Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

There you go again.Being such a stupid fuck to think Democrats want illegal immigration. If that were the case, why did Obama increase the border patrol. According to assfuck you, he would have fired them all.

If it were not the case, why are they fighting to keep their sanctuary cities and now states? Why did the Democrat Senate stop Kate's law, a common sense law that had harsh penalties for felons who return back to the US after deportation? Why do lib states issue illegals drivers licenses so they can get to work or school?

Court Deportations Drop 43 Percent in Past Five Years

I see you have no clue what sanctuary cities are all about. Just the typical dumbass Trumpette. Kate's Law is a joke. It would do nothing but fill up our federal prisons with non violent people. Illegals that live here are driving - you want a bunch of unproven drivers running around driving?

Your ignorance is not surprising. Any jackass who thinks pointing a gun makes him a tough guy just ain't too swift.

I'm swift enough to know that Kate's Law would have stopped many of those people who killed Americans from coming back here. And actually, if it were up to me, Kate's Law would apply to any illegal. Then we wouldn't need a wall, extra border patrol, drones or fences. Plus if we changed the law, many of the people who have been here for years would be heading to the border to get the hell out.

Illegals should not be driving period. And if they did drive and get caught, immediate deportation.

You can't complain about the stray cat problem in your yard if you keep putting out a huge bowl of milk on the patio every night. Democrats want these people here and more of them.

So I should build a wall along the one side of my property to keep the cats out?
You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.
So, you want a wall only because it adds time to an illegal border crossing?

As I said, the main purpose of the wall is to act as a deterrent. It's kind of liking having a house alarm. It will stop most people, but some people will ignore it and try to do a smash and grab. Because that does happen from time to time, it's no reason to not have your house alarmed.

This country has been a refuge for people in trouble. People are fleeing drug cartels that hold sway in Central America and large swaths of Mexico. The border is not a house and has nothing to do with houses. It is about people who fear for their lives. One girl said "There are police here, in case something happens to us,".
The United States is not a social program. We aren't responsible for the problems of other countries. Let them solve their own problems. We can even help them, but there's no justification for relocating their population here.

Spoken like a true Christian.
You haven't a clue about Christianity.

According to you, when Jesus passed a poor beggar along side the road, Jesus went up to him, kicked him a few times & told him to get a fucking job.
You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.

This is the "Dumbass Memorandum" If you are too stupid to distinguish those who trash the President from those that bash the country, then you are truly a dumbass.
So, you want a wall only because it adds time to an illegal border crossing?

As I said, the main purpose of the wall is to act as a deterrent. It's kind of liking having a house alarm. It will stop most people, but some people will ignore it and try to do a smash and grab. Because that does happen from time to time, it's no reason to not have your house alarmed.

This country has been a refuge for people in trouble. People are fleeing drug cartels that hold sway in Central America and large swaths of Mexico. The border is not a house and has nothing to do with houses. It is about people who fear for their lives. One girl said "There are police here, in case something happens to us,".
The United States is not a social program. We aren't responsible for the problems of other countries. Let them solve their own problems. We can even help them, but there's no justification for relocating their population here.

Spoken like a true Christian.
I'm not a Christian. Furthermore, the federal government was never intended to a Christian charity. The people of America where not intended to be the staff of a social program for every piece of human flotsam in the world.
Funny chit. You assfucks keep bring up the Bible all the time. You think that our Constitution bends for Christianity.
You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.
How is Trump killing the country? You morons keep saying that, but you never explain what he's doing. All the evidence shows that the country is thriving under Trump.

If there's one thing this country needs, it's a 30' concrete wall on the border.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.

This is the "Dumbass Memorandum" If you are too stupid to distinguish those who trash the President from those that bash the country, then you are truly a dumbass.
They are one and the same, douche nozzle.
As I said, the main purpose of the wall is to act as a deterrent. It's kind of liking having a house alarm. It will stop most people, but some people will ignore it and try to do a smash and grab. Because that does happen from time to time, it's no reason to not have your house alarmed.

