Ted Cruz: 2nd Amendment Is 'Ultimate Check Against Government Tyranny'

LOL...when as the last time a racist teaper talked about smaller government and fiscal responsibility...all your ilk ever talk about is killing n1ggers, fucking fags, sucking Jew cock and klling Obama. Teapers are nothing more than racist traitors.

So where do you get this idea that blacks are less capable than whites of taking care of themselves, so it's racist to not give them money?
What the fuck are you talking about, racist teaper. Like a typical, seditious teaper...you are trying to assign a value to me which I do not hold. Pathetic fucking teapers!

Try again, teaper hate bitch.

What a child. Just so you know, I'm a hell of a lot scarier to your lust for other people's money, I'm actually a libertarian. They just want to put you on a money diet and have you lose a few pounds. I want to put you on a crash money diet and rock your world.

Does that crap actually sound good to you, Al Sharpton?
Again, the teaper racist bitch is trying to assign a value and argument that I have never made. I am a TRUE conservative you racist teaper pussy. A TRUE conservative that doesn't use race as an excuse for hate.

The Tea Party doesn't talk about race, your Democrat hate pimps do. Look at your reaction to just cutting down on free government cheese, they are leading you by the nose. All the Tea Party says is let's tax and spend a little less, they are after no fundamental change.

And again, you calling me a teaper is like calling an obese man chubby. I am far, far beyond them, I would rock your world, they just want to tweak it.
WHy does the tea party have an army/ Fucking seditionist assholes. I cannot wait for you guys to start your revolution....I am ready for it...so are most 2a loving Americans who don't believe in teaper hate politics and seditious activity.

The Tea Party has an ARMY? Really Sally?

You must be TERRIBLY concerned about the SALVATION Army, too.

You imbecile.
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You believe photos establishment leftists post with pictures of racists with captions about the tea party. We know tea partiers. Obviously you know better, would a leftist propagandist lie? Obviously not
I believe what I hear your teaper ilk spew on this forum. I believe what hear racist teapers say n real life. Tea Party is a hate group that wants to start a race war. I look forward to that day.

You must be a lemming too that doesn't understand what the group you support is really up to.

Blah blah, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just a dependency whore saying what your masters tell you to so they give you more free government cheese
:lol:Typical teaper cvnt...disagree with them and they start to assign arguments and values to people. Idiots don't have a single original thought...other than saying..."I am not a teaper, I am a libertarian...teapers just define me".

:rofl: Talk to me when you learn about TRUE conservatism.
The Tea Party has an ARMY? Really Sally?

You must be TERRIBLY concerned about the SALVATION Army, too.

You imbecile.
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You believe photos establishment leftists post with pictures of racists with captions about the tea party. We know tea partiers. Obviously you know better, would a leftist propagandist lie? Obviously not
I believe what I hear your teaper ilk spew on this forum. I believe what hear racist teapers say n real life. Tea Party is a hate group that wants to start a race war. I look forward to that day.

You must be a lemming too that doesn't understand what the group you support is really up to.

Blah blah, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just a dependency whore saying what your masters tell you to so they give you more free government cheese
:lol:Typical teaper cvnt...disagree with them and they start to assign arguments and values to people. Idiots don't have a single original thought...other than saying..."I am not a teaper, I am a libertarian...teapers just define me".

:rofl: Talk to me when you learn about TRUE conservatism.

YOU don't have the foggiest notion of the MEANING of "true" conservatism, asshole.

Don't talk at all. You only confirm what a useless blood clot you are.
Great, another fucking teaper. Speaking of Hitler's Army...why the fuck does the tea party have an army? Forget the history of tyranny, the tea party acts just lke the Nazi party. Fuckers...destroying the US and true conservatism with hate politics, threats of sedition, and obstruction.

Nutz: At least your self-referential name is appropriate.

You don't know jack shit about true conservatism.

You don't have the slightest grasp of the purpose of the Tea Party.

And like all your idiot "disarm them all" ilk on this thread, you don't have the slightest grasp on what Cruz said or how and why he was completely correct.
WHy does the tea party have an army/ Fucking seditionist assholes. I cannot wait for you guys to start your revolution....I am ready for it...so are most 2a loving Americans who don't believe in teaper hate politics and seditious activity.

The Tea Party has an ARMY? Really Sally?

You must be TERRIBLY concerned about the SALVATION Army, too.

You imbecile.
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You are the epitome of low information.

The Tea Party comes in many forms. It is NOT (contrary to what your masters tell you, you pathetic little sheep) one organized official entity.

One big Tea Party group CALLS itself the Tea Party Army. My point, you brainless dufus, is that the Salvation Army also calls ITSELF an "Army," too, but that doesn't make them a bunch of armed warriors, you tragic brain dead nit wit.

