Teaparty showing its ability to derail the Republican Party

I must say that i was ecstatic when i saw how much Karl Rove dislikes O'Donnell. I wanted to whip out my checkbook right away for her. If a phony Neocon Check Pant goon like Roves dislikes her,you know she's the right choice. Go get em O'Donnell! :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3AeJzpjefH4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Karl Rove- There Are 'A Lot Of Nutty Things' O'Donnell's Been Saying[/ame]
Seriously,i wish Rove would just STFU. It's phony Neocons like him who have brought the Republican Party to its knees. So who gives a chit what he thinks about O'Donnell. It's great to see some real Conservatives winning again. So all i have to say to Rove and the rest of his Check Pant frauds is...Your 15 Minutes are just about up so STFU! :)
Just incredible! It is the best example that I can think of "cutting off the nose to spite the face." There is NO CHANCE the GOP wins the Senate now.

You people just do not get it do you.

The Tea Party is not a Republican Partisan Group. It is A Conservative Partisan group. This movement is not about Getting the republicans a majority of Both Houses at any cost. It is about forcing the Republicans to return to conservatism. One of the most liberal Republicans in the party, Just got handed his papers. Because People with the Tea party Mind set. Are not here to reward Republicans because they do not like Democrats. We are here to Take back a party. castle Voted for Cap and Trade for Christ sake, and the stimulus.

I am very happy about this. Sure The Dems may hold onto the Senate now. But I could care less. To me trading the Democrats for a Republican Majority full of Liberal Rhino Republicans, that do things like vote for Cap and Trade, and stimulus, Is rather pointless.

I rather not win the Senate this time around, and force the Rhinos out.

You people can have your perpetual Cycle of Lesser evils. I don't want it anymore. I want a party that stands for my principles, and will not compromise them over 1 Fucking seat.
Just incredible! It is the best example that I can think of "cutting off the nose to spite the face." There is NO CHANCE the GOP wins the Senate now.

You people just do not get it do you.

The Tea Party is not a Republican Partisan Group. It is A Conservative Partisan group. This movement is not about Getting the republicans a majority of Both Houses at any cost. It is about forcing the Republicans to return to conservatism. One of the most liberal Republicans in the party, Just got handed his papers. Because People with the Tea party Mind set. Are not here to reward Republicans because they do not like Democrats. We are here to Take back a party. castle Voted for Cap and Trade for Christ sake, and the stimulus.

I am very happy about this. Sure The Dems may hold onto the Senate now. But I could care less. To me trading the Democrats for a Republican Majority full of Liberal Rhino Republicans, that do things like vote for Cap and Trade, and stimulus, Is rather pointless.

I rather not win the Senate this time around, and force the Rhinos out.

You people can have your perpetual Cycle of Lesser evils. I don't want it anymore. I want a party that stands for my principles, and will not compromise them over 1 Fucking seat.
I agree. What is the purpose of winning back control of both houses of congress if it will lead to the same results as last time? What good is having a slim majority when it will be held hostage by a handful of liberal RINO Senators in which we will receive the blame for wrongheaded policies that result from initiatives that are anything but Conservative!! Then we will get crushed in the next election and keep repeating the vicious cycle that was 1995-2006. We need to run and govern as conservatives or not run at all. We have sent the Republican Party a message - a very clear and direct message............
Just incredible! It is the best example that I can think of "cutting off the nose to spite the face." There is NO CHANCE the GOP wins the Senate now.

You people just do not get it do you.

The Tea Party is not a Republican Partisan Group. It is A Conservative Partisan group. This movement is not about Getting the republicans a majority of Both Houses at any cost. It is about forcing the Republicans to return to conservatism. One of the most liberal Republicans in the party, Just got handed his papers. Because People with the Tea party Mind set. Are not here to reward Republicans because they do not like Democrats. We are here to Take back a party. castle Voted for Cap and Trade for Christ sake, and the stimulus.

I am very happy about this. Sure The Dems may hold onto the Senate now. But I could care less. To me trading the Democrats for a Republican Majority full of Liberal Rhino Republicans, that do things like vote for Cap and Trade, and stimulus, Is rather pointless.

I rather not win the Senate this time around, and force the Rhinos out.

You people can have your perpetual Cycle of Lesser evils. I don't want it anymore. I want a party that stands for my principles, and will not compromise them over 1 Fucking seat.

