Ted Cruz Natural Born ?

Is Ted Cruz eligible ?

  • yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • no

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • to be decided

    Votes: 6 20.0%

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Little uptight there defending the Kenyan president are you? That sumbitch is a born and bred Kenyan, a muslim and a member of the fake Christian church led by warlord Jeremiah Wright...FOR TWENTY EFFING YEARS. A close personal friend of Bill Ayers, the mad bomber and arsonist of the 1970s, hired as the liberal in charge of teaching communism at the University of Illinois for years after he got out of prison (just some guy who lived in the neightborhood). And his auntie (pronounced ountie) was present at his birth in K-E-N-Y-A. Everything about the asshole is a lie including "his and Michelles" children who apparently do not have birth certificates either...
What do you think (and I use the term think loosely here) a photoshopped photo proves?

Look, I am a huge proponent of Ted Cruz... but it would be a colossal mistake to let be run for President.

Such would strip yet another Constitutional Standard.

I mean if the obama presidency has ANY meaning at ALL... it is that the Founders were PROPHETICALLY BRILLIANT in limiting the office of the President to Natural Born Americans.

I agree that Cruz would make a brilliant President, but by not slapping this idea down we are opening up a very destructive can of worms.

In truth, we need to recognize what the constitution requires and that obama was NEVER and CAN NEVER be qualified for the office of the President and ERASE him from US History... strip every EO and Law he signed from the books, strip him of all Federal Pensions and ancillary benefits.

obama is not qualified... he dam' well KNEW he was not qualified from the get-go and ran and won the office ENTIRELY upon the fundamental elements of Leftism: Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance, and if ya let Cruz in... ya legitimize the brown clown and there's NO UPSIDE TO THAT.

I suggest you go back and listen to Levin QUOTE the Constitutional law which allows Ted to run...no trickery, just law!
Levin fails to mention the Naturalization Act of 1790 was repealed and the wording 'Natural Born Citizen' was replaced by 'Citizen'.

And it has been changed numerous times since 1790...even Wikipedia will help you with this!
Cruz is a statutory citizen.

A statutory citizen (bestowed by man's pen) can never be a "natural born" citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

Therefore Cruz is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1.

Says the racist anti-semite.........
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Understand, we're dealing with a common expression of the founding period. A Natural Born Citizen is citizenship which occurs by the natural event of birth. When a person is born to two citizens, the natural consequence of that, is a new citizen.

Again, says who?

So far its you....citing yourself. And I'm reasonably certain you're not one of the founders.

America only issues one birth certificate.

There's not a separate one for those whose parents weren't born here.

All people who are born in America whether their parents are citizens or not, are natural born citizens.

Anyone who is born in another nation but at least one of the parents is a citizen of America, is a natural born citizen.

These crazy people have no idea what they're talking about. They make up stupid things and actually believe it.

In the case of ted cruz, I personally will never vote for anyone who has citizenship to more than one nation. I don't want a president or politician who has allegiance to a different nation.

ted cruz has duel citizenship with America and Canada. I would never vote for him for any office because of that.

But even if he was a citizen to just America, I would never vote for the man. He's batcrap crazy.

America doesn't issue birth certificates dumbass. Each state (there are 57 states according to our illustrious KENYAN president) issues the birth certificate. So there should be one from Hawaii for Mr. Obama, the Hawaiian, but every one he has presented so far has been bogus, a fake, counterfeit.

Um, dip.......that 'birth certificate' was the one a dude named Lucas smith, a convicted forgerer, tried to sell on Ebay. Even World Net Daily called bullshit:

And I was totally aware of that dipx2....which is why I followed it up with a complete copy of the Harvard Law Review bio of Barack Obama, "first African American president of the organization", who claimed he WAS BORN IN KENYA in the same GD brochure. Why the hell would he say something that fucking stupid if he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

So who is the dumb shit here? You sure the hell didn't question that, asshole. Just like his Auntie claimed, he was a natural born Kenyan.

