Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

    Votes: 6 20.0%

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Lemme guess ... you believe the Sunday Standard article which couldn't even spell Obama's name correctly, right?

Did they get his picture wrong?

No, but they quoted an AP article -- only the original AP article said nothing about Obama being born in Kenya. The Sunday Standard added that to the AP article -- and couldn't spell his name right on top of it.

But you believe them, right? That's your idea of a verifiable source, idn't it, Birfer?

Sigh......Birthers have got to be the most gullible souls to ever walk God's green earth. As they will literally believe anything.
To clarify ... they will believe anything that feeds into their lunacy. They refuse to believe facts.

Curious. The audio cuts off sharply. Odd that. Its almost like there's something that the folks making the youtube video didn't want you to hear.

I wonder what that might be? Lets check the FULL audio and see.


Odd, immediately after where your audio cuts off, this conversation occurs:

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

If you'd bothered to fact check any of your batshit claims, you'd know this. But you don't. You don't check anything. You mindlessly, mechanically repeat whatever you're told to think. Without a single thought or question.

Sigh....there's a reason why you poor, hapless birther idiots are a national laughing stock.
It only happened to Obama.

Where’s the long list of people born in HI with CN SS#s.

There isn’t one; it only happened to Obama.

About how many prominent Hawaiians did Abercrombie say he could find no BC? That there was no evidence the person was even born in HI?

It only happened to Obama.

How many people actually born in HI believe the state is located in Asia?

Only Obama.

How many people who were even born in the USA, much less HI, believe there are 57 states?

Only Obama.

How many people’s BCs list ‘African’ as a race?

Only Obama’s.

How many people’s draft registration card lists only two digits for the year instead of the required 4?

Only Obama’s.

About how many POTUS's is it entirely unknown where their mother was living when she birthed him?

Only Obama.

How many prominent American politicians have gotten confused about the date of their own birthday?

Only Obama.

How many US politicians have wives who claim their memoir was written by a notorious domestic terrorist?

Only Obama.

About how many US politicians has a foreign National Assembly claimed he was born in their country?

This has only been claimed, multiple times, about Obama.

How many ‘born in the USA’ politicians have, in their background, multiple media sources that list their birth as foreign?

Only Obama.

How many US politicians’ wives have referred to a foreign country as their husband’s “homeland”?

This has only happened to Obama.

How many US politicians, who claim their parents were married, have wives who describe their mother as “very young and very single” at the time of their birth?

This only happened to Obama.

The list could go on and on!



Curious. The audio cuts off sharply. Odd that. Its almost like there's something that the folks making the youtube video didn't want you to hear.

I wonder what that might be? Lets check the FULL audio and see.


Odd, immediately after where your audio cuts off, this conversation occurs:

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

If you'd bothered to fact check any of your batshit claims, you'd know this. But you don't. You don't check anything. You mindlessly, mechanically repeat whatever you're told to think. Without a single thought or question.

Sigh....there's a reason why you poor, hapless birther idiots are a national laughing stock.

This is what RWs always do. They cherry pick phrases or chop up video until it says what they want it to say.

The dumb ones never question what they're told. They just follow their marching orders.
barach hussein obama released a forged selective service card...

Hey, don't forget this one, Birfer .....


"of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle"

Wrong again, as usual.

Not only do democrats believe Cruz is a natural born citizen and eligible to be president, but they'd love nothing more than for Cruz to indeed be the GOP nominee.

Crus is NOT a Natural Born Citizen... his father is a Cuban foreign National, thus Cruz is a citizen by law and as a result he is not qualified to be the President.

Sadly, Cruz and his Father are sublime Americans and EITHER of them would make a fine American President.
"of course the real story here is the obots and the press, and the fun we will have watching them back peddle"

Wrong again, as usual.

Not only do democrats believe Cruz is a natural born citizen and eligible to be president, but they'd love nothing more than for Cruz to indeed be the GOP nominee.

Crus is NOT a Natural Born Citizen... his father is a Cuban foreign National, thus Cruz is a citizen by law and as a result he is not qualified to be the President.

Sadly, Cruz and his Father are sublime Americans and EITHER of them would make a fine American President.
And no self-respecting conservative should vote for him should he happen to win the GOP nomination. :thup:
Cruz was GRANTED citizenship by statute, and that statute says "citizen" not "natural born citizen"
He was a born a citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen.

