Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious
The New Republic ^ | March 23, 2015 | Danny Vinik

The big news of the day is that Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president. Not setting up an exploratory committee or any of that perfunctory foreplay, but actually running. “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty,” he said in a 30-minute speech at, yeah, Liberty University. “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” Cruz’s address was full of red meat for the conservative crowd. But other than his oratorical skills, Cruz is entirely unsuited to be president. Luckily for America, his candidacy is likely doomed to fizzle.

Cruz recapped his life story, focusing on the role faith plays in his life, before diving into his traditional conservative talking points. He asked the crowd to imagine "millions of young people coming together and standing together, saying, ‘We will stand for liberty'" and “instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.” He asked people to imagine the next president repealing Obamacare, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, implementing a flat tax and “finally, finally, finally secur[ing] the borders.” The crowd cheered each time.

The rest of the Republican field, whenever they officially announce their candidacies, will probably make similar promises; it’s hard to picture a candidate winning the Republican nomination without vowing to repeal Obamacare. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes, the Republican primary will reveal whether Cruz’s policy positions are extreme within the GOP or whether he differs mainly in his tactics.

His positions, regardless of where they fall within the Republican Party, are ill-conceived fantasies. Take taxes. A flat tax may appeal to the conservative base but it entirely misrepresents the actual problems with the U.S. tax code. The tax code is complicated not because of its progressive structure but because it is full of deductions, exemptions and credits that make it hard to calculate your taxable income. Cruz promotes the flat tax by saying it “lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” But the exact same could be said about a progressive tax system. Senator Marco Rubio, another presumptive presidential candidate, didn’t propose a flat tax in his recently released tax plan (although he did say he wants to get there someday) because doing so is just not feasible. A flat tax would need to be set at a high enough level to fund critical government programs, requiring a massive tax increase on the middle class and poor. That'd be a political nightmare.

On Obamacare, Cruz wants to repeal the law … and then basically see what happens. This is, of course, the Republican Party’s position as well. But it’s unacceptable as a presidential candidate’s health care agenda. If you want to repeal the health care law, you better have a replacement plan. The same goes with abolishing the IRS. A Cruz government would eliminate the agency but it would still collect taxes—somehow. Cruz has never said how that would work. Would there be a new agency to replace the IRS? Would it have employees? Who, after all, would collect all those postcards? All unanswered questions.
Ted Cruz Is Not a Serious Credible Candidate for the Presidency The New Republic

I do like some of his social beliefs and the reality that he won't use identity politics.
BUT, on economic policies the guys a loon! We no longer live in the 18th century and even in the 1890's George Washington used the government to fund things this nation needed. I don't believe in a flat-tax for one reason...Simply it would harm the people on the bottom and let the super rich keep compiling wealth! I don't hate the wealthy but piling it all within 1% isn't the country want America to become.

I feel this made a very good case on why Cruz probably isn't a good choice. America needs infrastructure, America needs a nws, nasa, fda, cdc and funding for the best in tech our universities can produce. If you side with Cruz...You side with a economic system that doesn't promote America as number one on this planet. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA DOES, but lets be serious.

It should be smart accountable government and we should let the idea of tiny bath tub government die.
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Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.
Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.
Wow. Something about Cruz is making people become positively unhinged.


When he shut down the Government and Soldiers didn't get a paycheck, that got attention. It took that.

Today he is the big clown of politics.

Nihilism isn't the path America should take. It's almost like a repeat of history.
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A large part of what makes American Exceptional is our ability to be near the top in infrastructure, science and r&d. At one time we lead in space and in every branch of science.

I hate to put this too you but the public sector plays a large part in this. I love and fight for our wonderful private sector but they aren't going to fund innovation that doesn't have a huge profit coming right at them.
Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.

Care to flesh out that statement?

Ok. Wasn't Cruz's dad from an oppressed Government in Cuba or something? Aren't the Koch brothers the sons of someone that couldn't get a "leg up" in American Oil Industry and got rich in Russia Communisim?
Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious
The New Republic ^ | March 23, 2015 | Danny Vinik

The big news of the day is that Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president. Not setting up an exploratory committee or any of that perfunctory foreplay, but actually running. “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty,” he said in a 30-minute speech at, yeah, Liberty University. “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” Cruz’s address was full of red meat for the conservative crowd. But other than his oratorical skills, Cruz is entirely unsuited to be president. Luckily for America, his candidacy is likely doomed to fizzle.

