Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

What a crock of shit.
Your defeat on this matter is acknowledged and accepted.

Your anti American stance is acknowledged and recognized.
Your ignorance is noted and made fun of.
Immigrants are a dynamic force in any economy. That's been shown over and over. Remind me about all those Irish immigrants who displaced American workers in the 1800s and what a disaster it was.

Yeah, they're a "dynamic force" alright. They'll dynamite our economy and our culture into oblivion. Why do you want to turn the United States into Mexico? You know, there's a reason Mexico is a shit hole. It's because it's inhabited by Mexicans.

There's a reason you are a racist shitbag. It's because you say stupid shit like that.

Sorry, but that's just the simple truth. Those same people come to this country and immediately get on welfare. When they become citizens, they vote for scumbags like Obama. Why would any Republican want more Mexicans to immigrate into this country?
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The Vote Whores of the Right are almost as eager as the Vote Whores of the Left, to reward the 12,000,000 invaders - Illegal Aliens - now present upon US soil.
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
Where are these millions of high tech jobs that are not being filed? Round here job postings for tech jobs come up and are gone within a week. Well unless of course the posting says must be able to speak english, must be here legally, and willing to work for minimum wage for an Engineer with a bachelors degree. Yeah those jobs are only filled by the foreigners looking to get trained for minimum wage while holding onto their student visa or looking for a green card sponsor or to be pulled her on an h1b.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
I'm surprised you can't figure it out. It pretty easy, you fire the American and hire the Indian/Chinese guy to do the same job. Sequence does not matter. Any more questions?
Yeah but how are you exporting the job back to India/China, which is what you claimed?
Again... not sure where your disconnect is.

Year 1: Job is being done by an American in America. <American Job in America>
Year 2: Job is being done by an Indian that is being trained by the American. <h1b job in America> <American is now a trainer>
Year 3: Job is being done by the Indian in India. <Indian Job in India> <American is looking for a job that can't be offshored.>
That Year 3 thing is a little hazy. Are you saying that employees simply set up a desk on a streetcorner or something and start doing what they were doing in America?
Engineers can work from home. They don't have to work in the streets, but some do like to sit outside with their lap tops.

Are you asking how an International company leases a building in India?
Engineers working for e.g. Apple can just take their work home to India with them and continue to work for Apple?
I don't know whether Apple offshores engineering jobs. You'd had to ask someone from Apple.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s. 4 million people over a period of 100 years is only 40,000 per year. If you want to reduce immigration from Mexico to that figure, be my guest.
Your defeat on this matter is acknowledged and accepted.

Your anti American stance is acknowledged and recognized.
Your ignorance is noted and made fun of.
Immigrants are a dynamic force in any economy. That's been shown over and over. Remind me about all those Irish immigrants who displaced American workers in the 1800s and what a disaster it was.

Yeah, they're a "dynamic force" alright. They'll dynamite our economy and our culture into oblivion. Why do you want to turn the United States into Mexico? You know, there's a reason Mexico is a shit hole. It's because it's inhabited by Mexicans.

There's a reason you are a racist shitbag. It's because you say stupid shit like that.

Sorry, but that's just the simple truth.

Sorry, but you're a racist weakling.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
How many PhDs ae working for minimum wage? You really are stupid.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s. 4 million people over a period of 100 years is only 40,000 per year. If you want to reduce immigration from Mexico to that figure, be my guest.
My father in law immigrated here in 1940. In the 1950s there was an influx of Hungarians fleeing the revoluton.
OK, you have reached the point of your own ignorance and incompetence. Just quit.
And 4M people in a country of 123M would be like almost 12M immigrants today. Which is about what we have.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.
You have any proof they work for a fraction of what an American would work for? Because it isnt true. They can work in lots of other countries besides.
I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.
4,000,000 in 100 years?

Versus 12,000,000 in 20 years?
That was just Irish. That didnt include Jews, Poles, Italians, Russians, Czechs, Greeks, Chinese and I dont know what else. And look at the percentage of the population and immigration was much bigger 80 years ago.
So he's turned out to be an establishment republican after all. High tech companies love these H1-B visas. They can bring over PhD's from India or China and get them to work for a fraction of what an American engineer or scientist would make. These guys are basically indentured servants. Their visas are basically dependent upon their working for the sponsoring employer. Sucks for American workers too. There's lots of American engineers that need work, but they give the jobs to these H1-B people or outsource to some third world shithole in order to save money.

The difference being true republicans are willing to say no fucking way asshole.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s.

I can remember a time when I had 30 PHd guys from India reporting to me for 15k a year each (including benefits). You really are that naive.
What in the 1950s?
Frankly the idea you had anyone reporting to you is a scream.

But I didnt ask that. You claimed they worked for minimum wage and I wanted to know how many engineers are working for min wage.

The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.
This isnt India.
So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.
You're a fucking idiot and a pussy.
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.

Americans just need to learn to be more competitive. If they'd stop being so greedy they could be working those jobs for minimum wage, and America would finally have the chance to capture the Indian utopia for itself.


This is Rabbi's dream for America.
Not funny. But this is the Libertarian dream for America.
Who is there to vote FOR? Plenty of people to vote AGAINST. Who represents ME?
The average wage TODAY for a software programmer in India is 14k. That is LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE IN AMERICA.

Americans just need to learn to be more competitive. If they'd stop being so greedy they could be working those jobs for minimum wage, and America would finally have the chance to capture the Indian utopia for itself.


This is Rabbi's dream for America.
Not funny. But this is the Libertarian dream for America.
Who is there to vote FOR? Plenty of people to vote AGAINST. Who represents ME?
Maybe Scott Walker... if Rubio does not switch on this one he's lost me.

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