Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Fortunately I believe most heads-of-state are in fact atheist despite what they might say to get elected. If a person really believed in God, being judged for their actions, and an afterlife, their behaviour would reflect it. Only behaviours I see are from people not worried about getting judged.
Even they are concerned about their legacy. You don't need a God for that one.

Every US President breaks the 6th commandment. No US attack or war is according to theological law governing warfare, thus they're all commited murder on massive scales. If a President really believed in that stuff we'd have peace.
They are Christians like the rest of America, meaning they aren't actually...

Easy to believe in a reliigon, they're not actually different than political ideologies. But believing in God and judgement and an afterlife is apart from a given faith. Religions are like social clubs, 'hey look everybody I'm a (insert religion here.) Ya attend services however often and everyone there likes everyone else by virtue of simply being present. But if you actually believed in the theological claims your beahvaiour'd reflect that belief, and that fear. Wouldn't have embezzling megachurch pastors, or ones denouncing homosexuality while hiring gay prostitutes and the like if they really believed - can't hide anything from God. It's a public face thing, get more syaing you're the dominant religion than you lose doing so. But the way you behave reveals all to the astute observer.
Here is a little question for ya

How do you know we never had an atheist for President?

If you could tell someone was an atheist just by looking, christians would never asked if you believed in God.
Fortunately I believe most heads-of-state are in fact atheist despite what they might say to get elected. If a person really believed in God, being judged for their actions, and an afterlife, their behaviour would reflect it. Only behaviours I see are from people not worried about getting judged.
The people who flew airplanes into the World Trade Center and slaughtered thousands of people believed in God.

Like I said earlier, there are few people more dangerous than a maniac who believes he is doing God's will.

Just because Presidents and other leaders do bad things does not make them atheists. Besides, why would you want to claim them as one of your own? :D

There are a lot of people who get their will mixed up with God's will. They think God just so happens to want the same thing they do. That's the pride of which I also spoke earlier.

I prefer a God-fearing person as President. But it should not be a condition of the office.
The most dangerous of all believes THEY are God.
Here is a little question for ya

How do you know we never had an atheist for President?

If you could tell someone was an atheist just by looking, christians would never asked if you believed in God.

I imagine it would take a little research, but I think one could vet out if any of our presidents were atheists. As well as current candidates. Granted, if one does not attempt to find out they very well may never know based on the media alone.

I would also think a devout and serious Christian would and should be interested in knowing if those running for president are atheist. It would absolutely be a deal-breaker. I, personally, would also out and out reject and agnostic or Muslim.

As a believer, what one believes is what one practices. Atheist practices vary greatly from Christian ones. Cannot have that, if we get a vote.
But if you actually believed in the theological claims your beahvaiour'd reflect that belief, and that fear.

That would only be true if humans were perfect beings.

As it is, we aren't. So your hypothesis that people who believe in God would not sin is patently ridiculous.

The whole point of religion (Christianity, at least) is the mitigation and forgiveness of sin, not the elimination of it.
Just curious...why are atheists so rabidly pissed and frothing at the mouth, intent on attacking something they don't believe in? Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, Mickey Mouse...none of those exist, but you never demand Santas be removed from malls, Santas on court house lawns be removed. What is it about Christianity, and all pun intended, that scares the hell out of you?

2ndly...and I applaud you for not doing it because it shows you are semi-intelligent and have no desire to have your head cut off, but WHY don't you go after Islam / Mohammed as equally aggressively? :p
Just curious...why are atheists so rabidly pissed and frothing at the mouth, intent on attacking something they don't believe in? Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, Mickey Mouse...none of those exist, but you never demand Santas be removed from malls, Santas on court house lawns be removed. What is it about Christianity, and all pun intended, that scares the hell out of you?

2ndly...and I applaud you for not doing it because it shows you are semi-intelligent and have no desire to have your head cut off, but WHY don't you go after Islam / Mohammed as equally aggressively? :p

That's one giant shoebox you've got there.
Just curious...why are atheists so rabidly pissed and frothing at the mouth, intent on attacking something they don't believe in? Santa Clause, the Easter bunny, Mickey Mouse...none of those exist, but you never demand Santas be removed from malls, Santas on court house lawns be removed. What is it about Christianity, and all pun intended, that scares the hell out of you?

