Ted Nugent: Sarah Palin ‘Perfect Example Of What Founding Fathers Wanted'

How could Sarah Palin be the perfect example of what the Founders wanted when they didn't want women to even vote?
sarah palin is a waste of time and energy and will never be president of this country....why some continue to give her the time of day is beyond me....
How could Sarah Palin be the perfect example of what the Founders wanted when they didn't want women to even vote?
sarah palin is a waste of time and energy and will never be president of this country....why some continue to give her the time of day is beyond me....
She's their game-shooting MILF. The American Taliban loves her.
How could Sarah Palin be the perfect example of what the Founders wanted when they didn't want women to even vote?
sarah palin is a waste of time and energy and will never be president of this country....why some continue to give her the time of day is beyond me....
She's their game-shooting MILF. The American Taliban loves her.
men from the american taliban left would fuck her too.....and please dont tell me they would not.....
It's a waste of time to post anything on Palin on this board.

It boils over into nothing but vile hate every time.

If she runs it will be up to the people no matter what you think of her.

this is my last Palin thread I enter.

hate on
The Leftwing equivalent of this would be if Jane Fonda said Michael Moore was a great American.

The biggest problem with what the OP posted is that it doesn't meet the minimum requirement for being newsworthy, unless you consider one radical partisan complimenting another radical partisan interesting.

The rightwing movement is filled with intellectual powerhouses like Friedman & Hayek. So why does the OP bore us terminally with populist carnival barkers - a.k.a. catnip for low information voters. Why not at least try to read "Capitalism and Freedom" or "The Road to Serfdom"? Why start every game with the dumbest people on your bench?
It's a waste of time to post anything on Palin on this board.

It boils over into nothing but vile hate every time.

If she runs it will be up to the people no matter what you think of her.

this is my last Palin thread I enter.

hate on


The last palin thread you enter?

No its not.
Ted Nugent: Stop 'Calling Me A Pedophile. I'm Not!'

Ted Nugent Stop Calling Me A Pedophile. I m Not Crooks and Liars

Frankly, I've never seen Dresden getting after any conservative poster for posting really detestable things....is he the PC police here on this forum or just this thread?
i gave you some names and threads.....lets see some names of lefties you have gotten on for the shit they said....i even asked you if you agreed with paint the house and what he said....no comment from you.....but you are not alone....luddy and dottie would not comment either....and remember we were not discussing adults....we were talking little handicapped kids...people like you people are pretty pathetic....

What are you? The post police? Who gives a shit what you have seen some lefties say, I don't need for you to give me threads and names, I don't give a crap what anyone else says that doesn't sit well with you. If you don't like it then you deal with it.....don't be expecting me to do what you say........you don't control me, never will, so go fly a kite.

And, I think you are pathetic, too, for expecting other people to agree with you and come down on other posters.....can't you handle your own battles? You sound rather wimpy to me.
geezus take it easy,are you going to fucking cry?........you asked about something i gave you an answer....next time dont open your fucking mouth....or better yet dont get involved with something that does not involve you....let luddy fight his own battles the guy is over 60 for christ sakes....you are as pathetic as luddy....do you need a tissue now?....

Its Harry Dresden who can't fight this own battles and needs me to call out libs for him.

Grow up. If you don't like what someone writes, YOU tell them. Quit demanding that I do what you can't seem to do for yourself.
sorry ludd....you were being a hypocrite...if i or Stephanie would have done what you did.....i am sure you would have called us heartless basterds.....you know it and i know it...all i was trying to see is if you agreed with that asswipe.....and well your response to this kinda says it all...


Its not up to me to post against every lefty with whom you disagree. If you don't like what someone posts, tell them yourself.
By your logic, $illy$arah is gay.

What a dumb argument.

What PainMyHouse says is true - RWs like $arah/Nugent hate the liberals who think for themselves and fought the Revolution. They would have been spies for the king.
^ that

Its truly ironic that the loudest RWs these days are the ones who would have been against the radical liberals who wanted to form a new country. These people can't think for themselves and actively fight against freedom and basic rights. That's why big money, such as the Koch's and Adelson have been able to get such a strong hold over America's future. If RWs could think for themselves, they would never have voted for GeoW and they wouldn't even consider voting for the pubs who will be running in 16.
How could Sarah Palin be the perfect example of what the Founders wanted when they didn't want women to even vote?
sarah palin is a waste of time and energy and will never be president of this country....why some continue to give her the time of day is beyond me....

It's hero worship. I bet some of them Tee Pottiers even have little shrines erected to the former quitter Gov. of Alaska.
Matthew do you understand why some of us want to kill those called scientists?

No you don't

Oh, my. I think you need one of these:


Actually, Tinydancer, threatening to kill people really CAN get a board closed down.

Fortunately for us, no one takes you seriously, anyway.

Please do tell us if the jello tastes good in the Sanitarium, mkay?
Matthew do you understand why some of us want to kill those called scientists?

No you don't
Damn you guys want to kill scientists now? Holy shit things just got real :laugh:

Only the lying scientists. So how many does it make them?

Ahhh, so, you only want to murder whom you think lie.


And what happens if other people think that YOU are lying, hmmmm???

BTW, I thought you were a Christian. Where is murder condoned in the Bible?
Did the founding fathers allow women to vote

If you care join me Lakhota. I fight daily for women's rights around the world.

Seriously. Let's stop the bullshit between you and me. I will show you how to really fight for women's rights around the world. It's what I do.

Get hold of me. [email protected]

I'm a real deal.

As always....your post makes a lot of sense........:D

Word has it that on Beta Centauri IV and Proxima Equinon II, her postings make a lot of sense.

When people continually post that a person is a pedophile even though that criminal charge has never been brought and even though they have been warned so many times that this is the wrong thing to do and that this could cause a message board to suffer a consequence but yet they continue to do it. What the hell?

Nugent even self-confessed - on video.

Self Confessed Pedophile Ted Nugent Will be a Guest of House Republicans at the SOTU


"isolated incident"

"Jesus forgave him. The King's Kids get special priviledges"

Matt My husband is a ruh roh scientest. University of Toronto. I am just the rock and roller. I am the one that goes..............are you freaking kidding me,,,,,,,,,,,when he tells me stuff.

I'm eating WHAT?

My shampoo is WHAT?

We love you by the way always fighting for new developments. You keep on it man.

Keep fighting for truth.

Well, obviously, you are not the "scientest" of the fambly!

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