What "Harvard Law Review" bio?

Seriously you can't even get your own facts straight.

That brochure was published by a publishing house- not the Harvard Law Review, and Obama didn't tell them he was born in Kenya at all

The editor of the biographical text about Barack Obama which was included in the booklet maintained that the mention of Kenya was an error on her part and was not based on any information provided to her by Obama himself:
Miriam Goderich edited the text of the bio; she is now a partner at the Dystel & Goderich agency, which lists Obama as one of its current clients.

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Read more at snopes.com Promotional Booklet

And why would Obama tell them in that brochure that he was born in Kenya- when the year before(1990) he was in national press talking about being born in Hawaii? And said that again in his actual biography?
You're not qualified to have an opinion,

Says a birfer. Anyone who a birfer supports is not emotionally or spiritually qualified to serve in any elected office in the United States.
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Understand, we're dealing with a common expression of the founding period. A Natural Born Citizen is citizenship which occurs by the natural event of birth. When a person is born to two citizens, the natural consequence of that, is a new citizen.

Again, says who?

So far its you....citing yourself. And I'm reasonably certain you're not one of the founders.

America only issues one birth certificate.

There's not a separate one for those whose parents weren't born here.

All people who are born in America whether their parents are citizens or not, are natural born citizens.

Anyone who is born in another nation but at least one of the parents is a citizen of America, is a natural born citizen.

These crazy people have no idea what they're talking about. They make up stupid things and actually believe it.

In the case of ted cruz, I personally will never vote for anyone who has citizenship to more than one nation. I don't want a president or politician who has allegiance to a different nation.

ted cruz has duel citizenship with America and Canada. I would never vote for him for any office because of that.

But even if he was a citizen to just America, I would never vote for the man. He's batcrap crazy.

America doesn't issue birth certificates dumbass. Each state (there are 57 states according to our illustrious KENYAN president) issues the birth certificate. So there should be one from Hawaii for Mr. Obama, the Hawaiian, but every one he has presented so far has been bogus, a fake, counterfeit.
Hell, you can't even get that right. Obama said there are 60 states, not 57.

Um, dip.......that 'birth certificate' was the one a dude named Lucas smith, a convicted forgerer, tried to sell on Ebay. Even World Net Daily called bullshit:

And I was totally aware of that dipx2....which is why I followed it up with a complete copy of the Harvard Law Review bio of Barack Obama, "first African American president of the organization", who claimed he WAS BORN IN KENYA in the same GD brochure. Why the hell would he say something that fucking stupid if he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

So who is the dumb shit here? You sure the hell didn't question that, asshole. Just like his Auntie claimed, he was a natural born Kenyan.
Prove he provided the text in the brochure ........

Then why didn't he have it corrected until it became an issue?

There is no indication that he ever corrected it- or even knew about the error.

I think even Obama didn't understand how nutty Birthers would be.
Cruz is qualified for the presidency by Constitutional criteria.

He is not qualified emotionally or spiritually.

You're not qualified to have an opinion, but we do have a Constitution that gives, even scum like you, a say....unfortunately you subversives are the ones who want to shut up the PATRIOTS!....Just thought I'd remind everyone about you leftists!

LOL.....yet here you are posting your opinion exactly like Jake was posting his opinion.

See the Constitution allows even scum like you a say, which all Americans should support, even when you want to shut up the Patriots.....just thought I would remind everyone about you batshit crazy Conservative wingnuts.

You are a dimwit, aren't you, as that is what I said! ...But Patriots will let you socialist, commie loving pond scum continue with your worthless diatribes, and point out just how dangerous you are to the FORMER American way of life!

LOL- being called a dimwit by a clueless irrational Rightist wingnut like you is a compliment!


I shall continue to compliment such a left wing nut, as yourself! Now, don't wet your panties with that compliment!

