Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

Yeah sure that is what the polls show. :cuckoo:
I love when a plan comes together...

If you don't want to look at FL, then take PA for example...

Conservatives said they would throw out the RINOs... Arlen Specturd got scared when he saw how bad he was doing in the polls against Toomey as an R and jumped parties... PA dems told him to pound sand and picked Sleestack... Phase 1 complete - Specturd gone....Friggin' sweet!

Now Phase 2 is looking pretty good as conservative Toomey has a nice lead going on Sleestack... I guess we'll see what happens now in November...:)
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

It doesn't work that way, DICK...

Moderates have to be motivated toward the D...

Low turnout this year will favor heavily on the right...
Oh they're going to get it alright. Have you seen the look on some of these Republican rino's faces on Fox tonight--like Carl Rove. It's almost histerical.

Now that's what I call "shock and awe"-: l:lol:

This along with what has been going on in the Republican primaries across this nation is a major slap in the face---a wake up call to the RNC in this country.

So what LIBERAL on this board--still thinks the Tea Party in this country is just an extension--aka "astro-turf" of the Republican party? You have been proven WRONG.

Actually as far as the tea party I think it started that way. I believe in the beginning the republicans promoted and hoped that the tea party would prosper so they could use it to regain power but then as it is with most monstrous creations it turned on them and they have no conrtol over it.

They have only themselves to blame. LOL

This is a pretty good analogy. I also recall Repubs initially wetting themselves over the possiblity that the two parties may become one. Some even went so far as to say that THEY would like to Join the Tea Party.

This concept has yet to find a home in reality, but it's clear that the Repubs had better either help, or STFU and get out of the way.

I will give you the fact that the tea party is riled up and excited right now which is one reason for them winning the midterm primaries but you need to realize that the tea party is still outnumbered by those on the right who don't consider themselves part of the movement.

The tea party needs the republicans as much as the republicans need the tea party if they ever expect to be in power again for any amount of time. I doubt either can win on their own but it's pretty apparent that they are both hoping for support from the other in spite of the divisiveness presented during the primary campaign.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

for one election cycle, perhaps....but the time is coming for the end of the 2 party system....
Republicans in this country are going to have to decide whether they want to make modest gains with real Conservative candidates or make massive gains with more phony Neocon Check-Pant establishment candidates. Personally i prefer making some modest gains with real Conservative candidates. This is what weeding out all the phonies in the Republican Party will mean. You'll have to take some initial losses in helping the Party survive. The Democrat-Light days are over. This will take some initial sacrifice though. Look at what the frauds have done to the Republican Party. Things cannot get any worse. So just continue weeding em out and accept some initial losses. The Party will benefit in the long run.

Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?

Sorry, DICK... Not true....

NRSC NRSC Chairman Cornyn?s Statement On Delaware Senate Race

It was as of last night.

NRSC: No Plans to Fund O’Donnell - Washington Wire - WSJ

WOW they flip flopped on that real quick. LOL
Good thing that the GOP said it's not planning on putting a dime in the O'Donnel race. I can't blame them, with all the exposure she has skimming her campaign funds for personal expenses. Any conservatives out there who aren't batshit crazy?

Sorry, DICK... Not true....

NRSC NRSC Chairman Cornyn?s Statement On Delaware Senate Race

It was as of last night.

NRSC: No Plans to Fund O’Donnell - Washington Wire - WSJ

WOW they flip flopped on that real quick. LOL

That'll teach you for believing a blog.... Doh!

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

Yeah sure that is what the polls show. :cuckoo:

I haven't seen a poll that asked if people would prefer a batshit crazy, tea bagging fool over the current Democratic leadership. You are aware that House Republicans have a lower approval than House Democrats.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.

IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

It moves Independents towards the R Column.
IOWs, it moves moderates toward the D column.

Yeah sure that is what the polls show. :cuckoo:

I haven't seen a poll that asked if people would prefer a batshit crazy, tea bagging fool over the current Democratic leadership. You are aware that House Republicans have a lower approval than House Democrats.

oh goody we gots us another homosexual demonRat on board, knows all bout "teabagging" I wuv it.
Yeah sure that is what the polls show. :cuckoo:

I haven't seen a poll that asked if people would prefer a batshit crazy, tea bagging fool over the current Democratic leadership. You are aware that House Republicans have a lower approval than House Democrats.

oh goody we gots us another homosexual demonRat on board, knows all bout "teabagging" I wuv it.

Sorry homophobe. I'm not a tea bagger.

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I haven't seen a poll that asked if people would prefer a batshit crazy, tea bagging fool over the current Democratic leadership. You are aware that House Republicans have a lower approval than House Democrats.

oh goody we gots us another homosexual demonRat on board, knows all bout "teabagging" I wuv it.

Sorry homophobe. I'm not a tea bagger.


sure you izz you izz a bonofide homsexualteabagger and a phobeoboe to boot
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It doesn't work that way, DICK...

Moderates have to be motivated toward the D...

Low turnout this year will favor heavily on the right...

How hard will that be when the tea partiers are taking over the GOP?

you still think Democratics are going to keep the House, don't ya?

How cute....lol You and JokeStarkey should hook up....:lol:

We'll lose seats, because people are pissed about the economy. We'll keep both houses though, because the patients have taken over the wingnut asylum.
Hey the Democrats had their Revolution and the Socialists/Progressives won and now the Republicans are having their Revolution and hopefully the real Conservatives will win. Nuff said.

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