare but like I said that would make sense.
Except the FACT that more Dems voted FOR 0bamascare than AGAINST, so the 3-to-1 numbers as mentioned in the article don't lend credence to your theory...

Perhaps you can find counter information that DOES support your theory...

Just looking for the facts that were left out but I did provide proof showing that some of those who voted against it are highlighting their votes which lends credence to my argument.
Furthermore, what does the ratio say about anything?? The article is subjective and even tries to minimize those ads from the left that do support the healthcare bill so who is to say that it's opinions on what supports the bill and what doesn't are on the up and up? However, since the details are not presented, there is no way to know for sure but you are more than welcome to continue to make your baseless assumptions if you want to but I try to make informed decisions. I just wish others would do the same.
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Heathcare reform. I was for it, before I was against it. Now I'd like you to just forget the whole thing ever happened. - Dems in 2010

Sure dude, right after you lose the election. Forget and forgive.
The Democrats Delivered on Health Care. The Democrats pulled the combat troops out of Iraq. The Democrats got the autoworkers back on the job. The Democrats kept the car dealerships open. The Democrats kept the state and local governments and schools open and running. The Democrats kept the safety net open. The Democrats pulled down the unemployment rate in just one year, in 28 states. The Democrats got the stock market moving. The Democrats are variously showcasing the local achievements they provided in their own states and neighborhoods.

To all of that, the Republicans said, "No!" Even the GOP Senate candidate winner, in Delaware, called the GOP, lazy and shameful.

Anyone knows that "no" is not a form of exercise, at all. What the Republcians are running on, in their districts, are the programs the Democrats created and funded.

In reponse to that the GOP is running on mid-term agenda with basis in Mad Hatter, March Hare Tea Party, stuck in a time long ago, forever.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Clearly, teaching is not possible at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than the other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra effort! Monarchies and aristocracies tend to not believe that their subjects are worth three turds in a fountain, much any of their money. Moms and Dads are like that, too. The offspring are clearly not well-regarded, much liked or offered to do well in later life. Anyone can see what the Conservatives are really for! That is the law, and the law creates the funding--and the pay raises--which tend to reward the few, and exclude the others. That is most notable in the senior faculty pay programs, and lack of college and university openings, noticed nationwide this year. If the senior faculty have abundant money, then everyone else has abundant money, according to Conservatives~!)
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Funny but I tried to dig a little deeper to see if i could find the data that Evan Tracey of kantar media and could only find two articles on their own website that are attributed to tracey and neither had to do with this topic.
Bummer for you... maybe you have to pay Kantar for the details....

Have you tried calling Evan directly for comment?

A few questions, which democrats are spending money deriding the healthcare bill?? Is it the ones that voted agaisnt it in the first place?? If that is the case then that would make sense. What is the content of the ads?? Do they deride it because it didn't go far enough?? The politico article is vague and lacks the detail needed in order to make an informed decision.
However, a link within your article shows that at least five demcorats are running ads highlighting their votes against the healthcare but like I said that would make sense.
Except the FACT that more Dems voted FOR 0bamascare than AGAINST, so the 3-to-1 numbers as mentioned in the article don't lend credence to your theory...

Perhaps you can find counter information that DOES support your theory...

Just looking for the facts that were left out but I did provide proof showing that some of those who voted against it are highlighting their votes which lends credence to my argument.
Furthermore, what does the ratio say about anything?? The article is subjective and even tries to minimize those ads from the left that do support the healthcare bill so who is to say that it's opinions on what supports the bill and what doesn't are on the up and up? However, since the details are not presented, there is no way to know for sure but you are more than welcome to continue to make your baseless assumptions if you want to but I try to make informed decisions. I just wish others would do the same.

Baseless? The FACTS were presented and certainly verifiable if you want to do the legwork..

Dems are spending 3-to-1 on ads AGAINST 0bamascare...

Makes sense, as it's passage was hugely unpopular on both sides of the isle...
Looks like your theory is failing in Florida.... Rubio up big now...

He is the only R on the ticket and crist running as an independent is only helping the right as moderates are voting for him where as the party firsters on the right are showing support for the candidate with an R after their name.

Seventy-two percent (72%) of GOP voters now support Rubio, while just 45% of Democrats back Meek. Crist earns support from 33% of Democrats and 19% of Republicans. Voters not affiliated with either of the major parties break 42% Crist, 27% Rubio and 24% Meek.
Election 2010: Florida Senate - Rasmussen Reports

That has nothing to do with leftwinger's remark that a candidate with a "Tea Party" label is the mark of death... Rubio is a "Tea Party" endorsed candidate...

Do pay attention, please...

Uh yeah it does but as usual you try to exclude facts that don't suit your spin. The FACT is that crist is drawing votes away from the dem which is helping the tea party candidate has everything to do with why rubio is in front.

He is an outlier, an oddity that does not fit the norm. Mentioning him changes nothing but then you probably already know that. In most states where moderates and REAL independents decide, it still fits that radical tea party candidates will drive away moderate and independent support and even rasmussen said this past week that would be the case where o'donnell is concerned.
Heathcare reform. I was for it, before I was against it. Now I'd like you to just forget the whole thing ever happened. - Dems in 2010

Sure dude, right after you lose the election. Forget and forgive.

And this type of baseless drivel is what the propaganda being spread by dr. house produces.

Without the facts to show who is running campaign ads against the healthcare bill one, like save, makes baseless assumptions that those who voted for it are now buying ads against it when nothing provided shows that to be the case.

However, that fact won't stop them from making their baseless assumptions.

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