Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin ‘Perfect Example Of What Founding Fathers Wanted'

yes they were "liberals" right?.....

Well, according to conservatives, they were all Christians, so you figure it out.
and according to the lefties everyone of them were liberals.....so if those guys back then would look down on a white girl messing around with a non-white....who is closer to the truth?....sounds like those guys were just a little bit conservative too...which backs up what i have been saying about them....

Back then, it didn't matter whether they were Liberals or Conservatives.....pretty much all white people were racist.....and the Founding Fathers would not have approved....it was okay for the men to knock off some of the female slaves, but women were definitely not allowed to mess with a black man.
tell that to the posters here who claim they were all liberals

If you tell it to all the posters here who claim they were all conservatives.
all the threads about the colonists i have been in people like RW were saying the patriots were ALL liberals.....and the tories were ALL conservatives....thats bullshit..and if a righty here said the opposite....i would tell them the same thing...bullshit....
Well, according to conservatives, they were all Christians, so you figure it out.
and according to the lefties everyone of them were liberals.....so if those guys back then would look down on a white girl messing around with a non-white....who is closer to the truth?....sounds like those guys were just a little bit conservative too...which backs up what i have been saying about them....

Back then, it didn't matter whether they were Liberals or Conservatives.....pretty much all white people were racist.....and the Founding Fathers would not have approved....it was okay for the men to knock off some of the female slaves, but women were definitely not allowed to mess with a black man.
tell that to the posters here who claim they were all liberals

If you tell it to all the posters here who claim they were all conservatives.
all the threads about the colonists i have been in people like RW were saying the patriots were ALL liberals.....and the tories were ALL conservatives....thats bullshit..and if a righty here said the opposite....i would tell them the same thing...bullshit....

That is silly to argue over some words that weren't even considered back in the time of our Founding Fathers. Liberalism is a concept.....and some of the Founding Fathers exhibited some Liberalism, but compared to today's times, some of their liberalism would now be considered conservative. Liberals and conservatives today each can point to some qualities in our Founding Fathers that make them seem liberal or conservative. Like, "Separation of church and State" definitely something that today's liberals point out....but conservatives instead, want to use some of the Christian beliefs to formulate laws.

It is childish to argue over something like that....it's like kids saying "my father is better than your father" or "my father can beat your father" - it is ridiculous. We really don't know where our Founding Fathers would stand on some issues today because they are all dead. Benjamin Franklin is described as a rather randy person.....so I'm sure that the uptight conservatives would gladly paint him as a liberal....and some were for low taxes....so we could say they were conservative....but really, who gives a shit what they were.....we are here now and we decide what direction we want the country to go.

When America was 225 years younger than it is today, there were no liberals and no conservatives. And there was no liberalism and no conservatism. Such terms, and the clusters of political views they represent, were unknown in America at least through the era of the Civil War and Reconstruction.

A person was liberal not by having a particular set of political beliefs but by possessing this particular virtue. Following the ancients, especially Aristotle, Americans understood liberality first as the virtue of free and rational generosity. Liberality was the capacity to give of one’s own free will and to give with purpose–in the right way, at the right time, for the right end. Giving that lacked these qualities was not virtuous. Bestowing a hundred dollars cash on a homeless alcoholic, for example, would not be an act of liberality. It would be an act of prodigality–a vice, not a virtue.

Were the Founding Fathers Liberal Reflection and Choice
Tewwerrribble burden for those libs.

Now they gotta check under the bed every night for:

Strong women
Black conservative men
White union busters

Where in hell do they keep their cats since there's no room under there?

Methinks you're in the wrong thread.


Or, you're as dumb, drunk, stoned as tinydancer.


Oh I am very sober my man. Very sober.

As in the old expression, I drank myself sober....

You at least at Hannity attempt to make a decent post or two.

You are beyond lamo here.

Pity because you used to be pretty good.

Stick to posting blanks.....you're making as much sense here as Hoofie.

What the hell is a Hoofie? Tell me I'm not that old.
Methinks you're in the wrong thread.


Or, you're as dumb, drunk, stoned as tinydancer.