Damn. You are an ignorant clueless rancid twat. Go play in traffic.
Sure, the tea party is one group. You can be an idiot and lemming and believe it is not...but they speak with a single voice. They have their own army (armed with camps and training). But you are too low info to realize that...comparing terrorists to the salvation army. What a buffoon.

Do some research...google tea party army. Read some of your teaper literature, blogs, and twitter feeds...you will see the tea party is nothing more that a hate group with hopes of starting an armed conflict and race war..

Fucking pathetic. Clueless. Lemming. TEAPERS!
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You believe photos establishment leftists post with pictures of racists with captions about the tea party. We know tea partiers. Obviously you know better, would a leftist propagandist lie? Obviously not
I believe what I hear your teaper ilk spew on this forum. I believe what hear racist teapers say n real life. Tea Party is a hate group that wants to start a race war. I look forward to that day.

You must be a lemming too that doesn't understand what the group you support is really up to.

Blah blah, you don't know what you're talking about. You're just a dependency whore saying what your masters tell you to so they give you more free government cheese
:lol:Typical teaper cvnt...disagree with them and they start to assign arguments and values to people. Idiots don't have a single original thought...other than saying..."I am not a teaper, I am a libertarian...teapers just define me".

:rofl: Talk to me when you learn about TRUE conservatism.

YOU don't have the foggiest notion of the MEANING of "true" conservatism, asshole.

Don't talk at all. You only confirm what a useless blood clot you are.
Sure I do...regretfully, your hate ilk don't understand hate and race are not conservative values.
I don't spend a lot of time worrying about who (Shrillary) the liberal Democrat Parody will nominate (Shrillary) as their next Presidential nominee (Shrillary).

I don't believe in cross party primaries (and the empire State doesn't allow that shit anyway).

So, I resign myself to the fact that the odds on favorite liberal Democrat Parody candidate for President (Shrillary) will win that Party's nod as nominee, and THEN I'll concern myself with doing what I can to highlight her massive (thighs) inadequacies for the job.

Yet lots of the liberal Democrat Parody hacks here at USMB spend massive amounts of time discussing the various GOP candidates' qualifications for (and objections to the prospect of their winning the nod as) GOP nominee. Hm.

So, was it good for you, l'il welcher?

How we got from the 2nd amendment (which is the topic of this thread, btw....) and your secret love affair with Hillary is a magnum mysterium.

First off, as you knew before you just lied, I never welshed. Period. That's ok, credibility aint yer strong suit anyway.

We got to the topic of Shrillary, for those weak minded sots such as you who cannot follow the line from A to B, by wondering why some dolt liberal Democrat loyalist hacks give a rat's ass about the assertion of GOP candidate Cruz in the first place. It's not like you would ever vote for him one way or the other.

The 2d Amendment is NOT the topic of this thread, either. The TOPIC is the Cruz contention that the 2d Amendment had a purpose of serving as an ultimate check against tyrannical government. It started off as an attack on a GOP candidate for allegedly saying something sinister and stupid.

It was neither. It was, instead, a correct historical and factual contention about one of Amendments in our Bill of Rights.

I wonder if Shrillary would dispute its accuracy (assuming she were capable of addressing a Constitutional question in the first place)?

That was a cool-assed rant.

Now, regardless of the many nasty things that people say about welchers like you, I am always glad to see you here, and I mean that quite sincerely.

Since we are on Calgary Cruz's interpretation of the 2nd amendment, please point me to the text within said amendment that gives people the right to shoot the gubbermint.

So many Righties lie out their asses and evade and oh my, lions and tigers and bears, but I am totally confident that you are going to be honest and actually debate something like an adult.

LOL...when as the last time a racist teaper talked about smaller government and fiscal responsibility...all your ilk ever talk about is killing n1ggers, fucking fags, sucking Jew cock and klling Obama. Teapers are nothing more than racist traitors.

So where do you get this idea that blacks are less capable than whites of taking care of themselves, so it's racist to not give them money?
What the fuck are you talking about, racist teaper. Like a typical, seditious teaper...you are trying to assign a value to me which I do not hold. Pathetic fucking teapers!

Try again, teaper hate bitch.

What a child. Just so you know, I'm a hell of a lot scarier to your lust for other people's money, I'm actually a libertarian. They just want to put you on a money diet and have you lose a few pounds. I want to put you on a crash money diet and rock your world.

Does that crap actually sound good to you, Al Sharpton?
Again, the teaper racist bitch is trying to assign a value and argument that I have never made. I am a TRUE conservative you racist teaper pussy. A TRUE conservative that doesn't use race as an excuse for hate.

