Ted Nugent Says Obama Has A "Racist Agenda"

I'd say he's more sane than you, all you do is rant and rave, on EVERYTHING no matter how petty..you and you little troll buddy who spreads nothing but hate around scare me more than Nuggent..

Worry about your own sanity if you think I'm ranting and raving! If you think Ted Nugent is rational, why is he still alive or not in jail?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_g9s95mGhCc]Ted Nugent Declares 'I Will Either Be Dead or in Jail' if Obama Is Re-elected - YouTube[/ame]

Why isn't this video about a man who is ranting and raving?

omg, go out and spit on people, maybe that will bring your blood pressure down

What are you too young to remember conservatives? These idiots are radicals and conservatives distanced themselves from radicals. Ted Nugent would get the luggie layed up beside his head.
Worry about your own sanity if you think I'm ranting and raving! If you think Ted Nugent is rational, why is he still alive or not in jail?

Ted Nugent Declares 'I Will Either Be Dead or in Jail' if Obama Is Re-elected - YouTube

Why isn't this video about a man who is ranting and raving?

omg, go out and spit on people, maybe that will bring your blood pressure down

What are you too young to remember conservatives? These idiots are radicals and conservatives distanced themselves from radicals. Ted Nugent would get the luggie layed up beside his head.

do you work? or maybe you should get ready for school?
Racist is such a tried and tired term used by both Left and Right. People have forgotten what a racist is. If you look at person's color or creed and deem them beneath or less than you, then you are a racist or bigot. Questioning the economic, social, or foreign policy of a leader who happens to be a different race than yourself, does not make one a racist.
the pee wee defense is all the right has in response to the real facts.

their party can not win any kind of significant number of the Anerican people who happen to be of color.

The repubs can only win certain white votes.

Obama brings to him half of the white people and nearly all of the rest of the people.

The right spews hate on half the American people.

Then the right blames the coalition of a rainbow America as the dividers and call them prejudice for not joining the nearly whites only party.

then they wonder why no one but racists like their party
Racist is such a tried and tired term used by both Left and Right. People have forgotten what a racist is. If you look at person's color or creed and deem them beneath or less than you, then you are a racist or bigot. Questioning the economic, social, or foreign policy of a leader who happens to be a different race than yourself, does not make one a racist.

working for decades to keep black and latino Americans from voting is racism.

defending that record is racism
the pee wee defense is all the right has in response to the real facts.

their party can not win any kind of significant number of the Anerican people who happen to be of color.

The repubs can only win certain white votes.

Obama brings to him half of the white people and nearly all of the rest of the people.

The right spews hate on half the American people.

Then the right blames the coalition of a rainbow America as the dividers and call them prejudice for not joining the nearly whites only party.

then they wonder why no one but racists like their party

where would you Democrats be if you didn't DIVIDE people by groups, color and sex?

people aren't individuals to you all...I'd be outraged you spoke about me this way..

A real shame people don't wake up and see just what the Democrat party really thinks of them
just playing the pee wee defense will not win you any new votes.

without new voters your party will die.

its your choice

continue to trash one growing group of Americans to win the votes of a shrinking group of Americas is disater in the making.

ignore the facts at your partys peril
the pee wee defense is all the right has in response to the real facts.

their party can not win any kind of significant number of the Anerican people who happen to be of color.

The repubs can only win certain white votes.

Obama brings to him half of the white people and nearly all of the rest of the people.

The right spews hate on half the American people.

Then the right blames the coalition of a rainbow America as the dividers and call them prejudice for not joining the nearly whites only party.

then they wonder why no one but racists like their party

where would you Democrats be if you didn't DIVIDE people by groups, color and sex?

people aren't individuals to you all...I'd be outraged you spoke about me this way..

A real shame people don't wake up and see just what the Democrat party really thinks of them

see how racist you are?

The top person in the democratic party is a person of color.

People of color are our party makeup.

You in your inability to see people of color as a part of things pretend the democratic party is run like your party (white people telling black people what to say so they can join your party) we are not run that way. People of color run right through the ranks of the democratic party.

They are as much of the democratic makeup as the white dems like me.

Your little theory would mean people of color had no power in the party.

OUR party leader is a BLACK MAN
Ted Nugent is rightwing wacko racist white trash. He has a lot if company on this board. Birds of a feather....

Regards from Rosie

Says the racist!

Did you take lessons from Ted?
According to people like RosieS

It's OK to be racist towards white people.......... :cool:

White trash is as white trash does. Denial of reality does not make Nugent and his ilk any less wacko or white trashy.

Regards from Rosie
You republicans are soooooooo racist you cant accept that people of color are kicking your partys heiny all day long.

the people of color in our party have made us a stronger, better, more winning, kinder, smarter party that is kicking the crap out of your white mans club.

deal with it
the pee wee defense is all the right has in response to the real facts.

their party can not win any kind of significant number of the Anerican people who happen to be of color.

The repubs can only win certain white votes.

Obama brings to him half of the white people and nearly all of the rest of the people.

The right spews hate on half the American people.

Then the right blames the coalition of a rainbow America as the dividers and call them prejudice for not joining the nearly whites only party.

then they wonder why no one but racists like their party

where would you Democrats be if you didn't DIVIDE people by groups, color and sex?

people aren't individuals to you all...I'd be outraged you spoke about me this way..

A real shame people don't wake up and see just what the Democrat party really thinks of them

see how racist you are?

The top person in the democratic party is a person of color.

People of color are our party makeup.

You in your inability to see people of color as a part of things pretend the democratic party is run like your party (white people telling black people what to say so they can join your party) we are not run that way. People of color run right through the ranks of the democratic party.

They are as much of the democratic makeup as the white dems like me.

Your little theory would mean people of color had no power in the party.

OUR party leader is a BLACK MAN

back with the color of someones skin
you are the racist, wear it proud
Kind of reminds me of the Grammy Awards last night.

Well, at least he's telling it like it is and not holding back, and his comments on rappers is basically correct. Ted Nugent nailed it, I agree with everything he said.
Every day there is attack on traditional American values by these Progressive radicals and the ACLU, these CREEPS are destroying our country.
Did you see the Grammy Awards last night? Where the Award for Rapping went to the Racist Pigs. Singing on a Nation-wide stage while spewing the word ****** and babbling about drugs, guns, bitches!!
These untalented, thugs are lucky to have a category at all
Let me add that the libtards, have spent decades coddling our youth, refusing to hold them to American standards and values, and giving them everything for nothing. It seems as if hard work is a dirty word. And now we are endorsing pot smoking! Hows that! This country needs to get their heads on straight, and they can start by stopping this Socialist agenda of Obama.
The republican party will NEVER be able to tap the talent which is the voter of color until they stop with these historically failed ideas.

You want to go back to being a mostly white country.

It aint gpoing to happen no matter what you do.

By wishing for such things you deny a HUGE talent pool.

That talent pool comes in all colors.

You shut yourself off to this talent.

That means you will lose repetedly until you die or change.

No skin off my teeth if you want to die a whites only shrinking party
The republican party will NEVER be able to tap the talent which is the voter of color until they stop with these historically failed ideas.
I agree TM.....we should welcome all rappers, gang bangers, illegals, crack heads, prostitues, welfare cheats, and others, into the Republican party with open arms.

Because without them our beloved GOP is doomed......... :cool:

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