Nope... it does not. Being born here, makes one a citizen by birth; which is a function of law.

Being born from two citizens, naturally produces a citizen and THAT is what is meant by the constitutional requirement to qualify to be President of the United States.

And since obama was born to a foreign national, the most he can ever be, is Peasantpimp of the Union States.
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Says reason... and Mrs Geissenslaugh, my 6th grade social studies teacher.

The reasoning stands on its own merits, as such is sound and rests within a valid logical construct.

I know you 'feel' strongly that someone else needs to have said it, for it to be true, but as with the rest of your feelings, you're wrong.

Also... I couldn't help but to notice that you have no reasoning to offer which might on ANY LEVEL, contest it.

See how that works?
Quote the law. Failing that you have nothing.

Happy to do so Gunney.

Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution of the United States: "No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States."

Hope that helps... .
who worked w/him at baskin robbins, it wasn't that long ago.
there must be a few survivors. maybe he was paid in cash. maybe in gold.

Um, dip.......that 'birth certificate' was the one a dude named Lucas smith, a convicted forgerer, tried to sell on Ebay. Even World Net Daily called bullshit:

eBay birth certificate called fraud
Hospital refuses to authenticate document

  • Kenyan news sources have called into question the use of “Coast Province” or “Coast Provincial” as a correct reference to the official name of the Mombasa general public hospital in 1961, citing Professor Dan Branch of the University of Warwick who noted that the term “Coast Province” was not used in the early 1960s when Kenyan provinces were typically referred to as “regions.”

  • Until 1964, Kenya was the Dominion of Kenya, not the Republic of Kenya, and Mombasa was part of Zanzibar until Dec. 12, 1963, not a coastal province of Kenya.
  • Dr. James O.W. Ang’awa, the physician who was named in the document as the attending physician at Obama’s birth, was a physician who worked in Kenya during the 1960s; however, he worked at Kenyatta National Hospital in Nairobi. Dr. James O.W. Ang’awa never worked at any hospital in Mombasa.
  • The dates on the document are formatted in U.S. style, listing in order the month, day and year; this is not the British format which typically follows the order of day, month and year.
  • The footprint on the document appears nearly perfect in definition; real infant footprints typically show signs of smudging because of foot movement.
  • The footprint on the document is densely black, revealing few natural lines on the sole of the foot; footprints used for document identification are typically inked much lighter to allow for natural lines to be clearly apparent.
  • Footprints taken for document identification are typically taken for both feet, just as fingerprints taken for identification are typically taken for both hands.
  • The document does not look remotely like the 1961-era birth certificates used in Kenya; infant footprints were not displayed on Kenyan birth certificates in the 1961-era.

Read more at eBay birth certificate called fraud

The most obvious problems with it being that Mombassa wasn't part of Kenya until 1963. The date is given in US formating, with the month, day , year. Kenya uses day, month, year.

And the supposed cheif administrator Heltan Maganga that issued the document.....didn't work at the hospital until months after the document was supposedly issue. And the kicker? Lucas Smith spelled Heltan Maganga's name wrong: Its written HELTON Maganga. And even signed with the wrong spelling.

Heltan Maganga LinkedIn

There's a reason Lucas Smith is a convicted forgerer. He fucking sucks at it.

Oh, and he's currently on the run from police in Iowa for probation revocation related to theft.

Date of birth: 1/4/80

http://www.cedar-rapids.org/governm...CEDAR RAPIDS MOST WANTED WEB SITE VERSION.pdf

And if we go into his past, it gets even more interesting:

Felony 715.A(2) – forgery guilty 5/22/1998

Felony, forgery 715A.2(B) — Forgery – guilty plea to 3 counts – 2/28/2000

Felony 714.2(2) theft, 2nd degree- guilty 5/25/2000

Felony – 714.2(4) theft-4th degree – 4 counts guilty (srms);
(This action also included a felony count of 715A.2(A) Forgery which was dismissed, most likely as part of a plea bargain) 12/28/2000

Felony – 714.2(3) – theft, 3rd degree — guilty 8/9/2004 (multiple counts)

That's conviction for 4 counts of forgery. And this is your source?

Laughing....birthers are such fucking idiots.
Cruz was GRANTED citizenship by statute, and that statute says "citizen" not "natural born citizen"
He was a born a citizen. That makes him a natural born citizen.

