Ted Cruz storms off, accuses Sky News journalist of being a 'propagandist' for asking why school shooting 'only happen in America' during Texas vigil

Pakistan is incredibly poor. You're saying we're better than Pakistan is as stupid as you can get. Afghanistan and Yemen have lots of guns but not as many as the US.. welcome to third world aspirations. Texas has a pathetic maternal mortality rate. Got any more excuses?
Yeah, you are still not allowing for population differences. You equate the country America (325 million) with Pakistan (229 million). Can't do that. Equating the small Britain and France and Germany and Canada and Japan with the U.S. is even worse. The figures just do not compute.
Cruz should have told him go back to your limp-dick of a country and we will tend to our own knitting.

Had Cruz been a leftist moron, he would have used the opportunity to blame the GOP. Or Trump. I fault Ted for being reticent and not telling the Sky reporter the truth, that neither he nor anyone knows for sure the cure to senseless violence and mental illness, but that two things are apparent so far:
  1. That there must be something seriously wrong going on at public schools here in America that so many kids end up wanting to bring back semi-auto weapons to their school (how do you even get into the school carrying an AR-15? Is the school wide open totally lax?), and gun down your teachers and classmates that we need to take a close look at what is being done to children in these classrooms to drive such hate, anger and desperation and FIX IT, and stop merely blaming the inanimate instrument used in the attack and circle-jerking each other about needing another gun law when there are already 20,000 on the books, many seldom enforced.
  2. That the rise in school violence is directly proportional to the rise in progressive liberalism PC policies imposed on our children by the schools. So it stands to reason that the schools are driving this themselves, inadvertently, as the lone common denominator. And that every school shooter in the past 20 years have all come from families with decidedly leftwing backgrounds, so a review of the harm progressive liberalism is imposing on our children and society is much needed soon.
PS: Dear Ted, if you are reading this, you are very welcome to use the above in your next media meeting!

Canada was created under very different circumstances which is why your post died on arrival.
No he was cornered for the singular purpose to attack him with phony questions then pushed the agenda right into his face.

From the link you didn't read my reply in RED,

"British journalist Mark Stone cornered Cruz (Ambush interview) at the vigil and asked him whether it was time for gun reform laws in America. (already have thousands of gun "reform" laws) When asked why American exceptionalism is 'so awful', Cruz said: 'You know, I'm sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful. You've got your political agenda. God love you.'

After repeatedly being told 'You can't answer that' by Stone, (badgering) Cruz turned and said: 'Why is it that people come from all over the world to America? Because it's the freest, most prosperous, safest country on Earth. Stop being a propagandist.'

'You know, it's easy to go to politics,' Cruz told Sky News. 'Inevitably, when some violent psychopath murders people, if you want to stop violent crime, the proposals the Democrats have — none of them would have stopped this.'
( Correct since the killer passed the background check law when he bought firearms)
He added: 'There are 19 sets of parents who are never going to get to kiss their child tonight.'

The Texas senator then stormed out of the interview at the vigil being held by relatives and friends of those killed in the massacre on Tuesday."


The interviewed had clear goal of badgering Cruz for answers he can abuse for political propaganda he insinuates there have been no "reform" gun laws attacks America as a place to live (agenda).

This IS a loaded question:

"asked him whether it was time for gun reform laws in America."

The reality is that the so called journalist must have known America had already passed many gun control laws over the decades but wants readers to get the impression that people like Cruz has never been involved with gun control legislation.

You can't be that dumb?

Cruz should be badgered. What are you thinking?
Culture of wars and killing?

What culture, pray tell, is that?
The leftwing hatred, the cancel culture, the attempt to force everyone into identity group hatred; Iceberg had a great post about that. The kids learn to hate and then they set out with a big gun to kill people.

This reflex hatred of everyone by everyone hasn't been seen since the 1850s, but here it is again.
Beautiful Ted as he was nicknamed by a prominent politician is easily flustered and slow, on response if somebody confronts or questions him in public. He's not exactly known for being particularly fast on his feet, except for storming off to think up a response for later.
Bullshit. Cruz is an accomplished debater, well-known for his quick feet. I've seen him dominate in sudden, heated encounters just like this one again and again. In that instance, however, he did seem to be caught off guard and distracted. He would have easily turned that punk's loaded questions against him most any other time.
It's very easy to deal with loaded questions.

Ted just lost his head.