This country has been a refuge for people in trouble. People are fleeing drug cartels that hold sway in Central America and large swaths of Mexico. The border is not a house and has nothing to do with houses. It is about people who fear for their lives. One girl said "There are police here, in case something happens to us,".
The United States is not a social program. We aren't responsible for the problems of other countries. Let them solve their own problems. We can even help them, but there's no justification for relocating their population here.

Spoken like a true Christian.
I'm not a Christian. Furthermore, the federal government was never intended to a Christian charity. The people of America where not intended to be the staff of a social program for every piece of human flotsam in the world.
Funny chit. You assfucks keep bring up the Bible all the time. You think that our Constitution bends for Christianity.
I already told you, I'm not a Christian. I never bring up the Bible. Snowflakes mention the Bible more than right-wingers do. Snowflakes claim the Bible is what informs their sick destructive agenda
You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.
Those are only two of the reasons he gives. Increased crime and increased social spending are two of the other major reasons, on top of the fact that these people do not assimilate. They don't learn English and they don't adapt to our culture.

But he lied about the drugs.

He lied about the guns

He lied about the terrorists.

And dumbass you don't care.

That is my fucking point

The crime rate among illegals is less than among citizens.
No he didn't. Obama showed that guns cross the border with his Fast and Furious scheme
Of course President Trump did offer that Speaker "Blinkie" Pelosi could always fly on a commercial flight on her own dime, since there are 1000s of government employees working without being paid. I love how this president stirs up the Democraps into a frenzy by playing their own rules back at them....
And who paid for Melania's little vacation in Florida?

Because it sure as fuck wasen't Trump. Not when he can stick the taxpayers with the bill!

Trump is a vile pile of shit. A real shitbag.

And who paid for fat ass Michelle when she wanted to get out of the White House?
Nice to have a beautiful classy First Lady instead of a phoney racist fat ass arrogant bitch.

She was probably more proud of this country before she became a citizen than Mooooochele was.
Was that when he came here under a tourist visa & then broke the law by working?

She didn’t break any laws. Need the link? Let me know and I’ll post it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.

Oh lookie!!!

It's another 'I hate powerful women AND/OR I hate women that make Trump look stupid' thread from a Trumpbot misogynist.

When are you people going to finally figure out that doesn't work and never has?

When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You know how the sheep are. The party tells them they want border security when they really want just the opposite. So if we build a wall and they end up tearing it down, there can't be anymore evidence than that what their goals really are which is open borders.

What we want to spend the money on is more than just walls, it's technology that assist those walls in stopping illegals. So their puppet masters tell them technology alone will solve the problem.

But you know how liberals are. They don't think for themselves. If they did, they would ask themselves "Wait a minute! If they say the walls and technology won't work, HTF will technology alone work with no walls?"

It's why I've always said, if I were ever to try and sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure to sell it to a liberal, because they'll believe anything they're told.

You are a typical Trump supporter clueless. Americans do not support a wall. The problems are at our POEs. That is where drugs and weapons are smuggled into. Trump supporters are the ones who cannot think for themselves. All they can do is repeat Trump's lies.
That isn't where illegals cross the border, moron. The problem is illegal aliens, not just drugs and weapons.
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.
Those are only two of the reasons he gives. Increased crime and increased social spending are two of the other major reasons, on top of the fact that these people do not assimilate. They don't learn English and they don't adapt to our culture.

But he lied about the drugs.

He lied about the guns

He lied about the terrorists.

And dumbass you don't care.

That is my fucking point

The crime rate among illegals is less than among citizens.
You didn't care when Hillary and Obumbo lied, so why should anyone care if Trump lies?
Tell that to dumbass Donnie because he said the wall was about drugs & weapons.

You are not American.

You can't be and have such a disconnected and distorted view of the threats to your own well being safety-wise and economically and from a sovereignty standpoint.

You are a triple threat to America.

Good thing you are not American.

