Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin ‘Perfect Example Of What Founding Fathers Wanted'

The real question here is --

Why do RWs always side with lazy quitters, corrupt liars, draft dodgers and admitted child molesters?

Why are their standards so low that they'll actually defend the likes of trash Palin and trash Nugent?

HenryBHough Steve_McGarrett tinydancer
Would the founding fathers have approved of Sarah's fetish for black guys - like Glen Rice?
yes they were "liberals" right?.....

Well, according to conservatives, they were all Christians, so you figure it out.
and according to the lefties everyone of them were liberals.....so if those guys back then would look down on a white girl messing around with a non-white....who is closer to the truth?....sounds like those guys were just a little bit conservative too...which backs up what i have been saying about them....

Back then, it didn't matter whether they were Liberals or Conservatives.....pretty much all white people were racist.....and the Founding Fathers would not have approved....it was okay for the men to knock off some of the female slaves, but women were definitely not allowed to mess with a black man.
tell that to the posters here who claim they were all liberals

If you tell it to all the posters here who claim they were all conservatives.
Tewwerrribble burden for those libs.

Now they gotta check under the bed every night for:

Strong women
Black conservative men
White union busters

Where in hell do they keep their cats since there's no room under there?

Methinks you're in the wrong thread.


Or, you're as dumb, drunk, stoned as tinydancer.


Oh I am very sober my man. Very sober.

As in the old expression, I drank myself sober....

You at least at Hannity attempt to make a decent post or two.

You are beyond lamo here.

Pity because you used to be pretty good.

Stick to posting blanks.....you're making as much sense here as Hoofie.
Last week I almost got my eyes gouged out by a young twentysomething black woman blaring loud rap. I was trying to communicate on a service phone at the same she pulled up right next to me. I was po'd at her. I yelled at her and let her know I was pissed off. SO she called the cops on me and said I was disturbing the peace. REALY? Earlier I almost got ran over by a black man in a DMV parking lot when I, a white person, innocently walking in the crosswalk nearly got run over. He's doing like 30 MPH and blaring his radio, almost kills me. The cop let me go. Wise decision. Ain't life funny? This cop and that girl were just kids. And this cop figured out the truth right away.

Post a video or it didn't happen........:D
Hey tinydancer

The board is still here and Ted Nugent is still an admitted child molester, draft dodger with shitty pants and a convicted poacher.

And Palin is still a professional quitter, drunk, failure at everything she has ever done.

Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?

Asking him to post proof that I called for the deaths of handicapped kids.

So, how long before the board goes down?

Could get you banned in Canada in a heart beat.

Britain oh yeah.

I keep asking you. Is this your intent? Is this what you want?

That's what the liberals wanted in Canada. They wanted to shut up Free Dominion.

Thats what *cough* *cough* liberals do.

Maybe they got shot down for spewing lies.....like Faux News does here in the US.
The real question here is --

Why do RWs always side with lazy quitters, corrupt liars, draft dodgers and admitted child molesters?

Why are their standards so low that they'll actually defend the likes of trash Palin and trash Nugent?
why did you refuse to call a guy calling for the deaths of handicapped people an asshole?....instead you got mad at me for mentioning it....your standards are pretty low to ludd....

No Harry Dresden

It was YOU who dragged handicapped people AND $tupid$arah's kid into this.

Absolutely no excuse for using a handicapped kid that way.

you cant take away what you said in that thread ludd....sorry...its still there.....i know you dont want people to see what kind of a phony you are.....but i know and you know it too...and there aint a dam thing you can do about it.....but go ahead do some more threads telling us how you care about little kids,well at lest the ones who are not handicapped anyway, you can care less about those ones.....SHAME ON YOU Luddy..........

Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

You want some liberal to come down on another liberal for making an asinine post.....how about you coming down on all the idiotic conservatives who make idotic post after post and all you do is thank them and agree with them.

If you don't like what someone posted then you tell them, and quit bossing people around telling them they should come down on someone else.
Hey tinydancer

The board is still here and Ted Nugent is still an admitted child molester, draft dodger with shitty pants and a convicted poacher.

And Palin is still a professional quitter, drunk, failure at everything she has ever done.

Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
How can Luddie be a liberal Democrat and NOT want to ensure government paid abortion for the "defective" unborn? Isn't that what you libbies shit all over Governor Palin for refusing to do?

Oh, wait, you want us to believe you're suddenly NOT a liberal Democrat?

Hoofie, quit smoking that shit....you're hallucinating again.
Clowns, they scare us normal folk. They love tilting at windmills. Are they what the founding fathers wanted? I think so.

Don't forget - You knew several personally and they all killed kids and women and robbed old people and, well, you go ahead and tell it cuz nobody tells an outlandish fiction as well as you do.

Are you off your meds or something? Why the hate? Because I mock your avatar? Grow up. I don't like Ted Nugent, Palin is a cute piece of fluff. YOU are a clown , your avatar is fitting, bukko.

Says the broad suggesting someone is off their meds......why the hate? Oh, and my avatar is a clown.....that's right....Scott Walker.
Damn, is there a point to any of this? We have idiots like Obama that made poor hard working people lose their jobs? I am one of those people. I am over fifty, worked a job for like twenty five years, get canned because health care cost go up. I took me weeks to get treated for pneumonia back in mid November till early February, no joke. My old REAL health care would have seen me in a day or two. Not this Obama stuff.

Yeah, sure, you have a story for everything, but you don't any proof.
why did you refuse to call a guy calling for the deaths of handicapped people an asshole?....instead you got mad at me for mentioning it....your standards are pretty low to ludd....

No Harry Dresden

It was YOU who dragged handicapped people AND $tupid$arah's kid into this.

Absolutely no excuse for using a handicapped kid that way.

you cant take away what you said in that thread ludd....sorry...its still there.....i know you dont want people to see what kind of a phony you are.....but i know and you know it too...and there aint a dam thing you can do about it.....but go ahead do some more threads telling us how you care about little kids,well at lest the ones who are not handicapped anyway, you can care less about those ones.....SHAME ON YOU Luddy..........

Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

Hey tinydancer

The board is still here and Ted Nugent is still an admitted child molester, draft dodger with shitty pants and a convicted poacher.

And Palin is still a professional quitter, drunk, failure at everything she has ever done.

Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

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