Ted Cruz Makes Common Sense

A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”
A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”

Very interesting. Thank you.

One wonders how much time most of the voters have spent actually researching the candidates, rather than simply parroting slogans and childish, generalized assumptions.
A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”

Very interesting. Thank you.

One wonders how much time most of the voters have spent actually researching the candidates, rather than simply parroting slogans and childish, generalized assumptions.
Not much as we can see with Trump being so popular

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A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”

Very interesting. Thank you.

One wonders how much time most of the voters have spent actually researching the candidates, rather than simply parroting slogans and childish, generalized assumptions.
Not much as we can see with Trump being so popular

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The more I watch Trump supporters, the more I despair of our people having the common sense to wipe themselves properly after defecating, let alone actually pulling the country back from the brink of catastrophe.

I've said it before, and will likely say it many more times: Why don't the best and brightest in this country run for office? Because the American people are no longer bright enough to deserve them.
A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”

Very interesting. Thank you.

One wonders how much time most of the voters have spent actually researching the candidates, rather than simply parroting slogans and childish, generalized assumptions.
Not much as we can see with Trump being so popular

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

The more I watch Trump supporters, the more I despair of our people having the common sense to wipe themselves properly after defecating, let alone actually pulling the country back from the brink of catastrophe.

I've said it before, and will likely say it many more times: Why don't the best and brightest in this country run for office? Because the American people are no longer bright enough to deserve them.

The vast number of people who DO NOT run for office decide thus to avoid the incessant and invasive onrush of the media. Once you decide to try to serve your country in a political office and you are an outsider, you can expect people digging through your garbage cans and digging into your past. If you manage to gain a foothold and actually appear to have a chance of replacing a member of The Establish, all the guns come out and your family is attacked from every direction.

Who in the hell wants to put up with that?
A Look at the Cruz Résumé

The author of this piece is clearly a Cruz supporter but he does provide some interesting information for prospective voters. It's worth taking a look at @ Doug Ross @ Journal: Ever Looked at Ted Cruz's Resume? where he claims, “

Say what you will about Ted Cruz, but the Senator from Texas is the only man in the current presidential field who has spent his entire life defending the United States Constitution.”

Very interesting. Thank you.

One wonders how much time most of the voters have spent actually researching the candidates, rather than simply parroting slogans and childish, generalized assumptions.
Not much as we can see with Trump being so popular

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

The more I watch Trump supporters, the more I despair of our people having the common sense to wipe themselves properly after defecating, let alone actually pulling the country back from the brink of catastrophe.

I've said it before, and will likely say it many more times: Why don't the best and brightest in this country run for office? Because the American people are no longer bright enough to deserve them.

The vast number of people who DO NOT run for office decide thus to avoid the incessant and invasive onrush of the media. Once you decide to try to serve your country in a political office and you are an outsider, you can expect people digging through your garbage cans and digging into your past. If you manage to gain a foothold and actually appear to have a chance of replacing a member of The Establish, all the guns come out and your family is attacked from every direction.

Who in the hell wants to put up with that?

Not to mention the people who support you against the establishment are so ignorant and have such short memories that they attack and eat you as a "member of the establishment" two years later because you're in office, the very office they put you in to fight the establishment.

It's not the media, or I should say, not just the media. They are, by and large, a symptom of the pervasive amounts of stupidity and shallowness that have overrun this country like a staph infection. It's not just that the media is going to dissect your life for every time you got a parking ticket, it's that the dimwit voters are ACTUALLY GOING TO FREAK OUT AS THOUGH IT'S A REAL SCANDAL.

It wouldn't matter if the media treated them like unindicted axe murderers, except that the public will gullibly accept that narrative.

So yeah, the problem is really that the American people have proven that they no longer deserve the best and brightest. They have proven that they deserve a crass, vulgar egomaniac who pacifies them with the modern equivalent of bread and circuses and sacrifices to the lions.
How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?

Look, I'm not a Cruz supporter but can you provide some specifics as to his lies and dishonesty?

