Ted Nugent: 'Slaughter' Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Revoke Welfare Voting Rights

What Ted Nugent REALLY said...

The rest of the OP is nothing but swill being peddled by the leftist rabble @ Alternet.

I'm sorry but if Veterans have earned the right to vote, regardless of their financial circumstances now. It's sad that some of our Active Military and their families have to depend on food stamps and the like to get buy, no not sad, an embarrassment to our country. Anyone who says the people who have put or are putting their lines on the line for our country shouldn't have the right to vote, well those are the people who shouldn't have the right to vote.

Our First and Second Ladies are working against the GOpB's efforts to trash our vets and their families.

As far as I'm concerned, vets and their families should be treated like royalty but Rs disagree. Voted against handicap access in oyher countries in top of all the votes against jobs and housing.

I despise everything the GObP does and stands for.
WTF is a "oyher country"? You mean OTHER COUNTRY? Of course America should mind it's own business AND Shouldn't tie itself down with ignorant UN Safety Treaties. Ever heard of the Constitution Luddite? You know, that document that the Dictator Obama wipes his ass with?

And wtf is it with you D-Bags and "voting against jobs and housing"? Jobs and Housing neither originate nor come from Washington.

700 Billion Economic Stimulus which did NOTHING and what do you D-Bags want? MORE STIMULUS!
Every voter has a horse in the political race. Should all voters be denied the right to vote?
Because a lot of them don't have any "skin in the game" other than their gubmint handouts.

The parasite ≠ the host.
He also said that anyone on welfare should be denied the right to vote.

Then west virginia is guaranteed to be blue. :)
Ted has something wrong with him for sure, but that doesn't represent everyone else in society now does it ? Of course the tying of a group to these types of wildmen, sits very well with the left, just as it does with the right when doing the same thing, but who all loses in the end ? We all do....
As I understand it, the current lifetime limit for collecting welfare benefits is generally five years maximum.

Does anyone believe that welfare recipients don't pay ANY taxes?

Just because a welfare recipient does not pay income taxes does not mean she does not pay any taxes. Recipients of welfare checks do pay such levies as sales tax, gasoline tax, phone and utility taxes, cigarette and alcohol taxes, and cab and airport taxes.

Are Taxes Withheld on Welfare Checks? | eHow.com
If Welfare recipients were denied the right to vote - that would probably be very, very good for Democrats.
Well, then propose taking the vote away from welfare moochers.....Fine by me.

G'had and advocate for that....I defy you.
Every voter has a horse in the political race. Should all voters be denied the right to vote?
Because a lot of them don't have any "skin in the game" other than their gubmint handouts.

The parasite ≠ the host.

Which gubmint handouts you talkin' about chief?

All those big companies and their fat defense contracts?

Or Michelle Bachmann and her farm subsidies?

Go fiscal cliff!
The red state moochers that receive more than a dollar back for every dollar they pay in federal taxes:


There is a very strong correlation, then, between a state voting for Republicans and receiving more in federal spending than its residents pay to the federal government in taxes (the rust belt and Texas being notable exceptions). In essence, those in blue states are subsidizing those in red states. Both red and blue states appear to be acting politically in opposition to their economic interests. Blue states are voting for candidates who are likely to continue the policies of red state subsidization while red states are voting for candidates who profess a desire to reduce federal spending (and presumably red state subsidization).

More: The red state ripoff
That moronic bullshit meme has been debunked so many times on this very forum that it's not even funny.

That you'd try to invoke it, yet again, just goes to show what a blind and brain dead socialist hack you are, Spmahontas.
Every voter has a horse in the political race. Should all voters be denied the right to vote?
Because a lot of them don't have any "skin in the game" other than their gubmint handouts.

The parasite ≠ the host.

Which gubmint handouts you talkin' about chief?

All those big companies and their fat defense contracts?

Or Michelle Bachmann and her farm subsidies?

Go fiscal cliff!
I'm all for it.

BTW, most of the corn subsides go to Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas, Bubba.
What Ted Nugent REALLY said...

The rest of the OP is nothing but swill being peddled by the leftist rabble @ Alternet.

I'm sorry but if Veterans have earned the right to vote, regardless of their financial circumstances now. It's sad that some of our Active Military and their families have to depend on food stamps and the like to get buy, no not sad, an embarrassment to our country. Anyone who says the people who have put or are putting their lines on the line for our country shouldn't have the right to vote, well those are the people who shouldn't have the right to vote.

Our First and Second Ladies are working against the GOpB's efforts to trash our vets and their families.

As far as I'm concerned, vets and their families should be treated like royalty but Rs disagree. Voted against handicap access in oyher countries in top of all the votes against jobs and housing.

I despise everything the GObP does and stands for.

You are so full of shit....before my father, my father, my father in law, my husband, my son, are all military and veterans. My son just told me last night how he sees the majority of military really pissed off at the govt'. Yes, vets and active military should be treated as royalty. Don't you dare tell the lie that "R's" are against the military. That's an outright LIE.
I'm sorry but if Veterans have earned the right to vote, regardless of their financial circumstances now. It's sad that some of our Active Military and their families have to depend on food stamps and the like to get buy, no not sad, an embarrassment to our country. Anyone who says the people who have put or are putting their lines on the line for our country shouldn't have the right to vote, well those are the people who shouldn't have the right to vote.

Our First and Second Ladies are working against the GOpB's efforts to trash our vets and their families.

As far as I'm concerned, vets and their families should be treated like royalty but Rs disagree. Voted against handicap access in oyher countries in top of all the votes against jobs and housing.

I despise everything the GObP does and stands for.

You are so full of shit....before my father, my father, my father in law, my husband, my son, are all military and veterans. My son just told me last night how he sees the majority of military really pissed off at the govt'. Yes, vets and active military should be treated as royalty. Don't you dare tell the lie that "R's" are against the military. That's an outright LIE.

Ha! Oh, they're all for the military when it comes to elections, looking tough and home town parades, but when it comes to actually supporting veterans, and wounded/crippled veterans in particular?

No, republicans have proven, time and again, that they could give a flying fuck about those guys.

And no, no one in this country should be 'treated like royalty'. That's what we rebelled against, almost 250 years ago.

The red state moochers that receive more than a dollar back for every dollar they pay in federal taxes:


There is a very strong correlation, then, between a state voting for Republicans and receiving more in federal spending than its residents pay to the federal government in taxes (the rust belt and Texas being notable exceptions). In essence, those in blue states are subsidizing those in red states. Both red and blue states appear to be acting politically in opposition to their economic interests. Blue states are voting for candidates who are likely to continue the policies of red state subsidization while red states are voting for candidates who profess a desire to reduce federal spending (and presumably red state subsidization).

More: The red state ripoff

Redo your 'chart' after removing the military, SocSec and Medicare spending. The Red states get all the retirees cuz they can't afford to live in the Blue ones, dumbshit.

Or make a NEW chart that shows the spending on nothing but welfare and food stamps, you fucking hack bitch.

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