Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

I think the fact that you compare children briefly whispering in each others ears to the years of training that went into maintaining oral histories in ancient societies is all that anyone needs to know about you and your intellectual capacity.

I think the fact that you are utterly full of shit is why I nor anyone educated lends credence to your idiocy.

You either don't know where the Olmecs were, or were being deliberaty dishonest - most likely a combination of the two,

There is a concerted effort among the left to rewrite the history of the American Indians, to retroactively provide literature, art, music, and advanced culture to a people who had none. The popular lie a decade back revolved around a fabricated alphabet for the Iroquois. How that came about is that Ward Churchill told a lie, the lie was presented as fact among leftist academia, and presented as fact in the Ivy League cesspools. That it was an utter fabrication didn't seem to bother anyone, since it fit with the fiction that the left desires of a culturally superior Indian. Yes, the fraud has quietly dropped from leftist academia, but no one other than talk radio ever acknowledged that this was a lie by the fake Indian. Sadly, this is not an anomaly but the definition of leftist cultural studies.

I haven't checked, but I would say the odds are about a billion to one that your tale of domesticated turkeys by the plains Indians is a complete fabrication that leftist academia accepts and repeats uncritically, since it fits with the fiction they promote. Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs? Yep, they had developed cultures. Cheyenne, Lakhota, Creek, et al? Not a fucking chance.
Look up in the sky!
It's a turd!
It's insane !
It's unhinged 2008!

We need Atheists to rule - because Atheists like Stalin have proven the best rulers! Words of duhism...

Seriously duhs, it's not your fault that you're a fucking retard, you were born that way...
Fun fact, when unhinged starts using words like retard and makes false accusations of drug use a tantrum is only minutes even seconds away.
Senator Cruz believes people who don't pray aren't "fit to be commander-in-chief." It's just his opinion, and that is fine. He is entitled to his beliefs. He isn't advocating their obstruction from office. Even though the state he represents is one of eight that technically prohibit non-believers from holding public office per their constitutions. What I find troubling about these comments (Dr. Carson) is they are an anathema to what it means to be an American: your religion or lack thereof won't be held against you when it comes to participation in our democracy.
Fun fact when unhinged star

Another brilliant retort by duhs.

Swimexpert may be a moron, but he at least TRIES to support his idiocy by clipping bullshit from the Soros sites..

You fail to even offer that much intelligence.

Son, you're a drooling retard with nothing to contribute to the forum - and it's all you will ever be..

Good question.

You and other keep blathering about how Carson isn't fit to be president.

I keep asking what represents fit.

Seems you can't answer that.

And apparently you need to explain Cruz's position to you.

So I'll try.

Cruz's position is stupid and wrong.

This is as close to a religious test as you can get without actually being one.

Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.


Mental and secular sanity!
Fun fact when unhinged star

Another brilliant retort by duhs.

Swimexpert may be a moron, but he at least TRIES to support his idiocy by clipping bullshit from the Soros sites..

You fail to even offer that much intelligence.

Son, you're a drooling retard with nothing to contribute to the forum - and it's all you will ever be..

Can you tell us more about how children's games disprove archaeology?
'Kill the Gays' Pastor Says 'We Are Messed Up', Proves It with Epic Meltdown: WATCH - Towleroad
We’ve been writing about Kevin Swanson, who hosted Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa yesterday and today. Swanson has made some pretty insane remarks in the past.

But you have GOT TO WATCH this insane speech Swanson gave at the conference yesterday after interviewing Huckabee and Jindal.

Shrieked Swanson (an understatement):

“There are families, we’re talking Christian families, pastors’ families, elders’ families from good, godly churches, whose sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals and getting married and the parents are invited. What would you do if that was the case? Here is what I would do: sackcloth and ashes at the entrance to the church and I’d sit in cow manure and I’d spread it all over my body. That is what I would do and I’m not kidding, I’m not laughing….I’m grieving, I’m mourning, I’m pointing out the problem.

“It’s not a gay time! These are the people with the sores! The gaping sores! The sores that are pussey and gross, and people are coming in and carving happy faces on the sores! That’s not a nice thing to do! Don’t you DARE carve happy faces on open pussey sores! Don’t you ever do that! Don’t you ever do that!

“I tell you don’t do it. Sack cloth and ashes. This is what America needs. America needs to hear the message. We are messed up.

Watch, and figure out for yourselves who’s messed up:
Fun fact when unhinged star

Another brilliant retort by duhs.

Swimexpert may be a moron, but he at least TRIES to support his idiocy by clipping bullshit from the Soros sites..

You fail to even offer that much intelligence.

Son, you're a drooling retard with nothing to contribute to the forum - and it's all you will ever be..
You must be dripping with desperation. it's obvious that the post is unfinished.
However it does give some insight as to your mind set.
Fun fact when unhinged star

Another brilliant retort by duhs.

Swimexpert may be a moron, but he at least TRIES to support his idiocy by clipping bullshit from the Soros sites..

You fail to even offer that much intelligence.

Son, you're a drooling retard with nothing to contribute to the forum - and it's all you will ever be..
The tantrum begins!
Fun fact when unhinged star

Another brilliant retort by duhs.

Swimexpert may be a moron, but he at least TRIES to support his idiocy by clipping bullshit from the Soros sites..

You fail to even offer that much intelligence.

Son, you're a drooling retard with nothing to contribute to the forum - and it's all you will ever be..

Can you tell us more about how children's games disprove archaeology?
Was wondering that myself ?
Could be entertaining.
Can you tell us more about how children's games disprove archaeology?

Dismissing for a moment that you don't grasp the distinction between archeology and anthropology (and the fact you can't even spell the word;) are you actually claiming to have archaeological "proof" that oral traditions traverse not only generational barriers but in fact geographical boundaries?


Another leftist, another fucking blowhard...

Here is a peer reviewed look at the issue, from real anthropologists (George Soros doesn't cut it, sorry.)


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