I leave the panty wetting to you, once they leak through you Depends.

Um, dip.......that 'birth certificate' was the one a dude named Lucas smith, a convicted forgerer, tried to sell on Ebay. Even World Net Daily called bullshit:

And I was totally aware of that dipx2....which is why I followed it up with a complete copy of the Harvard Law Review bio of Barack Obama, "first African American president of the organization", who claimed he WAS BORN IN KENYA in the same GD brochure. Why the hell would he say something that fucking stupid if he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii?

So who is the dumb shit here? You sure the hell didn't question that, asshole. Just like his Auntie claimed, he was a natural born Kenyan.
Prove he provided the text in the brochure ........

Then why didn't he have it corrected until it became an issue?
Your strawman is noted and efficiently discarded. First, you would have to prove he even read it.

Then why did he have it changed...why would the University do it on it's own after over a decade?

Hmmm the 'University' didn't change anything. Nor is there any indication that President Obama did.

Another win for the Birther fact checking.
Prove he provided the text in the brochure ........

Then why didn't he have it corrected until it became an issue?
Your strawman is noted and efficiently discarded. First, you would have to prove he even read it.

Then why did he have it changed...why would the University do it on it's own after over a decade?
Another strawman doesn't help you. Prove he had it changed? The publisher says they changed it when they learned of the error. Prove they lied.

Don't have to, the obvious doesn't fit into YOUR, and the rest of the subversives agenda! Took them over a decade to find that SMALL mistake!:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:

Nonsense. Obama released his COLB in 2008. It stands as prima facie evidence in any court of law and is a legal birth certificate in every state. You could get a passport with a COLB. It resolved any reasonable doubts.

Yet birthers ignored it. Even when the State of Hawaii confirmed that Obama was born in Hawaii and was a natural born citizen of the United States.

Which is why we make fun of birthers. They're fucking idiots.
They refused to release the long form, they claimed the hospital records burned, his college and law school transcrtipts are locked away, almost no one remembers him.

And so what? The COLB is a legal birth certificate. Obama's eligibility to be president is a legal question. The moment the COLB was released in 2008, all credible legal questions were answered. It resolved all reasonable doubts. What was left were unreasonable doubts. Which obligate no one to do anything.

He is the least transparent president in history.

Blithering nonsense. Obama's eligibility to be president was established as thoroughly than any president in our history. You simply ignored the evidence. And your willful ignorance doesn't create any constitutional crisis.
Ignoring the point.
Most of his records are sealed. Most of his past is mysterious. Why? What is he hiding?


Please enlighten us- tell us what 'records' of Obama's are sealed that were not 'sealed' for Bush and Clinton?
All of his and his wife's college records.

So you think all of Bush's and Clinton's - and their wives- college records are 'unsealed'?

LOL....of those records only one- Bush's- undergrad records are available- because they were illegally leaked- not Clintons, not Bush's Harvard records.

Bush's Harvard records are as 'sealed' as Obama's 'Harvard' records.

Hence the Birther double standard.
Another strawman doesn't help you. Prove he had it changed? The publisher says they changed it when they learned of the error. Prove they lied.

Don't have to, the obvious doesn't fit into YOUR, and the rest of the subversives agenda! Took them over a decade to find that SMALL mistake!:lmao::lmao::lmao::cuckoo:
Translation: you can't prove any of your conjectures.

No surprise there, :gay: vagisil :gay:

At any rate, there were other publications from back then stating he was born in Hawaii. Your idiotic paranoia has Obama telling some media he was born in Hawaii while telling others he was born in Kenya. :cuckoo:

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Visited his home country in Kenya!

Yes, let's hear the BULLSHIT and SPIN!!!

Since he was born in Hawaii, she may have been speaking of his heritage. Or maybe she mispoke? Who knows? In another speech she gave, she referred to herself as a single mother. Does that mean she really is? Of course not.

meanwhile, your strawman conjecture remains nothing but delusion as you have failed to prove Obama either ontributed to, or even knew about that pamphlet.

