Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Why would you be unfit to be president if you are an atheist?

What identifiable unfitness comes with being an atheist that can be considered presidential disqualifications?

Many would question the character and moral center of a godless heathen atheist.
So if there was no God, you would do whatever you feel like? You would be evil? I think your post revealed more about YOUR character than the character of atheists.

People who identify as atheist often do so to excuse some heathen behavior they are engaged in.
Textbook straw man fallacy. It has an eerie quality that feels like you are channeling Bill O'Reilly.

Translation, I struck a nerve.
Nope. It's a logical fallacy. Manufactured bullshit.
You believe that there is more than one GOD? You're dumber than you post!
Do you believe Ted Cruz's God is the one true God and everyone else is wrong? Do you believe you have to believe in Ted Cruz's version to be President?

I believe he has the RIGHT and the authority to state what he believes, as you do, and we continue to pound your perversion into the ground!
My perversion? Just because I go to a different church every Sunday than Ted Cruz does?

Interesting case of psychosis you have there. Just the kind which has led to a lot of dumb wars.

And what CHURCH is Ted PROMOTING?.... Your church, where is the Church of Satan located?
I attend a fundamentalist Christian church every week. I also read the bible nearly every day, which is why I know so many "christians" are full of shit hypocrites who have never read the bible. They are haters using the bible as their excuse for their venom and sickness. They are deceivers and the deceived.

I want you people to think about something. Something very, very serious. Not joking around.

Our biggest problem is divisiveness. Way too many people are always spoiling for a fight, and they are being fueled by propaganda media outlets.

It isn't God that is making us feel like someone is always taking from us. It isn't God who is making us always feel afraid. It isn't God who is always pointing the finger at "that guy over there".

We need to start examining the real faces behind the masks on TV and radio. We need to pay attention to the emotional manipulation. The music they use, the tone they use, the fears they exploit.

This is not God at work, kids. This is a destroyer at work.
Did you read that in the bible to call others "full of shit"? Is that a term Jesus used? :dunno:
Noah's Ark is my second favorite Biblical fairy tale.


Fairy Tale? Please explain then how sea shells, fossils, and other 'highly questionable' artifacts have been found at the tops and on the Andes in south America and the Himalayas? If you can scientifically explain / prove it you will be the 1st one to do so....

"Fossilized sea life lies atop every major mountain range on earth—far above sea level and usually far from the nearest body of water. Attempts to explain “seashells on mountaintops” have generated controversy for centuries."
LINK: In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood - 129. Seashells on Mountaintops

Yeah, I bet it has...because 'scholars' like you can't figure out how all of these fossils and shells got on the top of some of the highest mountains in the world, far from the nearest body of water....


How are mountains formed?


Now for part two of the Biblical fairy tale:

As the plates shifted upward they brought fossilized sea life up from the ocean floor forming the tops of mountains

Now, if God created life in six days, you would see dinosaurs and cave men mixed in with those simple shells, But all you see on tops of those mountains are simple forms of life.....the only life that was around at that point
Atheists would be perfect for president .
They would show no favoritism to any religion.
Or make decisions based on a religious belief or sentiment .
Cruz on the other hand would do so with abandon.

Well, the Atheist Pol Pot does define the principles and goals of you leftists. :thup:

You of the left have supported many Atheists, Vlad Lenin, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, et al..

200 million peace time civilians slaughtered just proves what good rulers you Atheists are, right duhs?
Look up in the sky!
It's a turd!
It's insane !
It's unhinged 2008!
Do you believe Ted Cruz's God is the one true God and everyone else is wrong? Do you believe you have to believe in Ted Cruz's version to be President?

I believe he has the RIGHT and the authority to state what he believes, as you do, and we continue to pound your perversion into the ground!
My perversion? Just because I go to a different church every Sunday than Ted Cruz does?

Interesting case of psychosis you have there. Just the kind which has led to a lot of dumb wars.

