Ted Cruz apologizes to New Yuck

there are many conservatives living in New York and the surrounding areas. but unfortunately they are drowned out by these loud mouth ugly liberals who live there. it's time to stand up or be squashed.
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Trump is gonna get some mileage out of this one. Trump is laughing his ass off at Cruz.

It's easy to say something that will give you Blow Back, and Cruz doubled down on it. He's not Trump, and will more than likely regret it as Trump will double down and win the pot on this issue.

Don't start a fight in the Mud with a proven Mud fighter like Trump.

there are many conservatives living in New York and the sounding areas. but unfortunately they are drowned out by these loud mouth ugly liberals who live there. it's time to stand up or be squashed.

Maybe somebody needs to buy Texas Ted a map to their houses 'cause apparently he can't find any of 'em.
this is the Democrats telling us they are DESPERATE . they know they are going down with the Obama. and they brought it all on themselves. the majority of the people don't even care about New York
As I said on a different thread...

"The last time I was in NYC I witnessed a dude taking a shit right in front of the entrance to a upscale hotel......and a black dude jerking off in front of the kennedy center. Have yet to see that in any major city in Texas. Just sayin....yo...."
What Ted Cruz defined as "New York values" are the values liberals are most proud of: Pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, minimum wage, just to mention a few. Should you be offended when someone gives you credit for believing in values you believe in? Should the "offender" apologize?
This is the problem with all these whackjob right wing candidates. They play entirely to their base. When the general election comes they will be so far out of position with the national public there is no way they can win.

But you have to love watching the rattlesnakes committing suicide.
"People are waking up, and just like millions of New Yorkers, they are fed up with policies that don't fight for the working men and women of this country, but instead further the elite liberal views that have taken this country down a path that is not working," Cruz said.
The Texas senator repeated his "apology" later Friday at a campaign event in Tigerville, South Carolina, again mentioning the same issues as he listed in Columbia.
"Now, I hope that was the apology they were looking for," Cruz said to laughter and applause

Ted Cruz offers 'apology' to New Yorkers - CNNPolitics.com

Now here's what I think...


All the smart people left the place years ago if they could afford to and the poor bastards that can't are stuck voting for RINOs. Ted Cruz doesn't owe New Yuck an apology, New Yuck owes the rest of the country it's existence.
Not like a Republican would ever win NY anyways. :lol:
It's pretty funny when he says that NY values are bad when he comes from.....Texas. :lol:
Upstate New York is the salt of the Earth. Great people. Beautiful scenery. Anyone could find it a friendly and hospitable place to live.

New York City is the scum of the Earth. Filled with crass, uncivilized, inbred cretins who take pride in being rude, obnoxious and loud.

I flew in and out of NYC for 15 years. I dreaded every trip. When traveling outside the U.S., it was always embarrassing to see ass hats from NYC making complete fools of themselves with their repugnant behavior. They made every American look bad.

Everyone clearly understood what Cruz meant by "New York values". It was a clumsy slur against the state which he'll pay for. Everyone understands, those in NYC the most, he was referring to the liberal, pro abortion, anti Second Amendment, socialist, depraved behavior of the NYC cesspool.
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"People are waking up, and just like millions of New Yorkers, they are fed up with policies that don't fight for the working men and women of this country, but instead further the elite liberal views that have taken this country down a path that is not working," Cruz said.
The Texas senator repeated his "apology" later Friday at a campaign event in Tigerville, South Carolina, again mentioning the same issues as he listed in Columbia.
"Now, I hope that was the apology they were looking for," Cruz said to laughter and applause

Ted Cruz offers 'apology' to New Yorkers - CNNPolitics.com

Now here's what I think...


All the smart people left the place years ago if they could afford to and the poor bastards that can't are stuck voting for RINOs. Ted Cruz doesn't owe New Yuck an apology, New Yuck owes the rest of the country it's existence.
Not like a Republican would ever win NY anyways. :lol:

Lee Zeldin
Peter King
Dan Donovan
Chris Gibson
Elise Stefanik
Richard Hanna
John Katko
Chris Collins

The above are Republican members of the House of Representatives. They were ELECTED in New York.
So was NYC's greatest mayor, Rudi Giuliani.

Project and hyperbole much??
Good job Ted!

NY values are displayed perfectly in the people they elect. It's a damn shame a couple of really fucked up cities can control the entire State.
I bet, since you're a bitch-ass coward, you loved when this happened to New York:


Ted Cruz is a bastard. And so are the fucks like OKTexas who think New York is not America.

When most of the world thinks of the U.S., they think of New York City.


Funny, most Americans don't give NYC or the state in general any thought at all, unless their laughing their asses off at one of their regressive politicians. There are some pretty good people in up state NY, but NYC and Albany are really fucked up.
You are confusing NYC with Texas.
"People are waking up, and just like millions of New Yorkers, they are fed up with policies that don't fight for the working men and women of this country, but instead further the elite liberal views that have taken this country down a path that is not working," Cruz said.
The Texas senator repeated his "apology" later Friday at a campaign event in Tigerville, South Carolina, again mentioning the same issues as he listed in Columbia.
"Now, I hope that was the apology they were looking for," Cruz said to laughter and applause

Ted Cruz offers 'apology' to New Yorkers - CNNPolitics.com

Now here's what I think...


All the smart people left the place years ago if they could afford to and the poor bastards that can't are stuck voting for RINOs. Ted Cruz doesn't owe New Yuck an apology, New Yuck owes the rest of the country it's existence.
Not like a Republican would ever win NY anyways. :lol:

Lee Zeldin
Peter King
Dan Donovan
Chris Gibson
Elise Stefanik
Richard Hanna
John Katko
Chris Collins

The above are Republican members of the House of Representatives. They were ELECTED in New York.
So was NYC's greatest mayor, Rudi Giuliani.

Project and hyperbole much??
Oh. those are all presidents? Who knew.
Funny, most Americans don't give NYC or the state in general any thought at all, unless their laughing their asses off at one of their regressive politicians. There are some pretty good people in up state NY, but NYC and Albany are really fucked up.
Good job Ted!

NY values are displayed perfectly in the people they elect. It's a damn shame a couple of really fucked up cities can control the entire State.
I bet, since you're a bitch-ass coward, you loved when this happened to New York:


Ted Cruz is a bastard. And so are the fucks like OKTexas who think New York is not America.

When most of the world thinks of the U.S., they think of New York City.


Funny, most Americans don't give NYC or the state in general any thought at all, unless their laughing their asses off at one of their regressive politicians. There are some pretty good people in up state NY, but NYC and Albany are really fucked up.

Ah. As I suspected, you hate most of America and likely cheered 9/11. You are scum.

Note to the fucking clueless, the regressive NE and W are not most of America. I would also like to see you make those 9/11 comments to my face, of course you don't have the gonads to speak to someone like that in person, you know you'd get your commie ass kicked.
I would love to say them to your face. Most of my family is in New York and IMO you've earned an ass whupping with your bullshit, America hating comments :321:
Well, remember. Texas doesn't want to be part of the United States anyways.
As I said on a different thread...

"The last time I was in NYC I witnessed a dude taking a shit right in front of the entrance to a upscale hotel......and a black dude jerking off in front of the kennedy center. Have yet to see that in any major city in Texas. Just sayin....yo...."
I've seen that in Texas too, when I was stationed there.

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