Ted Cruz To Introduce Constitutional Amendment To Lock Supreme Court At Nine Justices


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
It should be 11, with 9 random active chosen for each particular case.
Meaning the 9 active can change from case to case, with 2 sitting out.

There are too many old people, and they get sick and then the court only has 8 active.

I really like to hear the objections to having 11,
9 with 2 alternates.
It should be 11, with 9 random active chosen for each particular case.
Meaning the 9 active can change from case to case, with 2 sitting out.

There are too many old people, and they get sick and then the court only has 8 active.

I really like to hear the objections to having 11,
9 with 2 alternates.
Works for me in theory; however, it will make many decisions be "a row of the dice"

HEN23006 JX9 S.L.C.

‘‘The Supreme Court of the United States shall be
composed of nine justices.’

Thats it?
That is the best Constitutional Scholar Ted Cruz can come up with?

Cruz is constantly whining about term limits and can’t include a term limit on SCOTUS?
Nothing setting a time limit on how long the Senate has to confirm a pick…thus the number can drop to eight or less if Congress sits on confirmation
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i think it's a good idea. though some reforms are needed to prevent politicization of the SC

Does he think he can get a convention of states or 2/3 of Congress and ultimately approved by 3/4 of the states to achieve this or is he just trying to get in some headlines?

Just like with congressional term limits, I suspect the latter.
It should be 11, with 9 random active chosen for each particular case.
Meaning the 9 active can change from case to case, with 2 sitting out.

There are too many old people, and they get sick and then the court only has 8 active.

I really like to hear the objections to having 11,
9 with 2 alternates.
Just creates more problems. Depending on the case, the supporters and anti for each case will be shopping.
i think it's a good idea. though some reforms are needed to prevent politicization of the SC

A damn fine idea so that no temporary majority in the future can fuck around with court stacking schemes.

HEN23006 JX9 S.L.C.

‘‘The Supreme Court of the United States shall be
composed of nine justices.’

Thats it?
That is the best Constitutional Scholar Ted Cruz can come up with?

Cruz is constantly whining about term limits and can’t include a term limit on SCOTUS?
Nothing setting a time limit on how long the Senate has to confirm a pick…thus the number can drop to eight or less if Congress sits on confirmation
If that’s the entirety of the bill, I say kudos to Cruz (not that I agree with the bill) but…finally, a single issue bill, and a bill that isn’t 1000 pages.

This should serve as a model of how ALL bills should be.

HEN23006 JX9 S.L.C.

‘‘The Supreme Court of the United States shall be
composed of nine justices.’

Thats it?
That is the best Constitutional Scholar Ted Cruz can come up with?

Cruz is constantly whining about term limits and can’t include a term limit on SCOTUS?
Nothing setting a time limit on how long the Senate has to confirm a pick…thus the number can drop to eight or less if Congress sits on confirmation
It is obviously a great idea. No wonder spittle boi Leftwhiner opposes it.
Does he think he can get a convention of states or 2/3 of Congress and ultimately approved by 3/4 of the states to achieve this or is he just trying to get in some headlines?

Just like with congressional term limits, I suspect the latter.
Wouldn’t need a convention of states because they are not amending cotus. The cotus doesn’t specify the number of judges.

never pass, nor should it.
Perhaps this particular one should not pass as it clearly avoids dealing with the democrats problem. I would absolutely support an amendment that both locks the number of judges up AND puts specific requirements, including time deadlines, on how congress gives its 'consent.'

The process of adding judges needs to be refined as congress has proven they will abuse the system. There should be a time constraint given to congress to hold the vote and removes the majority leader from being able to play games with it in general. Of course Cruz is not going to draft anything like that, it might actually have support.
Maybe. Maybe not. But it most definitely should.
I don’t think Cruz trying to rig the courts in favor of the conservatives is any more honorable than the democrats trying to increase the number so they can have a majority.

Nobody can foresee it now, but what if there were to arise a need to increase…or shrink the size of the scotus?

The fact that we are trying to cement scotus is an example of how broken it is. I mean…if scotus decided things based on the constitution and not their personal political biases…it wouldn’t matter how many justices there were.

I don’t care what side a scotus justice decides something, as long as that decision is made with the cotus as the focal point.
Lol. I hate it when your even marginally amusing.

Still, the idea by Cruz is wonderful. I must admit to being surprised that you recognize it.
i like Ted Cruz. everything about him. his acerbic sense of humor, the fact that he's so hated by most of the other Senators. it's like if Trump was a Senator

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