Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
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No, prove first he provided the text. If he did not, then the issue matters not.
Vigilante is a birfer?

Then almost nothing he says can be taken seriously.
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

ok, i have to make the rounds, i haven't been to the viper pit (fogbow), and sunfortunately i've been banned from the majority of the antibirthersites ( e.g. dr. goldfinger like 7 times, etc). i'll post the question at oryr. we can ask the bots here, but i don't think they will come forward to answer.

btw faun, can i tell you something ?, i've admired you for years, you are awesome. your posts are thoughtful, you are always pleasant and you argue well, i wish there were more here like you. and i always learn something new from you. with this kind of dialog, we will eventually figure this out. there's a lot of cloak and dagger in this arena, a more fascinating and compelling American political topic i have never seen.. cheers
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I suggest you go back and listen to Levin QUOTE the Constitutional law which allows Ted to run...no trickery, just law!
Levin fails to mention the Naturalization Act of 1790 was repealed and the wording 'Natural Born Citizen' was replaced by 'Citizen'.

And it has been changed numerous times since 1790...even Wikipedia will help you with this!
Cruz is a statutory citizen.

A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Therefore Cruz is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1.

There can be no dispute that he is a citizen by birth because his mother’s status clearly passes the test (residing in the US for a minimum of 10 years and minimum 5 after age 14) that was in place at the time, so Cruz is also a natural-born citizen.
You are conflating codified 'citizen' and 'natural born citizen'. They are not the same.

And you are making the same mistake as that other headcase in fabricating distinctions and expecting everyone else to accept them.
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

ok, i have to make the rounds, i haven't been to the viper pit (fogbow), and sunfortunately i've been banned from the majority of the antibirthersites ( e.g. dr. goldfinger like 7 times, etc). i'll post the question at oryr. we can ask the bots here, but i don't think they will come forward to answer.

btw faun, can i tell you something ?, i've admired you for years, you are awesome. your posts are thoughtful, you are always pleasant and you argue well, i wish there were more here like you. and i always learn something new from you. with this kind of dialog, we will eventually figure this out. there's a lot of cloak and dagger in this arena. cheers
I appreciate the kudos. That said, you don't have to poll anyone. You can use the forum's search functionality. Personally, I don't recall seeing anyone on the left say he's ineligible. But I only come across a small fraction of the posts here, so who knows, right?
i was a birther when it wasn't pop[ular. the obots (some not all), tried right off to taint the argument only based on ethnicity. as if i, as a conservative couldn't be happy or proud to see a person of color or different religion, in any of the four branches of government.

Oh, if our president had been Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....there wouldn't be a birther conspiracy.

That being said, the foolishness of the Birther conspiracy was based overwhelmingly in its desperate, willful ignorance of overwhelming contrary evidence. And its exclusive dependance on imagination and conjecture as its basis. Making it doubly irrational.

And so much more fun to take apart. As you don't feel the need to restrain your presentation as you might when dealing with principled but contrary opinions.
No the conspiracy is based on the lack of information by the Obama campaign. Virtually every record of his past is missing or unavailable. In that environment conspiracy theories grow. Had he been open and direct there would be no, or little, speculation.

LOL.....are you that ignorant- or are you just lying?

I know the names of Obama's kindergarten teenagers- I have even read their interviews. I know how his mom and dad met.

Unlike any previous President in history I have actually seen proof of where he was born.

Tell me what record you think is missing from Obama that Bush and Clinton had provided?

I just want that chuckle.

kindergarten teenagers ??
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
What is it, some kind of amateur Alinsky retort to the controversy over Hussein Obama's birth? Aren't low information lefties aware that the Constitutional requires the president to be born in the USA but does not require the same thing for congress? McCain was a candidate for president even though he wasn't born in the USA and if Cruz becomes a candidate for president the issue will no doubt be at the forefront.
did cruz renounce a citizenship ? if so why ?

btw, i called and emailed sen.. rubio's office. years ago, to specifically ask him if He thought he was eligible.. he did respond, but never to that question.

so could the king of england (wils and kate his queen) drop the next baby in this country, and have it eligible to be the American president ? doesn't this bring us full circle to the grandfather clause.

