Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

You really should take a few geology courses.
I actually did...and while your pathetic attempt to respond to the question about how shells and sea life fossils made their way to the tops of some of the tallest mountains on the face of the planet - far from water - was slightly amusing, it amounts to the admission you have no clue and can't explain it. That's ok - geologists and scientists far smarter than you, as the report pointed out, haven't been able to either.

Ocean levels have risen and fallen over millions of years, as have mountains.
Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.

The fact that someone doesn't believe in supernatural beings for which there is no evidence of their existence, and then proceeds to talk to them and configure one's life habits and behaviors to what one imagines they have been instructed
hardly makes the non-believer suspect in character and morality.

Hell, the guys who flew planes into the towers were probably more religious than you are.
Ocean levels have risen and fallen over millions of years, as have mountains.


Algore and Obama the magnificent said ocean levels were always the same until man made Gaia angry with our carbon sins. IF ocean levels rose and fell over millions of years, that would mean that the climate changes regardless of human activity and that your god Obama is a fucking liar...

Ocean levels have risen and fallen over millions of years, as have mountains.
Ocean levels have not risen to above the tops of the Andes or the Himalayas (mountains far from land) in our recorded past .... unless you would like to provide me with a link to the scientific article/paper that explains this happened with these mountains?!
If we don't stop global warming, though, the entire earth will be flooded.... :rolleyes:

When you fill ice all the way up in a glass and then pour in water right to the brim....when the ice melts, does the glass overflow?! Ummmm.....NO! (Obama...dumbmass)
In the face of science Lakhota keeps laughing.....I guess they are right - ignorance is bliss. :p

Good question.

You and other keep blathering about how Carson isn't fit to be president.

I keep asking what represents fit.

Seems you can't answer that.

And apparently you need to explain Cruz's position to you.

So I'll try.

Cruz's position is stupid and wrong.

This is as close to a religious test as you can get without actually being one.

Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.
Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.
So if there was no God, you would do whatever you feel like? You would be evil? I think your post revealed more about YOUR character than the character of atheists.
Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.

The fact that someone doesn't believe in supernatural beings for which there is no evidence of their existence, and then proceeds to talk to them and configure one's life habits and behaviors to what one imagines they have been instructed
hardly makes the non-believer suspect in character and morality.

Hell, the guys who flew planes into the towers were probably more religious than you are.

Atheists by definition are arrogant. Given our limited knowledge of the universe to dismiss completely the potential existence of something suggests a limited and rigid pattern of thought and a deep flaw in their character. I don't want some freak atheist within 10 miles of the White House.
Shitting Bull, you are both stupid and a shameless liar. There was no over-arching religion among the American Indians.

Actually, he never claimed there was. He merely said that many Native Americans believed in Wakan Tanka. And he's right. Wakan Tanka is a spiritual concept that was found among many cultures that would nowadays be called First Nations and Native American cultures.

The stone age tribes of the the plains worshiped whatever tradition happened to be handed down. Tribal lore and myth drove the spiritual views of the tribesmen.

Handed down from where? These peoples all had common origins. Thus, according to you, they all must have had the same belief system "handed down" to them.

With not written language, the only method of communication was verbal, meaning that even myths with common roots distorted from tribe to tribe.

Not even close! Spoken records are famously known to have been very accurate across ancient societies, up until written language is developed. It's only after written language appears in societies that spoken records begin to breakdown in accuracy. Researchers attribute this to the fact that prior to the development of writing, the keeping of spoken records ends up being treated as a nearly sacred duty. It took years of training, and you had to remember every last word, down to the correct inflection of the voice in many cases. As the only way to preserve a culture's history and lore, spoken records were treated as the priceless jewels that they were for those cultures. For example, Homer's Illiad and Odyssey were passed down for generations without writing.

These were people who had not invented the wheel nor domesticated animals.

Are you ignorant, or just trolling?

Native Americans First Tamed Turkeys 2,000 Years Ago : DNews


One of several Olmec wheeled toys, proving the presence of the wheel in Pre-Columbian America.

The Olmecs.
Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.
So if there was no God, you would do whatever you feel like? You would be evil? I think your post revealed more about YOUR character than the character of atheists.

People who identify as atheist often do so to excuse some heathen behavior they are engaged in.
Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.
So if there was no God, you would do whatever you feel like? You would be evil? I think your post revealed more about YOUR character than the character of atheists.

People who identify as atheist often do so to excuse some heathen behavior they are engaged in.
Textbook straw man fallacy. It has an eerie quality that feels like you are channeling Bill O'Reilly.
Noah's Ark is my second favorite Biblical fairy tale.


Fairy Tale? Please explain then how sea shells, fossils, and other 'highly questionable' artifacts have been found at the tops and on the Andes in south America and the Himalayas? If you can scientifically explain / prove it you will be the 1st one to do so....

"Fossilized sea life lies atop every major mountain range on earth—far above sea level and usually far from the nearest body of water. Attempts to explain “seashells on mountaintops” have generated controversy for centuries."
LINK: In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - 129. Seashells on Mountaintops

Yeah, I bet it has...because 'scholars' like you can't figure out how all of these fossils and shells got on the top of some of the highest mountains in the world, far from the nearest body of water....


How are mountains formed?

Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.
So if there was no God, you would do whatever you feel like? You would be evil? I think your post revealed more about YOUR character than the character of atheists.

People who identify as atheist often do so to excuse some heathen behavior they are engaged in.
Textbook straw man fallacy. It has an eerie quality that feels like you are channeling Bill O'Reilly.

Translation, I struck a nerve.
Noah's Ark is my second favorite Biblical fairy tale.


Fairy Tale? Please explain then how sea shells, fossils, and other 'highly questionable' artifacts have been found at the tops and on the Andes in south America and the Himalayas? If you can scientifically explain / prove it you will be the 1st one to do so....

I wish it were true that I would be the first to explain. That would be awesome!

However, it appears I will be the first one to explain it...to you.

Landmasses rise over time. Plate tectonics.

So there you go.

ETA: Dammit! I'm not the first to explain it to you. I see rightwinger beat me to it. And he used a picture, which is more your speed. Well done, rightwinger. Well done.
Young Earth Creationists are suffering from the same pride which beleaguered the Roman Catholic Inquisition and it's damnation of the sun being the center of the solar system. They are conflating the spiritual with the temporal, and damaging religion in the process.
Ocean levels have not risen to above the tops of the Andes or the Himalayas

No, but the the tops of the Andes and Himalayas have risen above the ocean.


Subduction, the process that formed the Andes mountains.

During the Upper Cretaceous, about 70 million years ago, the north-moving Indo-Australian plate (which has subsequently broken into the Indian Plate and the Australian plate[9]) was moving at about 15 cm per year. About 50 million years ago this fast moving Indo-Australian plate had completely closed the Tethys Ocean, the existence of which has been determined by sedimentary rocks settled on the ocean floor, and the volcanoes that fringed its edges. Since both plates were composed of low density continental crust, they were thrust faulted and folded into mountain ranges rather than subducting into the mantle along an oceanic trench.[6] An often-cited fact used to illustrate this process is that the summit of Mount Everest is made of marine limestone from this ancient ocean.[10]

Himalayas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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