And what CHURCH is Ted PROMOTING?.... Your church, where is the Church of Satan located?
I attend a fundamentalist Christian church every week. I also read the bible nearly every day, which is why I know so many "christians" are full of shit hypocrites who have never read the bible. They are haters using the bible as their excuse for their venom and sickness. They are deceivers and the deceived.

I want you people to think about something. Something very, very serious. Not joking around.

Our biggest problem is divisiveness. Way too many people are always spoiling for a fight, and they are being fueled by propaganda media outlets.

It isn't God that is making us feel like someone is always taking from us. It isn't God who is making us always feel afraid. It isn't God who is always pointing the finger at "that guy over there".

We need to start examining the real faces behind the masks on TV and radio. We need to pay attention to the emotional manipulation. The music they use, the tone they use, the fears they exploit.

This is not God at work, kids. This is a destroyer at work.
Did you read that in the bible to call others "full of shit"? Is that a term Jesus used? :dunno:
Yes he said you assholes a lot too.
Do you believe Ted Cruz's God is the one true God and everyone else is wrong? Do you believe you have to believe in Ted Cruz's version to be President?

I believe he has the RIGHT and the authority to state what he believes, as you do, and we continue to pound your perversion into the ground!
My perversion? Just because I go to a different church every Sunday than Ted Cruz does?

Interesting case of psychosis you have there. Just the kind which has led to a lot of dumb wars.

And what CHURCH is Ted PROMOTING?.... Your church, where is the Church of Satan located?
I attend a fundamentalist Christian church every week. I also read the bible nearly every day, which is why I know so many "christians" are full of shit hypocrites who have never read the bible. They are haters using the bible as their excuse for their venom and sickness. They are deceivers and the deceived.

I want you people to think about something. Something very, very serious. Not joking around.

Our biggest problem is divisiveness. Way too many people are always spoiling for a fight, and they are being fueled by propaganda media outlets.

It isn't God that is making us feel like someone is always taking from us. It isn't God who is making us always feel afraid. It isn't God who is always pointing the finger at "that guy over there".

We need to start examining the real faces behind the masks on TV and radio. We need to pay attention to the emotional manipulation. The music they use, the tone they use, the fears they exploit.

This is not God at work, kids. This is a destroyer at work.
Did you read that in the bible to call others "full of shit"? Is that a term Jesus used? :dunno:
As I said earlier in the topic, I think it is stupid for someone to use "nice" words to say the same thing and pretend its all good.

As for Jesus, he used the word "hypocrites" to describe those who are full of shit. He also had a lot to say about deceivers such as we see in the modern media who are dividing us.
Anyone who has taken "real" geology courses (not taught by Creationists), and didn't learn why aquatic fossils are found atop mountains - should ask for their money back. It ain't rocket science - but it's science...
Shitting Bull, you are both stupid and a shameless liar. There was no over-arching religion among the American Indians.

Actually, he never claimed there was. He merely said that many Native Americans believed in Wakan Tanka. And he's right. Wakan Tanka is a spiritual concept that was found among many cultures that would nowadays be called First Nations and Native American cultures.

An ancient concept that was invented in the 20th Century to backfill in hopes of presenting a view other than that of reality.

Handed down from where? These peoples all had common origins. Thus, according to you, they all must have had the same belief system "handed down" to them.

Well, there you go, which explains the single belief system in Sub-Saharan Africa and even the middle east. Wow you communists are smart - especially when you're just making shit up - which is most of the time.

Not even close! Spoken records are famously known to have been very accurate across ancient societies, up until written language is developed. It's only after written language appears in societies that spoken records begin to breakdown in accuracy. Researchers attribute this to the fact that prior to the development of writing, the keeping of spoken records ends up being treated as a nearly sacred duty. It took years of training, and you had to remember every last word, down to the correct inflection of the voice in many cases. As the only way to preserve a culture's history and lore, spoken records were treated as the priceless jewels that they were for those cultures. For example, Homer's Illiad and Odyssey were passed down for generations without writing.

Absolutely - a simply game of "telephone" shows how accurately verbal messages travel from one person to the next.

