Teaper Racism

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I agree about the goal to point a racist finger at the group in an attempt to get moderates to avoid listening to any of their opinions regarding actual government policies. From the perspective of the TP, they're so used to these frivolous accusations, that it really has no impact to them personally, and even many on the outside see through the attempts to malign an entire group who are exercising their right to peaceful protest. It's easy to cherry pick a few radicals, but maybe some on the left truly believe that overall they are some sort of domestic terrorist organization...mostly I think they just fear the TP's potential to have influence to detract from the progressive agenda. It is the civic duty of the left to denounce and distract by any means necessary, so any exaggerations of the enemy to serve their purpose are justified in their minds.

As I have said over and over again...I am not a liberal. I honestly believe the Tea Party Movement is racist. Is it so difficult to believe that someone can dislike Obama but not reduce themselves to sophomoric, racist attacks against him? I am black, I am conservative...why would I rally with people who use race as a reason to disagree with a President. Why would I support a group that displays racist signs at their events? Why would I march with a group that has racist groups recruiting at their events?

As for the Tea Party, I don't respect racism. I don't respect obstructionism. I don't respect manufacturing problems to defame a policy.

I believe in offering alternatives. I believe in functional debate. I believe in

Is that why you started a thread about a single incident with a white girl demanding everyone condemn it then in less then 30 minutes claimed every white person on the board was racist? Then continued through out that thread to claim everyone that told you you were wrong were racist whites?

What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?
What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?
Because it is not an honest discussion.
Its more than a random post. But as I predicted, you will accept Got News, which presented no facts but you reject any other news source. A fact is a fact. The signs existed, racists recruit at teaper events, JOhn Tanton helped to organize a Tea Party event...he is a proven racist...What is false in any of the stories I posted or evidence I supplied? Please be specific.

Do you not believe there are racist signs at tea party events? Do I really need to post the pics?

Do you not believe White Nationalist don't use teaper events to recruit...did you go to the source and read through comments.

Quit being disingenuous and dismissing what you refuse to believe. The evidence is right in front of you. You want a smoking gun as if the Tea Party Grand Poobah is going to come out and say, 'yes, the Tea Party is racist.' That isn't going to happen...just like the Black Panthers aren't going to say they are racists. You have to look at the anecdotal evidence as a whole. There are simply too many examples of tea party racism to summarily dismiss it because it hurts your ego.
How about if the members of this forum take total mouth breather freakazoids like rdean, PaintMyHouse and/or Luddly and portray them as everyday mainstream democrats that you would meet on the street?

This thread, as a supposed clean debate, is preposterous.

How so? I am suggestion the Tea Party movement is a racist movement. I am not saying all teapers are racist, I was very clear about that. Why is it you don't want to have an honest discussion?
What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?
Because it is not an honest discussion.

Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.
Nutz said:
Fact is fact...no? On top of that, do you expect Teapers Daily to be critical of itself? LMAO

What you did, was like someone citing Media Matters as a credible source. Do you expect me to take that seriously?

Nutz said:
I simply posted a link to a few threads without spending a lot of time finding specific examples. The truth of the matter is that if you don't see the racist posts by Teapers, you are either blind or intellectually dishonest.

Then if you aren't putting much effort in finding specific examples, what good is your argument? You do a lot of evading for someone as adamant as you are.

Nutz said:
Its more than a random post. But as I predicted, you will accept Got News, which presented no facts but you reject any other news source. A fact is a fact. The signs existed, racists recruit at teaper events, JOhn Tanton helped to organize a Tea Party event...he is a proven racist...What is false in any of the stories I posted or evidence I supplied? Please be specific.
You have no room to talk citing "Americans Against the Tea Party." You reject all other sources which contradict your contentions as well. You sir, are a hypocrite. If the signs exist, show me. John H. Tanton is an all around activist. He held positions in Planned Parenthood and the Audubon Society. He is a eugenicist, and opposes immigration, legal immigration (he sounds a lot like protectionist to be honest). He has no connections to the Tea Party. None. I'm sorry, that claim is garbage.