But the funniest part is learning you are a Birfer. :lmao: On top of all your other shortcomings, and there are plenty, you're a mindless Birfer too. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

So either the Moooch is stupid as shit, doesn't know where the fuck she is, or made a slip and let out the truth!...She, of course, couldn't have said back to the home of Barry's father, Kenya! You are dumber than I thought, or just such a fucking sycophant Obumble fan you can't help yourself...I vote BOTH! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Well of course that is the only answer the idiotic Birthers can think of.

Obama visits Ireland his ancestral homeland - CBS News

Paul Ryan s charms fall flat in Irish homeland - NY Daily News

Birthers.....lol....you are as amusing as the Moon landing deniers.
What do you think (and I use the term think loosely here) a photoshopped photo proves?

Nothing...What do you think those almost 40 year old photos proved? They proved to me the sumbitch is the biggest liar to ever enter the WH.

Well Birthers believe anything that they see on the internet- even when posted by convicted forgers- as long as the posts suggest that President Obama cannot possibly be President.

Good article- worth quoting

The Constitution says that only "natural born citizens" are eligible to be president. Is Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas eligible, given that he was born in Canada of a U.S. citizen mother and a Cuban immigrant father?

If Cruz runs, 2016 will be the third consecutive election in which there were questions about the right of a major party candidate to serve. Unfortunately, the Framers left few clues about exactly what a "natural born citizen" is; Congress has not used the phrase in citizenship statutes since 1790.

Indeed, the phrase is so obscure that it has been called the Constitution's worst provision by the dean of the Yale Law School. But it is likely that Cruz is a natural born citizen, because he was a citizen by birth. In any event, even if there were some question, the courts are unlikely to interfere with the decisions of the electorate about who we want as our president.

We have clear rules for who is a citizen by birth, and who can become a citizen after birth by naturalization, but neither the Constitution nor laws passed by Congress define "natural born citizen."

The phrase comes from the English common law, which defined the term as including anyone who, by natural law, owed duties to, and was protected by, the monarch. The sovereign expected obedience from anyone born in the country, other than the child of a foreign diplomat or an enemy soldier. So children born in England, even to parents who were not English themselves, were natural born subjects. As such they were obligated to pay taxes, say, or perform military service, and they had the rights of English people.

The word "natural" was critical. English courts found that some people were naturally subjects if born in the dominion of the sovereign even if Parliament had passed no law making them such. Simply being born naturally created rights and duties.

Politics: Who is eligible to run for president?

The United States had natural citizenship in this same sense; white people born in the United States were always regarded as citizens, even before the Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, put that principle in the Constitution and extended it to African-Americans.

Clearly, those born in the United States are eligible to be president; if they are not, no one is. There is also wide agreement that people who became citizens after birth, such as former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm, cannot run. Naturalized citizens are ineligible, no matter how able and popular, no matter how loyal and integrated into American society.

The question about eligibility has always been with regard to children of U.S. citizens born overseas, like Ted Cruz, and Republican presidential candidates John McCain and George Romney before him. The Supreme Court has held that foreign-born children are U.S. citizens only to the extent that a law passed by Congress makes them so. As the child of a U.S. citizen mother, Ted Cruz was born a citizen by virtue of the Immigration and Nationality Act. But did that make him a natural born citizen?

The United States has citizens, not subjects; we are a nation of free people, not ruled by a hereditary sovereign. Therefore, the English concept does not translate directly to the American context. Instead, the question is who is a natural member of the political community.

Most immigration and citizenship scholars, including me, believe that the answer is that any person who is a U.S. citizen at birth is naturally a part of the political community and hence eligible to be president. (I argued that John McCain was not eligible, because the statute granting citizenship to people born in the Canal Zone was passed only after he was born; since he was not a citizen at birth, he could not be a natural born citizen.)

