Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

Are you saying that it's a conservative value to allow a person to take a loan for a house they cannot afford? Please tell me that is not what you are tring to suggest.
You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

Did I hear that her boyfriend she never has sex with bought the house?

Did I hear that obama never owned a home until he was help by tony Rezco. Which has yet to be tryed.
Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?
The ignorant and uniformed POST OF THE DAY!



Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.
You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

Are you saying that it's a conservative value to allow a person to take a loan for a house they cannot afford? Please tell me that is not what you are tring to suggest.
Well, that's what ODonnell did, and she's a conservative.


That's what UBS and Goldman and Bear Stearns encouraged. Are they led by conservatives?
That's what the Bush administration and the Republican legislature watched happen as it cut net reserve requirements in half and bragged about "record home ownership". Was Bush a liberal?
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The ignorant and uniformed POST OF THE DAY!



Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.

Don't forget the Jack-Ass that started it all by coming up with No money Down, Cuomo. ;)
The ignorant and uniformed POST OF THE DAY!



Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.

Clinton, Frank etal pushed Lehman and other non-depository institutions to offer loans to people who didnt' qualify under federal guidelines for depository institutions, allowing the nondepository institutions to control over 80% of the subprime market?

Can you show the class how Frank, Dodd and Clinton pushed this onto these unregulated institutions?
I agree--the moderate Republicans need to quit the Republican--or should I call it the "tea party" since the conservatives elected every non-establishment "don't know what the hell they are getting into " candidate from Miami, Florida to Moosecreek Alaska ---and start up a new camp.

The only question a tea party member asks is "Is he/she conservative?" Well, tell us--is a Fraud master a conservative? Is a person that is the Republican establishments "wunderkind" a conservative? Is the ability to "Field Dressing a God-forsaken Moose" signs of conservatism?

Well, according to most people, it surely is!! "Yuk-Yuk!"

Then again, I'm glad that the Tea party ransacked the Republican party. That just help the moderate republicans recognize the ugly truth:Your party has just been conquered by Right Wing Reactionaries and you(moderates/centrist--also known as R.I.N.O's) are the first targets!!

Let them have the Republican party. It was sad how many of you(I am not talking to Right wingers---to the centrist/moderates) used to campaign, argue for social conservative positions and scream "tax cuts" regardless of economic up or down swings, war, peace, or just after a tax cut! Now, it is time that you move away from that party and re-establish yourselves away from being a rightwingers foot stool!

(The same is true for the Democrats--centrist there are just left wingers footstool. Don't say a word, just sit there so the Left wing radical can stand on you! Pathetic!)
As HUD Chief, Cuomo Earns a Mixed ScoreBy DAVID M. HALBFINGER and MICHAEL POWELL
Published: August 23, 2010

As Andrew M. Cuomo campaigns for governor, he points to his leadership of the Department of Housing and Urban Development during the Clinton administration as proof he possesses the ability and vision needed to lead New York out of its fiscal and political swamps.

Mr. Cuomo was housing secretary at a critical moment for the nation, just as its subprime mortgage fever was beginning to spike. It was during his tenure that the banking industry began to embrace predatory loans, and these creations led to a housing bubble that badly damaged America’s banks and nearly toppled its financial system.

An examination of Mr. Cuomo’s tenure atop the agency shows he was quick to warn about Wall Street’s dangerous hunger for predatory subprime loans — generally more expensive mortgages sold to people with poor credit. He counseled caution when many influential players, including the Federal Reserve and Congress, resisted any suggestion that they slow the country’s stampede to home ownership.

He also called attention to a pernicious mortgage-broker incentive payment that drove up interest rates for borrowers — secretly, in many cases — and that helped put many home buyers into loans they later found they could not afford.

And, in an effort to reverse decades of discrimination against blacks and Latinos, Mr. Cuomo pushed the government-sponsored banks, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to buy more home loans taken out by poor and working-class borrowers.

But when presented with chances to throttle back on the exploding subprime market, guard against predatory lending and reel in mortgage brokers and lenders, Mr. Cuomo several times faltered and backed down, interviews and records show.

He did not heed local officials and others who wanted him to make Fannie and Freddie publicly report details about the loans they bought.

And he chose not to impose penalties and other deterrents to ensure that the giant public banks did not promote dangerous lending.

He also reversed himself, under heavy lobbying pressure from mortgage brokers and bankers, on the arcane but costly mortgage-broker payments known as yield spread premiums. These were lucrative bounties that banks paid to brokers who found new clients; the unwitting borrowers paid higher-than-market interest rates as a result.

Yield spread premiums fueled the subprime frenzy, according to official post-mortems on the crisis.

Nearly every political leader whose hands touched the fiscal and housing crises has had decisions scrutinized, actions questioned. Already, Mr. Cuomo has heard such rumblings from supporters of his likely Republican opponent, Rick A. Lazio, a former congressman.

