Ted Cruz has no intentions of ever being President

so public relations is the most important presidential job? not surprising coming from you
Actually it is hugely important to interact with staff, the press, the public, foreign dignitaries, the other party, Congress

You never figured that out?

They following presidents had shitty public relations, were any of them good presidents?
Truman, Johnson, Ford, Lincoln, Nixon, Adams.

Kissing the asses of the media is the least important job of a president. His staff works for him, he does not have to kiss their asses either. Reagan did not kiss O'Neill's ass but the two of them got a lot done.

A competent manager does not have to worry about public relations, his actions will take care of that.

It has nothing to do with kissing the asses of the media and EVERYTHING to do with being able to interact with other people

The closest politician to Ted Cruz's interpersonal skills is Putin

Putin is president of a very powerful nation, What's your point?

My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls
So you don't care about something you're not willing to suicide bomb? C'mon. Your perception of the world is binary. Either 0 or 1. One extreme or the other extreme.

Yes, my perception IS binary, as everyone else's should be.

Nope. There's more than just your perspective. You can't comprehend this. Almost anyone else can.

Any system of Governance that includes any plurality is unfit for use. In fact any system which allows for any level of change is unfit for use.

You're simply ignoring the nation as it is and always has been.....along with anyone who disagrees with you. And demonstrating why ideologues are generally so powerless in a democratic society; while you can ignore almost everyone else, they still get to vote.

Any diversity of opinion in a nation makes the nation incompatible with decency and morality.

That's an opinion. And in a nation like ours, there are many of them.

REAL Power eminates from the barrel of a firearm. Trust me, we have plenty of that power.

No you don't. As the application of that power requires the will to use the firearm. And that's where your ilk fall short. When it comes to violently enforcing your narrow idea of morality, its always someone's responsibility. But never yours.

Rendering your fire arm little more than a paperweight in terms of the application of actual power.
Actually it is hugely important to interact with staff, the press, the public, foreign dignitaries, the other party, Congress

You never figured that out?

They following presidents had shitty public relations, were any of them good presidents?
Truman, Johnson, Ford, Lincoln, Nixon, Adams.

Kissing the asses of the media is the least important job of a president. His staff works for him, he does not have to kiss their asses either. Reagan did not kiss O'Neill's ass but the two of them got a lot done.

A competent manager does not have to worry about public relations, his actions will take care of that.

It has nothing to do with kissing the asses of the media and EVERYTHING to do with being able to interact with other people

The closest politician to Ted Cruz's interpersonal skills is Putin

Putin is president of a very powerful nation, What's your point?

My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls

The right's bizarre hero worship of Putin continues. And why shouldn't it? He represents what they want our government to be.
So you don't care about something you're not willing to suicide bomb? C'mon. Your perception of the world is binary. Either 0 or 1. One extreme or the other extreme.

Yes, my perception IS binary, as everyone else's should be.

It really doesn't matter if you're in favor of a plural nation or not. We live in one and always have. As there is more views than just yours. Any system of governance that is incompatible with a plural nation is unfit for governance.

Any system of Governance that includes any plurality is unfit for use. In fact any system which allows for any level of change is unfit for use.

And ideological governance is incompatible with the multiple views of a diverse nation of ideas like ours.

Any diversity of opinion in a nation makes the nation incompatible with decency and morality.

Though you do demonstrate why your ilk so rarely have any real power: you don't believe any view but your own should be represented. Or even exist. And there are few people that would accept such strictures, and fewer still who would and align perfectly with your views.

REAL Power eminates from the barrel of a firearm. Trust me, we have plenty of that power.
Any Nation that has adult human beings with your views is already in trouble ,,,,in a word you are nuttier that squirrel doo-doo in a pecan grove...

I suspect he's trolling. His views are too stereotypical. Almost like someone doing a bad impression of fringe right winger.
They following presidents had shitty public relations, were any of them good presidents?
Truman, Johnson, Ford, Lincoln, Nixon, Adams.

Kissing the asses of the media is the least important job of a president. His staff works for him, he does not have to kiss their asses either. Reagan did not kiss O'Neill's ass but the two of them got a lot done.

A competent manager does not have to worry about public relations, his actions will take care of that.

It has nothing to do with kissing the asses of the media and EVERYTHING to do with being able to interact with other people

The closest politician to Ted Cruz's interpersonal skills is Putin

Putin is president of a very powerful nation, What's your point?

My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls

The right's bizarre hero worship of Putin continues. And why shouldn't it? He represents what they want our government to be.

acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.
acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.

If you were the only one fawning over Putin, perhaps. Alas, the anti-American shit being spewed by many conservatives sounds like a Soviet Era politburo press release. Matched bizarrely by their obsequious praise of the Russian leader.

Anything you want to tell us, comrade? Care to lay out all the ways the US needs to be more like Mother Russia?
It has nothing to do with kissing the asses of the media and EVERYTHING to do with being able to interact with other people

The closest politician to Ted Cruz's interpersonal skills is Putin

Putin is president of a very powerful nation, What's your point?