Nutz said:
Do you not believe there are racist signs at tea party events? Do I really need to post the pics?

If you want me to take your argument seriously, yes. You made the claims, stop being lazy and prove them.

Nutz said:
Do you not believe White Nationalist don't use teaper events to recruit...did you go to the source and read through comments.

Frankly, I don't believe anything you're saying right now. Your sources are just as biased as GotNews. Nay credibility.

Nutz said:
1. Quit being disingenuous and dismissing what you refuse to believe. The evidence is right in front of you.

2. You want a smoking gun as if the Tea Party Grand Poobah is going to come out and say, 'yes, the Tea Party is racist.'

3. That isn't going to happen...just like the Black Panthers aren't going to say they are racists. You have to look at the anecdotal evidence as a whole.

4. There are simply too many examples of tea party racism to summarily dismiss it because it hurts your ego.
1. I have not been disingenuous. You have. The evidence has not been cited, save for some overtly biased sources.

2. As I showed you earlier, the Tea Party condemns racism, an example I showed you in my other thread.

3. The Black Panthers make no bones about hating white people. It is universally known that they hate white people. The have even publicly exclaimed so. Like so:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ztSzoh8N6es"]Khalid Muhammad - Call for White Genocide! - YouTube[/ame]

4. So many examples that you refuse to post any. I have no ego to protect, you have an argument to prove. I despise egotism, and liars.
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As I have said over and over again...I am not a liberal. I honestly believe the Tea Party Movement is racist. Is it so difficult to believe that someone can dislike Obama but not reduce themselves to sophomoric, racist attacks against him? I am black, I am conservative...why would I rally with people who use race as a reason to disagree with a President. Why would I support a group that displays racist signs at their events? Why would I march with a group that has racist groups recruiting at their events?

As for the Tea Party, I don't respect racism. I don't respect obstructionism. I don't respect manufacturing problems to defame a policy.

I believe in offering alternatives. I believe in functional debate. I believe in

Is that why you started a thread about a single incident with a white girl demanding everyone condemn it then in less then 30 minutes claimed every white person on the board was racist? Then continued through out that thread to claim everyone that told you you were wrong were racist whites?

What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?

You not I are crazy. You created an attack thread and put it in the CDZ. Your title is an attack on the tea party. Your biased and bent supposed proof is an attack. Your racist statements in other threads prove the point. the fact you started an entire thread where you claimed every white member of the board was racist belies your claim of impartiality.

Huffington post is NOT a news source it is an organ of the Liberal democratic party. That you use it as a source proves you are not a conservative at all, another lie you have hoisted in this thread.

You keep calling tea party members by an overt attack name. You are neither honest nor unbiased.

Honest discussion? You mean where you call an organization by a racist name and then claim all you want is an honest discussion? or by the fact you are a racist and start threads in the race forum and prove it?
What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?
Because it is not an honest discussion.

Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.
I agree about the goal to point a racist finger at the group in an attempt to get moderates to avoid listening to any of their opinions regarding actual government policies. From the perspective of the TP, they're so used to these frivolous accusations, that it really has no impact to them personally, and even many on the outside see through the attempts to malign an entire group who are exercising their right to peaceful protest. It's easy to cherry pick a few radicals, but maybe some on the left truly believe that overall they are some sort of domestic terrorist organization...mostly I think they just fear the TP's potential to have influence to detract from the progressive agenda. It is the civic duty of the left to denounce and distract by any means necessary, so any exaggerations of the enemy to serve their purpose are justified in their minds.

As I have said over and over again...I am not a liberal. I honestly believe the Tea Party Movement is racist. Is it so difficult to believe that someone can dislike Obama but not reduce themselves to sophomoric, racist attacks against him? I am black, I am conservative...why would I rally with people who use race as a reason to disagree with a President. Why would I support a group that displays racist signs at their events? Why would I march with a group that has racist groups recruiting at their events?

As for the Tea Party, I don't respect racism. I don't respect obstructionism. I don't respect manufacturing problems to defame a policy.

