Ted Cruz Would Get Crushed By Hillary


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
We all know this. This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump. They're scared. But watching Lyin' Ted on his FNC Town Hall, he is presenting a losing strategy. He'll take on Hillary based on 'substance' and not make it 'personal.' Then, he listed a litany of memorized issues; eliminating Obamacare and taking on ISIS. Dude couldn't have sounded more vanilla.

Too many Americans want their entitlements. They want to make so-called-history by electing the first woman president. All this sh** is in the bag for her unless a charismatic, pulls-no-punches guy like Trump comes along and makes the slam dunk case that Crooked Hillary is not our friend.
We all know this. This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump. They're scared. But watching Lyin' Ted on his FNC Town Hall, he is presenting a losing strategy. He'll take on Hillary based on 'substance' and not make it 'personal.' Then, he listed a litany of memorized issues; eliminating Obamacare and taking on ISIS. Dude couldn't have sounded more vanilla.

Too many Americans want their entitlements. They want to make so-called-history by electing the first woman president. All this sh** is in the bag for her unless a charismatic, pulls-no-punches guy like Trump comes along and makes the slam dunk case that Crooked Hillary is not our friend.

Trump is not going to win either and might as well enjoy four years of Trey Gowdy trying to impeach Hillary...
I have some fighting me saying how Cruz is the only chance for R to win, and how Trump will lose by the worst landslide in history.

Curious what you guys think of that?
Trump would lose even worse than Cruz. Cruz has somewhat of a chance. Trump has no chance whatsoever.

Cruz has no chance either...

Not true. He could pull it out by the skin of his teeth, but I'm not betting on that happening.

The problem with Trump is that his negatives are even worse than Hillary's
Trump would lose even worse than Cruz. Cruz has somewhat of a chance. Trump has no chance whatsoever.

Cruz has no chance either...

Not true. He could pull it out by the skin of his teeth, but I'm not betting on that happening.

The problem with Trump is that his negatives are even worse than Hillary's

The negatives are manufactured selling points. In fact, they're often products of a guy simply not being one's first choice. That's why they always lessen when the one vs. one begins.
Cruz would kick Hillary's ass as soon as the first debate is over. Cruz is 100 times smarter than she is and will mop the floor with her corrupt lying ass. After that she would be toast.
Cruz would kick Hillary's ass as soon as the first debate is over. Cruz is 100 times smarter than she is and will mop the floor with her corrupt lying ass. After that she would be toast.

Cruz would be Paul Ryan Part II. Talks a good game to the base and then flounders when the spotlight is the brightest and all his political indiscretions come to light.
"This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump."

They’re not.

Trump is saying all sorts of nonsense, liberals are criticizing that nonsense – and appropriately so.
We all know this. This is why the libtards are saying all manner of nonsense against Trump. They're scared. But watching Lyin' Ted on his FNC Town Hall, he is presenting a losing strategy. He'll take on Hillary based on 'substance' and not make it 'personal.' Then, he listed a litany of memorized issues; eliminating Obamacare and taking on ISIS. Dude couldn't have sounded more vanilla.

Too many Americans want their entitlements. They want to make so-called-history by electing the first woman president. All this sh** is in the bag for her unless a charismatic, pulls-no-punches guy like Trump comes along and makes the slam dunk case that Crooked Hillary is not our friend.
News Alert: T-Rump is also going to get 'crushed' by Hillary. No way will he win in a national election. No way.

You say the liberals are 'scared' of T-Rump, but the fact is the GOP is scared of him and does not support him--definitely does not want him to run on their ticket. If you want to accuse someone of being against T-Rump, look toward the GOP establishment, not the Democrats. Democrats would be happy to run Hillary against T-Rump because she would be guaranteed to win by a landslide.
Just look at the last two posts. You'll see the fear I'm talking about. Libtards ain't worried about Cruz cos they know Trump is the one who'll deliver them an ass whooping.

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