Mr. Cuomo, whose tenure at HUD ended in early 2001, refused repeated requests to talk about his experience running the nation’s housing agency and how he wrestled with such policy questions. He gave no reason for his reticence. Instead, his staff issued a statement, and his former chief of staff at HUD, Howard B. Glaser, took the role of surrogate for the candidate.

Mr. Glaser, now a consultant to the mortgage industry, produced an inch-thick binder that sang Mr. Cuomo’s praises, attacked criticisms and deflected blame. Its title: “The Myth of Andrew Cuomo and the Subprime Crisis.”


........ The struggle between Liberty and Authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar, particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and England. But in old times this contest was between subjects, or some classes of subjects, and the Government. By liberty, was meant protection against the tyranny of the political rulers. The rulers were conceived (except in some of the popular governments of Greece) as in a necessarily antagonistic position to the people whom they ruled. They consisted of a governing One, or a governing tribe or caste, who derived their authority from inheritance or conquest, who, at all events, did not hold it at the pleasure of the governed, and whose supremacy men did not venture, perhaps did not desire, to contest, whatever precautions might be taken against its oppressive exercise. Their power was regarded as necessary, but also as highly dangerous; as a weapon which they would attempt to use against their subjects, no less than against external enemies. To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed on by innumerable vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest, commissioned to keep them down. But as the king of the vultures would be no less bent upon preying upon the flock than any of the minor harpies, it was indispensable to be in a perpetual attitude of defence against his beak and claws. The aim, therefore, of patriots was to set limits to the power which the ruler should be suffered to exercise over the community; and this limitation was what they meant by liberty. It was attempted in two ways. First, by obtaining a recognition of certain immunities, called political liberties or rights, which it was to be regarded as a breach of duty in the ruler to infringe, and which, if he did infringe, specific resistance, or general rebellion, was held to be justifiable. A second, and generally a later expedient, was the establishment of constitutional checks, by which the consent of the community, or of a body of some sort, supposed to represent its interests, was made a necessary condition to some of the more important acts of the governing power. To the first of these modes of limitation, the ruling power, in most European countries, was compelled, more or less, to submit. It was not so with the second; and, to attain this, or when already in some degree possessed, to attain it more completely, became everywhere the principal object of the lovers of liberty. And so long as mankind were content to combat one enemy by another, and to be ruled by a master, on condition of being guaranteed more or less efficaciously against his tyranny, they did not carry their aspirations beyond this point. 2
A time, however, came, in the progress of human affairs, when men ceased to think it a necessity of nature that their governors should be an independent power, opposed in interest to themselves. It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the State should be their tenants or delegates, revocable at their pleasure. In that way alone, it seemed, could they have complete security that the powers of government would never be abused to their disadvantage. By degrees this new demand for elective and temporary rulers became the prominent object of the exertions of the popular party, wherever any such party existed; and superseded, to a considerable extent, the previous efforts to limit the power of rulers. As the struggle proceeded for making the ruling power emanate from the periodical choice of the ruled, some persons began to think that too much importance had been attached to the limitation of the power itself. That (it might seem) was a resource against rulers whose interests were habitually opposed to those of the people. What was now wanted was, that the rulers should be identified with the people; that their interest and will should be the interest and will of the nation. The nation did not need to be protected against its own will. There was no fear of its tyrannizing over itself. Let the rulers be effectually responsible to it, promptly removable by it, and it could afford to trust them with power of which it could itself dictate the use to be made. Their power was but the nation's own power, concentrated, and in a form convenient for exercise. .......

John Stuart Mill (1806–1873). On Liberty. 1869.

I. Introductory. Mill, John Stuart. 1869. On Liberty
Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

Are you saying that it's a conservative value to allow a person to take a loan for a house they cannot afford? Please tell me that is not what you are tring to suggest.
Well, that's what ODonnell did, and she's a conservative.


That's what UBS and Goldman and Bear Stearns encouraged. Are they led by conservatives?
That's what the Bush administration and the Republican legislature watched happen as it cut net reserve requirements in half and bragged about "record home ownership". Was Bush a liberal?

Explain to me why you think that she couldn't pay for it when she took out a loan for the house? Did she have a JOB? Unlike requirment set up by Fanny and freddy if you are a minority you don't even need a job to get a loan.
I agree--the moderate Republicans need to quit the Republican--or should I call it the "tea party" since the conservatives elected every non-establishment "don't know what the hell they are getting into " candidate from Miami, Florida to Moosecreek Alaska ---and start up a new camp.

The only question a tea party member asks is "Is he/she conservative?" Well, tell us--is a Fraud master a conservative? Is a person that is the Republican establishments "wunderkind" a conservative? Is the ability to "Field Dressing a God-forsaken Moose" signs of conservatism?

Well, according to most people, it surely is!! "Yuk-Yuk!"

Then again, I'm glad that the Tea party ransacked the Republican party. That just help the moderate republicans recognize the ugly truth:Your party has just been conquered by Right Wing Reactionaries and you(moderates/centrist--also known as R.I.N.O's) are the first targets!!