Cruz recapped his life story, focusing on the role faith plays in his life, before diving into his traditional conservative talking points. He asked the crowd to imagine "millions of young people coming together and standing together, saying, ‘We will stand for liberty'" and “instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.” He asked people to imagine the next president repealing Obamacare, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, implementing a flat tax and “finally, finally, finally secur[ing] the borders.” The crowd cheered each time.

The rest of the Republican field, whenever they officially announce their candidacies, will probably make similar promises; it’s hard to picture a candidate winning the Republican nomination without vowing to repeal Obamacare. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes, the Republican primary will reveal whether Cruz’s policy positions are extreme within the GOP or whether he differs mainly in his tactics.

His positions, regardless of where they fall within the Republican Party, are ill-conceived fantasies. Take taxes. A flat tax may appeal to the conservative base but it entirely misrepresents the actual problems with the U.S. tax code. The tax code is complicated not because of its progressive structure but because it is full of deductions, exemptions and credits that make it hard to calculate your taxable income. Cruz promotes the flat tax by saying it “lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” But the exact same could be said about a progressive tax system. Senator Marco Rubio, another presumptive presidential candidate, didn’t propose a flat tax in his recently released tax plan (although he did say he wants to get there someday) because doing so is just not feasible. A flat tax would need to be set at a high enough level to fund critical government programs, requiring a massive tax increase on the middle class and poor. That'd be a political nightmare.

On Obamacare, Cruz wants to repeal the law … and then basically see what happens. This is, of course, the Republican Party’s position as well. But it’s unacceptable as a presidential candidate’s health care agenda. If you want to repeal the health care law, you better have a replacement plan. The same goes with abolishing the IRS. A Cruz government would eliminate the agency but it would still collect taxes—somehow. Cruz has never said how that would work. Would there be a new agency to replace the IRS? Would it have employees? Who, after all, would collect all those postcards? All unanswered questions.
Ted Cruz Is Not a Serious Credible Candidate for the Presidency The New Republic

I do like some of his social beliefs and the reality that he won't use identity politics.
BUT, on economic policies the guys a loon! We no longer live in the 18th century and even in the 1890's George Washington used the government to fund things this nation needed. I don't believe in a flat-tax for one reason...Simply it would harm the people on the bottom and let the super rich keep compiling wealth! I don't hate the wealthy but piling it all within 1% isn't the country want America to become.

I feel this made a very good case on why Cruz probably isn't a good choice. America needs infrastructure, America needs a nws, nasa, fda, cdc and funding for the best in tech our universities can produce. If you side with Cruz...You side with a economic system that doesn't promote America as number one on this planet. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA DOES, but lets be serious.

It should be smart accountable government and we should let the idea of tiny bath tub government die.
Rafael Cruz is VERY serious! Just go to his website Tedcruz.com! That'll prove it to you! :rofl:
Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.

Care to flesh out that statement?

Ok. Wasn't Cruz's dad from an oppressed Government in Cuba or something? Aren't the Koch brothers the sons of someone that couldn't get a "leg up" in American Oil Industry and got rich in Russia Communisim?

Now we're going to start attacking parents this election cycle? Have you lost your fucking mind?
Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious
The New Republic ^ | March 23, 2015 | Danny Vinik

The big news of the day is that Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president. Not setting up an exploratory committee or any of that perfunctory foreplay, but actually running. “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty,” he said in a 30-minute speech at, yeah, Liberty University. “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” Cruz’s address was full of red meat for the conservative crowd. But other than his oratorical skills, Cruz is entirely unsuited to be president. Luckily for America, his candidacy is likely doomed to fizzle.

Cruz recapped his life story, focusing on the role faith plays in his life, before diving into his traditional conservative talking points. He asked the crowd to imagine "millions of young people coming together and standing together, saying, ‘We will stand for liberty'" and “instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.” He asked people to imagine the next president repealing Obamacare, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, implementing a flat tax and “finally, finally, finally secur[ing] the borders.” The crowd cheered each time.

The rest of the Republican field, whenever they officially announce their candidacies, will probably make similar promises; it’s hard to picture a candidate winning the Republican nomination without vowing to repeal Obamacare. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes, the Republican primary will reveal whether Cruz’s policy positions are extreme within the GOP or whether he differs mainly in his tactics.