I believe in offering alternatives. I believe in functional debate. I believe in

You're free to believe whatever you want...but it sounds like you're easily influenced by the outliers. Is is just this group, or any organization, that you would choose to focus on the exception, rather than the rule. Take these so-called signs for example...of the hundreds of thousands who have gathered, what percentage had some sort of racist sign?? Then again, you might define it as anyone opposed to Obama, because you could assume that means they're anti-black...perhaps. People were even caught infiltrating the group posing as racists in order to paint the group in a negative light. I see those sort of maneuvers as acts of desperation. I do respect people who stand up for their beliefs, and you may define opposition as obstructionism, but others would say that it's courageous. It's all a matter of perspective.

I am easily influenced by personal experience, from what I see on this forum, and from everyday news. But lets take obstructionism vs courage. It is indeed courageous to stand up for something righteous when no one else will...it is not courageous to obstruct and prevent business as usual in DC because you disagree with someone or because of the color of his skin. Where where these 'courageous' people when other administrations were less than admirable?

Oh, and I don't define anyone anti-Obama as racist or anti-Black. I do not like Obama myself. What i do find suspect is the racist rhetoric and obstructionism when it comes to Obama. You know, like referring to him as the Mulatto President, birthers, pictures of monkeys, attacks on the First Lady, attacks on his family....I find that all to be suspect.
Because it is not an honest discussion.

Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.

If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?
Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.

If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?
And yet no outrage at the racism in the democratic party.
Is that why you started a thread about a single incident with a white girl demanding everyone condemn it then in less then 30 minutes claimed every white person on the board was racist? Then continued through out that thread to claim everyone that told you you were wrong were racist whites?

What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?

You not I are crazy. You created an attack thread and put it in the CDZ. Your title is an attack on the tea party. Your biased and bent supposed proof is an attack. Your racist statements in other threads prove the point. the fact you started an entire thread where you claimed every white member of the board was racist belies your claim of impartiality.
No I did not. you are making nonsense up. It is that simple. The title is not an attack on anything or anyone...I will be happy to change it if you would like. As for the term Teaper, it is simply easier to type than Tea Partier...so I employ the term Teaper. I am lazy...so what.
Huffington post is NOT a news source it is an organ of the Liberal democratic party. That you use it as a source proves you are not a conservative at all, another lie you have hoisted in this thread.
What facts are incorrect. Instead of attacking me and trying to define my political affiliation
for me, why don't you dispute the facts. As I told TK, do you expect the Tea Party Daily to post negative news about itself....I don't think so.
You keep calling tea party members by an overt attack name. You are neither honest nor unbiased.
A I said, Teaper = Tea Partier. No where have I seen this term used in a hateful manner.
Honest discussion? You mean where you call an organization by a racist name and then claim all you want is an honest discussion? or by the fact you are a racist and start threads in the race forum and prove it?
You are the one getting emotional. Teaper is not a racist name. I am sorry you have a problem with my abbreviation, but I will not change it.
Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.

If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?

Cite me anything in the Tea Party platform that is racist. If you can't you are simply spouting speculative and cherry picked anomalies.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.

If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?
And yet no outrage at the racism in the democratic party.

Sure there is...you show it all of the time. And there have been many times I have been more than vocal about liberal nonsense and inherent democratic racism when it comes to minorities and feeding them entitlements.
Simply anecdotal "facts" used to smear the whole.

Answer the question: Do I get to portray the battiest of the moonbats positng here as the mainstream of democrats?

You are all wet, bub.

If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?

Cite me anything in the Tea Party platform that is racist. If you can't you are simply spouting speculative and cherry picked anomalies.

Cite me something racist from the Nazi Platform while they were trying to come into power (no I am not comparing Nazi's to Teapers). Cite me something racist from the Democratic Party Platform....they, as I said earlier, are inherently racist towards blacks. Do you think racism is advertised? Maybe by the KKK, but hell, if you read some of their material you won't see much when it comes to overt racism, will you?
If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?

Cite me anything in the Tea Party platform that is racist. If you can't you are simply spouting speculative and cherry picked anomalies.