i think a more interesting query, is why the supremes and the media sort of taboo the do.
who knew ?
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

ok, i have to make the rounds, i haven't been to the viper pit (fogbow), and sunfortunately i've been banned from the majority of the antibirthersites ( e.g. dr. goldfinger like 7 times, etc). i'll post the question at oryr. we can ask the bots here, but i don't think they will come forward to answer.

btw faun, can i tell you something ?, i've admired you for years, you are awesome. your posts are thoughtful, you are always pleasant and you argue well, i wish there were more here like you. and i always learn something new from you. with this kind of dialog, we will eventually figure this out. there's a lot of cloak and dagger in this arena. cheers
I appreciate the kudos. That said, you don't have to poll anyone. You can use the forum's search functionality. Personally, I don't recall seeing anyone on the left say he's ineligible. But I only come across a small fraction of the posts here, so who knows, right?

so far, don't forget there's no real incentive at this time. my point is that they will abandon the value of of truth and turn the argument to there favour in the next general. then they will say... well it's too late for obama let's fix it now. it will be much like the filibuster debacle.

they won't attack till after the pres primary, but don't think they haven't been calculating this for a years.
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

Can you show which "obots" are claiming Cruz is not eligible?

ok, i have to make the rounds, i haven't been to the viper pit (fogbow), and sunfortunately i've been banned from the majority of the antibirthersites ( e.g. dr. goldfinger like 7 times, etc). i'll post the question at oryr. we can ask the bots here, but i don't think they will come forward to answer.

btw faun, can i tell you something ?, i've admired you for years, you are awesome. your posts are thoughtful, you are always pleasant and you argue well, i wish there were more here like you. and i always learn something new from you. with this kind of dialog, we will eventually figure this out. there's a lot of cloak and dagger in this arena. cheers
I appreciate the kudos. That said, you don't have to poll anyone. You can use the forum's search functionality. Personally, I don't recall seeing anyone on the left say he's ineligible. But I only come across a small fraction of the posts here, so who knows, right?

so far, don't forget there's no real incentive at this time. my point is that they will abandon the value of of truth and turn the argument to there favour in the next general. then they will say... well it's too late for obama let's fix it now. it will be much like the filibuster debacle.

they won't attack till after the pres primary, but don't think they haven't been calculating this for a years.

but i'll see if i can find an honest obat.
Then why did he have it changed...why would the University do it on it's own after over a decade?
Another strawman doesn't help you. Prove he had it changed? The publisher says they changed it when they learned of the error. Prove they lied.

Don't have to, the obvious doesn't fit into YOUR, and the rest of the subversives agenda! Took them over a decade to find that SMALL mistake!:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
Translation: you can't prove any of your conjectures.

No surprise there, :gay: vagisil :gay:

At any rate, there were other publications from back then stating he was born in Hawaii. Your idiotic paranoia has Obama telling some media he was born in Hawaii while telling others he was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Visited his home country in Kenya!

Yes, let's hear the BULLSHIT and SPIN!!!

Since he was born in Hawaii, she may have been speaking of his heritage. Or maybe she mispoke? Who knows? In another speech she gave, she referred to herself as a single mother. Does that mean she really is? Of course not.

meanwhile, your strawman conjecture remains nothing but delusion as you have failed to prove Obama either ontributed to, or even knew about that pamphlet.

But the funniest part is learning you are a Birfer. :lmao: On top of all your other shortcomings, and there are plenty, you're a mindless Birfer too. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So either the Moooch is stupid as shit, doesn't know where the fuck she is, or made a slip and let out the truth!...She, of course, couldn't have said back to the home of Barry's father, Kenya! You are dumber than I thought, or just such a fucking sycophant Obumble fan you can't help yourself...I vote BOTH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Cuban father.... born in Canada ?

Redux Trump Goes Birther Again He Will Have To Clear Up His Article II Presidential Eligibility - Birther Report

of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle. their platform of crying racist will disappear, when an authentic birther as myself, says what's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Cruz is a republican to boot.

The OBOTS were/are still so desperate to sell an obama provenance, they never saw this coming, a day when the proverbial shoe is on the other political foot. they were so worried that they waved at changing the constitution. they invented a definition of natural born, complete with phony court precedents.

we as a country need to have this conversation. and don't worry Obots, i won't call you racist if you don't vote for cruz.

