Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense

"Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense"

Actually not.

In fact, Cruz is completely devoid of sense, common or otherwise.

Cruz' positions on the issues is comprehensively wrong, ridiculous, and often detached from reality:

"On the economic front, a President Cruz would abolish the IRS, institute a 10 percent flat tax across the board and retie the value of the dollar to the gold standard. The U.S. stopped trading gold for dollars in 1933 and while the supply of gold has grown, there isn't enough gold in the world to match the $18 trillion U.S GDP. The money supply, the availability of credit and the nation's economy would likely have to contract to match the supply of bullion. Nevertheless, Cruz says returning to the gold standard deserves serious consideration.

If elected president, Cruz would order the FBI and the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood for fraud. The Texas senator doesn't believe in climate change science and would veto any legislation that would raise taxes or fees to inhibit global warming. He would like to institute term limits for U.S. Supreme Court justices. He opposes any minimum wage increase. And he would deport the millions of unauthorized immigrants in this country, all of them."

As His Moderate Rivals Are 'Ripping Each Other Apart,' Ted Cruz Sees An In

This is pure, unmitigated idiocy – a reckless, irresponsible, reactionary agenda hostile to sound governance and public policy; it's the stuff of a clueless rightwing extremist adhering blindly to failed, wrongheaded conservative dogma.

The last thing America needs is this sort of fear, ignorance, and hate advocated by Cruz and his misguided supporters.
. Hey, if we are going to fix this nations problems, then get ready for some real change, and get ready for the candidate that can get it done. You want more of the same crap, and that's why you write post like this or hold your position's in spite of.
. You all think that if you say it enough just like the tactic is used in a manipulating way, then maybe it will begin to be believed. I've listened to Cruz address the lies that were being espoused against him by his opponents, and he came through with flying colors, credibility and believability. The only way to make this tactic work for his opponents maybe, is to post video of him lying, and then post video of others calling him on it as in reference to the direct lie that was told. Then we the people will judge the final and end results for ourselves.
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With a man so hated, then he must be A-OK... Look at his opponents, and then compare notes... I know all the dirt on them, so as long as Cruz stays just a hair above their sorry lying characters in life, then we have a winner.

Hillary is the sleaziest candidate running I think, then poor ole Sanders is a socialist, then we got Rubio that the establishment wants since Bush fell by the wayside, and Trump who uses shoolyard bully tactics to keep his opponents off their game, and poor ole easy going Kasik who wants to give everyone a big ole hug, and Cruz who is a man of conviction, common sense, and knowledge that will serve this nation well.
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Prove it ..... You all who use this line won't prove it, but you think that if you say it enough just like the tactic is used, then maybe it will begin to be believed. I've listened to Cruz address the lies that were being espoused against him by his opponents, and he came through with flying colors, credibility and believability. The only way to make this tactic work for his opponents maybe, is to post video of him lying, and then post video of others calling him on it as in reference to the direct lie that was told. Then we the people will judge the final and end results for ourselves.

Uh, he said no SCOTUS nominee had been confirmed in an election year in 80 years.

Prove it ..... You all who use this line won't prove it, but you think that if you say it enough just like the tactic is used, then maybe it will begin to be believed. I've listened to Cruz address the lies that were being espoused against him by his opponents, and he came through with flying colors, credibility and believability. The only way to make this tactic work for his opponents maybe, is to post video of him lying, and then post video of others calling him on it as in reference to the direct lie that was told. Then we the people will judge the final and end results for ourselves.

Uh, he said no SCOTUS nominee had been confirmed in an election year in 80 years.

. Can you give the link upon where the lie is spoken and then a link that actually shows the information that would dispute the claim ? Thanks... In the mean time I will do some comparing also.
Prove it ..... You all who use this line won't prove it, but you think that if you say it enough just like the tactic is used, then maybe it will begin to be believed. I've listened to Cruz address the lies that were being espoused against him by his opponents, and he came through with flying colors, credibility and believability. The only way to make this tactic work for his opponents maybe, is to post video of him lying, and then post video of others calling him on it as in reference to the direct lie that was told. Then we the people will judge the final and end results for ourselves.

Uh, he said no SCOTUS nominee had been confirmed in an election year in 80 years.

. I found a link on something. But when I tried to copy, it copied something different. Not sure, but the link I found was good info, but could you post where he said what you say he said ? Thanks.
Regarding Cruz, he is not the best option for a presidential role.He is good of course, but it does not help, or how? He competes with the course of Carson and Kasich the latestlaternativetI would rather I also have a backup plan with TedCruz as president might get Cruz will be the maincompetitor to Trump. We let the next maximum six rounds to decide how it will be, or how?
Cruz is a nasty guy, not one Senate endorsement and, despite talk, gets nothing done. Loser!
Cruz is a nasty guy, not one Senate endorsement and, despite talk, gets nothing done. Loser!
. That's because he fights for everything we all been fighting for, but you must be for the status quoe. It's either you got friends on the inside or no friends on the outside.. Which will it be with people like you?
Regarding Cruz, he is not the best option for a presidential role.He is good of course, but it does not help, or how? He competes with the course of Carson and Kasich the latestlaternativetI would rather I also have a backup plan with TedCruz as president might get Cruz will be the maincompetitor to Trump. We let the next maximum six rounds to decide how it will be, or how?

Cruz is not the best option for a Presidential role . . . as opposed to whom?
Ted Cruz Throws A Tantrum Over Tough & Fair Questions

My comment:

This is just one example why I would not vote for or support Ted Cruz.

Chris Wallace didn't make this up. Tweets about Ben Carson, voting violation flyers, super PAC attack on Trump and the distributed Marco Rubio video are actual news stories that are factual. Ted Cruz's responds in right wing PC outrage.
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Ted Cruz Throws A Tantrum Over Tough & Fair Questions

My comment:

This is just one example why I would not vote for or support Ted Cruz.

Chris Wallace didn't make this up. Tweets about Ben Carson, voting violation flyers, super PAC attack on Trump and the distributed Marco Rubio video are actual news stories that are factual. Ted Cruz's responds in right wing PC outrage.

so he is not allowed to tell the truth about bias?? You trump pussies are pathetic.
Ted Cruz Throws A Tantrum Over Tough & Fair Questions

My comment:

This is just one example why I would not vote for or support Ted Cruz.

Chris Wallace didn't make this up. Tweets about Ben Carson, voting violation flyers, super PAC attack on Trump and the distributed Marco Rubio video are actual news stories that are factual. Ted Cruz's responds in right wing PC outrage.

so he is not allowed to tell the truth about bias?? You trump pussies are pathetic.

Given what a pussy Trump is, did you really expect his worshipers to be different?
Ted Cruz Throws A Tantrum Over Tough & Fair Questions

My comment:

This is just one example why I would not vote for or support Ted Cruz.

Chris Wallace didn't make this up. Tweets about Ben Carson, voting violation flyers, super PAC attack on Trump and the distributed Marco Rubio video are actual news stories that are factual. Ted Cruz's responds in right wing PC outrage.
. This idiot wanted Ted Cruz to apologize for something he didn't do, and he proved it when he fired his campaign manager without any recourse. Now what exactly did Ted accuse Chris Wallace of when he merely was just trying to answer a question asked him ? It looked to me like Chris was the one who had the melt down not Cruz.

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