Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights


Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."

More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients
The problem with this kind of thinking is that the nation had spent years creating the entitlement mentality and the entitlement society. Now we can always differ on many reasons upon why it was done, but the fact is that hundreds of thousands of human beings are involved in this problem in which has been created now, and you just don't drop them out of thin air without a soft landing of some sort being there to catch them or provided when they fall.. Cutting anything off "cold turkey" never works, and that is a fact, so what needs to be done is reform, reform, reform yes, but in a way that eases the situation off slowly, peacefully and decently.

We could start by going straight into the heart of the beast, where teens are having sex like wild rabbits, and they are having babies like wild rabbits. Next we have a serious problem of them not staying true to each other afterwards, and therefore they are splitting leaving the mother and kids or the father and kids with no support system to fall back on except that of the government, because their parents usually drop them out of their anger of the situation, in which leaves them and the children vulnerable and in danger if not careful (no where to go). No Abortions would be allowed is my opinion, so this would be out of the question as an answer for attempting to curb the situation..............................

We must go after reforming this specific area big time, and this by placing many obsticals somehow in their way (government issued chasity belts maybe?) extreme maybe? How about creating harsh or stern penalties for the guy's (FINES) & (Jail Time) for whom had violated the new law's in which will have been created, and this so that others will think hopefully prior to just freely making babies without consequences anymore. Hopefully somehow it will be fresh in their minds in example of that which had been levied against others who broke the law in this way, and this before they go down the same paths in life also. Maybe we should outlaw sex until 18 years old (must be out of school/graduated), and then both parties involved must have a job and have been dating for 6 months prior, in which would be on record by their own signing commitments given towards marriage and a future together as agreed upon by both. Of course this is all pertaining to having kids, but for those who use protection, well we don't know it, and therefore won't pursue it as a crime or a problem other than asking that the age of consent should still be 18 if having sex.

They should think about what will be the punishment if they lay down and have sex without using contraception or even caring to do this at all when they do it, where as they do this now because there is no stiff penalties now involved prior to them doing this, where as they would at least begin to think before doing what they do, in which is the very crux of the whole problem from the get go in which we are experiencing the fall out from. If we could win back our children somehow, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems to be exploited as they have been by governemnt in the future.
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Wow, how did Romney lose?
How about the repubs going and getting all the left wing radical idiots, and to use them in this way ? Wouldn't be so funny then now would it ? Why? Be-cuz they (the left wingnut radicals) number far more in the numbers than the radical repubs do is what I think...

Rocker Ted Nugent apparently still has the keys to an op-ed column over at the Washington Times, which has given him a forum to opine on how to deal with the deficit as lawmakers work to reach an agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.

According to Nugent, the debt and spending problem is so dire that the only way to even begin to address it is to simply engage in the ritual "slaughter" of entitlement programs altogether.

"The three sacred entitlement cows in the room that no politician wants to poke are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid," Nugent wrote. "A blinding statement of the obvious is that we are never going to get our financial house in order until these sacred entitlement cows are not only poked, but slaughtered."

Nugent argued that instead of raising tax rates on the wealthiest Americans, as many Democrats including President Barack Obama have supported, Congress should hike taxes on everybody -- particularly the poorest 50 percent of Americans, whom Nugent accuses of mooching an "insane free ride."

The next step, wrote Nugent, was to suspend "the right to vote of any American who is on welfare."

More: Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Revoke Voting Rights For Welfare Recipients
The problem with this kind of thinking is that the nation had spent years creating the entitlement mentality and the entitlement society. Now we can always differ on many reasons upon why it was done, but the fact is that hundreds of thousands of human beings are involved in this problem in which has been created now, and you just don't drop them out of thin air without a soft landing of some sort being there to catch them or provided when they fall.. Cutting anything off "cold turkey" never works, and that is a fact, so what needs to be done is reform, reform, reform yes, but in a way that eases the situation off slowly, peacefully and decently.

We could start by going straight into the heart of the beast, where teens are having sex like wild rabbits, and they are having babies like wild rabbits. Next we have a serious problem of them not staying true to each other afterwards, and therefore they are splitting leaving the mother and kids or the father and kids with no support system to fall back on except that of the government, because their parents usually drop them out of their anger of the situation, in which leaves them and the children vulnerable and in danger if not careful (no where to go). No Abortions would be allowed is my opinion, so this would be out of the question as an answer for attempting to curb the situation..............................

We must go after reforming this specific area big time, and this by placing many obsticals somehow in their way (government issued chasity belts maybe?) extreme maybe? How about creating harsh or stern penalties for the guy's (FINES) & (Jail Time) for whom had violated the new law's in which will have been created, and this so that others will think hopefully prior to just freely making babies without consequences anymore. Hopefully somehow it will be fresh in their minds in example of that which had been levied against others who broke the law in this way, and this before they go down the same paths in life also. Maybe we should outlaw sex until 18 years old (must be out of school/graduated), and then both parties involved must have a job and have been dating for 6 months prior, in which would be on record by their own signing commitments given towards marriage and a future together as agreed upon by both. Of course this is all pertaining to having kids, but for those who use protection, well we don't know it, and therefore won't pursue it as a crime or a problem other than asking that the age of consent should still be 18 if having sex.

