Ted Cruz ROCKS NRA Convention

Darn!! Now, nobody will know his stance on the Second Amendment!

Essentially every possible candidate was invited, except for Christie and Paul.

Christie, we understand. Everyone hates him.

Paul, that was the more interesting deliberate snub.

"Libertarians can't shoot, Libertarians can't shoot!"

Or was is mebbe something that the Randster said....??? Hmmmmmmm... thinking-cap time.... hmmmmm....
I have never been more excited in my life about the candidacy of a politician. Ted Cruz can stand up before a crowd an speak eloquently without notes, without a prompter and without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Ted Cruz to NRA I ve fought the conservative battles

Dude dont get excited.He will never get elected and thats because elections are rigged.There are a lot of ignorant sheep here that dont get it that we dont put these people in office,that its a waste of time voting because voting machines are rigged.these candidates are SELECTED for us by the establishment,whoever they want in they make sure gets in.

they will just sabotoge his campaine the same way they did ron paal to make sure he did not get the republican nomination when they changed the rules at the last minute.

they will probably put another Bush in office again.I dont think it will be Clinton,she is too old.

If you want to be taken serious you should change your 'user name', 9/11 inside job' is a dead give away, you are a nut.

since you want to be childish and bring my user name into this as soon as you can refute these FACTS in this video,you are blowing smoke and prove the truth scares you.

whats nuts is people like you never trying to refute these facts and instead having the logic that just because the government says its true,that automatically makes it the truth.:rolleyes-41: how much koolaid you been drinking?:rofl:

let me guess,you think oswald killed JFK as well right?:rofl::lmao::lmao:

Nobody has EVER been able to refute them,they just come back with childish one liners in defeat as i know you will.
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You can bet any Ted Cruz threads on here will turn out just what they did with Palin.

so if you want to get anything on him you might want to find it somewhere else.

just some heads up

You never fail to entertain Steph
I have never been more excited in my life about the candidacy of a politician. Ted Cruz can stand up before a crowd an speak eloquently without notes, without a prompter and without Valerie Jarret's hand up his ass.

Ted Cruz to NRA I ve fought the conservative battles

He's going to disappoint you. You've just shot your load on a dude who cares about little beyond securing his book sales and speaking fees.

Speaking without notes? That's impressive to you? Why?
Cruz is showing, at the least, that he will make a highly competent Attorney General...and that he is a fighter...and we are going to need both to clean up the cesspool that Eric Holder has turned the Justice Department into.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?

Worked for Obama and his army of morons
Tell me what exactly is Cruz's agenda besides ending ObamaCare?


Correction: ending Obamacare on DAY 1. As if a President can completely undo a federal law with an executive order.... lol.... lol.... lol...

Maybe he means day one like those people who try to reconcile the real age of the Earth with Genesis. A day is like a billion years.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?

Go figure, a bed wetter who probably fainted on cue for a stuttering dumbfuck isn't impressed by a man who can actually give a speech on his own. It's because of parasites like this that I encourage liberals to abort their offspring.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?

Go figure, a bed wetter who probably fainted on cue for a stuttering dumbfuck isn't impressed by a man who can actually give a speech on his own. It's because of parasites like this that I encourage liberals to abort their offspring.
What exactly is Cruz's agenda? Why do you like him? Be specific.
Cruz is showing, at the least, that he will make a highly competent Attorney General...and that he is a fighter...and we are going to need both to clean up the cesspool that Eric Holder has turned the Justice Department into.

I think he will make it, and I think he will pick an AG that will prosecute many of the moonbat messiah's minions, if not even the stuttering dumbfuck himself.

You know that the bed wetters are terrified of that possibility.
The candidate that the RWnuts are most excited about never wins. Not since Reagan anyway.

Cruz is the flavor of the month, next it will be Paul and then Rubio as each of them takes their turn in the center ring of the circus only to pratfall and be supplanted with the next GOP clown.

It isn't as though there is any shortage of them.
So a moron appeals to a crowd of like-minded morons and we should all be impressed by this?

Go figure, a bed wetter who probably fainted on cue for a stuttering dumbfuck isn't impressed by a man who can actually give a speech on his own. It's because of parasites like this that I encourage liberals to abort their offspring.
What exactly is Cruz's agenda? Why do you like him? Be specific.

Because bed wetters like you hate him. You don't qualify for more specifics.

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