Ted Cruz: ‘You have good reason to be cynical’ about our do-nothing Senate

Amazing coming from a politician opposed to President Trump from the start. Appears he might be changing or has changed his mind.

We’re not delivering. We’re not getting the job done and people are frustrated. I’m frustrated. I promise you; as frustrated as you are, I’m banging my head into it every day. You have good reason to be cynical, and a lot of people across the country are ticked off.

We’ve got an incredible opportunity - an opportunity that doesn’t happen very often. Unified control of government for Republicans historically has been quite rare. And it’s been the Senate that hasn’t been able to deliver.

You look at the votes over ObamaCare? Those were maddening.”

Read the article to see who he blames @ Ted Cruz: ‘You have good reason to be cynical’ about our do-nothing Senate

Um, Donnie stole Teds lines man. Tell ya, trump needs to get cooking. He made big promises and he is setting his challengers up to be able to say “I told you so”. Donnie so far has been all talk, Little do.
Hillary smeared half of Trump voters as deplorable
You know.......those nazis and KKK that support Trump
Those who hate Mexicans and Muslims that support Trump

When you say something as asinine as saying a group is half "deplorable" or "nazi or KKK" you are smearing the whole group, you dishonest asshole.

You spread hate and divisiveness everyday, and then complain that those you vilely smear don't want to work with you.

You seem to struggle with the concept of a group vs part of a group

No, you are struggle with being honest enough to face that calling a group HALF nazi is smearing the entire group.

You spread hate and divisiveness everyday, and then complain that those you vilely smear don't want to work with you.


Throw in the Nazis, KKK, those who hate all immigrants, those who hate non-Christians and you have half the Trump voters......Deplorable

A. Why are you telling such obviously untrue lies?

B. Your vile lies and smears while talking shit about lack of cooperation reveal you to be a complete hypocrite and moron.
The bigger question is...Why is our President so reluctant to criticize Nazis and KKK?
Ted cruz wants to return America to the stone age.

Wish someone would vote the asshole out.

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