Ted Cruz asks - If Obama can defy the law, why can't Kim Davis?

Ted Cruz is a liar.

And that there are those on the right who buy into Cruz's lies and stupidity reflects poorly on conservatives.

Absolutely not, these mayor who allow sanctuary cities are violating federal law and should be held in jail. Why aren't they? We already know the answer.
When is Cruz going to back up his bullshit

Republicans control Congress, if they think Obama broke the law, then prosecute him

Note to Cruz.....ignoring conservative policies is NOT against the law
When is Cruz going to back up his bullshit

Republicans control Congress, if they think Obama broke the law, then prosecute him

Note to Cruz.....ignoring conservative policies is NOT against the law

However, it is not Obama that are running these sanctuary cities nor is he covering for them!

Cruz is deliberately misconstruing the truth of the situation while trying to garner electoral support from the anti-amnesty crowd.

Ever since he called McConnell a liar in public, I don't trust him. The guy comes off to me as an opportunistic slime ball. He is one of the few republican candidates I wish will disappear from national politics.

Just before some one assumes I want all the GOP candidates to disappear, let me state clearly:Trump, Kasich, Rubio, and Carly Fiorina are definitely not on that list! Even Jeb, someone who I do not want as president, offers something of substance to the national debate.

Absolutely not, these mayor who allow sanctuary cities are violating federal law and should be held in jail. Why aren't they? We already know the answer.

Yes we do. Obozo won't enforce any law that is opposed by the illegal invaders.

However, it is not Obama that is running these sanctuary cities nor is he covering for them!


BS. Obozo is clearly covering for them. He should prosecute all mayors of sanctuary cities but refuses. They are all breaking federal law most notably section 1324 of title 8 which says it's a federal felony to encourage illegals to live here.

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