Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65,000 to 325,000 annually

So basically you're a fucking idiot.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
Hmmm, do you recall reading about the Disneyworld case? I've worked with H1-B holders for most of my career. I have all the evidence I need from personal experience.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
Kewl story, bro.

Story? Is there something you would like me to ask him?
Yeah, how does it feel to work with a moron.
My wife's cousin was married once to a guy with an H1b visa. I think that qualifies me to talk about it as much as you. LOL!

That's probably all you know about H1-Bs. You're coming off as a moron.
LOL. That's all you've got. You've beclowned yourself in this thread making the stupides accusations and proving you know about zero on high tech, H1B visas, foreign workers, or outsourciong.
Go back to your night watchman's job.

Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.
You've never worked with an H1B visa holder. You're a liar as well as stupid.

ROFL! I sit right next to one at the office, numskull.
Kewl story, bro.

Story? Is there something you would like me to ask him?
Yeah, how does it feel to work with a moron.
My wife's cousin was married once to a guy with an H1b visa. I think that qualifies me to talk about it as much as you. LOL!

That's probably all you know about H1-Bs. You're coming off as a moron.
You're the one claiming all kinds of things that arent true.
Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.

Check it out, asshole:

What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.

Check it out, asshole:

Another jerk off who cant read a chart. You're as bad KissMe. Does the bar from 1931 to 1940 protrude above the X axis or not?
Recall there were those little events known as the Great Depression and WW2 around that time. Might have had something to do with it. Yessir.
The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.

Check it out, asshole:

Another jerk off who cant read a chart. You're as bad KissMe. Does the bar from 1931 to 1940 protrude above the X axis or not?
Recall there were those little events known as the Great Depression and WW2 around that time. Might have had something to do with it. Yessir.

You're a joke, Rabbi.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.

Check it out, asshole:

Another jerk off who cant read a chart. You're as bad KissMe. Does the bar from 1931 to 1940 protrude above the X axis or not?
Recall there were those little events known as the Great Depression and WW2 around that time. Might have had something to do with it. Yessir.

You're a joke, Rabbi.
Translation: Caught me.
OK, have you humiliated yourself enouigh here? Do you need to go sit next to a clown so you know all about clownishness?
There's no shortage of jobs for people willing to work for 1/3 the price. Do you understand how the laws of supply and demand work?
Do you?
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
There are millions of Americans looking for jobs that doesn't mean there are millions job opening.
Why would a h1 people that don't speak English work at McDonald's.
There are no H1b visa people who dont speak English.
Geezus, it's like arguing with first graders.
I'm giving you an example bc you don't understand.
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

How many times have I said that on the USMB and Republicans laugh and laugh.

But it's OK because I laugh best.
Actually, it's you who has proven you know nothing about H1-B visas. Have you ever even met anyone here on an H1-B? They don't have many H1-Bs at the post office, do they?
What? So if I havent met anyone on an H1b then I dont know about it, but if I have then I do?
How fucking stupid are you, s0n?

The chances that you know more about H1-B than someone who works in the tech industry is nil. obviously.
Clearly you are wrong.

You know you're making a fool of yourself, don't you?
You claim to know all about the H1b visa program because you work next door to a guy who holds one and you think I'm making a fool of myself?
You have made claims almost every post that are wrong, stupid, foolish and just plain dumb. The uS did not cut off immigration in 1930. H1b visa holders are not paid substantially less. And sitting next to someone's office doesnt qualify you for shit.
Rabbi I knew lots of business owners and at least 2 of them has several h1 people. H1 are paid substantially less. That I can tell you is 100% correct. Otherwise what is the point. That part you already lost.
I mentioned to you in other post that the economy is booming but you flatly in denial. Let me repeat what I said in 2014 I added 80 employees then 2015 I added147 more employees 80% of which are high paying job. You completely rejected the economy is booming. Then you blame Obama with your miserable life. And here you are supporting foreign workers taking American jobs.
Your ignorance is noted and made fun of.
Immigrants are a dynamic force in any economy. That's been shown over and over. Remind me about all those Irish immigrants who displaced American workers in the 1800s and what a disaster it was.

Yeah, they're a "dynamic force" alright. They'll dynamite our economy and our culture into oblivion. Why do you want to turn the United States into Mexico? You know, there's a reason Mexico is a shit hole. It's because it's inhabited by Mexicans.

There's a reason you are a racist shitbag. It's because you say stupid shit like that.