Oh I am very sober my man. Very sober.

As in the old expression, I drank myself sober....

You at least at Hannity attempt to make a decent post or two.

You are beyond lamo here.

Pity because you used to be pretty good.

Stick to posting blanks.....you're making as much sense here as Hoofie.

What the hell is a Hoofie? Tell me I'm not that old.
A skank, butt slut, whore, etc. that is usually black (not a requirement) and not at all intelligent (a definite requirement). This word is preferable as it is not considered foul language when used yet seems to get the point across to the opposite party much more effectively. This word is not yet widely used, so many do not know its meaning when it is used. So feel free to elaborate when using the word. Hoofies usually need multiple explanations anyways as they are not the sharpest tools in the shed.
Shut the FUCK up you fucking hoofies!

You are a nasty ass hoofie.

That hoofie has way too much butt sex.

Urban Dictionary hoofie
Hardly slept a wink last night for worrying that I had broken the board as tinydancer said I would. So glad its still here although, if I say those words again, the board will probably "go down". Let's see if td is right about that ...

Ted Nugent is an admitted child molester who sat in his own shit for a month to get out of serving his country and was convicted of poaching.

Nope - the board is still here and tinydancer is still a certifiable froot loop.

No Harry Dresden

It was YOU who dragged handicapped people AND $tupid$arah's kid into this.

Absolutely no excuse for using a handicapped kid that way.

you cant take away what you said in that thread ludd....sorry...its still there.....i know you dont want people to see what kind of a phony you are.....but i know and you know it too...and there aint a dam thing you can do about it.....but go ahead do some more threads telling us how you care about little kids,well at lest the ones who are not handicapped anyway, you can care less about those ones.....SHAME ON YOU Luddy..........

Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

Methinks you're in the wrong thread.


Or, you're as dumb, drunk, stoned as tinydancer.


Oh I am very sober my man. Very sober.

As in the old expression, I drank myself sober....

You at least at Hannity attempt to make a decent post or two.

You are beyond lamo here.

Pity because you used to be pretty good.

Stick to posting blanks.....you're making as much sense here as Hoofie.

What the hell is a Hoofie? Tell me I'm not that old.

Hoofie is that rw poster in this thread that is making as much sense as you. He knows who he is, that is all that counts.
you cant take away what you said in that thread ludd....sorry...its still there.....i know you dont want people to see what kind of a phony you are.....but i know and you know it too...and there aint a dam thing you can do about it.....but go ahead do some more threads telling us how you care about little kids,well at lest the ones who are not handicapped anyway, you can care less about those ones.....SHAME ON YOU Luddy..........

Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....
why did you refuse to call a guy calling for the deaths of handicapped people an asshole?....instead you got mad at me for mentioning it....your standards are pretty low to ludd....

No Harry Dresden

It was YOU who dragged handicapped people AND $tupid$arah's kid into this.

Absolutely no excuse for using a handicapped kid that way.

you cant take away what you said in that thread ludd....sorry...its still there.....i know you dont want people to see what kind of a phony you are.....but i know and you know it too...and there aint a dam thing you can do about it.....but go ahead do some more threads telling us how you care about little kids,well at lest the ones who are not handicapped anyway, you can care less about those ones.....SHAME ON YOU Luddy..........

Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

You want some liberal to come down on another liberal for making an asinine post.....how about you coming down on all the idiotic conservatives who make idotic post after post and all you do is thank them and agree with them.

If you don't like what someone posted then you tell them, and quit bossing people around telling them they should come down on someone else.
and all you do is thank them and agree with them.
show me one....i very seldom thank anyone...
.how about you coming down on all the idiotic conservatives who make idotic post after post
you are like luddy you dont read everything and then comment on it.....go see what i have said to katz,shootspeeders,steve macgarret,go look at the threads on unions and tell me i stick up with the righties....go look and see what i tell kosh....go check the pot threads tell me i am on the righties side....go look at the thread on the PO where i am arguing with Bripat.....in the old system i was negged more than once from the rabbi,and it wasnt because i agreed with the guy....go look at some of the health care threads,tell me im siding with the righties there.....i have backed Obama on "droning" to death the terrorists...and fucking luddy knows this....if you dont know about the poster mertex...dont make comments like you are here.....
Hey tinydancer

The board is still here and Ted Nugent is still an admitted child molester, draft dodger with shitty pants and a convicted poacher.

