Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin ‘Perfect Example Of What Founding Fathers Wanted'


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.
i noticed your little buddy thanked you....and he wonders why i think he agreed with you on what you said....amazing....
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.
you mean like when you call veterans on this board anti-American just because they did not agree with you?....like that?....
What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.

Now you've done it.

Harry Dresden will say I'm responsible for you picking on him.

Gotta say, this from Harry might even be crazier than tinydancer saying my posts will shut down the board.
no but you are responsible for condoning what he has said about those kids you "claim" to care about...

K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....

I'm not anyone's defender, I'm just tired of seeing your nagging post over and over. When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters, then you can come and make pronouncements, otherwise you just sound like a broken record.

Debate is about what one says.....not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over, says, so get over it.
I'm not anyone's defender
sure your not....thats why you are doing it....
When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters
i gave you some names earlier....are you like luddy and dont read anything, you just make comments?....
not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over
once again read before you open your mouth.....i never said luddy had control over anything.....but for a guy who is so concerned about kids,at least the healthy ones,you would have thought the guy would have said something.....some of those conservatives he claims dont care,had something to say....but not him....
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.

Now you've done it.

Harry Dresden will say I'm responsible for you picking on him.

Gotta say, this from Harry might even be crazier than tinydancer saying my posts will shut down the board.
no but you are responsible for condoning what he has said about those kids you "claim" to care about...

And you are crazy. I'm not responsible for what anybody says on this board except for what I say. You need to grow up.....
What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....

I'm not anyone's defender, I'm just tired of seeing your nagging post over and over. When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters, then you can come and make pronouncements, otherwise you just sound like a broken record.

Debate is about what one says.....not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over, says, so get over it.
I'm not anyone's defender
sure your not....thats why you are doing it....
When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters
i gave you some names earlier....are you like luddy and dont read anything, you just make comments?....
not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over
once again read before you open your mouth.....i never said luddy had control over anything.....but for a guy who is so concerned about kids,at least the healthy ones,you would have thought the guy would have said something.....some of those conservatives he claims dont care,had something to say....but not him....

You are one sick puppy. I agree with people whom I choose to agree with..........you don't have any say so in that.....so deal with it.

There are plenty of conservatives that don't give a crap about sick children, handicapped children or children in general.....if they did they wouldn't be supporting a party that wants to repeal Obamacare and do away with Medicaid. Go do some research on your own party.
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....

What are you? The post police? Who gives a shit what you have seen some lefties say, I don't need for you to give me threads and names, I don't give a crap what anyone else says that doesn't sit well with you. If you don't like it then you deal with it.....don't be expecting me to do what you say........you don't control me, never will, so go fly a kite.

And, I think you are pathetic, too, for expecting other people to agree with you and come down on other posters.....can't you handle your own battles? You sound rather wimpy to me.
Terrible Ted and Crazy Sarah make a good team.

Sarah/Ted For 2016.
Hoofie, quit making up drama............
Terrible Ted and Crazy Sarah make a good team.

Sarah/Ted For 2016.

I wish they would run.........some conservatives need a smack on the face to wake them up.
The combined intellectual power of Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin would not be able to make sense of anything that is not bright and shiny.

Why would some folks advocate those two for any position of power above fry cook and waitress?

Are we supposed to identify with them as 'just plain folks'? I suppose if we all lived in the trailer park south of town. But as leaders of the Free World they would be nothing short of a national embarrassment.
The same applies to hollering all the time about voter fraud.
Give it up.

When people continually post that a person is a pedophile even though that criminal charge has never been brought and even though they have been warned so many times that this is the wrong thing to do and that this could cause a message board to suffer a consequence but yet they continue to do it. What the hell?

I love it when Progs air their stupidity for all the world to see.

OMG, right-twats can't even recognize sarcasm.....that's even stupider.....:)

Bull shit. You Progs actually believe this shit.
You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.

Now you've done it.

Harry Dresden will say I'm responsible for you picking on him.