Boy you communists are sure fucking smart!

How to Play the Telephone Game

Are you ignorant, or just trolling?

Native Americans First Tamed Turkeys 2,000 Years Ago : DNews


One of several Olmec wheeled toys, proving the presence of the wheel in Pre-Columbian America.

The Olmecs.

So, the Olmecs were plains Indians..

The things you learn from leftists..
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People who identify as atheist often do so to excuse some heathen behavior they are engaged in.

I think you were right the first time, that it is pure arrogance. Atheists have unshakable faith that they are the most powerful and intelligent beings in the universe. The prospect that there may be greater intelligence than they offends their little egos.

Rationally, a person must admit that there is no evidence supporting the proposition that there is a god, and no evidence precluding such a proposition.
Shitting Bull, you are both stupid and a shameless liar. There was no over-arching religion among the American Indians.

Actually, he never claimed there was. He merely said that many Native Americans believed in Wakan Tanka. And he's right. Wakan Tanka is a spiritual concept that was found among many cultures that would nowadays be called First Nations and Native American cultures.

An ancient concept that was invented in the 20th Century to backfill in hopes of presenting a view other than that of reality.

Handed down from where? These peoples all had common origins. Thus, according to you, they all must have had the same belief system "handed down" to them.

Well, there you go, which explains the single belief system in Sub-Saharan Africa and even the middle east. Wow you communists are smart - especially when you're just making shit up - which is most of the time.

Not even close! Spoken records are famously known to have been very accurate across ancient societies, up until written language is developed. It's only after written language appears in societies that spoken records begin to breakdown in accuracy. Researchers attribute this to the fact that prior to the development of writing, the keeping of spoken records ends up being treated as a nearly sacred duty. It took years of training, and you had to remember every last word, down to the correct inflection of the voice in many cases. As the only way to preserve a culture's history and lore, spoken records were treated as the priceless jewels that they were for those cultures. For example, Homer's Illiad and Odyssey were passed down for generations without writing.

Absolutely - a simply game of "telephone" shows how accurately verbal messages travel from one person to the next.

Boy you communists are sure fucking smart!

How to Play the Telephone Game

These were people who had not invented the wheel nor domesticated animals.

Are you ignorant, or just trolling?

Native Americans First Tamed Turkeys 2,000 Years Ago : DNews


One of several Olmec wheeled toys, proving the presence of the wheel in Pre-Columbian America.

The Olmecs.

So, the Olmecs were plains Indians..

The things you learn from leftists..

I think the fact that you compare children briefly whispering in each others ears to the years of training that went into maintaining oral histories in ancient societies is all that anyone needs to know about you and your intellectual capacity.
Young Earth Creationists are suffering from the same pride which beleaguered the Roman Catholic Inquisition and it's damnation of the sun being the center of the solar system. They are conflating the spiritual with the temporal, and damaging religion in the process.

So the same ignorant arrogance that AGW cultists suffer from, then? There was "consensus" that the sun orbited the earth, ergo it must be true...
Not only that, but a president should begin every day with prayer.

Presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Friday that he believes anyone who wants to be president must fear God and pray daily.

Speaking at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Iowa, Cruz joined other GOP presidential candidates for a discussion about the persecution of Christians in the U.S. and around the world. After some very extreme, very weird comments about homosexuality, right-wing pastor Kevin Swanson introduced Cruz to the stage to ask him how important it was for candidates to submit to Jesus Christ as "the king of the President of the United States."

"Any president who doesn't begin every day on his knees isn't fit to be commander-in-chief of this country," responded Cruz.

More: Ted Cruz: An Atheist 'Isn't Fit To Be' President

Cruz didn't say who "any president" should pray to. After all, there are thousands of so-called Gods. I look forward to the day when an honorable Atheist does become president. Religion does not predate morality.

So Ted Cruz thinks an atheist is not fit to be President

How about a Muslim?
How about a Scientologist?
A Hindu?
How about a witch?

Is Ted Cruz's definition of religion the only one fit to be President?
BIBLE: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22).
- Well before Columbus proved the world was round the bible already stated the earth was round.