Always go into an interview prepared to correct the person asking questions. In fact that's all you should do an interview is correct stupid loaded questions. You should never really give answers. Just correct loaded questions and that will do it.
Yeah. I'm not a big fan of Ted's. He does seem to get a bit emotional at times.
Bullshit. Cruz is an accomplished debater, well-known for his quick feet. I've seen him dominate in sudden, heated encounters just like this one again and again. In that instance, however, he did seem to be caught off guard and distracted. He would have easily turned that punk's loaded questions against him most any other time.
He didn't have much luck even dominating Donny when he was down talking Cruz's wife. He didn't exactly dance lightly or believably when he got caught heading for Cancun during the Texas Ice storm the killed over a hundred people (people not in Cancun) when the lights went off in Texas.
Just sayin..............
He didn't have much luck even dominating Donny when he was down talking Cruz's wife. He didn't exactly dance lightly or believably when he got caught heading for Cancun during the Texas Ice storm the killed over a hundred people (people not in Cancun) when the lights went off in Texas.
Just sayin..............
And I'm just saying that the Cruz in that encounter is not typical at all as your personal disdain would have it. That's clouding your judgement. Cruz was definitely distracted and emotional in that instance.
Yeah, let be more like Pakistan and third world shit holes and not reflect on why as a Nation the United States of America has so many of these mass shootings…

Let list Mexico Cartel Gang shootings or places like Pakistan, Iraq or oh hell pick a Nation in Africa why don’t you and let be more like them and not reflect…

Oh, I am sure many of you will write I am championing Basque picture about what Canada does for requirements and I am not but all I am writing is why is it out Politician can not just discuss the subject and give answers that can dispute the person asking the Question?

What am I thinking and asking someone like Ted Cruz debate the question is something that I should expect nor expect the left or right to want a truly honest debate about mass shootings in this third world country we call the United States of America…

It is better to blame legal who we can call illegal because of their skin color and gays instead…

Oh, anyone want to write about the fact the idiot shouldn’t have had a gun not because they were Hispanic but they had a history of threats and so on?

Nah, let not discuss that at all…
And I'm just saying that the Cruz in that encounter is not typical at all as your personal disdain would have it. That's clouding your judgement. Cruz was definitely distracted and emotional in that instance.
I am aware of his general debate skill on a debate forum. Just saying, if casually speaking or being interview, he can be easily thrown for a loop, like this time and withdraws until he has more effective answers. Donny talked about him like a dog and his family too. I have never seen him effectively respond to stop the attack, and he later always came back to trump's fold, no matter what had been said. He is not my Senator. He will not be becoming President, I have no reason to really care about him.
It seems that some Americans have been pushed to the point of meaningful reaction against the carnage.

But inevitably the reaction will die out again in a few days.

There's no acceptance of the fact that the 'culture' of wars and killing is driving the violence and murder.

I think the fact that America's proxy war against Russia could be at least partly responsible in that it denies the outlet to Americans who want to be there participating.

The asshole talking to Cruz was not an American. Also the moral decay pushed by you kind is responsible for the vast majority of the violence. Own it commie.

They are not just in the US, so the reporter was wrong:

However they are more glorified here for political gain, so they can pass laws that do nothing, but make the morons feel good about themselves.

That chart shows that for the amount of time the US has had 288 school shootings, no other nation anywhere, of any population and at any level of development, has had more than eight.

Is that supposed to be proof that the problem isn't uniquely American?
Remember, Surada, you HAVE to take population into account. Pakistan is an incredibly violent place, but they don't have the numbers we do, maybe half, if that. Saying America is the most violent country when we are the biggest country is just sophistry.
Even considering population, we are comfortably ahead of the curve for developed nations.

US: 12.21 per 100K.
Finland: 3.25
France: 2.83
UK: 0.23

We're way ahead.

That chart shows that for the amount of time the US has had 288 school shootings, no other nation anywhere, of any population and at any level of development, has had more than eight.

Is that supposed to be proof that the problem isn't uniquely American?

Note, however, that methods of reporting school shootings, especially shootings that do not result in any fatalities, differ from place to place. As a result, school shootings that were not covered by news outlets (and were therefore left out of global databases that track shootings) may not be reflected here. Also, keep in mind that the information listed here does not include mass shootings that took place outside of school grounds.
Even considering population, we are comfortably ahead of the curve for developed nations.

US: 12.21 per 100K.
Finland: 3.25
France: 2.83
UK: 0.23

We're way ahead.
From the link:

Countries with the Highest Rates of Violent Gun Death (Homicides) per 100k residents in 2019​

  1. El Salvador (36.78)
  2. Venezuela (33.27)
  3. Guatemala (29.06)
  4. Colombia (26.36)
  5. Brazil (21.93)
  6. Bahamas (21.52)
  7. Honduras (20.15)
  8. U.S. Virgin Islands (19.40)
  9. Puerto Rico (18.14)
  10. Mexico (16.41)

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