His positions, regardless of where they fall within the Republican Party, are ill-conceived fantasies. Take taxes. A flat tax may appeal to the conservative base but it entirely misrepresents the actual problems with the U.S. tax code. The tax code is complicated not because of its progressive structure but because it is full of deductions, exemptions and credits that make it hard to calculate your taxable income. Cruz promotes the flat tax by saying it “lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” But the exact same could be said about a progressive tax system. Senator Marco Rubio, another presumptive presidential candidate, didn’t propose a flat tax in his recently released tax plan (although he did say he wants to get there someday) because doing so is just not feasible. A flat tax would need to be set at a high enough level to fund critical government programs, requiring a massive tax increase on the middle class and poor. That'd be a political nightmare.

On Obamacare, Cruz wants to repeal the law … and then basically see what happens. This is, of course, the Republican Party’s position as well. But it’s unacceptable as a presidential candidate’s health care agenda. If you want to repeal the health care law, you better have a replacement plan. The same goes with abolishing the IRS. A Cruz government would eliminate the agency but it would still collect taxes—somehow. Cruz has never said how that would work. Would there be a new agency to replace the IRS? Would it have employees? Who, after all, would collect all those postcards? All unanswered questions.
Ted Cruz Is Not a Serious Credible Candidate for the Presidency The New Republic

I do like some of his social beliefs and the reality that he won't use identity politics.
BUT, on economic policies the guys a loon! We no longer live in the 18th century and even in the 1890's George Washington used the government to fund things this nation needed. I don't believe in a flat-tax for one reason...Simply it would harm the people on the bottom and let the super rich keep compiling wealth! I don't hate the wealthy but piling it all within 1% isn't the country want America to become.

I feel this made a very good case on why Cruz probably isn't a good choice. America needs infrastructure, America needs a nws, nasa, fda, cdc and funding for the best in tech our universities can produce. If you side with Cruz...You side with a economic system that doesn't promote America as number one on this planet. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA DOES, but lets be serious.

It should be smart accountable government and we should let the idea of tiny bath tub government die.
Rafael Cruz is VERY serious! Just go to his website Tedcruz.com! That'll prove it to you! :rofl:

You asshole. That lawyer got the website in 2004 and you just look like a fool trying to mock Cruz over it.

Oh. Right. You're the one running around claiming his wife is a retired prostitute.

Got a link for that?
Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.

Care to flesh out that statement?

Ok. Wasn't Cruz's dad from an oppressed Government in Cuba or something? Aren't the Koch brothers the sons of someone that couldn't get a "leg up" in American Oil Industry and got rich in Russia Communisim?

Now we're going to start attacking parents this election cycle? Have you lost your fucking mind?
AHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Does that mean you're going to stop bringing up Obama's Kenyan/marxist/muslim/whateveryounuttersthink father from now on? Or his grandmother? Are you taking that off the table now? OMG you people are ridiculous!
Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious
The New Republic ^ | March 23, 2015 | Danny Vinik

The big news of the day is that Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president. Not setting up an exploratory committee or any of that perfunctory foreplay, but actually running. “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty,” he said in a 30-minute speech at, yeah, Liberty University. “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” Cruz’s address was full of red meat for the conservative crowd. But other than his oratorical skills, Cruz is entirely unsuited to be president. Luckily for America, his candidacy is likely doomed to fizzle.

Cruz recapped his life story, focusing on the role faith plays in his life, before diving into his traditional conservative talking points. He asked the crowd to imagine "millions of young people coming together and standing together, saying, ‘We will stand for liberty'" and “instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.” He asked people to imagine the next president repealing Obamacare, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, implementing a flat tax and “finally, finally, finally secur[ing] the borders.” The crowd cheered each time.

The rest of the Republican field, whenever they officially announce their candidacies, will probably make similar promises; it’s hard to picture a candidate winning the Republican nomination without vowing to repeal Obamacare. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes, the Republican primary will reveal whether Cruz’s policy positions are extreme within the GOP or whether he differs mainly in his tactics.