Trump? he's zany, but unfettered in his discourse.
What is it, some kind of amateur Alinsky retort to the controversy over Hussein Obama's birth? Aren't low information lefties aware that the Constitutional requires the president to be born in the USA but does not require the same thing for congress? McCain was a candidate for president even though he wasn't born in the USA and if Cruz becomes a candidate for president the issue will no doubt be at the forefront.

righ,t because non of those professional alinskys were available for this forum today.
did cruz renounce a citizenship ? if so why ?

btw, i called and emailed sen.. rubio's office. years ago, to specifically ask him if He thought he was eligible.. he did respond, but never to that question.

so could the king of england (wils and kate his queen) drop the next baby in this country, and have it eligible to be the American president ? doesn't this bring us full circle to the grandfather clause.

i think a more interesting query, is why the supremes and the media sort of taboo the do.
who knew ?

Never heard of duel citizenship?...Guess not, anyone who WORSHIPS the Manchurian Republican, can only have a lower 2 digit IQ than Jakey Boy!
Another strawman doesn't help you. Prove he had it changed? The publisher says they changed it when they learned of the error. Prove they lied.

Don't have to, the obvious doesn't fit into YOUR, and the rest of the subversives agenda! Took them over a decade to find that SMALL mistake!:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
Translation: you can't prove any of your conjectures.

No surprise there, :gay: vagisil :gay:

At any rate, there were other publications from back then stating he was born in Hawaii. Your idiotic paranoia has Obama telling some media he was born in Hawaii while telling others he was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Visited his home country in Kenya!

Yes, let's hear the BULLSHIT and SPIN!!!

Since he was born in Hawaii, she may have been speaking of his heritage. Or maybe she mispoke? Who knows? In another speech she gave, she referred to herself as a single mother. Does that mean she really is? Of course not.

meanwhile, your strawman conjecture remains nothing but delusion as you have failed to prove Obama either ontributed to, or even knew about that pamphlet.

But the funniest part is learning you are a Birfer. :lmao: On top of all your other shortcomings, and there are plenty, you're a mindless Birfer too. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So either the Moooch is stupid as shit, doesn't know where the fuck she is, or made a slip and let out the truth!...She, of course, couldn't have said back to the home of Barry's father, Kenya! You are dumber than I thought, or just such a fucking sycophant Obumble fan you can't help yourself...I vote BOTH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Screams a Birfer. :lmao:

He was born in Hawaii and has sufficiently proven it. Whatever Michelle's reasons for saying that, are meaningless. Hell, she could have said it just to taunt you idiotic Birfers.
did cruz renounce a citizenship ? if so why ?

btw, i called and emailed sen.. rubio's office. years ago, to specifically ask him if He thought he was eligible.. he did respond, but never to that question.

so could the king of england (wils and kate his queen) drop the next baby in this country, and have it eligible to be the American president ? doesn't this bring us full circle to the grandfather clause.

i think a more interesting query, is why the supremes and the media sort of taboo the do.
who knew ?
Yes, he recently gave up his Canadian citizenship to show his faithful followers that he's all U.S.A. now.
Don't have to, the obvious doesn't fit into YOUR, and the rest of the subversives agenda! Took them over a decade to find that SMALL mistake!:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
Translation: you can't prove any of your conjectures.

No surprise there, :gay: vagisil :gay:

At any rate, there were other publications from back then stating he was born in Hawaii. Your idiotic paranoia has Obama telling some media he was born in Hawaii while telling others he was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Visited his home country in Kenya!

Yes, let's hear the BULLSHIT and SPIN!!!

Since he was born in Hawaii, she may have been speaking of his heritage. Or maybe she mispoke? Who knows? In another speech she gave, she referred to herself as a single mother. Does that mean she really is? Of course not.

meanwhile, your strawman conjecture remains nothing but delusion as you have failed to prove Obama either ontributed to, or even knew about that pamphlet.

But the funniest part is learning you are a Birfer. :lmao: On top of all your other shortcomings, and there are plenty, you're a mindless Birfer too. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So either the Moooch is stupid as shit, doesn't know where the fuck she is, or made a slip and let out the truth!...She, of course, couldn't have said back to the home of Barry's father, Kenya! You are dumber than I thought, or just such a fucking sycophant Obumble fan you can't help yourself...I vote BOTH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Screams a Birfer. :lmao:

He was born in Hawaii and has sufficiently proven it. Whatever Michelle's reasons for saying that, are meaningless. Hell, she could have said it just to taunt you idiotic Birfers.

