Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics

Anyone quoting Sean Penn in relation to anything other than acting is a total and complete buffoon.
Congratulations, jackass.
It lives up to its name....

lol, Sean Penn

the one who mingles with Hugo Chavez, Castor and other commies

you've got be frikken kidding some washed up actor pretending to be intelligent
"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics

I don't think he's mentally ill. he's just a lying, self-serving rightwingnut loon

he's crazy like a fox.
All US political party partisans are nuts.

The degree to which partisans are nuts is in direct proportion to how partisan they are.
is cruz partisan, [MENTION=11278]editec[/MENTION]? he trashes his own party. partisan (which isn't necessary always a bad thing) means you work for "party". cruz works for cruz.

the crazy people are the ones that buy the BS.
"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz Is Mentally Ill And Should Be Committed | Video | RealClearPolitics

I don't think he's mentally ill. he's just a lying, self-serving rightwingnut loon

he's crazy like a fox.
He doesnt lie like you do. Ted actually IS a lawyer.
Democrats could just get obama to declare being a republican evidence of mental illness and have a round up for treatment. Get it started already.
"I think they have -- there's a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think. Because these our American brothers and sisters, we shouldn't be criticizing them attacking that we should take their -- this is a cry for help."

Since this article was written ,Cruz has validated this

So you're incapable to stating in your own words, using logic, reason and specificity, why you think Cruz is "mentally ill".

That's bad enough.

So you turn to...wait for it...Sean Penn?! :eek:

Now that's just pathetic.
I like Sean Penn as an actor and a critic of Bush back in the days, but when he begins talking about the lack of education, I realize that he is not too bright himself - we are living under "Obama" administration and I'm not seeing any criticism of it from him - if he would be educated, he would know better.
Damn...only in a nation infected by a dread disease, do those infected believe a senator who stands for individual liberty, rule of law, and limited government is mentally ill.

If Cruz is mentally ill, what does that make Reid and Pelosi?
Lifelong Democrat Alan Dershowtiz on Ted Cruz:

“Off-the-charts brilliant. And you know, liberals make the terrible mistake, including some of my friends and colleagues, of thinking that all conservatives are dumb. And I think one of the reasons that conservatives have been beating liberals in the courts and in public debates is because we underestimate them. Never underestimate Ted Cruz. He is off-the-chart brilliant. I don’t agree with his politics.”
comments on mental stability

pretty funny from the Party of Alan grayson; who went off on his wife for having the gall to not want to be near his angry loser self; and threatened to destroy her!

idiots and hypocrites
I am no fan of Ted Cruz and revival of McCartyism. (see "Friends of Hamas")
But mentally ill? I don't think so.
Let's stick to issues, the hyperbole and personal insults add nothing to the public debate and only serve to deepen the divides that stand in the way of leadership and good government.

Sean Penn - who consistently puts his money where his mouth is.

Unlike Cruz who just rabble rouses the paranoid.
comments on mental stability

pretty funny from the Party of Alan grayson; who went off on his wife for having the gall to not want to be near his angry loser self; and threatened to destroy her!

idiots and hypocrites

Not true.

Didn't happen.

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