But a terrible thing that you are here to make others sell out their countrymen by opposing the wall.

There should be a place near the Alinsky part of hell reserved for those like you.

I didn't vote for a Russian puppet like you.

We don't need a 30' concrete wall. Why are you willing to built it?

And really " Alinski" is that all you right wing assholes have to bring up?
Trump is killing this country & assfucks like you are helping him/, So don't you dare say I am not an American. I am not helping Trump kill America, you are.

Me: Did you get the memo?

You: What memo?

Me: The one that informs all like you that because we can't distinguish between the American citizens who bash America and our President, from the Communists and Islamists, that we should assume that anyone who bashes America as those Communists and Jihadists do, is no less any enemy than the enemy ideologues who bash America and President Trump.

It is referred to as the Crossfield Memorandum.

This is the "Dumbass Memorandum" If you are too stupid to distinguish those who trash the President from those that bash the country, then you are truly a dumbass.
They are one and the same, douche nozzle.


Announcing: The Crossfield Memorandum (Everyone Please Read)
The Crossfield Memorandum
Tuesday January 22, 2019

Because internet political forums are largely anonymous, we can't tell the difference between American citizens who bash America or our President and the Communists, Islamists and other foreigners who want America to collapse, who also bash this nation and Donald J. Trump.

Therefore to stop the weakening of our country and our strong rightful leadership at a time of great potential peril, we should assume that anyone, (even those who profess to be citizens or atheists or other non Muslim believer) who bashes our nation and our leader online is no less an enemy than any of the recognized enemy ideologues trying to destroy our home.

Anyone who posts as an enemy should be treated as an enemy.

Please consider anyone who bashes Donald Trump and America as would-be enemies at war with America.

Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people.

But it can not stop the incessant online bashing which weakens our country with every successive blow.

Our President is powerful. But he can not stop the online bashing.

It is up to you and I to stop the online bashers by using online disdain and criticism of them as moral and religious people might have done to enemies in history when America was strong.

We needn't BE any more moral or religious necessarily.

We just need to do what religious and moral Americans would do if their President and country were under constant verbal attack.

Let's stop the online bashing of President Trump and America.

Leland Crossfield
Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.

Oh lookie!!!

It's another 'I hate powerful women AND/OR I hate women that make Trump look stupid' thread from a Trumpbot misogynist.

When are you people going to finally figure out that doesn't work and never has?

When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.
This country has been a refuge for people in trouble. People are fleeing drug cartels that hold sway in Central America and large swaths of Mexico. The border is not a house and has nothing to do with houses. It is about people who fear for their lives. One girl said "There are police here, in case something happens to us,".
The United States is not a social program. We aren't responsible for the problems of other countries. Let them solve their own problems. We can even help them, but there's no justification for relocating their population here.

Spoken like a true Christian.
I'm not a Christian. Furthermore, the federal government was never intended to a Christian charity. The people of America where not intended to be the staff of a social program for every piece of human flotsam in the world.
Funny chit. You assfucks keep bring up the Bible all the time. You think that our Constitution bends for Christianity.

I think we, being the optimistic and good hearted people we are, tend to assume the best of our online opponents and think of them as Snowflakes instead of maybe the Communists or Jihadists they actually are.

And in my opinion Muslims are more likely to bring up Christianity in an exchange because they know their Prophet was not a peaceful Prophet the last 10 or so years of his life.

They feel a need to defeat Jesus or supplant Him in our minds.

Liberal Kafirs don't care about Jesus.