No, he hasn't proven shit! BUT , MOOOCH sure did! But I neither expect an idiot, like yourself to recognize that fact, or acknowledge that she's as stupid, and corrupt as her husband is! :ahole-1::321:
did cruz renounce a citizenship ? if so why ?

btw, i called and emailed sen.. rubio's office. years ago, to specifically ask him if He thought he was eligible.. he did respond, but never to that question.

so could the king of england (wils and kate his queen) drop the next baby in this country, and have it eligible to be the American president ? doesn't this bring us full circle to the grandfather clause.

i think a more interesting query, is why the supremes and the media sort of taboo the do.
who knew ?
Yes, he recently gave up his Canadian citizenship to show his faithful followers that he's all U.S.A. now.

You're so dishonest you can't admit he even had duel citizenship... what a joke you are!

Um, dip.......that 'birth certificate' was the one a dude named Lucas smith, a convicted forgerer, tried to sell on Ebay. Even World Net Daily called bullshit:

And I was totally aware of that dipx2..

You posted a fake 'birth certificate' produced by a 4 time convicted forgerer who the police are currently searching for in order to arrest for felony theft....and already knew all of that?

Then you're a fucking idiot. How stupid do you have to be to post a doc that you know is going to be shredded factually?

Worse, you knew that it was a clumsy forgery, knew it was invalid, knew it spelled the name of the General admin wrong, knew that it had the date wrong, knew that Mombassa wasn't part of Kenya in 1961, knew it was made by a 4 time convicted forgerer.....

.....but never included any of that information with post of the fake birth certificate?

Then you're dishonest fucking idiot.

..which is why I followed it up with a complete copy of the Harvard Law Review bio of Barack Obama, "first African American president of the organization", who claimed he WAS BORN IN KENYA in the same GD brochure. Why the hell would he say something that fucking stupid if he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

Except that you don't know what you're talking about. As that's not from the Harvard Law Review. That's from a marketing brochure from the literary agency Acton & Dystel back in 1991, created to sell the works of their authors to publishers.

And Obama didn't write it. An agency assistant named Miram Goderich did:

"This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me--an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote in an emailed statement to Yahoo News. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Born in Kenya Obama s Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

None of which you know, because you don't research a damn thing. You don't fact check anything. You're a mindless regurgitator. You simply vomit up whatever conspiracy batshit you were told to think.

Why is it that I have to school you stupid birther idiots on your own conspiracies?
I mean, if you're going to abdicate your capacity to reason and just obediently repeat whatever blithering batshit you're told to think, the least you can do is repeat it correctly. At least show some competence in your own conspiracies. Instead I'm dealing with the short bus of tin foil wingnuttery.

And funniest part? The reasons that idiot birthers are so worthy of contempt and mocking? Despite having schooled you on your own conspiracy and forced you to abandon your own silly claims.....

......you'll post that same stupid, debunked shit again later when you think no one who knows better is looking. Your argument relies on the ignorance of your audience. And you know it. As no one informed will buy your silly conspiracy. And you know that too.

You sure the hell didn't question that, asshole. Just like his Auntie claimed, he was a natural born Kenyan.
Um, son? I've forgotten more about your birther conspiracy than you know.

I've not only thought about it, I've researched it, found the original quotes, gotten answers and educated stupid, ignorant birther fucks like yourself on their own conspiracy. And whenever you're ready for another lesson, Teacher is always here to educate you.
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Understand, we're dealing with a common expression of the founding period. A Natural Born Citizen is citizenship which occurs by the natural event of birth. When a person is born to two citizens, the natural consequence of that, is a new citizen.

Again, says who?

So far its you....citing yourself. And I'm reasonably certain you're not one of the founders.

America only issues one birth certificate.

There's not a separate one for those whose parents weren't born here.

All people who are born in America whether their parents are citizens or not, are natural born citizens.

Anyone who is born in another nation but at least one of the parents is a citizen of America, is a natural born citizen.

These crazy people have no idea what they're talking about. They make up stupid things and actually believe it.

In the case of ted cruz, I personally will never vote for anyone who has citizenship to more than one nation. I don't want a president or politician who has allegiance to a different nation.

ted cruz has duel citizenship with America and Canada. I would never vote for him for any office because of that.

But even if he was a citizen to just America, I would never vote for the man. He's batcrap crazy.
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