The Tea Party doesn't talk about race, your Democrat hate pimps do. Look at your reaction to just cutting down on free government cheese, they are leading you by the nose. All the Tea Party says is let's tax and spend a little less, they are after no fundamental change.

And again, you calling me a teaper is like calling an obese man chubby. I am far, far beyond them, I would rock your world, they just want to tweak it.
OMG...LMAO...the teapers don't talk about race...:lmao: Have you read any posts on this forum...that is ALL TEAPERS TALK ABOUT! When was the last time you heard a fucking teaper talk about smaller government and fiscal responsibilty? LOL, you teapers are low info and pathetic.
:rofl: Talk to me when you learn about TRUE conservatism.

Gotcha, "TRUE" conservatives are authoritarian leftist dependency whores. Words aren't your thing, are they Karl?
:lmao: You have no clue. You teapers are funny..you call anyone who doesn't subscribe to your hate narrative a lefty.
YOU don't have the foggiest notion of the MEANING of "true" conservatism, asshole.
Sure I do...regretfully, your hate ilk don't understand hate and race are not conservative values.

He's not the one in this discussion having a problem grasping that
Take a gander around this hate site. Look at what your teaper ilk spews...then get back to me. Again, anyone dumb enough to be a teaper is willfully ignorant to the truth.
Nutz: At least your self-referential name is appropriate.

You don't know jack shit about true conservatism.

You don't have the slightest grasp of the purpose of the Tea Party.

And like all your idiot "disarm them all" ilk on this thread, you don't have the slightest grasp on what Cruz said or how and why he was completely correct.
WHy does the tea party have an army/ Fucking seditionist assholes. I cannot wait for you guys to start your revolution....I am ready for it...so are most 2a loving Americans who don't believe in teaper hate politics and seditious activity.

The Tea Party has an ARMY? Really Sally?

You must be TERRIBLY concerned about the SALVATION Army, too.

You imbecile.
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You are the epitome of low information.

The Tea Party comes in many forms. It is NOT (contrary to what your masters tell you, you pathetic little sheep) one organized official entity.

One big Tea Party group CALLS itself the Tea Party Army. My point, you brainless dufus, is that the Salvation Army also calls ITSELF an "Army," too, but that doesn't make them a bunch of armed warriors, you tragic brain dead nit wit.

Damn. You are an ignorant clueless rancid twat. Go play in traffic.
Sure, the tea party is one group. You can be an idiot and lemming and believe it is not...but they speak with a single voice. They have their own army (armed with camps and training). But you are too low info to realize that...comparing terrorists to the salvation army. What a buffoon.

Do some research...google tea party army. Read some of your teaper literature, blogs, and twitter feeds...you will see the tea party is nothing more that a hate group with hopes of starting an armed conflict and race war..

Fucking pathetic. Clueless. Lemming. TEAPERS!

You are a complete fucking moron and you are flatly wrong. Or maybe you are simply a liar, but since you are so stupid, I will ascribe your incorrect claims to your massive woeful ignorance instead.

The TEA PARTY is not one group. They are a variety of different groups sharing (generally) the same basic views about the proper LIMITATIONS on Government authority.

And you are also dutifully lapping up bullshit propaganda about it being a HATE GROUP. It flatly is not. Again, you are probably too stupid to understand how easily you were intentionally misled. But you are a victim. They took advantage of your tragically low IQ.

Go sit in a corner, you pathetic asshole. Contemplate the dust motes.
I don't spend a lot of time worrying about who (Shrillary) the liberal Democrat Parody will nominate (Shrillary) as their next Presidential nominee (Shrillary).

I don't believe in cross party primaries (and the empire State doesn't allow that shit anyway).

So, I resign myself to the fact that the odds on favorite liberal Democrat Parody candidate for President (Shrillary) will win that Party's nod as nominee, and THEN I'll concern myself with doing what I can to highlight her massive (thighs) inadequacies for the job.

Yet lots of the liberal Democrat Parody hacks here at USMB spend massive amounts of time discussing the various GOP candidates' qualifications for (and objections to the prospect of their winning the nod as) GOP nominee. Hm.

So, was it good for you, l'il welcher?

How we got from the 2nd amendment (which is the topic of this thread, btw....) and your secret love affair with Hillary is a magnum mysterium.

First off, as you knew before you just lied, I never welshed. Period. That's ok, credibility aint yer strong suit anyway.

We got to the topic of Shrillary, for those weak minded sots such as you who cannot follow the line from A to B, by wondering why some dolt liberal Democrat loyalist hacks give a rat's ass about the assertion of GOP candidate Cruz in the first place. It's not like you would ever vote for him one way or the other.

