Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

My gawd, Palin, Nugent, Fox news, Rush, etc..

what doesn't the left obsess over?

You guys obsess and outnumber us since this board is overly infested with right wingers. Your raison d'etre being of course Obama.

that man (meaning your dear Leader Obama) and his comrades in arms has our country in their stranglehold..so sorry you don't like people talking about the shit he pulls..:eusa_boohoo:
You people obsess over anyone, a damn old rock star, a radio host, palin, FOX NEWS and the dumb beat goes on:lol:

There's been an obsession about Obama since he came on the political scene. An obsession by some of his base that thought he was the second coming, was playing three dimension chess and all. But the obsession on the right is far greater. Not a citizen. A Muslim. A Socialist. Going to take the guns and ammo away (almost 4 years later he hasn't mentioned guns and ammo). Going to ruin the country. Now what does that mean? Hmm says Obama, I'm going to become president because I think I want to ruin the country. Which is why Wall Street backed him. Let's back this guy that wants to ruin the country and nationalize everything!!
I think he's run of the mill democrat. Mostly pro corporate, pro war, pro wall street just like the republicans but willing to do a few things for the working class and poor now and then unlike republicans who's whole existence is in service of the very wealty and corporations IMO. He's not my dear leader but I did vote him over Romney. Only choice I had.
It appears "Uncle Ted" is a NaziCon hero and role model. Gee, what a surprise...
Baloney, terrible Sits-n-Shit told that story all by himself as you well know.

You know your story is a lie, I rubbed your face in it months ago, even far left Snopes says it's a lie. But you don't care, Nugent is an enemy of your shameful party, you have no integrity at all, so you lie.

Lying about Snopes again?

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

LOL! Go easy on Uncensored. She get's her ass handed to so often she can't sit down anymore.

She's desperately, pathologically in need of integrity.
It appears "Uncle Ted" is a NaziCon hero and role model. Gee, what a surprise...

You throw the word nazi out like most people use a comma.
Get a clue and get a feel to what an actual nazi is, skippie. :eusa_eh:
You know your story is a lie, I rubbed your face in it months ago, even far left Snopes says it's a lie. But you don't care, Nugent is an enemy of your shameful party, you have no integrity at all, so you lie.

Lying about Snopes again?

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

LOL! Go easy on Uncensored. She get's her ass handed to so often she can't sit down anymore.

She's desperately, pathologically in need of integrity.

You're so cool.

You know your story is a lie, I rubbed your face in it months ago, even far left Snopes says it's a lie. But you don't care, Nugent is an enemy of your shameful party, you have no integrity at all, so you lie.

Lying about Snopes again?

snopes.com: Ted Nugent Dodged the Draft?

LOL! Go easy on Uncensored. She get's her ass handed to so often she can't sit down anymore.

She's desperately, pathologically in need of integrity.

Wow! You sure know a lot about people only being here for no more than 6 days :eusa_shhh:
Not too quick on the uptake, oh yeah your a con, nevermind.

Essentially, Mr. Bush and the owners' group he led bullied and misled the city into raising taxes to build a $200 million stadium that in effect would be handed over to the Rangers. As part of the deal, the city would even confiscate land from private owners so that the Rangers owners could engage in real estate speculation.

I oppose public monies being used to fund private ventures, such as sports stadiums. BUT to put on the charade that the funding of the Rangers was unique is just the typical bullshit and hypocrisy that we expect from you of the integrity free left.

And no, the city didn't "confiscate" land, as a partisan hack you're again lying through your teeth to libel the hated opposition. The city exercise eminent domain, which includes supposedly fair market compensation for property. You know this but decided to lie, because your party is important to you, and honor isn't.

You know that the Rangers Ballpark was built by Eddie Chiles and Bush bought in AFTER completion - but you lie because you're a partisan hack, a demagogue and have no integrity.

A copy of the secret agreement among Mr. Bush and the other Rangers owners shows that they intended to make money not just by running a baseball club but also by land speculation.

Ohhh, is that from Democratic Underground, or Stormfront? You have all the hate sites fabricating demagoguery....

Horace Kelton, for example, owned land that the Rangers wanted. The owners got Arlington to seize it, with the city paying less than $1.50 per square foot even though it had previously paid $10 a square foot for other land nearby.

Eminent domain sucks and should never be used for sports ventures, but this was before Bush was involved, as you full well know.

his $14 million profit on the Rangers financed his entry into politics.

Ohh, how slick - except that Bush lost money on the Rangers. Hey, but don't let the facts get in the way, you have a party to serve through libel.

But it's also a sordid tale of cronyism, of misuse of power, of cozy backroom money-grubbing -- a more pressing threat to American business than outright criminality.

Bush and The Texas Land Grab - NYTimes.com

Oh it was the NY Times rather than Stormfront - no more reputable - just another hate site for the party.

Fuck but you're an idiot.

{"I never shit my pants to get out of the draft," says Nugent, good-naturedly.

"You also told them you took crystal meth before the medical — as a result of which, and I quote: 'I got this big juicy 4F.'"

"Unbelievable. Meth," he replies, in a tone of deep sarcasm. "Yes, that's my drug of choice. You've got to realise that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up. I never did crystal meth. And I never pooped my pants."

"But you did dodge the draft."

"I had a 1Y [student deferment]. I enrolled at Oakland Community College." }

Read your own fucking links.
It might as well be, for all the insight you've shown.

Sorry to have called you on your lies and made you so uncomfy.

Perhaps you should reconsider what you say before actually saying it.

Then that wouldn't happen.
It might as well be, for all the insight you've shown.

Sorry to have called you on your lies and made you so uncomfy.

Perhaps you should reconsider what you say before actually saying it.

Then that wouldn't happen.


I must have missed that. But that's okay. I'm comfortable with you telling yourself what you need to, for trolling purposes.

Does anyone smell socks?
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Sorry to have called you on your lies and made you so uncomfy.

Perhaps you should reconsider what you say before actually saying it.

Then that wouldn't happen.

Damn, you've got Shitting Bull on your side!

Not since TruthMatters has a poster made such a splash.

It might as well be, for all the insight you've shown.

Sorry to have called you on your lies and made you so uncomfy.

Perhaps you should reconsider what you say before actually saying it.

Then that wouldn't happen.


I must have missed that. But that's okay. I'm comfortable with you telling yourself what you need to.

Awwww... you have to pretend to forget as to not be embarrassed.

Your protection mechanism for your fragile ego duly noted.

Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."

More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients

He used to sing from his mouth....

Now he rants from his asshole....
Ted's music had it's place and he drew the crowds.
Heis music is what gave him his platform for his politics and his hunting.

Yes. Again why are right wingers obsessed with what entertainers say?

Yeah, like Springsteen, Freeman and the rest of the Hollywood crowd, huh? :lol:

As I said. The right is mostly the first to post on what someone like Madonna says...

I really cannot recall any political statements those you mentioned said/
I am sure they have but I pay them no attention.

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