Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
That was just Irish. That didnt include Jews, Poles, Italians, Russians, Czechs, Greeks, Chinese and I dont know what else. And look at the percentage of the population and immigration was much bigger 80 years ago.
Then again, we had a lot more land then, and jobs for everybody.
No...I understand there's a lack of jobs right now and flooding the country with immigrants sure as hell isnt helping the situation.
If there's a lack of jobs why would immigrants want to come here?

There's no shortage of jobs for people willing to work for 1/3 the price. Do you understand how the laws of supply and demand work?
Do you?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
There are millions of Americans looking for jobs that doesn't mean there are millions job opening.
Why would a h1 people that don't speak English work at McDonald's.
Your anti American stance is acknowledged and recognized.
Your ignorance is noted and made fun of.
Immigrants are a dynamic force in any economy. That's been shown over and over. Remind me about all those Irish immigrants who displaced American workers in the 1800s and what a disaster it was.

Yeah, they're a "dynamic force" alright. They'll dynamite our economy and our culture into oblivion. Why do you want to turn the United States into Mexico? You know, there's a reason Mexico is a shit hole. It's because it's inhabited by Mexicans.

There's a reason you are a racist shitbag. It's because you say stupid shit like that.

Sorry, but that's just the simple truth.

Sorry, but you're a racist weakling.

Is a racist anyone who notices there are differences between Mexicans, Indians and Americans?
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s.


Not wrong.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.
You're a fucking idiot and a pussy.
Shut up, clown. You've lost this argument because you are ignorant and stupid. You dont have a clue what you're talking about and it shows.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
That was just Irish. That didnt include Jews, Poles, Italians, Russians, Czechs, Greeks, Chinese and I dont know what else. And look at the percentage of the population and immigration was much bigger 80 years ago.
Then again, we had a lot more land then, and jobs for everybody.
We have just as much land now as we did then. More, actually.
If there's a lack of jobs why would immigrants want to come here?

There's no shortage of jobs for people willing to work for 1/3 the price. Do you understand how the laws of supply and demand work?
Do you?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
There are millions of Americans looking for jobs that doesn't mean there are millions job opening.
Why would a h1 people that don't speak English work at McDonald's.
There are no H1b visa people who dont speak English.
Geezus, it's like arguing with first graders.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s.


Not wrong.
Yeah. You are.
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
That was just Irish. That didnt include Jews, Poles, Italians, Russians, Czechs, Greeks, Chinese and I dont know what else. And look at the percentage of the population and immigration was much bigger 80 years ago.
Then again, we had a lot more land then, and jobs for everybody.
We have just as much land now as we did then. More, actually.
Anyone not suffering from an over-reliance upon Literalism would have discerned that what was meant was that we had vastly more unclaimed/frontier/wild/un-owned land then.

Your inability to make that distinction is not my cross to bear.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
Kewl story, bro.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
That was just Irish. That didnt include Jews, Poles, Italians, Russians, Czechs, Greeks, Chinese and I dont know what else. And look at the percentage of the population and immigration was much bigger 80 years ago.
Then again, we had a lot more land then, and jobs for everybody.
We have just as much land now as we did then. More, actually.
Anyone not suffering from an over-reliance upon Literalism would have discerned that what was meant was that we had vastly more unclaimed/frontier/wild/un-owned land then.

Your inability to make that distinction is not my cross to bear.
Actually that is probably not true either. Alaska wasnt part of the US until much later and with urbanization a lot of previous small towns have been abandoned.
But the point is typically irrelevant and stupid.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
Kewl story, bro.

Story? Is there something you would like me to ask him?
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.

Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
Kewl story, bro.

Story? Is there something you would like me to ask him?
Yeah, how does it feel to work with a moron.
My wife's cousin was married once to a guy with an H1b visa. I think that qualifies me to talk about it as much as you. LOL!

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