Gotta say, this from Harry might even be crazier than tinydancer saying my posts will shut down the board.
no but you are responsible for condoning what he has said about those kids you "claim" to care about...

And you are crazy. I'm not responsible for what anybody says on this board except for what I say. You need to grow up.....
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....

I'm not anyone's defender, I'm just tired of seeing your nagging post over and over. When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters, then you can come and make pronouncements, otherwise you just sound like a broken record.

Debate is about what one says.....not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over, says, so get over it.
I'm not anyone's defender
sure your not....thats why you are doing it....
When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters
i gave you some names earlier....are you like luddy and dont read anything, you just make comments?....
not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over
once again read before you open your mouth.....i never said luddy had control over anything.....but for a guy who is so concerned about kids,at least the healthy ones,you would have thought the guy would have said something.....some of those conservatives he claims dont care,had something to say....but not him....

You are one sick puppy. I agree with people whom I choose to agree with..........you don't have any say so in that.....so deal with it.

There are plenty of conservatives that don't give a crap about sick children, handicapped children or children in general.....if they did they wouldn't be supporting a party that wants to repeal Obamacare and do away with Medicaid. Go do some research on your own party.
unlike you i dont kiss any parties ass....but in other words...."are you crazy?....me say something to a fellow leftie?"
Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....

What are you? The post police? Who gives a shit what you have seen some lefties say, I don't need for you to give me threads and names, I don't give a crap what anyone else says that doesn't sit well with you. If you don't like it then you deal with it.....don't be expecting me to do what you say........you don't control me, never will, so go fly a kite.

And, I think you are pathetic, too, for expecting other people to agree with you and come down on other posters.....can't you handle your own battles? You sound rather wimpy to me.
geezus take it easy,are you going to fucking cry?........you asked about something i gave you an answer....next time dont open your fucking mouth....or better yet dont get involved with something that does not involve you....let luddy fight his own battles the guy is over 60 for christ sakes....you are as pathetic as luddy....do you need a tissue now?....
you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....

What are you? The post police? Who gives a shit what you have seen some lefties say, I don't need for you to give me threads and names, I don't give a crap what anyone else says that doesn't sit well with you. If you don't like it then you deal with it.....don't be expecting me to do what you say........you don't control me, never will, so go fly a kite.

And, I think you are pathetic, too, for expecting other people to agree with you and come down on other posters.....can't you handle your own battles? You sound rather wimpy to me.
geezus take it easy,are you going to fucking cry?........you asked about something i gave you an answer....next time dont open your fucking mouth....or better yet dont get involved with something that does not involve you....let luddy fight his own battles the guy is over 60 for christ sakes....you are as pathetic as luddy....do you need a tissue now?....

Its Harry Dresden who can't fight this own battles and needs me to call out libs for him.

Grow up. If you don't like what someone writes, YOU tell them. Quit demanding that I do what you can't seem to do for yourself.
YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....

What are you? The post police? Who gives a shit what you have seen some lefties say, I don't need for you to give me threads and names, I don't give a crap what anyone else says that doesn't sit well with you. If you don't like it then you deal with it.....don't be expecting me to do what you say........you don't control me, never will, so go fly a kite.

And, I think you are pathetic, too, for expecting other people to agree with you and come down on other posters.....can't you handle your own battles? You sound rather wimpy to me.
geezus take it easy,are you going to fucking cry?........you asked about something i gave you an answer....next time dont open your fucking mouth....or better yet dont get involved with something that does not involve you....let luddy fight his own battles the guy is over 60 for christ sakes....you are as pathetic as luddy....do you need a tissue now?....

Its Harry Dresden who can't fight this own battles and needs me to call out libs for him.

Grow up. If you don't like what someone writes, YOU tell them. Quit demanding that I do what you can't seem to do for yourself.
sorry ludd....you were being a hypocrite...if i or Stephanie would have done what you did.....i am sure you would have called us heartless basterds.....you know it and i know it...all i was trying to see is if you agreed with that asswipe.....and well your response to this kinda says it all...

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