Did you read the part about presidential eligibility from his mothers citizenship?

I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible.

Mind you it isn't proven- in order to be 'proven' we would need proof his mother was a citizen he was born- but personally I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible, no more than I ever doubted McCain or Obama's eligiblity.
Little uptight there defending the Kenyan president are you? That sumbitch is a born and bred Kenyan, a muslim and a member of the fake Christian church led by warlord Jeremiah Wright...FOR TWENTY EFFING YEARS. A close personal friend of Bill Ayers, the mad bomber and arsonist of the 1970s, hired as the liberal in charge of teaching communism at the University of Illinois for years after he got out of prison (just some guy who lived in the neightborhood). And his auntie (pronounced ountie) was present at his birth in K-E-N-Y-A. Everything about the asshole is a lie including "his and Michelles" children who apparently do not have birth certificates either

LOL......Birthers are so fucking stupid.

Please, please be a vocal supporter of whatever wingnut Republican candidate emerges- I want to point to you as the voice of the Republican Party.

Oh and every thing you posted above is a lie.

But you knew that.

Good article- worth quoting

The Constitution says that only "natural born citizens" are eligible to be president. Is Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas eligible, given that he was born in Canada of a U.S. citizen mother and a Cuban immigrant father?

If Cruz runs, 2016 will be the third consecutive election in which there were questions about the right of a major party candidate to serve. Unfortunately, the Framers left few clues about exactly what a "natural born citizen" is; Congress has not used the phrase in citizenship statutes since 1790.

Indeed, the phrase is so obscure that it has been called the Constitution's worst provision by the dean of the Yale Law School. But it is likely that Cruz is a natural born citizen, because he was a citizen by birth. In any event, even if there were some question, the courts are unlikely to interfere with the decisions of the electorate about who we want as our president.

We have clear rules for who is a citizen by birth, and who can become a citizen after birth by naturalization, but neither the Constitution nor laws passed by Congress define "natural born citizen."

The phrase comes from the English common law, which defined the term as including anyone who, by natural law, owed duties to, and was protected by, the monarch. The sovereign expected obedience from anyone born in the country, other than the child of a foreign diplomat or an enemy soldier. So children born in England, even to parents who were not English themselves, were natural born subjects. As such they were obligated to pay taxes, say, or perform military service, and they had the rights of English people.

The word "natural" was critical. English courts found that some people were naturally subjects if born in the dominion of the sovereign even if Parliament had passed no law making them such. Simply being born naturally created rights and duties.

Politics: Who is eligible to run for president?

The United States had natural citizenship in this same sense; white people born in the United States were always regarded as citizens, even before the Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, put that principle in the Constitution and extended it to African-Americans.

Clearly, those born in the United States are eligible to be president; if they are not, no one is. There is also wide agreement that people who became citizens after birth, such as former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm, cannot run. Naturalized citizens are ineligible, no matter how able and popular, no matter how loyal and integrated into American society.

The question about eligibility has always been with regard to children of U.S. citizens born overseas, like Ted Cruz, and Republican presidential candidates John McCain and George Romney before him. The Supreme Court has held that foreign-born children are U.S. citizens only to the extent that a law passed by Congress makes them so. As the child of a U.S. citizen mother, Ted Cruz was born a citizen by virtue of the Immigration and Nationality Act. But did that make him a natural born citizen?

The United States has citizens, not subjects; we are a nation of free people, not ruled by a hereditary sovereign. Therefore, the English concept does not translate directly to the American context. Instead, the question is who is a natural member of the political community.

Most immigration and citizenship scholars, including me, believe that the answer is that any person who is a U.S. citizen at birth is naturally a part of the political community and hence eligible to be president. (I argued that John McCain was not eligible, because the statute granting citizenship to people born in the Canal Zone was passed only after he was born; since he was not a citizen at birth, he could not be a natural born citizen.)