And Palin is still a professional quitter, drunk, failure at everything she has ever done.

Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.
Apparently Harry Dresden is saying I called for the deaths of handicapped people.

Harry Dresden is lying.

Harry Dresden Post a link to me calling for the deaths of handicapped people.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....
Truly, you need to get over it and start posting with your head, not your emotions. It's a tough life, start dealing with it.

Now you've done it.

Harry Dresden will say I'm responsible for you picking on him.

Gotta say, this from Harry might even be crazier than tinydancer saying my posts will shut down the board.
Last edited:
Get ready.


K ...

I'm ready ...

How long before this happens?


What are you doing to Harry?
the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

You're beginning to sound like a fucking broken record.
are you luddies defender know?....the little fucker cant defend himself?.....how about you mertex.....would you ignore some asshole calling Down Syndrome kids "droolers"?.....would you ignore them if they called for the death of handicapped people?....were do you stand?.....with PMH,luddy and dottie....or with those of us who think that is pretty fucked and will say so?.....

I'm not anyone's defender, I'm just tired of seeing your nagging post over and over. When you start coming down on all the vile and virulent posts that are aimed at Obama, Michelle, Hillary and many other Liberal leaders by conservative and TP posters, then you can come and make pronouncements, otherwise you just sound like a broken record.

Debate is about what one says.....not what another poster you seem to think any of us has control over, says, so get over it.
spin it all you want Luddy....i did not say that and your lying ass knows that.....you refused to comment on your good buddy Paint my house who did call for their deaths....and you had the gall to say 4-5 posts after he said that that no conservative in this thread cares about down syndrome kids....even though 2-3 of them did tell the guy he was out of line,but not you....and when i mentioned this, thinking maybe an old guy like you must have missed his post....you got pissed at me for bringing it up...but yet never mentioned how fucked PMH was for saying that even after he mentioned it again....

Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.

the only thing he is doing to me is to try and make it look like i am lying about what he did.....but i know better and so does he....but he will try and lie his way out of it....

No time for that right now cuz the board is about to "go down".

I'm not saying you're lying.

I'm saying I don't give a crap in Teddly pants about this. And yes, I do realize that, to you, this is

Real Serious Internet Stuff.

If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.

Better hurry though cuz the board's "going down".
Don't know or care what PaintMyHouse said.
of course you dont he is your buddy....you made that perfectly clear....
If you want to post a link to where I called for the deaths of handicapped kids, I will answer it. Otherwise, you're just a silly troll.
geezus you are dense.....pay attention ludd....i never said YOU said that,you are the one saying i said you said that,i did not....your good buddy did and you went right buy his post without commenting and then said how the "RW's" in the thread dont care for these kids,even though 2-3 of them called PMH a disgusting fuck for saying that,you didnt.....and then when i mentioned this you got pissed at me for bringing it up....and he even acknowledged it later and you still said nothing....your threads about kids are bullshit......

Harry Dresden

So this is just more of your idiotic assertion that I'm responsible for calling out what every liberal here writes that you disagree with.

That really is stupid.

Get lost.

you are responsible when you are in the same thread and ignore what your friend and fellow lefties say but will get on those nasty righties for doing what you claimed was the same thing...your problem ludd is you just dont want to admit that im right.....go to the thread where palins kid with DS is standing on the dog....you and your other good friend dottie and a few other lefties did not give a shit when PMH called the kid a "drooler" or called for the death of the handicapped.....did not bother you at all....and yet you had enough gall to say the righties in this thread dont care about these kids,thats what i called you on and you got pissed at me for bringing it up......its called HYPOCRISY ludd...look it up....you might learn something....

YOU would agree then that YOU are responsible when a nutter RW traitor posts against his own country.

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?

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