Ted Cruz Reveals that the Republican Establishment Despise Their Own Base


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
time to wake people...though you have known this for quite a while now
links in article at site

By Karin McQuillan

The Revolutionary War was a rebellion against Britain, but it first required a battle between Tories and Patriots. Ted Cruz is fighting for the honor of leading the conservative movement. The main goal is to give the American people a voice, defeat the Democrat Party, and take over Congress and the White House, so we can shrink our federal government back to constitutional limits.

The battleground of the moment is ObamaCare. But the first adversary that must be defeated is the Republican establishment. Is it any wonder that the Republican leadership is working to make sure the defunding effort fails?

Ted Cruz is pinning his ambitions to the big reality the Tea Party represents: conservatives really are fed up with both parties in Washington, D.C. The Republican base allowed Obama to be re-elected when an estimated five million of us stayed home in the 2012 election. It may not have been wise, but it happened for a very good reason: they didn't see the Republican Party representing them.

The D.C. establishment, and this includes both parties, is doing very well, thank you. The suburbs around Washington are the wealthiest in the nation. They and their families were untouched by the Obama economic meltdown. A huge government, spending a quarter of our nation's wealth, with almost half the populace dependent on their largesse, is good for them. It is not good for us.

The Republican leadership want to defeat ObamaCare, but mostly they want to use it as a campaign talking point to return to power. They are not willing to fight with all their hearts and minds to protect the American people from this disaster. That might be risky. That might not play well in this week's polls. That might not be as good for them as letting it go through and then complaining about it in 2014 and 2016.

The Republicans have ignored the will of their own voters for a long time. They ignored their base and ratcheted up the national debt under President Bush. Instead of slinking away in disgrace for losing the base, Karl Rove is as powerful as ever, fighting Cruz from the pages of the Wall Street Journal and every TV station he can use to push the status quo. The Republican elite has fought the base's desire to stop illegal immigration. They were happy when the Tea Party revolution handed them control of the House in 2010, then turned around and bad-mouthed us as fanatics and incompetents who failed to also win the Senate.

Interestingly, Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus is one establishment leader who does get it, perhaps because he is the guy who has to get out the vote in the next election. Priebus published a brief piece yesterday entitled "In a battle between Ted Cruz and Harry Reid, we must stand with Senator Cruz." The Senate leadership is not listening.

All of it here
Read more: Articles: Ted Cruz Reveals that the Republican Establishment Despise Their Own Base
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It's not splintering. It is changing. The older republicans who believe in compromise with democrats are unwilling to pass the torch. Republican voters aren't splintering. Cruz was a great success with them.

WASHINGTON — Following the epic, 21-hour speech by Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, supporting the defunding of Obamacare, either voters made so many calls to establishment Republicans that their phone lines melted, or those GOP leaders took their phones off the hook.

Even in this age of digital wizardry and limitless voicemail, callers could not get through at all to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

A message said the senator was experiencing a high volume of calls and directed members of the public to call back later or visit his website.

It was the same story with the man who was the face of the GOP in the 2008 elections, former GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

His phone was off the hook, too. Callers got a message stating his voicemail box was full.

Read more at Meltdown! GOP bosses? phones unplugged
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The far right reactionaries are not the base, Stephanie, only a bunch of whiny RINOs.
Yes, it's fun watching your party splinter.

It's not fun watching you sheep march in complete lockstep with a party...you people have become a danger to rest of the people in this country...

you just rolled over for ObamaCare because it was presented by Obama and Democrats, the largest federal government intrusion and Fascism on the people of this country
Yes, it's fun watching your party splinter.

It's not fun watching you sheep march in complete lockstep with a party...you people have become a danger to rest of the people in this country...

you just rolled over for ObamaCare because it was presented by Obama and Democrats, the largest federal government intrusion and Fascism on the people of this country

An early tribute to Fearless Leader...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVFdAJRVm94]He's Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Probably right before they nominated him for a Nobel Peace Prize within a few days after taking office...
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The Republican leadership want to defeat ObamaCare,

I don't necessarily agree with this. I believe that the big gov Republicans are just fine with gov't taking over health care, they're just pissed it came from the Dems. Oh sure, they say they're fighting it and are putting forth effort towards it ... the rest of that paragraph tells you why. That's cause they can use it as a means to an end. But ultimately? They're fine with the ACA.

'Mainstream Republicans' are nothing but Dem lite. The Ted Cruz types -- those who are fiscally conservative -- are who the Republicans should be embracing and yet they fight them. You have to ask yourself 'why?' Cause the mainstream Republicans are the RINOs and RINOs love big government.
The Republican leadership want to defeat ObamaCare,

I don't necessarily agree with this. I believe that the big gov Republicans are just fine with gov't taking over health care, they're just pissed it came from the Dems. Oh sure, they say they're fighting it and are putting forth effort towards it ... the rest of that paragraph tells you why. That's cause they can use it as a means to an end. But ultimately? They're fine with the ACA.

'Mainstream Republicans' are nothing but Dem lite. The Ted Cruz types -- those who are fiscally conservative -- are who the Republicans should be embracing and yet they fight them. You have to ask yourself 'why?' Cause the mainstream Republicans are the RINOs and RINOs love big government.

oh I agree, the Gop establishment wants ObamaCare that is why they didn't mount much a fight...
and now you see why they are gunning for Cruz...keep an eye on the ones who do, they need to voted out..they have become traitors to their party and the people they represent

McCain, Graham and now King, needs to GO...they stand there and give the Democrats ammo to use against us

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