My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls

The right's bizarre hero worship of Putin continues. And why shouldn't it? He represents what they want our government to be.

acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.
Acknowledging the GW Bush was a weakling and an asshole would be a good start in your rehab....
THIS is the crap we the people, who isn't a die hard left/liberal is UP AGAINST in this country. On top of silly threads like this one
But don't anyone dare refer to Obama as "uppity"


rker’ Describes Hispanic Ted Cruz as ‘Uppity’



AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
by John Nolte25 Mar 2015600

Apparently it is again okay to use the pejorative “uppity” against Americans who are members of a racial minority group. Ted Cruz is a historic Senator and presidential candidate, the first Cuban-American to join either club, and for that reason (and his unapologetic conservatism) the media is out for blood. The New Yorker went so far as to describe Cruz with the racial pejorative “uppity.”

The conventional wisdom is that Cruz hasn’t got a chance, and, as far as the Presidency goes, it’s probably accurate. To many Americans, he is the uppity loudmouth who, in the fall of 2013, less than a year into his first term as a senator, helped bring the federal government to a halt.

“Uppity” is widely seen as a term used against minorities who “don’t know their place.” Throughout the Obama Administration, conservatives have been attacked in the mainstream media for using the word. The use of the word in the New Yorker warrants special scrutiny because its use is written, not verbal. Thoughtlessly using a word in conversation is something entirely different than the deliberative word choices that come with any form of writing, especially in the New Yorker.

A quick look at an online Thesaurus reveals at least a half-dozen words that work just as well if not better than the racially-coded “uppity.”

The mainstream media has a long and sordid history of “othering” all conservatives, but most especially those they see as apostates — outspoken women, gays, blacks, Hispanics. From Clarence Thomas straight through to Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, and Columba Bush, we see this again and again.

Nevertheless, the media presents Cruz as the “uppity” freak — not because he is but because in the long-held tradition of the Democrat Party (see: KKK, Jim Crow), minorities who pose a threat to the Democrat Party must be destroyed.

UPDATE: The New Yorker has removed the word “uppity.”

all of it here:
New Yorker Describes Hispanic Ted Cruz as Uppity - Breitbart
acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.

If you were the only one fawning over Putin, perhaps. Alas, the anti-American shit being spewed by many conservatives sounds like a Soviet Era politburo press release. Matched bizarrely by their obsequious praise of the Russian leader.

Anything you want to tell us, comrade? Care to lay out all the ways the US needs to be more like Mother Russia?

Angela Merkel and Bibi Netanyahu are also good leaders with guts. Recognizing good international leaders is not anti-american. Acknowleding that obama is a terrible leader is not anti-american, in fact it is the height of patriotism.
Putin is president of a very powerful nation, What's your point?

My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls

The right's bizarre hero worship of Putin continues. And why shouldn't it? He represents what they want our government to be.

acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.
Acknowledging the GW Bush was a weakling and an asshole would be a good start in your rehab....

Bush made some mistakes, all presidents make mistakes. But weakling and asshole are not adjectives that are applicable to Bush.
acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.

If you were the only one fawning over Putin, perhaps. Alas, the anti-American shit being spewed by many conservatives sounds like a Soviet Era politburo press release. Matched bizarrely by their obsequious praise of the Russian leader.

Anything you want to tell us, comrade? Care to lay out all the ways the US needs to be more like Mother Russia?

Angela Merkel and Bibi Netanyahu are also good leaders with guts. Recognizing good international leaders is not anti-american. Acknowleding that obama is a terrible leader is not anti-american, in fact it is the height of patriotism.

Perhaps. But your go to is good ol' Putin. Whenever the topic of leadership comes up, you fawn over shirtless Vladimir.

And you're not alone. Many conservatives have the same wide eyed, longing Gaze for Vladi......wishing we could be more like Russia. How did Lenin refer to them......ah yes.

'Useful idiots'.
My point in comparing Cruz to Putin?

Hmmmmm......let me think :eusa_think:

don't strain yourself.

here ya go.

both men
both have strong views and stand behind them
both successful politicians
both see obama as a weak president and a liberal fool
both care about their countries
one controls his media, the other tells the media to fuck off
both have balls

The right's bizarre hero worship of Putin continues. And why shouldn't it? He represents what they want our government to be.

acknowledging that Putin is a leader with guts is not worshiping him. The US needs a leader with some guts who will not constantly cater to the PC idiots and our enemies.
Acknowledging the GW Bush was a weakling and an asshole would be a good start in your rehab....

Bush made some mistakes, all presidents make mistakes. But weakling and asshole are not adjectives that are applicable to Bush.
I sure as shit apply the adjectives of moron, coward, weakling POS...that is GW Bush to me ....
You're simply ignoring the nation as it is and always has been.....along with anyone who disagrees with you. And demonstrating why ideologues are generally so powerless in a democratic society; while you can ignore almost everyone else, they still get to vote.

Votes mean nothing. The willingness to kill/die for what you believe in does.

No you don't. As the application of that power requires the will to use the firearm. And that's where your ilk fall short. When it comes to violently enforcing your narrow idea of morality, its always someone's responsibility. But never yours.

Rendering your fire arm little more than a paperweight in terms of the application of actual power.

No, it is absolutely OUR responsibility to do it. More and more people are moving in that direction these days. We'll see; possibly as soon as early 2017, whether or not people have finally realized that BULLETS are much more effective than BALLOTS in changing society.
I suspect he's trolling. His views are too stereotypical. Almost like someone doing a bad impression of fringe right winger.

I don't have the time, energy or imagination to troll. I'm not on the fringe of the Right Wing. Hell, most of those you folks call the Far Right, are to the LEFT of me, politically.

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