Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

If there's a lack of jobs why would immigrants want to come here?

There's no shortage of jobs for people willing to work for 1/3 the price. Do you understand how the laws of supply and demand work?
Do you?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
And why would foreign engineers agree to work for 25% of what Americans are making, given they will have the same expenses or more?

1 - It's more than they can make in their third world economy back home.
2 - They don't have the same expenses. Often times they will "bunk up," often in what the average American would consider substandard housing conditions, often times in violation of housing laws of maximum occupancy.
3 - They can spend a year living in a hobbit hole and still save a good portion of their money, then turn around at the end of the year and take that money back home with them, which converts into their economy to 10 years or more worth of average income.

Oh, I know it's coming....you're going to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. Guess again, buddy boy. My girlfriend has been doing this for the past five years already. She comes here, often works under the table (one time she had a cash job for $7/hr, and was putting in 50 hrs a week with no overtime pay), lives in a crappy two bedroom place with seven friends from back home, and saves her money. After a few months of working two jobs, she goes back home to Romania, and sits on the $8-10k she made. Seeing as an average monthly salary in Romania equates to about $500 USD, she can sit on what she made in the course of a summer, and not work at all for the rest of the year. She's now in the US for her 5th year in a row, and expects to be able to buy a house when she returns back home again this fall (though she's not sure she actually wants to buy it).
I like Rubio.. but I have no idea where he's getting the impression that the H1B program means more jobs for more Americans. Every single H1B employee took an American's job... and when the H1B runs out 99 times out of a hundred he takes the American job back to the country of his origin to train other employees to do more jobs that used to be American jobs. H1b is nothing more than an outsourcing visa.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
There's no shortage of jobs for people willing to work for 1/3 the price. Do you understand how the laws of supply and demand work?
Do you?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive. It's getting better now but they are still pennies on the dollar. China for example 35k gets you a decent Bachelors degree engineer. I call that minimum wage esp. when you factor in that engineers don't get overtime and are asked to work 70hr work weeks.
I like Rubio.. but I have no idea where he's getting the impression that the H1B program means more jobs for more Americans. Every single H1B employee took an American's job... and when the H1B runs out 99 times out of a hundred he takes the American job back to the country of his origin to train other employees to do more jobs that used to be American jobs. H1b is nothing more than an outsourcing visa.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.
I like Rubio.. but I have no idea where he's getting the impression that the H1B program means more jobs for more Americans. Every single H1B employee took an American's job... and when the H1B runs out 99 times out of a hundred he takes the American job back to the country of his origin to train other employees to do more jobs that used to be American jobs. H1b is nothing more than an outsourcing visa.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

Year 1: Job is being done by an American in America. <American Job in America>
Year 2: Job is being done by an Indian that is being trained by the American. <h1b job in America> <American is now a trainer>
Year 3: Job is being done by the Indian in India. <Indian Job in India> <American is looking for a job that can't be offshored.>
That isnt true. It is never true. It wasnt true for blacks movng up north, it wasnt true for Germans entering the country in the 18th century, or Irish and Jews in the 19th century or Hispanics in this century.
People are resources, not liabilities. They increase the pool of talent and create markets.
Sure, change makes for disruptions and not everyone will benefit. Too bad. Show me someplace with no change in their economy.

It may have been true up until WW II, but that was before we had things like welfare, free healthcare and public schooling. The immigrants in those days also came from a culture on a similar level to ours. They weren't the refuse of third world countries that had no use for them.

That's exactly what they were considered by douchebags like you at that time.

That's what they are considered to be now by intelligent people.

That's what irrelevant nobodies like you have always said.

So you're in favor of amnesty?

I like Rubio.. but I have no idea where he's getting the impression that the H1B program means more jobs for more Americans. Every single H1B employee took an American's job... and when the H1B runs out 99 times out of a hundred he takes the American job back to the country of his origin to train other employees to do more jobs that used to be American jobs. H1b is nothing more than an outsourcing visa.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

Year 1: Job is being done by an American in America. <American Job in America>
Year 2: Job is being done by an Indian that is being trained by the American. <h1b job in America> <American is now a trainer>
Year 3: Job is being done by the Indian in India. <Indian Job in India> <American is looking for a job that can't be offshored.>
That Year 3 thing is a little hazy. Are you saying that employees simply set up a desk on a streetcorner or something and start doing what they were doing in America?
There are also thousands of newly graduate kids willing to work for less. Rabbi support to H1 program is just bull crap. I think he is H1 employee himself. Because you got to be stupid supporting this program..
I don't have H1 people in my company although it's easy if I wanted. I should be the one supporting this program but in totally against it. It's good for business owners for the sake of cheap labor and greediness but sorry for American people.
If there are thousands of newly graduate kids willing to work for less, why is the unemployment rate/underemployment rate for new college grads nearly 50%?

