Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President


'Kill the Gays' Pastor Says 'We Are Messed Up', Proves It with Epic Meltdown: WATCH - Towleroad
We’ve been writing about Kevin Swanson, who hosted Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa yesterday and today. Swanson has made some pretty insane remarks in the past.

But you have GOT TO WATCH this insane speech Swanson gave at the conference yesterday after interviewing Huckabee and Jindal.

Shrieked Swanson (an understatement):

“There are families, we’re talking Christian families, pastors’ families, elders’ families from good, godly churches, whose sons are rebelling, hanging out with homosexuals and getting married and the parents are invited. What would you do if that was the case? Here is what I would do: sackcloth and ashes at the entrance to the church and I’d sit in cow manure and I’d spread it all over my body. That is what I would do and I’m not kidding, I’m not laughing….I’m grieving, I’m mourning, I’m pointing out the problem.

“It’s not a gay time! These are the people with the sores! The gaping sores! The sores that are pussey and gross, and people are coming in and carving happy faces on the sores! That’s not a nice thing to do! Don’t you DARE carve happy faces on open pussey sores! Don’t you ever do that! Don’t you ever do that!

“I tell you don’t do it. Sack cloth and ashes. This is what America needs. America needs to hear the message. We are messed up.

Watch, and figure out for yourselves who’s messed up:

OMG, Rachel Maddow showed some of that last night. That pastor is right up there with Adolf Hitler and Charles Manson. He needs a rabies shot and a rubber room.

Good question.

You and other keep blathering about how Carson isn't fit to be president.

I keep asking what represents fit.

Seems you can't answer that.

And apparently you need to explain Cruz's position to you.

So I'll try.

Cruz's position is stupid and wrong.

This is as close to a religious test as you can get without actually being one.

Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.


Mental and secular sanity!

And let me guess.....you'll decide what that means.

I think GWB was insane.

I think BHO is just as insane.
Good question.

You and other keep blathering about how Carson isn't fit to be president.

I keep asking what represents fit.

Seems you can't answer that.

And apparently you need to explain Cruz's position to you.

So I'll try.

Cruz's position is stupid and wrong.

This is as close to a religious test as you can get without actually being one.

Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.


Mental and secular sanity!

And let me guess.....you'll decide what that means.

I think GWB was insane.

I think BHO is just as insane.

Debates like tonight help us all decide what that means. GWB was not mentally insane - but his secular sanity was questionable when he said God told him to do certain things as president. BHO has both mental and secular sanity.
Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.


Mental and secular sanity!

And let me guess.....you'll decide what that means.

I think GWB was insane.

I think BHO is just as insane.

Debates like tonight help us all decide what that means. GWB was not mentally insane - but his secular sanity was questionable when he said God told him to do certain things as president. BHO has both mental and secular sanity.

GWB was either insane or a total moron.

The same can be said for BHO.
1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.


Mental and secular sanity!

And let me guess.....you'll decide what that means.

I think GWB was insane.

I think BHO is just as insane.

Debates like tonight help us all decide what that means. GWB was not mentally insane - but his secular sanity was questionable when he said God told him to do certain things as president. BHO has both mental and secular sanity.

GWB was either insane or a total moron.

The same can be said for BHO.

GWB was a sane total moron! BHO is normal.
"After many millions of man-hours of research and evidence analysis, archaeology has repeatedly confirmed the reliability of the Bible. The Bible has been proven geographically and re-proven historically accurate, in the most exacting detail, by external evidences. "

"The Bible has proven to be more historically and archaeologically accurate than any other ancient book. It has been subjected to the minutest scientific textual analysis possible to humanity and has been proven to be authentic in every way."

LINK: Historical Accuracy | The Institute for Creation Research

Hardly 'irrational', based on SCIENCE, Geography, Archeology, historical texts, etc...

The Institute for Creation Research? Tell us again, why are they a creditable source?
It seems like logical opinion that most sane Americans share. Why are (mostly) lefties offended? Apparently the DNC feels the same way and that's why Barry Hussein pretends to be Christian.
Noah's Ark is my second favorite Biblical fairy tale.


Fairy Tale? Please explain then how sea shells, fossils, and other 'highly questionable' artifacts have been found at the tops and on the Andes in south America and the Himalayas? If you can scientifically explain / prove it you will be the 1st one to do so....

"Fossilized sea life lies atop every major mountain range on earth—far above sea level and usually far from the nearest body of water. Attempts to explain “seashells on mountaintops” have generated controversy for centuries."
LINK: In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - 129. Seashells on Mountaintops

Yeah, I bet it has...because 'scholars' like you can't figure out how all of these fossils and shells got on the top of some of the highest mountains in the world, far from the nearest body of water....


That does not mean a world wide flood occurred in the last 10 thousand years either.

My inability to explain something does not provide proof to your assumptions or beliefs.
If Ted Cruz says an atheist is not fit to be President that is his opinion. My opinion is that Hell will freeze over before I ever vote for Ted Cruz for any office.
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.
So?....Newsflash, this country would never elect a person who declares themselves to be atheist or Agnostic. Not gonna happen.
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