Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

About 13,100,000 results (0.26 seconds) Search ResultsDemocrats Who Voted AGAINST Health Care Bill (LIST)
Mar 22, 2010 ... House Democrats led the way to passing comprehensive health care reform Sunday night, but there were 34 Democrats who voted against the ...
Democrats Who Voted AGAINST Health Care Bill (LIST) - CachedMore Democrats come out against health care bill - CNN
Mar 12, 2010 ... As House Democratic leaders advised their members Friday to prepare for a legislative battle over health care that could stretch through ...
articles.cnn.com/.../democrats.against.health.care_1_health-care-house-democrats-vote?_... - CachedHouse Democrats: Where they stand on the health care bill - CNN.com
Mar 21, 2010 ... House Democrats who support the Senate health care bill need 216 "yes" ... Here's a look at those who say they'll vote against the Senate ...
www.cnn.com/interactive/2010/03/politics/health.care.../index.html - CachedNews for Democrats against Health Care Bill
CBS News First Democrat Joins House GOP Effort to Repeal Health Care Law‎ - 1 hour ago

Gene Taylor has become the first Democratic co-sponsor of a Republican effort to repeal the health care law, joining 172 GOPers to call for a vote to end ...
FOXNews - 24 related articles »

Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn ...
Sep 5, 2010 ... At least five of the 34 House Democrats who voted against their party's health care reform bill are highlighting their “no” votes in ads ...
Democrats run away from health care - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com - CachedObama Hails Vote on Health Care as Answering 'the Call of History ...
Mar 21, 2010 ... Text: Proposed Executive Order on Health Care Bill (March 22, 2010) ... Thirty-four Democrats joined Republicans in voting against the bill. ...
www.nytimes.com/2010/03/22/health/policy/22health.html - Add to iGoogleDemocrats Against Health Care Bill Face Midterm Politics - TIME
New York Representative Michael McMahon broke with the Democratic Party on the health care reform vote in order to protect his House seat on ...
Democrats Against Health Care Bill Face Midterm Politics - TIME[PDF] HR 3962 Affordable Health Care for America Act - HR 3962
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
A BILL. To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans .... State prohibitions on discrimination against health care providers. Sec. 239. ...
docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf - Similar
He is the only R on the ticket and crist running as an independent is only helping the right as moderates are voting for him where as the party firsters on the right are showing support for the candidate with an R after their name.

That has nothing to do with leftwinger's remark that a candidate with a "Tea Party" label is the mark of death... Rubio is a "Tea Party" endorsed candidate...

Do pay attention, please...

Uh yeah it does but as usual you try to exclude facts that don't suit your spin. The FACT is that crist is drawing votes away from the dem which is helping the tea party candidate has everything to do with why rubio is in front.

Fact: Rubio is a Tea Party endorsed candidate.
Fact: Rubio is leading with a sizable margin now...
Fact: Being labeled as a Tea Party candidate is NOT the mark of death for Rubio, for if it were a) he'd be losing and b.) Crist would be taking votes from "the extreme Tea Partyer"...

He is an outlier, an oddity that does not fit the norm. Mentioning him changes nothing but then you probably already know that. In most states where moderates and REAL independents decide, it still fits that radical tea party candidates will drive away moderate and independent support and even rasmussen said this past week that would be the case where o'donnell is concerned.
Toomey doing well in PA...
Joe Miller doing well in Alaska...
Rand Paul doing well in KY...

Sorry, the FACTS don't support your idiocy....
Bummer for you... maybe you have to pay Kantar for the details....

Have you tried calling Evan directly for comment?

Except the FACT that more Dems voted FOR 0bamascare than AGAINST, so the 3-to-1 numbers as mentioned in the article don't lend credence to your theory...

Perhaps you can find counter information that DOES support your theory...

Just looking for the facts that were left out but I did provide proof showing that some of those who voted against it are highlighting their votes which lends credence to my argument.
Furthermore, what does the ratio say about anything?? The article is subjective and even tries to minimize those ads from the left that do support the healthcare bill so who is to say that it's opinions on what supports the bill and what doesn't are on the up and up? However, since the details are not presented, there is no way to know for sure but you are more than welcome to continue to make your baseless assumptions if you want to but I try to make informed decisions. I just wish others would do the same.

Baseless? The FACTS were presented and certainly verifiable if you want to do the legwork..