They should think about what will be the punishment if they lay down and have sex without using contraception or even caring to do this at all when they do it, where as they do this now because there is no stiff penalties now involved prior to them doing this, where as they would at least begin to think before doing what they do, in which is the very crux of the whole problem from the get go in which we are experiencing the fall out from. If we could win back our children somehow, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems to be exploited as they have been by governemnt in the future.

And you are going to get advice on all of this from someone that has had blowjobs from a 12 year old girl?
The problem with this kind of thinking is that the nation had spent years creating the entitlement mentality and the entitlement society. Now we can always differ on many reasons upon why it was done, but the fact is that hundreds of thousands of human beings are involved in this problem in which has been created now, and you just don't drop them out of thin air without a soft landing of some sort being there to catch them or provided when they fall.. Cutting anything off "cold turkey" never works, and that is a fact, so what needs to be done is reform, reform, reform yes, but in a way that eases the situation off slowly, peacefully and decently.

We could start by going straight into the heart of the beast, where teens are having sex like wild rabbits, and they are having babies like wild rabbits. Next we have a serious problem of them not staying true to each other afterwards, and therefore they are splitting leaving the mother and kids or the father and kids with no support system to fall back on except that of the government, because their parents usually drop them out of their anger of the situation, in which leaves them and the children vulnerable and in danger if not careful (no where to go). No Abortions would be allowed is my opinion, so this would be out of the question as an answer for attempting to curb the situation..............................

We must go after reforming this specific area big time, and this by placing many obsticals somehow in their way (government issued chasity belts maybe?) extreme maybe? How about creating harsh or stern penalties for the guy's (FINES) & (Jail Time) for whom had violated the new law's in which will have been created, and this so that others will think hopefully prior to just freely making babies without consequences anymore. Hopefully somehow it will be fresh in their minds in example of that which had been levied against others who broke the law in this way, and this before they go down the same paths in life also. Maybe we should outlaw sex until 18 years old (must be out of school/graduated), and then both parties involved must have a job and have been dating for 6 months prior, in which would be on record by their own signing commitments given towards marriage and a future together as agreed upon by both. Of course this is all pertaining to having kids, but for those who use protection, well we don't know it, and therefore won't pursue it as a crime or a problem other than asking that the age of consent should still be 18 if having sex.

They should think about what will be the punishment if they lay down and have sex without using contraception or even caring to do this at all when they do it, where as they do this now because there is no stiff penalties now involved prior to them doing this, where as they would at least begin to think before doing what they do, in which is the very crux of the whole problem from the get go in which we are experiencing the fall out from. If we could win back our children somehow, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems to be exploited as they have been by governemnt in the future.

And you are going to get advice on all of this from someone that has had blowjobs from a 12 year old girl?
Who made this happen or had this done to him ? Ted Nugent ? You say that I am taking advice from Ted ?
The problem with this kind of thinking is that the nation had spent years creating the entitlement mentality and the entitlement society. Now we can always differ on many reasons upon why it was done, but the fact is that hundreds of thousands of human beings are involved in this problem in which has been created now, and you just don't drop them out of thin air without a soft landing of some sort being there to catch them or provided when they fall.. Cutting anything off "cold turkey" never works, and that is a fact, so what needs to be done is reform, reform, reform yes, but in a way that eases the situation off slowly, peacefully and decently.

We could start by going straight into the heart of the beast, where teens are having sex like wild rabbits, and they are having babies like wild rabbits. Next we have a serious problem of them not staying true to each other afterwards, and therefore they are splitting leaving the mother and kids or the father and kids with no support system to fall back on except that of the government, because their parents usually drop them out of their anger of the situation, in which leaves them and the children vulnerable and in danger if not careful (no where to go). No Abortions would be allowed is my opinion, so this would be out of the question as an answer for attempting to curb the situation..............................

We must go after reforming this specific area big time, and this by placing many obsticals somehow in their way (government issued chasity belts maybe?) extreme maybe? How about creating harsh or stern penalties for the guy's (FINES) & (Jail Time) for whom had violated the new law's in which will have been created, and this so that others will think hopefully prior to just freely making babies without consequences anymore. Hopefully somehow it will be fresh in their minds in example of that which had been levied against others who broke the law in this way, and this before they go down the same paths in life also. Maybe we should outlaw sex until 18 years old (must be out of school/graduated), and then both parties involved must have a job and have been dating for 6 months prior, in which would be on record by their own signing commitments given towards marriage and a future together as agreed upon by both. Of course this is all pertaining to having kids, but for those who use protection, well we don't know it, and therefore won't pursue it as a crime or a problem other than asking that the age of consent should still be 18 if having sex.

They should think about what will be the punishment if they lay down and have sex without using contraception or even caring to do this at all when they do it, where as they do this now because there is no stiff penalties now involved prior to them doing this, where as they would at least begin to think before doing what they do, in which is the very crux of the whole problem from the get go in which we are experiencing the fall out from. If we could win back our children somehow, then maybe we wouldn't have these problems to be exploited as they have been by governemnt in the future.

And you are going to get advice on all of this from someone that has had blowjobs from a 12 year old girl?
Who made this happen or had this done to him ? Ted Nugent ? You say that I am taking advice from Ted ?

Give the man a Kewpie doll!:badgrin:

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