Pythagoras proved the Earth was round in the 6th century BC. It was widely accepted the Earth was round long before Columbus.

BIBLE: Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."
- Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch.

Stars emit radio waves which are received on earth as a high pitch? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

It's fun watching tards try to speak scientifically.
Young Earth Creationists are suffering from the same pride which beleaguered the Roman Catholic Inquisition and it's damnation of the sun being the center of the solar system. They are conflating the spiritual with the temporal, and damaging religion in the process.

So the same ignorant arrogance that AGW cultists suffer from, then? There was "consensus" that the sun orbited the earth, ergo it must be true...
Your whole idology consists of that very same consensus.
BIBLE: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22).
- Well before Columbus proved the world was round the bible already stated the earth was round.

Pythagoras proved the Earth was round. It was widely accepted the Earth was round long before Columbus.

BIBLE: Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."
- Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch.

Stars emit radio waves which are received on earth as a high pitch? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

It's fun watching tards try to speak scientifically.
Pseudo science.
BIBLE: "It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth" (Isaiah 40:22).
- Well before Columbus proved the world was round the bible already stated the earth was round.

Pythagoras proved the Earth was round. It was widely accepted the Earth was round long before Columbus.

BIBLE: Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."
- Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch.

Stars emit radio waves which are received on earth as a high pitch? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

It's fun watching tards try to speak scientifically.
Pseudo science.
Yeah. It's like watching people who believe in psychics trying to misuse the hard work of scientists and mathematician who work in quantum mechanics as evidence of psychic ability.
I don't really believe that anyone that is anti-science as these fundamentalist should be president. Of course, I can't stop them if the American people are stupid enough to elect them.

but it would be very bad for America.

If they understood how our government worked, that's all that matters.

I could care less what else they are as long as they govern properly (and stay out of wars).

Beyond that....I really don't care.

Good question.

You and other keep blathering about how Carson isn't fit to be president.

I keep asking what represents fit.

Seems you can't answer that.

And apparently you need to explain Cruz's position to you.

So I'll try.

Cruz's position is stupid and wrong.

This is as close to a religious test as you can get without actually being one.

Are you suggesting that Charles Manson is "fit" to be president?

1. I said that you are the one using the term "fit".

2. I keep asking what is your test of "ftiness".

3. You can't answer that.

4. Ted Cruz is absolutely wrong in his assertion and statement: It is very close to the kind of religious test forbidden by our Constitution.

So please explain to me how you could come up with that question.

A direct answer (for once) please.

I'll bring this one forward, loser. You seem to have it in your mind that presidents need to fit some mold. What is that mold.

Please share it or shut up.

I think the fact that you compare children briefly whispering in each others ears to the years of training that went into maintaining oral histories in ancient societies is all that anyone needs to know about you and your intellectual capacity.

I think the fact that you are utterly full of shit is why I nor anyone educated lends credence to your idiocy.

You either don't know where the Olmecs were, or were being deliberaty dishonest - most likely a combination of the two,

There is a concerted effort among the left to rewrite the history of the American Indians, to retroactively provide literature, art, music, and advanced culture to a people who had none. The popular lie a decade back revolved around a fabricated alphabet for the Iroquois. How that came about is that Ward Churchill told a lie, the lie was presented as fact among leftist academia, and presented as fact in the Ivy League cesspools. That it was an utter fabrication didn't seem to bother anyone, since it fit with the fiction that the left desires of a culturally superior Indian. Yes, the fraud has quietly dropped from leftist academia, but no one other than talk radio ever acknowledged that this was a lie by the fake Indian. Sadly, this is not an anomaly but the definition of leftist cultural studies.

I haven't checked, but I would say the odds are about a billion to one that your tale of domesticated turkeys by the plains Indians is a complete fabrication that leftist academia accepts and repeats uncritically, since it fits with the fiction they promote. Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs? Yep, they had developed cultures. Cheyenne, Lakhota, Creek, et al? Not a fucking chance.

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