I already told you, I'm not a Christian. I never bring up the Bible. Snowflakes mention the Bible more than right-wingers do. Snowflakes claim the Bible is what informs their sick destructive agenda
Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address

WATCH: Ted Cruz Perfectly Explains Why Nancy Pelosi Is So Terrified of Trump Giving the SOTU Address
Why does Nancy Pelosi NOT want the State of the Union? Because the State of the Union is an enormous platform for the president to speak directly to the American people, and she doesn’t want people focusing on the substance of this issue. She wants their information to come from the mainstream media rather than the president.
The long answer? I’ll let Cruz himself explain it.
Listen, it’s the same reason, You remember, back right before the shutdown, when the president met with Pelosi and Schumer in the Oval Office and it was a remarkable meeting. I thought the funniest and most revealing moment was when Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off? Can we get the reporters out of here” She didn’t want people to see that their position was objectively unreasonable. The president said he’s willing to compromise; he’s willing to negotiate but we need to secure the border. The president’s right. Their position is not defensible she’s trying to hide from the cameras and I don’t think we should let her.​
Right now, Pelosi and Trump are involved in a back and forth, with Pelosi closing off the House to Trump to deliver his SOTU address. Trump struck back by denying Pelosi the use of taxpayer-funded, military travel, as my colleague Strieff described:

The entire Democrat Party is left wing., they've been infiltrated by the Progressive Marxist Socialist DSA. The most extreme components do not hate Trump. They hate America.
Where does Pelosi get the authority to travel at our taxpayer expense as her travels were not job related to Speaker of US House a legislative role. She is not in charge of foreign policy nor military activity, Trump as head of Exec branch is.
The object of the trip to Brussels was to get some pointers from their EU Socialist globalist masters who are trying to destroy England. We used to call those trips political junkets... stupid and pointless wastes of taxpayer dollars.
When recently questioned by her fawning LSM, “Pelosi said multiple times, “Please, can we turn the cameras off?” Can you imagine if the roles were reversed and the DJT would’ve said that? The biased MSM would still be on it 24/7.
It is a good thing Trump killed that trip as it was nothing more than Pelosi strutting around as though she was a co-President meeting with foreign dignitaries. She wanted the visuals to augment her claim to power as the equivalent to the President. She surely needs to put back in her place.
One more reason that Senator Cruz has been consistently under-rated. He has a sharp mind and the intestinal fortitude to use it. His detractors are way off base.

Oh lookie!!!

It's another 'I hate powerful women AND/OR I hate women that make Trump look stupid' thread from a Trumpbot misogynist.

When are you people going to finally figure out that doesn't work and never has?

When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.
At least he shows up to work, and he has money and not on the public dole.
You could take a lesson from that, Dave, get out of your mom's basement.

Trump as the prime time for the SOTU, he can splain' things as they really are and she has to keep her yap shut.
Ted Cruz is a spineless jellyfish for defending a man that talked the worst kind of trash in the primaries. Seriously, how the hell can he just forgive all that shit when Trump has never made a move to apologize?

Because Trump grabbed Cruz by his pussy; that's how.

Cruz must have liked it too.
And who paid for Melania's little vacation in Florida?

Because it sure as fuck wasen't Trump. Not when he can stick the taxpayers with the bill!

Trump is a vile pile of shit. A real shitbag.

And who paid for fat ass Michelle when she wanted to get out of the White House?
Nice to have a beautiful classy First Lady instead of a phoney racist fat ass arrogant bitch.

She was probably more proud of this country before she became a citizen than Mooooochele was.
Was that when he came here under a tourist visa & then broke the law by working?

She didn’t break any laws. Need the link? Let me know and I’ll post it.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com

Do it.
Oh lookie!!!

It's another 'I hate powerful women AND/OR I hate women that make Trump look stupid' thread from a Trumpbot misogynist.

When are you people going to finally figure out that doesn't work and never has?

When are you going to figure out Trump doesn't work & never has?

He’s worked harder than you ever did. You don’t become a success by not working, you become a Democrat instead.

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Trump was a millionaire at age 8. I guess he worked hard for that.

The fat assed piece of shit doesn't show up for work until after 11:00 AM & watches TV most of the day.
At least he shows up to work, and he has money and not on the public dole.
You could take a lesson from that, Dave, get out of your mom's basement.

Trump as the prime time for the SOTU, he can splain' things as they really are and she has to keep her yap shut.

The Trumps are known tax evaders. That is worse than being on 'the dole".

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