Cite me something racist from the Nazi Platform while they were trying to come into power (no I am not comparing Nazi's to Teapers). Cite me something racist from the Democratic Party Platform....they, as I said earlier, are inherently racist towards blacks. Do you think racism is advertised? Maybe by the KKK, but hell, if you read some of their material you won't see much when it comes to overt racism, will you?

Didn't think you could-----definitely time for this to go into the Conspiracy Forum.
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What are you crying about. Why are you so angry? Are you incapable of having an honest discussion about the Tea Party? Why are you so sensitive? Why are you making false accusations? Why are you bringing it into the CDZ...I know you want to get it moved...but why, are you afraid of an honest discussion?
Because it is not an honest discussion.

Why not? Are you offended? If so, why? I have not attacked an individual poster...I present evidence to support my belief. There are no made up facts, there is no hyperbole...simply facts.

Suggestions are not facts, pal.
You know, you should be ashamed of yourself Nutz. You responded to my challenge with blatant dishonesty.

And rightfully so. People don't understand, I dislike Teapers because of their racism...that doesn't mean I support Obama or that I am a liberal. I just don't like racists. The majority of Teapers I meet are racists...and the ones who you challenge on Teaper racism, all of a sudden claim they are not really Teapers, they are Libertarians.

The "racist" card is used far too much these days. And besides lets get real, you and I know it's just used to shut Whitey up.

Homework: Go to YouTube and search "James Manning", watch his videos then come back.

Well are you a communist or a teaper? But as for the race card...sometimes it is just racism. The Teaper movement has a lot of racist qualities and cannot be trusted. This is no race card. It is my view of the Tea Party and its members. Yeah, people use the race card a lot...these days, we see a lot of whites using it for their failures. But I have nothing to gain from this race card on a discussion forum. I would just like to sea the Tea Party gone, it is destroying true conservatism and the GOP in the name of hate.

See that bolded part above Nutz?? In your OP -- part of your flimsy evidence was from threads culled on USMB.. Now I know -- that you have accused MANY posters of being "Teapers".. SOme of them I know quite well. In fact -- lately seems like any conservative/liberatarian you don't agree with --- Is a racist "teaper".. So I wasn't surprised that those USMB links supplied were just pointing to posts by SunniMan (surely a racist teaper -- no doubt) and had NO EVIDENCE of any teaper/racist connection.. Am I a TEAPER -- Sen McCarthy?

Similarly, the major source of your HuffPo link is an actual thread from Stormfront.. Which I totally ignored the content of as any rational being should. What white supremists fantasize about in their own living rooms -- should STAY in their living rooms and is NOT evidence of a Tea Party -- racist connection..

You're gonna have to do much better to overcome reality here. The reality being that Thomas Sowell, Herman Cain, Alan West and host of other prominent BLACK Tea Party supporters pack them in and get them cheering. In fact, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams are probably the heart and soul of Tea Party inspiration...

So to do better --- You've got to name names. And places.. And sources that are NOT based on Stormfront or obscure USMB links.. M'Kay???
If that is what you want to do. I am all for that. But then again, I am not singling anyone out, I am discussing the Tea Party as a whole and how it is seen through the eyes of MANY Americans, not just me. It just so you know...not all anti-Teapers are liberals. I consider myself to be extremely conservative...I just reject racism and do not believe it is a conservative value...whether presented to prove a point, in retaliation to liberal finger pointing or because we have a black President. His race has nothing to do with why I disagree with him, how about you?

So are you saying that there is a racist faction of the Tea Party, but they don't represent you or are you saying there is no racism in the Tea Party?

Cite me anything in the Tea Party platform that is racist. If you can't you are simply spouting speculative and cherry picked anomalies.

Cite me something racist from the Nazi Platform while they were trying to come into power (no I am not comparing Nazi's to Teapers). Cite me something racist from the Democratic Party Platform....they, as I said earlier, are inherently racist towards blacks. Do you think racism is advertised? Maybe by the KKK, but hell, if you read some of their material you won't see much when it comes to overt racism, will you?

No you won't----It's all a little figment in your own dream world. Cite some hard evidence or yield.
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