Tear Down This Myth

Here is the reality , He was not the myth , he was a president with good and bad points.

Examining his record and comparing it against the myth that has been created is not tearing him down.

Its called reality.

Again.. Who cares? Now what? Gonna go dig him up and rewrite history?
Shattered there are other threads more to your liking so you dont have to answer this one.

I and the others in here care about this thread.

No one is forcing you to care.
Shattered there are other threads more to your liking so you dont have to answer this one.

I and the others in here care about this thread.

No one is forcing you to care.

You're sitting here scratching for attention by bumping and bumping until people answer you, and then when you don't get the answers you want you tell them to go away?


Answer all you want.

your obsessions are showing.

Try using facts instead of insults you might like it.
Shattered there are other threads more to your liking so you dont have to answer this one.

I and the others in here care about this thread.

No one is forcing you to care.

She wasn't insulting you. Was pointing out the relevancy of your posts. There isn't any. An 18 year old has told you they are not relevant. Can you comprehend that?
Shattered there are other threads more to your liking so you dont have to answer this one.

I and the others in here care about this thread.

No one is forcing you to care.

Where's my answer?

Oh yeah, that's right, you don't stay on point, and never answer direct questions.

I'm really reluctant to classify people and subsequently ignore them because of their lack of relevance but you look more and more like a troll to me all the time.
I liked Ike. I liked Gerald Ford. I liked Lincoln. Let's have more Republicans like them.
Shattered there are other threads more to your liking so you dont have to answer this one.

I and the others in here care about this thread.

No one is forcing you to care.

Where's my answer?

Oh yeah, that's right, you don't stay on point, and never answer direct questions.

I'm really reluctant to classify people and subsequently ignore them because of their lack of relevance but you look more and more like a troll to me all the time.

Registered abuser? What's up with that?
Amanda , I'm assuming you mean these questions of yours.

But here's your chance to make a point, if you could manage to prove Reagan was the worst president ever, what would you have accomplished? I never claimed Reagan was he worst ever, its Bush hands down. Again I know you dont like the answer I already gave you but that does not mean I did not give it to you. I said
Its called history my dear.

Its how you learn and keep from making the same mistakes over and over. Remember?

BTW Yes people do care and yes they will buy the book. thank you for retracking that statement "no one cares".

Would our energy crisis be fixed? It would help people recognise how to move forward instead of making the same stupid mistakes.

How about Iraq? It would help people recognise the failed policies of the past and to believe in Myths instead of reality and yes this can help us make better desicions on anything that we deal with in the future including Iraq. Dont make gods out of mere men.

Would it fix anything?

To fix somthing you have to know what went wrong, these stupid ideas started with Reagan and the myth of the man insead the reality of wwhat he did.
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Amanda , I'm assuming you mean these questions of yours.

But here's your chance to make a point, if you could manage to prove Reagan was the worst president ever, what would you have accomplished? I never claimed Reagan was he worst ever, its Bush hands down. Again I know you dont like the answer I already gave you but that does not mean I did not give it to you. I said
Its called history my dear.

Its how you learn and keep from making the same mistakes over and over. Remember?

BTW Yes people do care and yes they will buy the book. thank you for retracking that statement "no one cares".

Would our energy crisis be fixed? It would help people recognise how to move forward instead of making the same stupid mistakes.

How about Iraq? It would help people recognise the failed policies of the past and to believe in Myths instead of reality and yes this can help us make better desicions on anything that we deal with in the future including Iraq. Dont make gods out of mere men.

Would it fix anything?

To fix somthing you have to know what went wrong, these stupid ideas started with Reagan and the myth of the man insead the reality of wwhat he did.

In other words, no.

You can't name anything concrete that would be any different, thus it is in fact a pointless exercise.

As for your question about what I love so much about Reagan? Nothing. I don't care either way on Reagan, he was before my time and no longer relevant.
No one cares about reagan anymore I guess.

We have a winner!

That's right, no one cares about going back and tearing down a guy that hasn't been in power for more than 20 years. Amazing, huh?

Let's imagine you somehow manage to prove Reagan was the Devil himself. So what? That solves any modern problems? No.

It's boring and it's no longer relevant. Just like Clinton, Reagan is over, except Reagan is even more irrelevant because it's been longer and he's deader. Give it up, whether it's some stupid solar panels or whatever other inane malarky you come up with: no one cares.

Why did you answer this thread if it doesnt matter?
So you truely think History is completetly unrelevant?

I knew I should have pre-emptively struck that tired old saw "it's history and we're DOOMED to repeat it". I have no doubt that history is important, what isn't important is tearing down Reagan NOW. It is an exercise without merit.

This is boring. It's so bad at this point I can just cut and paste what I've already said.

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