Because those jobs are being filled by immigrants and obamas policies suck donkey balls.
Your saying that immigrants that just came here that doesn't even speak English are better than our newly graduate kids? Your excuses is just bs.
So the argument is that new college grads would work for less but they are losing out to immigrants who will work for even less?
No, that doesnt pass the laugh test, much less the smell test.
H1B program should have been shut down when the recession hit. That it was not shut down is proof that our government, republican and democrat are in the back pockets of large corporations that benefit from this attack on American jobs.

Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

I think the disconnect is on your part. You're giving Rabbi the benefit of the doubt, as if he were a good person who is innocently misguided. In fact, Rabbi is a filthy swine carcass of a parasite and entitlement junkie, who wants to take what he wants, thinks he deserves whatever you have because he wants it, and expects the world to bow down and kiss his ass and crown him master of the universe.

Now take that image...refilter everything he's said....and presto! Suddenly all makes sense, doesn't it?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
I like Rubio.. but I have no idea where he's getting the impression that the H1B program means more jobs for more Americans. Every single H1B employee took an American's job... and when the H1B runs out 99 times out of a hundred he takes the American job back to the country of his origin to train other employees to do more jobs that used to be American jobs. H1b is nothing more than an outsourcing visa.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

Year 1: Job is being done by an American in America. <American Job in America>
Year 2: Job is being done by an Indian that is being trained by the American. <h1b job in America> <American is now a trainer>
Year 3: Job is being done by the Indian in India. <Indian Job in India> <American is looking for a job that can't be offshored.>
That Year 3 thing is a little hazy. Are you saying that employees simply set up a desk on a streetcorner or something and start doing what they were doing in America?
Engineers can work from home. They don't have to work in the streets, but some do like to sit outside with their lap tops.

Are you asking how an International company leases a building in India?
And fuck Americans with PhDs?

That's right! This is America! If you want to get ahead in life you need to work hard, pay an arm and a leg to go to school and indebt three generations of your heirs for repayment of your student loans, and then graduate medical school and accept the first job you're offered for minimum wage! Because if you don't, we'll just import an Indian who smells bad because he doesn't wear deodorant and who may or may not have a difficult to understand accent (it's hard to tell because he's too shy to talk unless he's drunk) to work in the OR, and hope that the nurse can guess what tools he needs at the right time.

You're a bigoted fucking idiot.
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.

Americans just need to learn to be more competitive. If they'd stop being so greedy they could be working those jobs for minimum wage, and America would finally have the chance to capture the Indian utopia for itself.


This is Rabbi's dream for America.
Immigrants are naturally Republican voters. They are hard working, family oriented, and want to achieve the American dream.

What a crock of shit.
Your defeat on this matter is acknowledged and accepted.

Your anti American stance is acknowledged and recognized.
Your ignorance is noted and made fun of.
Immigrants are a dynamic force in any economy. That's been shown over and over. Remind me about all those Irish immigrants who displaced American workers in the 1800s and what a disaster it was.

Yeah, they're a "dynamic force" alright. They'll dynamite our economy and our culture into oblivion. Why do you want to turn the United States into Mexico? You know, there's a reason Mexico is a shit hole. It's because it's inhabited by Mexicans.

There's a reason you are a racist shitbag. It's because you say stupid shit like that.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
How do you take a job back to a different country? Does it require special packing and shipping, or can you put it in yoru luggage?
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

Year 1: Job is being done by an American in America. <American Job in America>
Year 2: Job is being done by an Indian that is being trained by the American. <h1b job in America> <American is now a trainer>
Year 3: Job is being done by the Indian in India. <Indian Job in India> <American is looking for a job that can't be offshored.>
That Year 3 thing is a little hazy. Are you saying that employees simply set up a desk on a streetcorner or something and start doing what they were doing in America?
Engineers can work from home. They don't have to work in the streets, but some do like to sit outside with their lap tops.

Are you asking how an International company leases a building in India?
Engineers working for e.g. Apple can just take their work home to India with them and continue to work for Apple?
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.

Americans just need to learn to be more competitive. If they'd stop being so greedy they could be working those jobs for minimum wage, and America would finally have the chance to capture the Indian utopia for itself.


This is Rabbi's dream for America.
Is that your house?

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