Did you read the part about presidential eligibility from his mothers citizenship?

I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible.

Mind you it isn't proven- in order to be 'proven' we would need proof his mother was a citizen he was born- but personally I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible, no more than I ever doubted McCain or Obama's eligiblity.

Obama's eligibility is in question since his mother wasn't here 5 years after her 14th birthday, she gave birth before that! This is why his actual birth place is in question!
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Understand, we're dealing with a common expression of the founding period. A Natural Born Citizen is citizenship which occurs by the natural event of birth. When a person is born to two citizens, the natural consequence of that, is a new citizen.

Again, says who?

So far its you....citing yourself. And I'm reasonably certain you're not one of the founders.

America only issues one birth certificate.

There's not a separate one for those whose parents weren't born here.

All people who are born in America whether their parents are citizens or not, are natural born citizens.

Anyone who is born in another nation but at least one of the parents is a citizen of America, is a natural born citizen.

These crazy people have no idea what they're talking about. They make up stupid things and actually believe it.

In the case of ted cruz, I personally will never vote for anyone who has citizenship to more than one nation. I don't want a president or politician who has allegiance to a different nation.

ted cruz has duel citizenship with America and Canada. I would never vote for him for any office because of that.

But even if he was a citizen to just America, I would never vote for the man. He's batcrap crazy.

America doesn't issue birth certificates dumbass. Each state (there are 57 states according to our illustrious KENYAN president) issues the birth certificate. So there should be one from Hawaii for Mr. Obama, the Hawaiian, but every one he has presented so far has been bogus, a fake, counterfeit.

The State of Hawaii says otherwise.

On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.


The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.

“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,”

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.”

On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley, the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached). On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request,

Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.

Good article- worth quoting

The Constitution says that only "natural born citizens" are eligible to be president. Is Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas eligible, given that he was born in Canada of a U.S. citizen mother and a Cuban immigrant father?

If Cruz runs, 2016 will be the third consecutive election in which there were questions about the right of a major party candidate to serve. Unfortunately, the Framers left few clues about exactly what a "natural born citizen" is; Congress has not used the phrase in citizenship statutes since 1790.

Indeed, the phrase is so obscure that it has been called the Constitution's worst provision by the dean of the Yale Law School. But it is likely that Cruz is a natural born citizen, because he was a citizen by birth. In any event, even if there were some question, the courts are unlikely to interfere with the decisions of the electorate about who we want as our president.

We have clear rules for who is a citizen by birth, and who can become a citizen after birth by naturalization, but neither the Constitution nor laws passed by Congress define "natural born citizen."

The phrase comes from the English common law, which defined the term as including anyone who, by natural law, owed duties to, and was protected by, the monarch. The sovereign expected obedience from anyone born in the country, other than the child of a foreign diplomat or an enemy soldier. So children born in England, even to parents who were not English themselves, were natural born subjects. As such they were obligated to pay taxes, say, or perform military service, and they had the rights of English people.

The word "natural" was critical. English courts found that some people were naturally subjects if born in the dominion of the sovereign even if Parliament had passed no law making them such. Simply being born naturally created rights and duties.

Politics: Who is eligible to run for president?

The United States had natural citizenship in this same sense; white people born in the United States were always regarded as citizens, even before the Fourteenth Amendment, passed in 1868, put that principle in the Constitution and extended it to African-Americans.

Clearly, those born in the United States are eligible to be president; if they are not, no one is. There is also wide agreement that people who became citizens after birth, such as former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jennifer Granholm, cannot run. Naturalized citizens are ineligible, no matter how able and popular, no matter how loyal and integrated into American society.

The question about eligibility has always been with regard to children of U.S. citizens born overseas, like Ted Cruz, and Republican presidential candidates John McCain and George Romney before him. The Supreme Court has held that foreign-born children are U.S. citizens only to the extent that a law passed by Congress makes them so. As the child of a U.S. citizen mother, Ted Cruz was born a citizen by virtue of the Immigration and Nationality Act. But did that make him a natural born citizen?