Let them have the Republican party. It was sad how many of you(I am not talking to Right wingers---to the centrist/moderates) used to campaign, argue for social conservative positions and scream "tax cuts" regardless of economic up or down swings, war, peace, or just after a tax cut! Now, it is time that you move away from that party and re-establish yourselves away from being a rightwingers foot stool!

(The same is true for the Democrats--centrist there are just left wingers footstool. Don't say a word, just sit there so the Left wing radical can stand on you! Pathetic!)

Yes the new breed of progressive the revalutionary without a cause or common sense.
I agree--the moderate Republicans need to quit the Republican--or should I call it the "tea party" since the conservatives elected every non-establishment "don't know what the hell they are getting into " candidate from Miami, Florida to Moosecreek Alaska ---and start up a new camp.

The only question a tea party member asks is "Is he/she conservative?" Well, tell us--is a Fraud master a conservative? Is a person that is the Republican establishments "wunderkind" a conservative? Is the ability to "Field Dressing a God-forsaken Moose" signs of conservatism?

Well, according to most people, it surely is!! "Yuk-Yuk!"

Then again, I'm glad that the Tea party ransacked the Republican party. That just help the moderate republicans recognize the ugly truth:Your party has just been conquered by Right Wing Reactionaries and you(moderates/centrist--also known as R.I.N.O's) are the first targets!!

Let them have the Republican party. It was sad how many of you(I am not talking to Right wingers---to the centrist/moderates) used to campaign, argue for social conservative positions and scream "tax cuts" regardless of economic up or down swings, war, peace, or just after a tax cut! Now, it is time that you move away from that party and re-establish yourselves away from being a rightwingers foot stool!

(The same is true for the Democrats--centrist there are just left wingers footstool. Don't say a word, just sit there so the Left wing radical can stand on you! Pathetic!)

Yes the new breed of progressive the revalutionary without a cause or common sense.

Since when is Rebel without a clue New????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The ignorant and uniformed POST OF THE DAY!



Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.

So what you're saying is we need to elect Republicans like Christine O'Donnell in order to oversee the mortgage industry,

so that idiots like Christine O'Donnell won't be allowed to buy houses they can't afford.

...that's fascinating.
Speaking of Idiot's and Revelations.....

Frank: Abolish Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac
Brian Beutler | August 17, 2010, 8:47PM

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank is calling for the abolition of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored enterprises with a public mandate to boost home ownership, and which were taken into conservatorship during the 2008 financial crisis.

In an appearance on Fox Business Network tonight, Frank said they should be replaced with new programs to support affordable rental housing.

"I think they should be abolished," Frank said. "The only question is what do you put in their place. This is a situation where given the importance they had come to play in housing, you can't tear down the old jail until you build a new one. And that's a process that we've started."

Frank went on: "I have been very critical for a long time that not everybody should be a homeowner. There are people in this society who for economic and frankly social reasons can't and shouldn't be homeowners. I do want some government help to build affordable rental housing."

Frank: Abolish Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac | TPMDC

One can only imagine what this Ass Clown wants sealed, shredded, and destroyed.
Are you saying that it's a conservative value to allow a person to take a loan for a house they cannot afford? Please tell me that is not what you are tring to suggest.
Well, that's what ODonnell did, and she's a conservative.


That's what UBS and Goldman and Bear Stearns encouraged. Are they led by conservatives?
That's what the Bush administration and the Republican legislature watched happen as it cut net reserve requirements in half and bragged about "record home ownership". Was Bush a liberal?

Explain to me why you think that she couldn't pay for it

She sold it in a firesale. Good indication she couldn't afford it and hadn't saved for it.

when she took out a loan for the house? Did she have a JOB?

Apparently not.

Unlike requirment set up by Fanny and freddy if you are a minority you don't even need a job to get a loan.
Lol....Yes, it's all those fuckin' poor minorities that blew it up. You know, those poor folks in high-foreclosure districts like Miami Beach, Naples, Bradenton, Vegas etc...hotbeds of poor folks!

How did I know you'd play the blame-the-minority card right off the bat?
Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.

So what you're saying is we need to elect Republicans like Christine O'Donnell in order to oversee the mortgage industry,

so that idiots like Christine O'Donnell won't be allowed to buy houses they can't afford.

...that's fascinating.
Did I say that?.......Show me where I said that.

O'donnelL would oversee the mortgage industry?......She hasn't even been elected yet. Who's proposing she oversee the mortgage industry?.....Link please.

Do you even have a clue as to what you are talking about?

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

So what?.....It was your fellow lib's who pushed that shit!......Yep, ol' William Jethro, Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Hillary Jethro...They all pushed that ridiculous shit. And look at what it's done to this great country.

Right, dumbass?


Can't get away from that FACT.

So what you're saying is we need to elect Republicans like Christine O'Donnell in order to oversee the mortgage industry,

so that idiots like Christine O'Donnell won't be allowed to buy houses they can't afford.

...that's fascinating.

I don't care what Delaware does, idiot... That's their issue to deal with...

I do thank them for tossing Castle, though....lol

Castle as well as other RINOs are gone - EPIC WIN!

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