His positions, regardless of where they fall within the Republican Party, are ill-conceived fantasies. Take taxes. A flat tax may appeal to the conservative base but it entirely misrepresents the actual problems with the U.S. tax code. The tax code is complicated not because of its progressive structure but because it is full of deductions, exemptions and credits that make it hard to calculate your taxable income. Cruz promotes the flat tax by saying it “lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” But the exact same could be said about a progressive tax system. Senator Marco Rubio, another presumptive presidential candidate, didn’t propose a flat tax in his recently released tax plan (although he did say he wants to get there someday) because doing so is just not feasible. A flat tax would need to be set at a high enough level to fund critical government programs, requiring a massive tax increase on the middle class and poor. That'd be a political nightmare.

On Obamacare, Cruz wants to repeal the law … and then basically see what happens. This is, of course, the Republican Party’s position as well. But it’s unacceptable as a presidential candidate’s health care agenda. If you want to repeal the health care law, you better have a replacement plan. The same goes with abolishing the IRS. A Cruz government would eliminate the agency but it would still collect taxes—somehow. Cruz has never said how that would work. Would there be a new agency to replace the IRS? Would it have employees? Who, after all, would collect all those postcards? All unanswered questions.
Ted Cruz Is Not a Serious Credible Candidate for the Presidency The New Republic

I do like some of his social beliefs and the reality that he won't use identity politics.
BUT, on economic policies the guys a loon! We no longer live in the 18th century and even in the 1890's George Washington used the government to fund things this nation needed. I don't believe in a flat-tax for one reason...Simply it would harm the people on the bottom and let the super rich keep compiling wealth! I don't hate the wealthy but piling it all within 1% isn't the country want America to become.

I feel this made a very good case on why Cruz probably isn't a good choice. America needs infrastructure, America needs a nws, nasa, fda, cdc and funding for the best in tech our universities can produce. If you side with Cruz...You side with a economic system that doesn't promote America as number one on this planet. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA DOES, but lets be serious.

It should be smart accountable government and we should let the idea of tiny bath tub government die.
Rafael Cruz is VERY serious! Just go to his website Tedcruz.com! That'll prove it to you! :rofl:

You asshole. That lawyer got the website in 2004 and you just look like a fool trying to mock Cruz over it.

Oh. Right. You're the one running around claiming his wife is a retired prostitute.

Got a link for that?
Sure I do. Do you have a link to his long form, unphotoshopped birth certificate?! :rofl:
When asked if Cruz could beat Hillary, McCain said, yes, with a straight face. The poor old fool.

PPP that old and reliable Dem polling agency has some interesting numbers that you should check out.

"The general election for President in North Carolina looks like it's setting up to be a toss up for a third straight time after being the second closest state in the country in both 2008 and 2012.

Hillary Clinton is within 4 points of all nine Republicans we tested against her.

The only one who actually leads Clinton is Ben Carson at 46/45. She is also tied with Mike Huckabee at 46%. Beyond that Clinton leads the other seven Republicans but in all cases it's pretty close.

She has a 2 point advantage over Scott Walker at 45/43. She's up 3 on Chris Christie (45/42), Rand Paul (46/43), and Rick Perry (47/44). And her lead is 4 points over Jeb Bush (46/42), Marco Rubio (also 46/42), and Ted Cruz (47/43).

It's early but it looks like North Carolina could be close once again."

Public Policy Polling Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz like the Koch Brothers are children of parents that COULD NOT MAKE IT in the USA.

Care to flesh out that statement?

Ok. Wasn't Cruz's dad from an oppressed Government in Cuba or something? Aren't the Koch brothers the sons of someone that couldn't get a "leg up" in American Oil Industry and got rich in Russia Communisim?

Now we're going to start attacking parents this election cycle? Have you lost your fucking mind?

I like some of his social opinions and I support the family. His economic ideas aren't good for our a leadership in the world.
When asked if Cruz could beat Hillary, McCain said, yes, with a straight face. The poor old fool.

PPP that old and reliable Dem polling agency has some interesting numbers that you should check out.

"The general election for President in North Carolina looks like it's setting up to be a toss up for a third straight time after being the second closest state in the country in both 2008 and 2012.

Hillary Clinton is within 4 points of all nine Republicans we tested against her.

The only one who actually leads Clinton is Ben Carson at 46/45. She is also tied with Mike Huckabee at 46%. Beyond that Clinton leads the other seven Republicans but in all cases it's pretty close.

She has a 2 point advantage over Scott Walker at 45/43. She's up 3 on Chris Christie (45/42), Rand Paul (46/43), and Rick Perry (47/44). And her lead is 4 points over Jeb Bush (46/42), Marco Rubio (also 46/42), and Ted Cruz (47/43).

