Ted Cruz goes all out for the Evangelical vote...

the wars are going on 'de rideo' , there is going to be more wars and they'll be bigger and more interesting . Point is that every thing is falling apart under mrobama . Previous to 'mrobama' and in the last couple American generations everything was the best in every measurable category in the USA . I'm thinking that things have been great for the generation that fought ww2 through the baby boomers . So that's what , 100 years or so ?? Yep , I think that mrobama has been a downgrade for the USA and his supporters like YOU de rideo !!
and just a bit of info on the lack of wars due to 'mrobama' --- World War O - Michael Crowley - POLITICO --- world war 'o' De rideo . Thanks to Longknife who posted this info in a different thread !!

Obama has not started a single war so your premise is a failure.

A complete and utterly abject failure.

I am 100% for Righties rights to express their opinions. In fact, I fight for their right to express themselves and say whatever they want, if it makes them feel better, what the fuck.

What they don't have a right to is "facts" that aren't facts. That's the moment where I shift into full-scorn mode.
the wars are going on 'de rideo' , there is going to be more wars and they'll be bigger and more interesting . Point is that every thing is falling apart under mrobama . Previous to 'mrobama' and in the last couple American generations everything was the best in every measurable category in the USA . I'm thinking that things have been great for the generation that fought ww2 through the baby boomers . So that's what , 100 years or so ?? Yep , I think that mrobama has been a downgrade for the USA and his supporters like YOU de rideo !!

You are fully entitled to your misinformed opinion.
well , the wars are worldwide so I won't name them as everyone knows that there are numerous wars going on world wide and thats even before mrobama lets 'iran' get nukes De rideo . Not my opinion , the wars that the USA is involved in is in the news and are common knowledge !!
I bet you supported the queer baker that didn't want to bake the pastor a cake?

Your inability to comprehend the difference between love and hatred is your problem.
I don't hate anyone, liberals have enough of that for the entire world.

You hate gays.
No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.
here you go Statist , --- Gay Hoteliers Face Boycott For Not Hating Ted Cruz - Fox Nation --- just a little bit of info on TED CRUZ 'gay' strategy . Not all gay people are wierdos and Ted is going after those gays that still have some common sense . Lets hope that TEDS strategy works ehh ??

How likely is it do you think that Ted Cruz will win the US Presidential election?

I think for him to win, the Hispanic community will have to get offended by the racist hate and vitriol of the left towards him and back him. Will that happen? Don't know
yeah KAZ , I don't know but TED is better than all others in my opinion !!
yeah KAZ , I don't know but TED is better than all others in my opinion !!

I hope so, I don't know enough about him to have a position on him yet. I like some of the things he said. I disagree with others, but he is campaigning. I need to get a clearer picture before deciding. There are no candidates I support yet.
Your inability to comprehend the difference between love and hatred is your problem.
I don't hate anyone, liberals have enough of that for the entire world.

You hate gays.
No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
I don't hate anyone, liberals have enough of that for the entire world.

You hate gays.
No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.
You hate gays.
No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.

Thank you for admitting that you hate gays.
We live in a society in a social aggregate for one reason...LIFE IS EASIER THAT WAY.... doing this requires compromise...one cannot be a total Libertarian..while at one at the same time enjoying the benefits of living in a society ... an aggregate of human beings of varying colors , faiths beliefs and points of views ...acceptance tolerance is surely a necessary virtue ....

Well said, why won'y the Left exhibit any of said "acceptance and tolerance"?

They for the most part prefer control and coercion to make their points.
Well said, why won'y the Left exhibit any of said "acceptance and tolerance"?

They for the most part prefer control and coercion to make their points.
who is trying to force women to take mandatory vaginal probes ...the right wing
who passes laws prohibiting Drs in Emergency rooms from asking about guns in the house
who supports the Marijuana prohibition...the Right does
who wants to force folks to pee in a cup the Right does
Get real
No I don't, when have I stated I hate queers? Never really thought about them till they wanted everyone to know they were queers. So try again.

You openly support the pastors hate speech about gays, ergo you hate them.
My pastor teaches the opposite, but if disagreeing on someone's lifestyle is hate. Then so be it. Kinda like I became racist when Obama got elected. Just because I disagreed with him.

Now you are deflecting because you cannot defend supporting the vile demand that a baker write hate speech on a cake. That wasn't "disagreeing with a lifestyle". It was naked hatred. If you cannot be honest with yourself then that says volumes about you.
The queers did the same to a baker.

Thank you for admitting that you hate gays.
Nope still don't hate queers, but karma is a bitch.
Well said, why won'y the Left exhibit any of said "acceptance and tolerance"?

They for the most part prefer control and coercion to make their points.
who is trying to force women to take mandatory vaginal probes ...the right wing
who passes laws prohibiting Drs in Emergency rooms from asking about guns in the house
who supports the Marijuana prohibition...the Right does
who wants to force folks to pee in a cup the Right does
Get real

"who is trying to force women to take mandatory vaginal probes'

"who passes laws prohibiting Drs in Emergency rooms from asking about guns in the house"

If I'm in the ER for a cut why should anyone ask me about "guns"?

"who supports the Marijuana prohibition"

LOL, as part of the drug issue,yes.

"who wants to force folks to pee in a cup the Right does"

If you want tax payer money why shouldn't we be nominally sure you are using to buy your "weed?

Get real

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