Dems are spending 3-to-1 on ads AGAINST 0bamascare...

Makes sense, as it's passage was hugely unpopular on both sides of the isle...

Your ASSUMPTIONS concerning the 3-1 are baseless. The fact that your article claims that the dems, which ones we don't know because that info wasn't given, are spending 3 to 1 is still in dispute based on how the person making that claim tried to minimize a democrat who is running an ad supporting the healthcare bill. That alone shows that the claim is suspect based on the author's interpretation of what he considers "support".

Furthermore, it is not my job to verify YOUR claims and I did go to the source of the info but they did not list it on their website their claims made to politico could not be verified. So I already went above and beyond. If they had provided all of the info to begin with this void would not exist but maybe they like leaving it open to interpretation so people can just make shite up as they go along.
That has nothing to do with leftwinger's remark that a candidate with a "Tea Party" label is the mark of death... Rubio is a "Tea Party" endorsed candidate...

Do pay attention, please...

Uh yeah it does but as usual you try to exclude facts that don't suit your spin. The FACT is that crist is drawing votes away from the dem which is helping the tea party candidate has everything to do with why rubio is in front.

Fact: Rubio is a Tea Party endorsed candidate.
Fact: Rubio is leading with a sizable margin now...
Fact: Being labeled as a Tea Party candidate is NOT the mark of death for Rubio, for if it were a) he'd be losing and b.) Crist would be taking votes from "the extreme Tea Partyer"...

He is an outlier, an oddity that does not fit the norm. Mentioning him changes nothing but then you probably already know that. In most states where moderates and REAL independents decide, it still fits that radical tea party candidates will drive away moderate and independent support and even rasmussen said this past week that would be the case where o'donnell is concerned.
Toomey doing well in PA...
Joe Miller doing well in Alaska...
Rand Paul doing well in KY...

Sorry, the FACTS don't support your idiocy....

FACT: two other candidates are splitting the vote which is the reason rubio is up. Why do you choose to ignore that FACT??

FACT: the election has not uyet been held so it reamains to be seen if it is the mark of death or not but you keep making those assumptions if that's what flaots your boat. LOL

How many tea party candidates lost already?? How many out of those remaining have a real shot in moderate and independent decided states in november??

WOW you named three others that are "doing well" two of which are in solid RED states. talk abotu desperation. LOL

as for toomey how he is doing remains to be seen since it's so close, 8% points between the two according to rasmussen. Furthermore, only 69% of toomey's votes in the polls say that they have decided how they will vote in comparison to 74% of sestaks supporters in the poll. Based on that, the margin of error and the fact that 8% remain undecided sestak has a cushion to work with between now and novermber.
uh is there a point in that jumbled mess of lame personal attacks??

Face it, thus far the tea party has won a few primaries. However, the general will decide if they a viable or if career candidates like o'donnel will continue in their current occupation.

Also it's funny how you focus on the effects of tea party candidates with your attempt to change the title and then try to tell me that it's not about the tea party candidates. LOL
Don't even try to twist my words. You know damn good and well I don't play that shit with you.....Show me where my changing of the title mentions ''Tea Party Candidates"....Come on, you made the claim....Back it the fuck up, or simply shut the fuck up!

LOL how did I twist your words?? They are just as you presented them in that jumbled mess that you believe is coherent. LOL

But if you need your own spin explained to you I will do my best to put it on a level taht even you can understand.

Your title change, "Tea party showing its ability to wreak havok on the twisted liberal agenda come November!" was talking about the effect of the tea party candidates in the primaries and how it will affect the liberal agenda in the november election. Their choice for candidates in both the primaries and going into the general is what you are refering to whether you intended to or not.

However, if you can explain what you intended to mean and clarified the situation instead of trying to dump your mistakes in my lap then go ahead and explain what you meant to but failed to say.
How will the results of the primaries affect the liberal agenda in the november primaries without referencing or referring to the tea party candidates and their primary wins?

This ought to be fun. LOL
FAIL!....again!.....It's a pattern with you. Always has been.

I was talking about the tea partiers, aka the The TEA PARTY. You know, the ever growing mass of people who are fed up with the status quo. The ones who attend the rally's and make their voices heard?

I know it's not easy for ya' lil' man. But do try to keep up. Watching you consistently make a fool of yourself is gettin' a lil' boring.
Bummer for you... maybe you have to pay Kantar for the details....

