Ted Cruz apologizes to New Yuck

The flyover losers don't seem to understand that NY is America.

yeah, how much food you all grow? what do you produce up there anymore worth anything to the rest of the people in flyover country. You're going the way of Detroit, Commiefornia, Baltimore etc because of that commie Government you all install on YOURSELVES. You don't see people FLOCKING TO MOVE there anymore. for starters it's too gawddam expensive. a freaking 300sf apartment is 1000 dollars a month. so get over yoursleves
New York is a financial and shipping capital. That helps the rest of the country in investing and development and access to international markets.

Hate to say it, but all the good and evils of capitalism is easier seen in New York than anywhere else in this country.
this is the Democrats telling us they are DESPERATE . they know they are going down with the Obama. and they brought it all on themselves. the majority of the people don't even care about New York

I don't know
So far, what has been shown is that Ted does not really have a feel for this nation.

If he did, he would long realize that New York is not the only region in America with some unique values.

Hell, several other states that have unique cultures that stem from some unique values and those helped to build the character of those States:Hawaii, Alaska, Texas, California Florida and Louisianna.

If we switch to regions, then there is the North East/mid Atlantic. South East, the central states, Mid/North West and the South West(dominated mostly by Texas)

We can always point out something good or bad about each region, but there is something very common that ties us together.

The canuck in Cruz is starting to show. If he think s that all he has to do is play up the christians, or worst the evangelicals, he is going to find himself sitting next to Huckabee and Santorum

But then, there is something about Cruz I feel is not authentic. It is just a feeling, but it is growing.

you can't think that. it's not what I think. he went after Trump not freaking NEW YORK. The people could give a crap less about new York and them getting their panties all bunched up like whiney babies. they aren't so big and bad as they try to portray. this the democrats showing they are freaking DESPERATE
Cruz fucked up. All of them will in the coming months.

I think him parading around with a Pastor that has called for the execution of gay people is a far bigger fuck up than his stupid New York values comment.
they pulled this crap with New Yak the last election. you think the people are actually giving a crap. get real
I think Cruz is done, to be honest. The birther stuff, the citibank stuff, the NYC slam.....yeah. I think he is pretty much cooked now.
We all just need to sit back and watch now. For me, I plan to watch both sides. Still on the fence but loving the FZish antics of Trump. :lol:
I think Cruz is done, to be honest. The birther stuff, the citibank stuff, the NYC slam.....yeah. I think he is pretty much cooked now.
We all just need to sit back and watch now. For me, I plan to watch both sides. Still on the fence but loving the FZish antics of Trump. :lol:

I just wish they'd stop the bickering and discuss the real issues.
"People are waking up, and just like millions of New Yorkers, they are fed up with policies that don't fight for the working men and women of this country, but instead further the elite liberal views that have taken this country down a path that is not working," Cruz said.
The Texas senator repeated his "apology" later Friday at a campaign event in Tigerville, South Carolina, again mentioning the same issues as he listed in Columbia.
"Now, I hope that was the apology they were looking for," Cruz said to laughter and applause

Ted Cruz offers 'apology' to New Yorkers - CNNPolitics.com

Now here's what I think...


All the smart people left the place years ago if they could afford to and the poor bastards that can't are stuck voting for RINOs. Ted Cruz doesn't owe New Yuck an apology, New Yuck owes the rest of the country it's existence.

"All the smart people left New York"

Like all those really, really smart people in Republican Mississippi?


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