Ted Cruz mocks Nanci Pelosi


This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Fantasy? What part was fantasy? The part where Trump accused Ted Cruz father of helping kill JFK or when Trump was making fun of Ted Cruz wife?
You know, the made-up phone call. Schitt must be your hero. He makes up phone calls too!

This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Fantasy? What part was fantasy? The part where Trump accused Ted Cruz father of helping kill JFK or when Trump was making fun of Ted Cruz wife?
You know, the made-up phone call. Schitt must be your hero. He makes up phone calls too!
I’m curious, do you really think Ted Cruz father had no problem with Donald Trump saying he helped kill JFK?

do you think Ted Cruz wife had no problem with Donald Trump making fun of her looks in front of the entire nation?

And now after he defiled the annual prayer breakfast that had been going on since 1953, Ted Cruz said every Republican senator knew Trump was a liar and didn’t care.
Ted Cruz admits every GOP senator knew Trump's 'no quid pro quo' was a lie

"Out of 100 senators, zero believe you on the argument there is no quid pro quo," Cruz said to Trump's defense team, according to the senator's own recollection that he shared with CNN on Wednesday. "Stop making it," Cruz added.


you can’t make this stuff up.
Notice the letters in red? Did you click on them?
I don't trust fake news "American Independent"

This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Fantasy? What part was fantasy? The part where Trump accused Ted Cruz father of helping kill JFK or when Trump was making fun of Ted Cruz wife?
You know, the made-up phone call. Schitt must be your hero. He makes up phone calls too!
I’m curious, do you really think Ted Cruz father had no problem with Donald Trump saying he helped kill JFK?

do you think Ted Cruz wife had no problem with Donald Trump making fun of her looks in front of the entire nation?

And now after he defiled the annual prayer breakfast that had been going on since 1953, Ted Cruz said every Republican senator knew Trump was a liar and didn’t care.
All of those things about Trump with some being true are not nice. Now why did Progs keep electing a murderer in Ted Kennedy? And give him power? Or how about the elected philanderers and rapists in D.C. ? Are there any pedophiles? Are there any that have become richer or filthy rich from their position? Perhaps if Clinton did not run we would not have Trump. But that started a cascade with many lies from what was in D.C. that has led to him to be elected.
I'm still watching Trump's "perfect" State of the Union, and all I see is her rudeness and whatever the hell she keeps doing with her mouth.

I'm now watching the Rush portion but in this video he's not shown. Just Trump, Pence and Piglosi.

This woman is vile!
If you can see Rush's response, he is blown completely out of the water.
I saw and posted that video. I'm watching Piglosi's rude behaviour now and I AM "blown out of the water"
Ted Cruz aint in a position to mock anyone....ever.....
View attachment 305011
And yet he does. Hopefully he'll be your president in 2024
I could support Ted Cruz for President in 2024. I made telephone calls urging people to vote for him in primaries in 2016.
I supported Cruz in 2016 because I wasn't sure about Trump. I think for now Trump is by far the best choice. Cruz is a true conservative and I want him in the White House in his own time. 2024 works for me.
I'm still watching Trump's "perfect" State of the Union, and all I see is her rudeness and whatever the hell she keeps doing with her mouth.

I'm now watching the Rush portion but in this video he's not shown. Just Trump, Pence and Piglosi.

This woman is vile!
If you can see Rush's response, he is blown completely out of the water.
I saw and posted that video. I'm watching Piglosi's rude behaviour now and I AM "blown out of the water"
She's second in the line os s
I'm still watching Trump's "perfect" State of the Union, and all I see is her rudeness and whatever the hell she keeps doing with her mouth.

I'm now watching the Rush portion but in this video he's not shown. Just Trump, Pence and Piglosi.

This woman is vile!
If you can see Rush's response, he is blown completely out of the water.
I saw and posted that video. I'm watching Piglosi's rude behaviour now and I AM "blown out of the water"
She doesn't appear to be mentally sound.