Still Report #627 - Trey Gowdy Accuses Cruz of "Outright Lies"

Trey Gowdy, in a written statement, has just accused Ted Cruz of “outright lies, questionable tactics” and a Facebook page that falsely said Gowdy no longer supports Marco Rubio. The release said:

“As a prosecutor, and in Congress, I’ve devoted my life to the rule of law and truth. The truth actually matters to me and to all South Carolinians. Unfortunately it appears that the campaign of Senator Ted Cruz may not place the same value on waging a contest based on the truth and facts.”

“In the last week, we have seen a systematic effort by Sen. Cruz and his allies to spread false information and outright lies in the hopes of winning votes by appealing to our lowest common denominator.”

“Now, it’s been reported that a fake Facebook page has been used to fool South Carolinians into thinking that I no longer support Marco Rubio, and that I’m instead supporting Ted Cruz.

“Nothing could be further from the truth and I’m demanding that Sen. Cruz and his campaign repudiate these dishonest and underhanded tactics. We can have a debate about the future of our party and our country. But we need not leave our integrity behind.”

A Feb. 15 post on the Facebook page Gowdy says is fake says:

“Friends, It is official, I have changed my mind. My previous endorsement of Marco Rubio was a grave mistake. The recent South Carolina debate revealed his total lack of integrity, intillect (sic)and foresight. To all my Christian and Conservative friends in South Carolina, I hereby formally endorse Ted Cruz for President of the United States. Please share this message. May God bless the United States of America.”

Still Report #622 - Illegal Cruz Fundraising Letter

The Houston Chronicle is reporting that Ted Cruz may have violated Texas state law with an illegal fundraising letter. The paper reported:

“The solicitation came in an envelope featuring a return address in official government type and the words ‘check enclosed. The ‘check’ was a fake check made out to Cruz’s campaign, accompanied by a missive asking the recipient to send in a ‘matching donation.’ “

Last year, Texas House Bill 1265 was passed that required solicitations resembling government notices, checks or negotiable invoices to include, “in at least 18-point type,” the words “SPECIMEN-NON-NEGOTIABLE.”

The Cruz mailer says in 6-point type – 1/3 of the legal size – “this check is a facsimile not redeemable or negotiable and has no cash value.”

This is the law in Cruz’s home state, Texas – the state where he served as Solicitor General – the chief lawyer in the state.

Still Report #621 - Cruz Delegate Quits Cruz in Disgust

C. Steven Tucker, a nationally-recognized healthcare policy expert and a delegate to the Republican convention for Ted Cruz, has come out publicly that he is abandoning Cruz because of his inability to tell the truth.

“I have bit my tongue long enough. As a delegate for Senator Ted Cruz I have been placed into a difficult and increasingly uncomfortable position and now I have had enough.”

“Donald Trump does NOT want Single Payer health care.”

Tucker, a 20-year licensed health insurance broker from Illinois has appeared on television and radio as a health care policy expert.

“If there is one thing I know it is health care policy and if there is another thing I know it is a lie when I hear it.”

“Continuing to support Senator Cruz after he repeats incorrectly and ad nauseum that; ‘A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Obamacare’; and, that ‘if you vote Donald Trump, you vote for Bernie Sanders-style socialized medicine;“
“… or even worse that Trump, Clinton and Sanders ‘have the identical position on health care’ has forced me into a crisis of conscience.”

“These are statements that even the left leaning Politifact has correctly identified as FALSE.”

AUDIO=> Mike Huckabee UNLOADS on "Low-Life, Sleazy" Politics of Ted Cruz - The Gateway Pundit

“Ted Cruz apologized for his campaign spreading a false story that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race but he deflected blame to CNN. Dr. Carson, being a good Christian, accepted the apology on a personal level, but he didn’t buy Cruz’s claims of innocent intentions…I can attest to the fact that even in our campaign there were many efforts to try and say that people shouldn’t vote for me or Rick Santorum or Ben Carson. The Cruz people said it would be a wasted vote and they should vote for Cruz. It wouldn’t have made a difference for any of us, but it is the kind of low-life, sleazy politics people truly get sick of.”

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