The United States has citizens, not subjects; we are a nation of free people, not ruled by a hereditary sovereign. Therefore, the English concept does not translate directly to the American context. Instead, the question is who is a natural member of the political community.

Most immigration and citizenship scholars, including me, believe that the answer is that any person who is a U.S. citizen at birth is naturally a part of the political community and hence eligible to be president. (I argued that John McCain was not eligible, because the statute granting citizenship to people born in the Canal Zone was passed only after he was born; since he was not a citizen at birth, he could not be a natural born citizen.)

Did you read the part about presidential eligibility from his mothers citizenship?

I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible.

Mind you it isn't proven- in order to be 'proven' we would need proof his mother was a citizen he was born- but personally I have no doubt that Cruz is eligible, no more than I ever doubted McCain or Obama's eligiblity.

Obama's eligibility is in question since his mother wasn't here 5 years after her 14th birthday, she gave birth before that! This is why his actual birth place is in question!

LOL- you accept without any proof at all that Cruz's mother was a citizen- but you refuse to accept what the State of Hawaii says?

God Birthers are hypocrites.


The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.

“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,”

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.”

On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley, the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached).

On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request, Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.
No Gunney... You said it yourself. If you're born in the US, you're a citizen by law; a citizen by statute or a citizen by birth... . Your son falls into that category. Because your wife is a foreign national and, I presume by now, a naturalized citizen; again a citizen by virtue of statute. They're every bit a citizen... just not a natural born citizen.

Says who?

Understand, we're dealing with a common expression of the founding period. A Natural Born Citizen is citizenship which occurs by the natural event of birth. When a person is born to two citizens, the natural consequence of that, is a new citizen.

Again, says who?

So far its you....citing yourself. And I'm reasonably certain you're not one of the founders.

America only issues one birth certificate.

There's not a separate one for those whose parents weren't born here.

All people who are born in America whether their parents are citizens or not, are natural born citizens.

Anyone who is born in another nation but at least one of the parents is a citizen of America, is a natural born citizen.

These crazy people have no idea what they're talking about. They make up stupid things and actually believe it.

In the case of ted cruz, I personally will never vote for anyone who has citizenship to more than one nation. I don't want a president or politician who has allegiance to a different nation.

ted cruz has duel citizenship with America and Canada. I would never vote for him for any office because of that.

But even if he was a citizen to just America, I would never vote for the man. He's batcrap crazy.

America doesn't issue birth certificates dumbass. Each state (there are 57 states according to our illustrious KENYAN president) issues the birth certificate. So there should be one from Hawaii for Mr. Obama, the Hawaiian, but every one he has presented so far has been bogus, a fake, counterfeit.

The State of Hawaii says otherwise.

On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.


The Hawai„i State Health Department recently complied with a request by President Barack Obama for certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth, which is sometimes referred to in the media as a “long form” birth certificate.

“We hope that issuing certified copies of the original Certificate of Live Birth to President Obama will end the numerous inquiries related to his birth in Hawai„i,”

Hawai„i Health Director Loretta Fuddy said. “I have seen the original records filed at the Department of Health and attest to the authenticity of the certified copies the department provided to the President that further prove the fact that he was born in Hawai„i.”

On April 22, 2011, President Obama sent a letter to Director Fuddy, requesting two certified copies of his original Certificate of Live Birth. Also on that day, Judith Corley, the President‟s personal attorney, made the same request in writing on behalf of the President. (Letters from President Obama and Ms. Corley are attached). On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama‟s request,

Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar, certified the copies.

WHY did it take YEARS after he was in office to SUPPOSEDLY display this MIRACLE, and why aren't his college records available which would show that he was awarded a scholarship by the FACT he was a foreign born citizen?
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