Sorry, but that's just the simple truth.

Sorry, but you're a racist weakling.

Is a racist anyone who notices there are differences between Mexicans, Indians and Americans?

You don't even understand why the question is fucking nonsense, you fucking idiot.
This isnt India.

It will come to resemble India if we import enough of them here.
From 1830 to 1930 we imported over 4 million Irish. Remind me how that ruined this country and made us look like Ireland.

We stopped immigration entirely in 1930 and didn't start it again until the 1970s.


Not wrong.

Completely wrong, you ignorant little nothing.
...Actually that is probably not true either. Alaska wasnt part of the US until much later and with urbanization a lot of previous small towns have been abandoned...
This is really easy to understand. We do not have anywhere near as much unclaimed land as we did back in the 19th; therefore, we have far less room for newcomers nowadays. We can (and probably should) continue to accept newcomers; just not on the grand scale that we once did; we no longer need (or can accommodate) that many.

...But the point is typically irrelevant and stupid.
No, it's not. It is integral to the idea that we can no longer sustain immigration at the levels we once did. That is why we established immigration quotas, decades ago. Q.E.D.
I support legal immigration. I support Ted Cruze on increasing visas to full naturalization.

I have met too many people in this country, who have worked here for 10 years or more, and have gotten education in the US, and worked an honest job, and lived an honest life, and are still stuck on work permits.

It should not be this way.

Additionally, I have no problem with immigration in general (again provided it's legal). It's not governments duty, to protect "your job". It's not "your job". When you open your own business, then it's "your job".

Until then, it's the companies job, and you have equal right to try and earn that job, as anyone else.

You want to get paid more? Make yourself more valuable. Make yourself more useful. Do that jobs that other people can't do. Or do the same job, faster, or better than other people do.

But this modern American attitude of "I don't want to have to compete with anyone for my job, so I can be lazy and still earn $100K a year"... Sorry. I don't buy it.

I love immigrants, and I think more people the better. If it wasn't for immigration, America would be declining, because the modern American is too busy trying to make more money, than having a family. Without immigration, the population would be shrinking. That's pathetic. Too busy looking at porn, and not busy enough growing a family.

I want everyone to succeed, not just Americans. That would include immigrants. We need these people you claim to hate. Ted Cruze is right on the money.
Cruz had my vote when he said he would repeal all of Obama's EOs, but now he has lost my vote. I want H1-B's eliminated entirely. The claim that a corporation can't find a qualified individual in a nation of 330 million people is absurd. Whenever I go to work on a job site I'm surrounded by people with brown faces. I'm tired of having my wages driven down by people from third world countries willing to work for 1/3 of my salary.

WASHINGTON, DC: When it comes to increasing skilled workers on H-1B visas, one could say presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a bit of a black sheep amongst the GOP.

The Republican presidential candidate wants to increase the H-1B visas by 500 percent from its 65,000 to 325,000.

Cruz, who announced his run for the Oval office this morning, had made the proposition in 2013 as an amendment to the Senate’s comprehensive immigration bill.

While the Senate’s Judiciary Committee torpedoed Cruz’s amendment, they did approve an increase of 180,000 in the H-1B cap, but the House never acted on the legislation.

It’s not clear if Cruz had only the base 65,000 H-1B visas for skilled workers from around the globe to emigrate to the US in mind, and he didn’t want to include the 20,000 other H-1B visas which are allocated especially for students who graduate from universities in the US.

H1-B visas aren't issued for "job sites." They are issued for educated professionals, usually in IT. There is a shortage skilled labour in America. If you booted all the foreigners out, Silicon Valley would collapse.

I came to America on an H1-B. Now I'm a citizen.

As a Hispanic Canadian, Ted Cruz understands the importance of skilled immigration.
Yes we do. Do you? There are millions of unemployed American people that are just willing to work for less pay just to have food on the table. Then you want bring h1 people. That's a simple fact 3rd grader will understand but for hardware sales person you don't.
Then why arent they? There are millions of jobs not being filled.
Do you think H1B visa people are working at McDonalds?
There are millions of Americans looking for jobs that doesn't mean there are millions job opening.
Why would a h1 people that don't speak English work at McDonald's.
There are no H1b visa people who dont speak English.
Geezus, it's like arguing with first graders.
I'm giving you an example bc you don't understand.
An example of what, ignorance and stupidity? There are no H1b visa holders who dont speak English.

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