SOTU: Another reminder, if one was needed, about the Left’s juvenile narcissism

The backdrop to Trump’s superb speech about America’s greatness was the malignantly narcissistic Dems indulging in an extended adolescent temper tantrum.

I enjoyed Trump’s speech because it was a magnificent statement about America becoming a nation that benefits not the 1% but the 99%. In a funny way, Trump is the real “Occupy Movement,” because his policies, by taking the regulatory yoke off American necks, unleashed American energy, innovation, and creativity — and the 99% did the rest. Trump is not a plutocrat or an oligarch; he is the answer to the plutocracy and oligarchy of the Obama era, a time during which we saw an almost fascistic fusion between government and big money.

I enjoyed Trump’s speech because, despite his subdued affect, he is a showman and knows how to entertain. His guests didn’t just illustrate his political points; his guests got something for showing up, such as private school admissions or husbands home from war. It was a most moving moment, Rush Limbaugh’s face, when he received that well-deserved Medal of Freedom.

It was absolutely wonderful watching the angry, petty, anti-American Democrats impotently fuming as Trump reeled off success after success — for all Americans — in the same country that they insist is a sterile, hate-filled, broken dystopia. From the first minute of the speech, I was riveted by Nancy’s theatrics. As she frowned, riffled through papers, mimed words, sucked her dentures, waved to people in the crowd, I laughed. She was the exact equivalent of an angry teenager forced by her parents to do something against her will and getting her revenge in as petty a way as possible. Her theatrically ripping up the speech at the end of the evening was the perfect drama queen moment of a frustrated 15-year-old girl denied an evening at the mall with her friends.

SOTU: Another reminder, if one was needed, about the Left's juvenile narcissism - Bookworm Room
Cruz beat their beloved sissy - Beta.... he's a sworn enemy of the marxist Dim cult now..... BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I thought he was doing an impression of Nanzi's gash in a convertible going 70mph....
You have a twisted imagination. Funny as hell though.

This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Fantasy? What part was fantasy? The part where Trump accused Ted Cruz father of helping kill JFK or when Trump was making fun of Ted Cruz wife?
You know, the made-up phone call. Schitt must be your hero. He makes up phone calls too!
I’m curious, do you really think Ted Cruz father had no problem with Donald Trump saying he helped kill JFK?

do you think Ted Cruz wife had no problem with Donald Trump making fun of her looks in front of the entire nation?

And now after he defiled the annual prayer breakfast that had been going on since 1953, Ted Cruz said every Republican senator knew Trump was a liar and didn’t care.
I'm even more curious why it is you don't seem to mind it when Democrats trash each other in primaries, but then have no problem with them supporting each other after.

Your blindness to what is really going on is amazing. The only difference between you and I is that I don't have to make up phony phone conversations.
This mocking is a step in the right direction for this family. The elder Cruz would've had a hand her assassinated like he did with President Kennedy.

This is Ted groveling for Trump.

This is what somebody who’s been emasculated looks like.

The guy Trump said his father helped kill JFK and called his wife names.

And now he’ll do anything for Trump.

Can you imagine the conversation Ted Cruz had with his father.

Dad.....he was just kidding.....nobody believes you helped.....kill......JFK.

But.....dad.....but....dad..... damn.....he hung up
I'm glad you have a good fantasy life. you'll need it for the next five years.

Of course, most people fantasize about women, but hey, nothing wrong with your daydreams.
Why did you ignore what the poster said about Ted Cruz??

These are all facts and you avoided all of them....why?
Ted Cruz admits every GOP senator knew Trump's 'no quid pro quo' was a lie

"Out of 100 senators, zero believe you on the argument there is no quid pro quo," Cruz said to Trump's defense team, according to the senator's own recollection that he shared with CNN on Wednesday. "Stop making it," Cruz added.


you can’t make this stuff up.
Why do you ask for links when you are going to just blame the source and call it fake news...

and ultimately admit what he said was true but it doesn't matter because "what about Hillary's emails"

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