Bingo! Well said. So the Republicans win less seats than previously thought? I don't mind. The Republicans have to finish weeding out the phony Check Pants who have turned the Party into Democrat-Light. This weeding out process may mean suffering a little initially but it is essential for the future survival of the Party. The Democrat-Light days are over. I think that's great. The Republicans/Conservatives will make some gains in November but they may not be the massive gains some envisioned. So lower your expectations and just be happy with the gains that are made in November. I know i'll be happy.
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Rational? Have you learned nothing about the policy and politics of the Republican Party over the past 16 years? What is the purpose of winning back control of both houses of congress if it will lead to the same results as last time? In other words, we will have a slim majority that is held hostage by RINO Senators, in which we will receive the blame for wrongheaded policies that result from initiatives that are anything but Republican! Then we will get crushed in the next election and keep repeating the vicious cycle that was 1995-2006. We need to run and govern as conservatives or not run at all. NO MORE RINO'S!!!!!!!

first of all, it's RINOs not RINO's.

hey, if you're willing to let the dems have the senate because the socalled RINO doesn't pass some mysterious litmus test to prove to YOUR satisfaction that he/she is republican enough for you, you'll get what you deserve and it won't be pretty.

So called?? According to the Club for Growth, Castle has had the most liberal voting record of any member of the 175+ Republican caucus. So in 2008, when Arlen Specter scored a 44%, Mike Castle scored a 26%! He's a fucking Democrat!!!

There is no question that there are flaws in the O’Donnell campaign and in the candidate herself. However, you've got to understand that we don’t select the candidates; we only make choices between the existing ones. Unfortunately, we are not always going to find a "Joe Miller" to challenge the RINO. Elections are about choosing the best candidate who appears on the ballot.

PS: RINOs or RINO's, either way spells DEFEAT. NO MORE FUCKING RINO's or RINOs!!!!!!!!

uh did you realize that your link goes to the right leaning club for growth's scorecard on pro-growth policies and that there are a few Rs that are further down the list than castle??

Your link is NOT about the slant of their voting record from left to right but instead is about the intangible support for "pro-growth policies" which is a matter of opinion and higly subjective. What standard was usd to determine which policies were pro-growth and which were not?

Do you even bother reading your own sources BEFORE you post??
Actually as far as the tea party I think it started that way. I believe in the beginning the republicans promoted and hoped that the tea party would prosper so they could use it to regain power but then as it is with most monstrous creations it turned on them and they have no conrtol over it.

They have only themselves to blame. LOL

This is a pretty good analogy. I also recall Repubs initially wetting themselves over the possiblity that the two parties may become one. Some even went so far as to say that THEY would like to Join the Tea Party.

This concept has yet to find a home in reality, but it's clear that the Repubs had better either help, or STFU and get out of the way.


When will they ever learn?


When you vote vote for your beliefs not your party


In this case the people of Delaware would have prefered a RINO to the Democratic candidate

Now that their only choice is a Tea Bagger....they will go Dem

Whether you want RINOs elected or not makes no difference...it is the people doing the voting
BTW...Anybody checked out how that "unelectable" Marco Rubio dude is doing in Florida lately?

I've lost track, in all the excitement and media hype over the Delaware fracas.

Don't look over there....nothing to see. Just move along. Liberals of both parties are not shitting their pants right now. They always smell like that!!!

Just, just.......move along.......there is nothing to see in Florida. Moderates always win....:lol:
And home certainly won't be a senate majority.

Got to love the "Big Tent" of the Republican Party

With Angle and now O'Donnell, the Tea Party is ensuring Republicans will never appeal to the mainstream.......only the EX-treme
Yeah right....:cuckoo:That is why 40% of the country identifies themselves as "CONSERVATIVE". Sorry Leftwinger - but we conservatives are the "mainstream". Liberals are self identified at less than 20% - they are the wing nut extremists.

Anyhoo.....You'll see just how "mainstream" we are in a few more weeks when CONSERVATIVE Republicans take over the House. Till then......:eusa_pray:

as conservative as I am (which is considerable), this thought does not comfort me....the two party system is morally bankrupt. We once had a system where ideologies were represented, now we have a system where only political parties are represented. I sincerely hope the Tea Party does well & I also hope a Left Tea Part forms. The two big parties need to a swift kick in the ass...
This is a pretty good analogy. I also recall Repubs initially wetting themselves over the possiblity that the two parties may become one. Some even went so far as to say that THEY would like to Join the Tea Party.

This concept has yet to find a home in reality, but it's clear that the Repubs had better either help, or STFU and get out of the way.


When will they ever learn?


When you vote vote for your beliefs not your party


In this case the people of Delaware would have prefered a RINO to the Democratic candidate

Now that their only choice is a Tea Bagger....they will go Dem

Whether you want RINOs elected or not makes no difference...it is the people doing the voting

Clearly you miss the point.
Got to love the "Big Tent" of the Republican Party

With Angle and now O'Donnell, the Tea Party is ensuring Republicans will never appeal to the mainstream.......only the EX-treme
Yeah right....:cuckoo:That is why 40% of the country identifies themselves as "CONSERVATIVE". Sorry Leftwinger - but we conservatives are the "mainstream". Liberals are self identified at less than 20% - they are the wing nut extremists.

