Ted Cruz ROCKS NRA Convention

So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?
I have never been more excited in my life about the candidacy of a politician. Ted Cruz can stand up before a crowd an speak eloquently without notes, without a prompter and without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Ted Cruz to NRA I ve fought the conservative battles

Dude dont get excited.He will never get elected and thats because elections are rigged.There are a lot of ignorant sheep here that dont get it that we dont put these people in office,that its a waste of time voting because voting machines are rigged.these candidates are SELECTED for us by the establishment,whoever they want in they make sure gets in.

they will just sabotoge his campaine the same way they did ron paal to make sure he did not get the republican nomination when they changed the rules at the last minute.

they will probably put another Bush in office again.I dont think it will be Clinton,she is too old.
You can bet any Ted Cruz threads on here will turn out just what they did with Palin.

so if you want to get anything on him you might want to find it somewhere else.

just some heads up
I have never been more excited in my life about the candidacy of a politician. Ted Cruz can stand up before a crowd an speak eloquently without notes, without a prompter and without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Ted Cruz to NRA I ve fought the conservative battles

Dude dont get excited.He will never get elected and thats because elections are rigged.There are a lot of ignorant sheep here that dont get it that we dont put these people in office,that its a waste of time voting because voting machines are rigged.these candidates are SELECTED for us by the establishment,whoever they want in they make sure gets in.

they will just sabotoge his campaine the same way they did ron paal to make sure he did not get the republican nomination when they changed the rules at the last minute.

they will probably put another Bush in office again.I dont think it will be Clinton,she is too old.

If you want to be taken serious you should change your 'user name', 9/11 inside job' is a dead give away, you are a nut.

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