The 2d Amendment is NOT the topic of this thread, either. The TOPIC is the Cruz contention that the 2d Amendment had a purpose of serving as an ultimate check against tyrannical government. It started off as an attack on a GOP candidate for allegedly saying something sinister and stupid.

It was neither. It was, instead, a correct historical and factual contention about one of Amendments in our Bill of Rights.

I wonder if Shrillary would dispute its accuracy (assuming she were capable of addressing a Constitutional question in the first place)?

That was a cool-assed rant.

Now, regardless of the many nasty things that people say about welchers like you, I am always glad to see you here, and I mean that quite sincerely.

Since we are on Calgary Cruz's interpretation of the 2nd amendment, please point me to the text within said amendment that gives people the right to shoot the gubbermint.

So many Righties lie out their asses and evade and oh my, lions and tigers and bears, but I am totally confident that you are going to be honest and actually debate something like an adult.


And again, simpleton hack bitches like you love to start off with that dishonest claim of welshing in the vain hope that it might deflect. It doesn't. It simply reveals your disdain for honesty.

And when you ask me to point to the TEXT with the 2d amendment that gives anybody the "right" to shoot the gubmint, you are either being deliberately obtuse or you might actually be establishing just how ignorant or stupid you are. Which is it?

Show me the text within any Amendment that you have a "right" to privacy.

While you're at it, show me the text within the 4th amendment that says that cops are obligated to READ your "right to remain silent, etc" to you BEFORE they are allowed to question you after an arrest.

I ask, because it APPEARS to be your ignorant belief that unless it is in the TEXT a right does not exist.

:rofl: Talk to me when you learn about TRUE conservatism.

Gotcha, "TRUE" conservatives are authoritarian leftist dependency whores. Words aren't your thing, are they Karl?
:lmao: You have no clue. You teapers are funny..you call anyone who doesn't subscribe to your hate narrative a lefty.

Yes, small government is hate. I would give you my money, but I hate you. The standard you set for yourself is quite lofty, isn't it?
WHy does the tea party have an army/ Fucking seditionist assholes. I cannot wait for you guys to start your revolution....I am ready for it...so are most 2a loving Americans who don't believe in teaper hate politics and seditious activity.

The Tea Party has an ARMY? Really Sally?

You must be TERRIBLY concerned about the SALVATION Army, too.

You imbecile.
:lol: A low info teaper that knows absolutely nothing about the hate group he supports. How fucking pathetic. have prvided a number of links on a number of occasions...you should try a google search to truly learn about the teaper goals of a race war, revolution, and n1gger killing.
Fucking pathetic thatyou staunchly support a group and don't have a fuckng clue about them. Pathetic. Low info lemming....Sally.

You are the epitome of low information.

The Tea Party comes in many forms. It is NOT (contrary to what your masters tell you, you pathetic little sheep) one organized official entity.

One big Tea Party group CALLS itself the Tea Party Army. My point, you brainless dufus, is that the Salvation Army also calls ITSELF an "Army," too, but that doesn't make them a bunch of armed warriors, you tragic brain dead nit wit.

Damn. You are an ignorant clueless rancid twat. Go play in traffic.
Sure, the tea party is one group. You can be an idiot and lemming and believe it is not...but they speak with a single voice. They have their own army (armed with camps and training). But you are too low info to realize that...comparing terrorists to the salvation army. What a buffoon.

Do some research...google tea party army. Read some of your teaper literature, blogs, and twitter feeds...you will see the tea party is nothing more that a hate group with hopes of starting an armed conflict and race war..

Fucking pathetic. Clueless. Lemming. TEAPERS!

You are a complete fucking moron and you are flatly wrong. Or maybe you are simply a liar, but since you are so stupid, I will ascribe your incorrect claims to your massive woeful ignorance instead.

The TEA PARTY is not one group. They are a variety of different groups sharing (generally) the same basic views about the proper LIMITATIONS on Government authority.

And you are also dutifully lapping up bullshit propaganda about it being a HATE GROUP. It flatly is not. Again, you are probably too stupid to understand how easily you were intentionally misled. But you are a victim. They took advantage of your tragically low IQ.

Go sit in a corner, you pathetic asshole. Contemplate the dust motes.
Teapers are so funny...they know nothing about their group...the teaper army, the teaper hate, and the teaper plans for a race war. You should research what you support.
YOU don't have the foggiest notion of the MEANING of "true" conservatism, asshole.
Sure I do...regretfully, your hate ilk don't understand hate and race are not conservative values.

He's not the one in this discussion having a problem grasping that
Take a gander around this hate site. Look at what your teaper ilk spews...then get back to me. Again, anyone dumb enough to be a teaper is willfully ignorant to the truth.

So you are a conservative, and you're insulting me by calling me a conservative. Wow, if your warm up routine is this good, I can't wait for the main show

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