Have you tried calling Evan directly for comment?

Except the FACT that more Dems voted FOR 0bamascare than AGAINST, so the 3-to-1 numbers as mentioned in the article don't lend credence to your theory...

Perhaps you can find counter information that DOES support your theory...

Just looking for the facts that were left out but I did provide proof showing that some of those who voted against it are highlighting their votes which lends credence to my argument.
Furthermore, what does the ratio say about anything?? The article is subjective and even tries to minimize those ads from the left that do support the healthcare bill so who is to say that it's opinions on what supports the bill and what doesn't are on the up and up? However, since the details are not presented, there is no way to know for sure but you are more than welcome to continue to make your baseless assumptions if you want to but I try to make informed decisions. I just wish others would do the same.

Baseless? The FACTS were presented and certainly verifiable if you want to do the legwork..

Dems are spending 3-to-1 on ads AGAINST 0bamascare...

Makes sense, as it's passage was hugely unpopular on both sides of the isle...

Yep Dems that opposed it are shouting that from the roof tops. Dems who supported it are trying to talk about something else.
Just looking for the facts that were left out but I did provide proof showing that some of those who voted against it are highlighting their votes which lends credence to my argument.
Furthermore, what does the ratio say about anything?? The article is subjective and even tries to minimize those ads from the left that do support the healthcare bill so who is to say that it's opinions on what supports the bill and what doesn't are on the up and up? However, since the details are not presented, there is no way to know for sure but you are more than welcome to continue to make your baseless assumptions if you want to but I try to make informed decisions. I just wish others would do the same.

Baseless? The FACTS were presented and certainly verifiable if you want to do the legwork..

Dems are spending 3-to-1 on ads AGAINST 0bamascare...

Makes sense, as it's passage was hugely unpopular on both sides of the isle...

Yep Dems that opposed it are shouting that from the roof tops. Dems who supported it are trying to talk about something else.
Yeah, did you see that dirtbag Spitzer spinnin' his ass off last night?

I was laughin' my ass off at his ridiculous spin. The level of denial they are in is comical.

Olbermann and Maddow are both about to blow aneurisms straight out their fuckin' ears!
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

You are living in a dream world. The tea party is not made up of Republicans. Its also consist with Democrats and Libertirans. The tea party will takes votes from the democrats.

You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

LOL so now the push to get everyone into a home whether they could afford it or not, was a conservative IDEA.


Yeah right.

What are you trying to say. Liberals never take out loans they can not pay back?

Please man.
You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?

LOL so now the push to get everyone into a home whether they could afford it or not, was a conservative IDEA.


O'Donnell got tricked into a loan she couldn't afford? It's not her fault?

Personal responsibility, indeed!
You are both Fools. They are working for Conservative values. the parties be dammed.

Conservative values like signing a mortgage you can't afford and being forced to firesale your home to avoid foreclosure?

That kind of conservative value?
The ignorant and uniformed POST OF THE DAY!



Christ, liberals are fuckin' idiots!:cuckoo:

Wow...you're one smaht mothafucka.

You know that O'Donnell was forced to firesale her home to avoid foreclosure, right?

Right smart guy?

Oh now, jillian. Remember, the establishment said to vote for McCain and he got whacked in a landslide. Besides, I thought yall wanted all those old, dirty, angry white males out of there, lol.

Tell us who would have done better in 2008 than McCain.


when the melt-down came, he'd have presented himself as in control... and an astute business person who has a history of successful financial endeavors.

but 'the base' had issues with him being a member of a 'cult'. (their words, not mine...)

He was polling lower than McCain vs. Obama for as long as they did those sort of polls.

I have said however that I thought if McCain had picked Romney as his VP AND opposed the bailout (instead of that wacky suspending his campaign to go work FOR the bailout)

he might have made it very very close.
Dick Head said:
The bigger picture is that people are just fed up with career politicians.. from the left and the right. Who can't applaud that? Even Rove was on Hannity having a meltdown. I love it. Fuck 'em all. The Dem's are scared and the Repubs are scared. PERFECT!!

IOWS, replace career politicians with incompetents.

Except, as a "party firster", you re-elect your incompetents...

How many Democrats have you voted for?
I'm going to wait until after the general election in November is over, I don't like eating crow. These Tea Party candidates may very well kick some serious ass, they can't be worse than the established incumbents they beat.

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