Nope... it does not. Being born here, makes one a citizen by birth; which is a function of law.

Being born from two citizens, naturally produces a citizen and THAT is what is meant by the constitutional requirement to qualify to be President of the United States.

And since obama was born to a foreign national, the most he can ever be, is Peasantpimp of the Union States.
Complete bullshit. We've now had no less than 4 people run for president with only one U.S. parent; two of them getting elected. Arthur, Romney Sr. Goldwater, and Obama.
Signs affidavit declaring long-form, hospital-generated document absent
Published: 01/24/2011 at 8:48 PM
Read more at Hawaii official now swears No Obama birth certificate

What official? Rabbi is right to deride your 'source'.

Former Hawaii elections clerk Tim Adams has now signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

WND will print anything as long as its an attack on Barack Obama.

Compared to the statements by two Directors of Health of Hawaii saying that the original is on file.
Oh, now you don't like the truth, SO JUST PROCLAIM IT'S NOT THE TRUTH.

Let me know when you post something that is the truth.

It will be a first for a Birther.
Let me know when you can stop living in denial.

hey speaking of denial, there seem to be early ties of hillary and obamjevich to egypt and morsi and the mus bros. possible kidnapping of chris stevens.

benghazi and the birth certificate
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Look, I am a huge proponent of Ted Cruz... but it would be a colossal mistake to let be run for President.

Such would strip yet another Constitutional Standard.

I mean if the obama presidency has ANY meaning at ALL... it is that the Founders were PROPHETICALLY BRILLIANT in limiting the office of the President to Natural Born Americans.

I agree that Cruz would make a brilliant President, but by not slapping this idea down we are opening up a very destructive can of worms.

In truth, we need to recognize what the constitution requires and that obama was NEVER and CAN NEVER be qualified for the office of the President and ERASE him from US History... strip every EO and Law he signed from the books, strip him of all Federal Pensions and ancillary benefits.

obama is not qualified... he dam' well KNEW he was not qualified from the get-go and ran and won the office ENTIRELY upon the fundamental elements of Leftism: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance, and if ya let Cruz in... ya legitimize the brown clown and there's NO UPSIDE TO THAT.
They refused to release the records.

The COLB is an official birth certificate. Its the records you claim were never released. Its prima facie evidence in any court of law. Its sufficient to get a pass port. It alone resolves all legal questions of Obama's eligibility.

And it was released in 2008.

Idiot birthers simply ignored it. And?
You simply ignore the facts that Obama has never released any of his records. Even the birth certificate is not the original and the the state simply tells us "trust us, it's the same."
If anything is clear about this administrration, they cannot be trusted.

President Obama has released more 'records' than any previous President.

No one EVER releases their original birth certificate- the legal original is always kept on file in whatever jurisdiction applies. All anyone EVER releases is an original certified copy.

What President Obama did- which was completely unprecedented was:
a) in 2008 posted a copy of his official birth certificate online.
b) Only one news agency ever asked to see the original- and they got to see it.
c) The State of Hawaii confirmed that was the valid BC
Not good enough for Birthers of course.
d) In 2011, the President requests that Hawaii treat him special and issue two original certified photocopies of his original birth certificate.
e) These original certified photocopies- raised seal and all- were shown to reporters- one reporter even took a picture of the one she handled.
f) The State of Hawaii because they knew they were dealing with Birther idiots then specifically released a press certificate stating that a) yes they did give the certified copy to the President, and b) yes they did look at the original and c) yes he was born in Hawaii and d) yes the 2008 BC was legitimate also.

But Birthers keep on birthin. They are idiots.

And in the case of Stevie- he is both a racist and a birther- that is no coincidence.

If a Republican had done that, you'd be saying why not release documents if you have nothing to hide! By the time they did release them by Obama's timeline you'd be calling it irrelevant because the delays speak for themselves. You know, like you do every time you want a document from a Republican. But Biden being a plagiarist, Obama's birth certificate, Kerry and Obama's grads, it's no thang cover that bad boy up.

I agree with your view there is no debate here, Obama is a legitimately elected President. But your hypocrisy still reeks.
What are you talking about? He did release his birth records.

sort of
Crus is NOT a Natural Born Citizen... his father is a Cuban foreign National, thus Cruz is a citizen by law and as a result he is not qualified to be the President....

Hey asspull, the lack of value in your opinion has been pointed out to you several times now.
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