2ndly...and I applaud you for not doing it because it shows you are semi-intelligent and have no desire to have your head cut off, but WHY don't you go after Islam / Mohammed as equally aggressively? :p
People who believe in the Easter Bunny don't try to run the world the way they believe the Easter Bunny would approve of. They do not do the Will of The Easter Bunny or obey the Holy Book of the Easter Bunny, without rational thought.
People who believe in the Easter Bunny don't try to run the world the way they believe the Easter Bunny would approve of. They do not do the Will of The Easter Bunny or obey the Holy Book of the Easter Bunny, without rational thought.

Having a nativity scene in public, saying a prayer in public - those aren't exactly 'trying to run the world', but they sure makes atheists go ape-shi'ite'.

When the Extremists come and demand you convert to Islam, are you going to tell them you are an atheist and get your head cut off...or are you going to 'find religion'? :p

(And funny how you call something you don't understand to be 'irrational thought'. Actually there is much science and history in the Bible...and the Quran...and the Dead Sea Scrolls....that atheists reject / refuse to acknowledge. Your saying 'uh-uh' doesn't make it 'irrational'.)
Science found in the Bible well before 'rational' people discovered it:

BIBLE: "Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
- Science discovered that everything we see is composed of invisible atoms

BIBLE: “Consistently says that a baby must be circumcised on the eighth day.”
- Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its peak on the eighth day, then drops.

BIBLE: "He...hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7).
- There was a time when man believed the Earth sat atop a large animal. The Bible describes space.

BIBLE: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22).
- Well before Columbus proved the world was round the bible already stated the earth was round.

BIBLE: "Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say to you, Here we are?" (Job 38:35)
- Radio waves travel at the speed of light…foreshadowing of radio waves and things to come? Science didn’t discover this until 1864 when "British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia).

BIBLE: "Where is the way where light dwells?"
- Man discovered light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000 miles per second

BIBLE: Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."
- Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch.

BIBLE / SCIENCE: "Most cosmologists (scientists who study the structures and evolution of the universe) agree that the Genesis account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily close to the truth"

BIBLE: "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes 1:6).
- Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists "discovered" them.

BIBLE: "In the beginning [time] God created [power] the heaven [space] and the earth [matter] (Genesis 1:1,2)
- Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion.

BIBLE: The Bible specifies the perfect dimensions for a stable water vessel (Genesis 6:15).
- Ship builders today are well aware that the ideal dimension for ship stability is a length six times that of the width. Keep in mind, God told Noah the ideal dimensions for the ark 4,500 years ago.

BIBLE: “Have you entered the springs of the sea? Or have you walked in search of the depths?
- Jonah 2: 5 – 6 talks about the great mountains at the bottom of the ocean -- The ocean is very deep. Almost all the ocean floor is in total darkness and the pressure there is enormous. It would have been impossible for Job to have explored the "springs of the sea." It would have been impossible for Jonah to know that there were great mountains under the ocean. Until recently, it was thought that oceans were fed only by rivers and rain. Yet in the 1970s, with the help of deep diving research submarines that were constructed to withstand 6,000 pounds-per-square-inch pressure, oceanographers discovered springs on the ocean floors!
"After many millions of man-hours of research and evidence analysis, archaeology has repeatedly confirmed the reliability of the Bible. The Bible has been proven geographically and re-proven historically accurate, in the most exacting detail, by external evidences. "

"The Bible has proven to be more historically and archaeologically accurate than any other ancient book. It has been subjected to the minutest scientific textual analysis possible to humanity and has been proven to be authentic in every way."

LINK: Historical Accuracy | The Institute for Creation Research

Hardly 'irrational', based on SCIENCE, Geography, Archeology, historical texts, etc...
I guess when all you can do is laugh because you have no way to scientifically DIS-prove what science has proven then ya just gotta laugh and hope no one sees it as you being proven wrong.
Atheists would be perfect for president .
They would show no favoritism to any religion.
Or make decisions based on a religious belief or sentiment .
Cruz on the other hand would do so with abandon.

Well, the Atheist Pol Pot does define the principles and goals of you leftists. :thup:

You of the left have supported many Atheists, Vlad Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, et al..

200 million peace time civilians slaughtered just proves what good rulers you Atheists are, right duhs?
I guess when all you can do is laugh because you have no way to scientifically DIS-prove what science has proven then ya just gotta laugh and hope no one sees it as you being proven wrong.

At least I don't live my life based on fairy tales written by ancient, superstitious goat/sheepherders who believed in a mythical Sky Daddy. My favorite one is about Jesus knocking up his own mother and becoming his own father. That's a classic!

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