Anyhoo.....You'll see just how "mainstream" we are in a few more weeks when CONSERVATIVE Republicans take over the House. Till then......:eusa_pray:

as conservative as I am (which is considerable), this thought does not comfort me....the two party system is morally bankrupt. We once had a system where ideologies were represented, now we have a system where only political parties are represented. I sincerely hope the Tea Party does well & I also hope a Left Tea Part forms. The two big parties need to a swift kick in the ass...

Hell yeah. The only thing that would make me happier than what is happening. Is if they were actually running and winning as Tea Party candidates and not republicans, and conservative republicans were deserting the party to join the tea party.

We need more smaller parties that actually represent the views of their constituents. the 2 Party monopoly must go.
Standing by your principles and losing is far more honorable than selling out and winning. The selling out and winning mentality is what helped bring the Republican Party to its knees. So you win some and you lose some. Sometimes winning really isn't everything. Most people are just so sick of the Republican Party being Democrat-Light. It's time for a real Conservative Revolution. Time to kick the Neocon Check-Pant frauds to the curb. If this means suffering some losses initially than so be it. You have to think long-term on this stuff. I like the changes i'm seeing in the Republican Party. I hope these changes continue. I feel good about standing by principles. Hey that's just how i feel anyway. Get out and vote people. You do have a voice.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov
I would hope so. No one in the tea party is a liberal.

All Americans who believe in the simple proposition that the Federal Government should not spend money it does not have. Democrats (the 70% who in a recent Rasmussen Poll said they support capitalism and not socialism), Republicans (the 90% who aren't RINOs), Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Independents, Home Schooling families, and Small Business Owners form the backbone of this coalition. We believe that the United States is a republic of individuals acting independently as they see fit, not as the Federal Government instructs them to act.

Well, they aren't Liberal, you have that right. They are Neocon interlopers. Real Cons rejected the Teapartiers a long time ago.

Since I do not know what your political stance is I will just have to take it you are a liberal. And with that said. You do not know what true Conservatives think because you ae not one. It's like here a democrat pating a republican on the back and saying he was a good guy. I do n ot want to be praised by the likes of people like you. Because if I am I am going against my values and leaning towards waht a liberals value. FUCK THAT.

WOW, look at that blatant hypocrisy. You get to define him as a liberal and then tell him that he can't do the same to a conservative. LOL

Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov
Checked out the Rubio/Crist/Meek polls lately?
Standing by your principles and losing is far more honorable than selling out and winning. The selling out and winning mentality is what helped bring the Republican Party to its knees. So you win some and you lose some. Sometimes winning really isn't everything. Most people are just so sick of the Republican Party being Democrat-Light. It's time for a real Conservative Revolution. Time to kick the Neocon Check-Pant frauds to the curb. If this means suffering some losses initially than so be it. You have to think long-term on this stuff. I like the changes i'm seeing in the Republican Party. I hope these changes continue. I feel good about standing by principles. Hey that's just how i feel anyway. Get out and vote people. You do have a voice.

What principles would they be? Moralizing against masturbation? Claiming that there's more evidence for creationism than evolution? Claiming that condoms aren't effective at stemming AIDS? Skimming her campaign funds for personal use? Good to know that being batshit crazy is now a conservative principle.
Tea Party is showing its muscle within the GOP. They can get the vote out and swamp a primary with low voter turnout.

Problem is that their clout does not appear to apply to general elections. They will show their negative impact on their party of choice in Nov

Still don't get it. If it forces a move back to conservatism and away from guys like Castle then it had the intended impact.
first of all, it's RINOs not RINO's.

hey, if you're willing to let the dems have the senate because the socalled RINO doesn't pass some mysterious litmus test to prove to YOUR satisfaction that he/she is republican enough for you, you'll get what you deserve and it won't be pretty.

So called?? According to the Club for Growth, Castle has had the most liberal voting record of any member of the 175+ Republican caucus. So in 2008, when Arlen Specter scored a 44%, Mike Castle scored a 26%! He's a fucking Democrat!!!

There is no question that there are flaws in the O’Donnell campaign and in the candidate herself. However, you've got to understand that we don’t select the candidates; we only make choices between the existing ones. Unfortunately, we are not always going to find a "Joe Miller" to challenge the RINO. Elections are about choosing the best candidate who appears on the ballot.

PS: RINOs or RINO's, either way spells DEFEAT. NO MORE FUCKING RINO's or RINOs!!!!!!!!

uh did you realize that your link goes to the right leaning club for growth's scorecard on pro-growth policies and that there are a few Rs that are further down the list than castle??

Your link is NOT about the slant of their voting record from left to right but instead is about the intangible support for "pro-growth policies" which is a matter of opinion and higly subjective. What standard was usd to determine which policies were pro-growth and which were not?

Do you even bother reading your own sources BEFORE you post??

Do you think that Mike Castle is a conservative? If you want to stick to that, go ahead. Unfortunately for him - he didn't make the case to the Republican primary voters in Delaware. They think he's too liberal. They voted for the other candidate. :lol:

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