Ted Cruz: Now more than ever, Americans must be armed.

[QUOTE="PK1, post: 12962815, member: 54974"
Me: Now more than ever, Americans must be provided with a bullet-proof vest & helmet ... and Tourists should also get them when entering USA.
Orgs like NRA should fund the defensive equipment or be TAXED like we tax cigarettes.


Have you been retarded all your life, or have you been huffing paint for decades?

Me: Now more than ever, Americans must be provided with a bullet-proof vest & helmet ... and Tourists should also get them when entering USA.
Orgs like NRA should fund the defensive equipment or be TAXED like we tax cigarettes.
Have you been retarded all your life, or have you been huffing paint for decades?
Was that retort to my quote, or to the quote by Ted Cruz, who also completed Dr level education at an Ivy League university?
Ted Cruz: Now, More Than Ever, Americans Must Be Armed

the man I hope is our next president said:
Unfortunately, the goal of both President Obama and Hillary Clinton, is to consistently–at every turn–to look to weaken the constitutional rights of American citizens. And in particular, to undermine our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. You don’t get rid of the bad guys by getting rid of our guns. You get rid of the bad guys by using our guns. And, rather than respond to radical Islam and terrorism with a commitment from the president to keep this nation safe–to kill the terrorists–instead, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton refuse to even utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism.”

You just have to appreciate a guy who will not slink away or "moderate" on principles that are right.

Ted Cruz stands on a solid foundation of core conservative principles that are what made this country great. He is adamantly opposed to the regressive bullshit that has brought us down so low that Americans have to now be fearful that "guests" from other countries are plotting to kill us.

Now we are not safe in our own country because we have allowed the gates of Rome to be propped open by treasonous libturds and the hordes of barbaric savages have been trickling in and nesting in our neighborhoods. Taking our jobs, taking our charity and waiting for their day to please their moongod.

To top it off the same sniveling parasite libturds who insist they're protecting the gates they've thrown open, insist we lay down our arms. I will repeat this a million times in my life.

I said:
In order to be a liberal you either have to be a complete blithering authoritarian idiot, or a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath.

Was Tim McVeigh successful because not enough people in the federal building were armed?

How many armed Bostonians would have been needed to stop the bombings at the marathon?

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