It's early but it looks like North Carolina could be close once again."

Public Policy Polling Ted Cruz
Holy shit! You have Ben Carson beating Hillary??? :rofl:

Omg have the planets aligned tonight or something? Ben Carson... :rofl:

He's not even going to finish top 15 in the primaries! :rofl:
Ted Cruz Cannot Be Serious
The New Republic ^ | March 23, 2015 | Danny Vinik

The big news of the day is that Senator Ted Cruz is officially running for president. Not setting up an exploratory committee or any of that perfunctory foreplay, but actually running. “It is a time for truth. It is a time for liberty,” he said in a 30-minute speech at, yeah, Liberty University. “It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.” Cruz’s address was full of red meat for the conservative crowd. But other than his oratorical skills, Cruz is entirely unsuited to be president. Luckily for America, his candidacy is likely doomed to fizzle.

Cruz recapped his life story, focusing on the role faith plays in his life, before diving into his traditional conservative talking points. He asked the crowd to imagine "millions of young people coming together and standing together, saying, ‘We will stand for liberty'" and “instead of economic stagnation, booming economic growth.” He asked people to imagine the next president repealing Obamacare, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, implementing a flat tax and “finally, finally, finally secur[ing] the borders.” The crowd cheered each time.

The rest of the Republican field, whenever they officially announce their candidacies, will probably make similar promises; it’s hard to picture a candidate winning the Republican nomination without vowing to repeal Obamacare. As the Washington Post’s Greg Sargent writes, the Republican primary will reveal whether Cruz’s policy positions are extreme within the GOP or whether he differs mainly in his tactics.

His positions, regardless of where they fall within the Republican Party, are ill-conceived fantasies. Take taxes. A flat tax may appeal to the conservative base but it entirely misrepresents the actual problems with the U.S. tax code. The tax code is complicated not because of its progressive structure but because it is full of deductions, exemptions and credits that make it hard to calculate your taxable income. Cruz promotes the flat tax by saying it “lets every American fill out his or her taxes on a postcard.” But the exact same could be said about a progressive tax system. Senator Marco Rubio, another presumptive presidential candidate, didn’t propose a flat tax in his recently released tax plan (although he did say he wants to get there someday) because doing so is just not feasible. A flat tax would need to be set at a high enough level to fund critical government programs, requiring a massive tax increase on the middle class and poor. That'd be a political nightmare.

On Obamacare, Cruz wants to repeal the law … and then basically see what happens. This is, of course, the Republican Party’s position as well. But it’s unacceptable as a presidential candidate’s health care agenda. If you want to repeal the health care law, you better have a replacement plan. The same goes with abolishing the IRS. A Cruz government would eliminate the agency but it would still collect taxes—somehow. Cruz has never said how that would work. Would there be a new agency to replace the IRS? Would it have employees? Who, after all, would collect all those postcards? All unanswered questions.
Ted Cruz Is Not a Serious Credible Candidate for the Presidency The New Republic

I do like some of his social beliefs and the reality that he won't use identity politics.
BUT, on economic policies the guys a loon! We no longer live in the 18th century and even in the 1890's George Washington used the government to fund things this nation needed. I don't believe in a flat-tax for one reason...Simply it would harm the people on the bottom and let the super rich keep compiling wealth! I don't hate the wealthy but piling it all within 1% isn't the country want America to become.

I feel this made a very good case on why Cruz probably isn't a good choice. America needs infrastructure, America needs a nws, nasa, fda, cdc and funding for the best in tech our universities can produce. If you side with Cruz...You side with a economic system that doesn't promote America as number one on this planet. I AM NOT SAYING OBAMA DOES, but lets be serious.

It should be smart accountable government and we should let the idea of tiny bath tub government die.
Rafael Cruz is VERY serious! Just go to his website Tedcruz.com! That'll prove it to you! :rofl:

You asshole. That lawyer got the website in 2004 and you just look like a fool trying to mock Cruz over it.

Oh. Right. You're the one running around claiming his wife is a retired prostitute.

Got a link for that?
Sure I do. Do you have a link to his long form, unphotoshopped birth certificate?! :rofl:

This was the one that convinced me baby! From the first moment I saw this one I knew Obama was eligible.


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